328 resultados para neurosurgery


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The rupture of a cerebral artery aneurysm causes a devastating subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), with a mortality of almost 50% during the first month. Each year, 8-11/100 000 people suffer from aneurysmal SAH in Western countries, but the number is twice as high in Finland and Japan. The disease is most common among those of working age, the mean age at rupture being 50-55 years. Unruptured cerebral aneurysms are found in 2-6% of the population, but knowledge about the true risk of rupture is limited. The vast majority of aneurysms should be considered rupture-prone, and treatment for these patients is warranted. Both unruptured and ruptured aneurysms can be treated by either microsurgical clipping or endovascular embolization. In a standard microsurgical procedure, the neck of the aneurysm is closed by a metal clip, sealing off the aneurysm from the circulation. Endovascular embolization is performed by packing the aneurysm from the inside of the vessel lumen with detachable platinum coils. Coiling is associated with slightly lower morbidity and mortality than microsurgery, but the long-term results of microsurgically treated aneurysms are better. Endovascular treatment methods are constantly being developed further in order to achieve better long-term results. New coils and novel embolic agents need to be tested in a variety of animal models before they can be used in humans. In this study, we developed an experimental rat aneurysm model and showed its suitability for testing endovascular devices. We optimized noninvasive MRI sequences at 4.7 Tesla for follow-up of coiled experimental aneurysms and for volumetric measurement of aneurysm neck remnants. We used this model to compare platinum coils with polyglycolic-polylactic acid (PGLA) -coated coils, and showed the benefits of the latter in this model. The experimental aneurysm model and the imaging methods also gave insight into the mechanisms involved in aneurysm formation, and the model can be used in the development of novel imaging techniques. This model is affordable, easily reproducible, reliable, and suitable for MRI follow-up. It is also suitable for endovascular treatment, and it evades spontaneous occlusion.


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Backround and Purpose The often fatal (in 50-35%) subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) caused by saccular cerebral artery aneurysm (SCAA) rupture affects mainly the working aged population. The incidence of SAH is 10-11 / 100 000 in Western countries and twice as high in Finland and Japan. The estimated prevalence of SCAAs is around 2%. Many of those never rupture. Currently there are, however, no diagnostic methods to identify rupture-prone SCAAs from quiescent, (dormant) ones. Finding diagnostic markers for rupture-prone SCAAs is of primary importance since a SCAA rupture has such a sinister outcome, and all current treatment modalities are associated with morbidity and mortality. Also the therapies that prevent SCAA rupture need to be developed to as minimally invasive as possible. Although the clinical risk factors for SCAA rupture have been extensively studied and documented in large patient series, the cellular and molecular mechanisms how these risk factors lead to SCAA wall rupture remain incompletely known. Elucidation of the molecular and cellular pathobiology of the SCAA wall is needed in order to develop i) novel diagnostic tools that could identify rupture-prone SCAAs or patients at risk of SAH, and to ii) develop novel biological therapies that prevent SCAA wall rupture. Materials and Methods In this study, histological samples from unruptured and ruptured SCAAs and plasma samples from SCAA carriers were compared in order to identify structural changes, cell populations, growth factor receptors, or other molecular markers that would associate with SCAA wall rupture. In addition, experimental saccular aneurysm models and experimental models of mechanical vascular injury were used to study the cellular mechanisms of scar formation in the arterial wall, and the adaptation of the arterial wall to increased mechanical stress. Results and Interpretation Inflammation and degeneration of the SCAA wall, namely loss of mural cells and degradation of the wall matrix, were found to associate with rupture. Unruptured SCAA walls had structural resemblance with pads of myointimal hyperplasia or so called neointima that characterizes early atherosclerotic lesions, and is the repair and adaptation mechanism of the arterial wall after injury or increased mechanical stress. As in pads of myointimal hyperplasia elsewhere in the vasculature, oxidated LDL was found in the SCAA walls. Immunity against OxLDL was demonstrated in SAH patients with detection of circulating anti-oxidized LDL antibodies, which were significantly associated with the risk of rupture in patients with solitary SCAAs. Growth factor receptors associated with arterial wall remodeling and angiogenesis were more expressed in ruptured SCAA walls. In experimental saccular aneurysm models, capillary growth, arterial wall remodeling and neointima formation were found. The neointimal cells were shown to originate from the experimental aneurysm wall with minor contribution from the adjacent artery, and a negligible contribution of bone marrow-derived neointimal cells. Since loss of mural cells characterizes ruptured human SCAAs and likely impairs the adaptation and repair mechanism of ruptured or rupture-prone SCAAs, we investigated also the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived or circulating neointimal precursor cells could be used to enhance neointima formation and compensate the impaired repair capacity in ruptured SCAA walls. However, significant contribution of bone marrow cells or circulating mononuclear cells to neointima formation was not found.


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Objective: Distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA) aneurysms represent about 6% of all intracranial aneurysms. So far, only small series on treatment of these aneurysms have been published. Our aim is to evaluate the anatomic features, microneurosurgical techniques, treatment results, and long-term outcome in patients treated for DACA aneurysms. Patients and methods: We analyzed the clinical and radiological data on 517 consecutive patients diagnosed with DACA aneurysm at two neurosurgical centers serving solely the Southern (Helsinki) and Eastern (Kuopio) Finland in 1936–2007, and used a defined subgroup of the whole study population in each part of the study. Detailed anatomic analysis was performed in 101 consecutive patients from 1998 to 2007. Treatment results were analyzed in 427 patients treated between 1980 to 2005, the era of CT imaging and microneurosurgery. Long-term treatment outcome of ruptured DACA aneurysm(s) was evaluated in 280 patients with a median follow-up of 10 years; no patients were lost to follow-up. Results: DACA aneurysms, found most often (83%) at the A3 segment of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), were smaller (median 6 mm vs. 8 mm), more frequently associated with multiple aneurysms (35% vs. 18%), and presented more often with intracerebral hematomas (ICHs) (53% vs. 26%) than ruptured aneurysms in general. They were associated with anomalies of the ACA in 23% of the patients. Microsurgical treatment showed similar complication rates (treatment morbidity 15%, treatment mortality 0.4%) as for other ruptured aneurysms. At one year after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), DACA aneurysms had equally favorable outcome (GOS≥4) as other ruptured aneurysms (74% vs. 69%) but their mortality was lower (13% vs. 24%). Factors predicting unfavorable outcome for ruptured DACA aneurysms were advanced age, Hunt&Hess≥3, rebleeding before treatment, ICH, intraventricular hemorrhage, and severe preoperative hydrocephalus. The cumulative relative survival ratio showed 16% excess mortality in patients with ruptured DACA aneurysm during the first three years after SAH compared to the matched general population. From the fourth year onwards, there was no excess mortality during the follow-up. There were four episodes of recurrent SAH, only one due to treated DACA aneurysm, with a 10-year cumulative risk of 1.4%. Conclusions: The special neurovascular features and frequent association with anterior cerebral artery anomalies must be taken into account when planning occlusive treatment of DACA aneurysms. Clipping of DACA aneurysms provides a long-lasting result, with very small rates of rebleeding. After surviving three years from rupture of DACA aneurysm, the long-term survival of these patients becomes similar to that of the matched general population.


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Objective There is high case-fatality rate and loss of productive life-years related to aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) but little data on long-term survival of SAH patients. We aim to evaluate long-term excess mortality and related risk factors after aSAH. Methods One year survivors (n=3080) after aSAH from Department of Neurosurgery in Helsinki between 1980 and 2007 were reviewed for this retrospective follow-up study. Follow-up started one year after SAH and continued until death or the end of 2008 (36 960 patient-years). Mortality and relative survival ratio (RSR) were compared with matched general population. Results After 20 years, survivors of aSAH showed 18% excess mortality compared to general population. Risk factors included: old age; poor preoperative clinical condition; conservative aneurysm treatment; multiple aneurysms; and unfavourable clinical outcome at 3 months. Conclusion Even after initially favourable recovery, patients with aSAH experience excess mortality in the long run. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are prominent in this population.


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Object. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGEBPs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of glioma. In a previous study the authors demonstrated that IGFBP-3 is a novel glioblastoma biomarker associated with poor survival. Since signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT-1) has been shown to be regulated by IGFBP-3 during chondrogenesis and is a prosurvival and radioresistant molecule in different tumors, the aim in the present study was to explore the functional significance of IGFBP-3 in malignant glioma cells, to determine if STAT-1 is indeed regulated by IGFBP-3, and to study the potential of STAT-1 as a biomarker in glioblastoma. Methods. The functional significance of IGFBP-3 was investigated using the short hairpin (sh)RNA gene knockdown approach on U251MG cells. STAT-1 regulation by IGFBP-3 was tested on U251MG and U87MG cells by shRNA gene knockdown and exogenous treatment with recombinant IGFBP-3 protein. Subsequently, the expression of STAT-1 was analyzed with real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in glioblastoma and control brain tissues. Survival analyses were done on a uniformly treated prospective cohort of adults with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (136 patients) using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression models. Results. IGFBP-3 knockdown significantly impaired proliferation, motility, migration, and invasive capacity of U251MG cells in vitro (p < 0.005). Exogenous overexpression of IGFBP-3 in U251MG and U87MG cells demonstrated STAT-1 regulation. The mean transcript levels (by real-time RT-PCR) and the mean labeling index of STAT-1 (by IHC) were significantly higher in glioblastoma than in control brain tissues (p = 0.0239 and p < 0.001, respectively). Multivariate survival analysis revealed that STAT-1 protein expression (HR 1.015, p = 0.033, 95% CI 1.001-1.029) along with patient age (HR 1.025, p = 0.005, 95% CI 1.008-1.042) were significant predictors of shorter survival in patients with glioblastoma. Conclusions. IGFBP-3 influences tumor cell proliferation, migration, and invasion and regulates STAT-1 expression in malignant glioma cells. STAT-1 is overexpressed in human glioblastoma tissues and emerges as a novel prognostic biomarker.


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Estudo de natureza qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, que teve como objeto o raciocínio clínico elaborado pelos enfermeiros ao cuidarem de feridas em clientes com afecções oncológicas. Os objetivos traçados para o estudo foram: identificar as estratégias cognitivas que os enfermeiros com especialização em área oncológica consideram adotar para o estabelecimento de um julgamento clínico na avaliação de feridas em clientes com afecções oncológicas e caracterizar as etapas de elaboração mental para construção do raciocínio clínico que os enfermeiros consideram percorrer quando da avaliação de feridas em cliente acometido por afecções oncológicas. O campo de pesquisa foi o Instituto Nacional do Câncer, no qual os cenários de coleta foi a unidade HC-I nas Seções de Oncologia Clínica, Neurocirurgia, Abdominopélvica, Centro de Tratamento Intensivo e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço. Os sujeitos do estudo foram treze enfermeiros com especialização em oncologia, que assistiam clientes com afecções oncológicas, há pelo menos cinco anos. A coleta dos dados aconteceu nos meses de junho e julho de 2009, sendo utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada para captar as informações. A análise dos dados foi realizada com base no método de análise de conteúdo, que ao ser aplicado possibilitou a apreensão de quatro categorias: (1) a afecção oncológica como fator expressivo na elaboração mental diagnóstica do enfermeiro; (2) a relevância do conhecimento teórico-prático avançado para a elaboração mental avaliativa do enfermeiro; (3) a construção da elaboração mental para o raciocínio clínico diagnóstico do enfermeiro; (4) a importância da interação humana no contexto avaliativo. Concluiu-se que, este estudo identificou, na discussão das categorias, as quatro principais estratégias cognitivas que os enfermeiros com especialização em área oncológica consideram adotar para o estabelecimento de um julgamento clínico na avaliação de feridas em clientes com afecções oncológicas e caracterizou as etapas de elaboração mental para construção do raciocínio clínico diagnóstico do tipo hipotético-dedutivo e intuitivo. Compreendeu-se que os sujeitos da pesquisa detêm qualidades intelectuais específicas e avançadas, quando elaboram diagnósticos e intervenções baseadas nas respostas humanas em situação de avaliação de feridas nos clientes com doença oncológica, e foi considerado que o ensino pode impulsionar o desenvolvimento das competências cognitivas no sentido de formar profissionais capazes de avaliar o próprio conhecimento, bem como a fomentação de novas pesquisas relativas a essa temática imprescindível para uma assistência de enfermagem qualificada.


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Cr2+掺杂II-VI族化合物在中红外波段的输出,在气体检测、遥感、通信、眼科医学、神经外科等领域有着重要的应用前景。目前已经获得了最大1.7 W的连续输出功率,18.5 W的平均脉冲功率,1100 nm的调谐范围和最窄4 ps的脉宽。对Cr2+:ZnSe连续、脉冲、随机纳米激光器以及其它的Cr2+掺杂II-VI族化合物激光器的最新的国内外研究进展进行了综述。


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Twenty-five patients with late-onset Huntington's disease were studied; motor impairment appeared at age 50 years or later. The average age at onset of chorea was 57.5 years, with an average age at diagnosis of 63.1 years. Approximately 25% of persons affected by Huntington's disease exhibit late onset. A preponderance of maternal transmission was noted in late-onset Huntington's disease. The clinical features resembled those of mid-life onset Huntington's disease but progressed more slowly. Neuropathological evaluation of two cases reveal less severe neuronal atrophy than for mid-life onset disease.


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Este trabajo tiene como propósito esencial, realizar un acercamiento para detectar e identificar las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informativo de entrenadores en deportes de combate. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario a instructores de aikido, boxeo, esgrima, judo, karate, kendo, lima lama, lucha y taekwondo seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por causalidad. En general encontramos que los principales temas de interés entre los instructores son: los programas de entrenamiento, nutrición y dietas de entrenamiento. Por otra parte, los entrenadores son más propensos a utilizar su experiencia, internet y cursos para obtener información. En contraste se nota que la biblioteca y los libros son poco usados.


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The rising number of people with cognitive impairment is placing health care budgets under significant strain. Dementia related behavioural change is a major independent risk factor for admission to expensive institutional care, and aggressive symptoms in particular are poorly tolerated by carers and frequently precipitate the collapse of home coping strategies. Aggressive change may result from known genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and therefore accompany conventional markers such as apolipoprotein E (ApoE). We tested this hypothesis in 400 moderately to severely affected AD patients who were phenotyped for the presence of aggressive or agitated behaviour during the month prior to interview using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory with Caregiver Distress. The proportion of subjects with aggression/agitation in the month prior to interview was 51.8%. A significantly higher frequency of the e4 allele was found in individuals recording aggression/agitation in the month prior to interview (chi2 = 6.69, df = 2, p = 0.03). The additional risk for aggression/agitation conferred by e4 was also noted when e4 genotypes were compared against non-e4 genotypes (chi2 = 5.45, df = 1, p = 0.02, OR = 1.60, confidence interval (CI) 1.06 to 2.43). These results indicate that advanced Alzheimer's disease patients are at greater risk of aggressive symptoms because of a genetic weakness in apolipoprotein E.


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Microdialysis enables the chemistry of extracellular ?uid in body tissues to be measured. Extracellular proteases such as the cysteine protease, cathepsin S (CatS), are thought to facilitate astrocytoma invasion. Microdialysates obtained from human brain tumoursin vivo were subjected to cathepsin S activity and ELISA assays. Cathepsin S ELISA expression was detected in ?ve out of 10 tumour microdialysates, while activity was detected in ?ve out of 11 tumour microdialysates. Cathepsin S expression was also detected in microdialysate from the normal brain control although no activity was found in the same sample. While some re?nements to the technique are necessary, the authors demonstrate the feasibility and safety of microdialysis in human astrocytomasin vivo. Characterisation of the extracellular environment of brain tumoursin vivo using microdialysis may be a useful tool to identify the protease pro?le of brain tumours.


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Kipp F, Ziebuhr W, Becker K, Krimmer V, Höbeta N, Peters G, Von Eiff C. Institute of Medical Microbiology, Hospital and Clinics, University of Münster, Germany. A 45 year old man was admitted to hospital with a right sided facial paralysis and three month history of seizures. Computed tomography showed a left temporal mass including both intracerebral and extracerebral structures. Ten years earlier the patient had undergone a neurosurgical intervention in the same anatomical region to treat a subarachnoid haemorrhage. In tissue samples and pus obtained during neurosurgery, Staphylococcus aureus was detected by a 16S rRNA-directed in situ hybridisation technique. Following long term cultivation, small colony variants (SCV) of methicillin resistant S aureus were identified. The patient was treated successfully with a combination of vancomycin and rifampin followed by prolonged treatment with teicoplanin, with no sign of infection on follow up nine months after discharge. This is the first report in which S aureus SCV have been identified as causative organisms in a patient with brain abscess and in which in situ hybridisation has been used to detect S aureus in a clinical specimen containing SCV. Antimicrobial agents such as rifampin which have intracellular activity should be included in treatment of infections caused by S aureus SCV.