102 resultados para neuralgia
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A neuralgia pós-herpética (NPH) é a dor que permanece após o desaparecimento do episódio agudo de herpes zoster. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o tratamento da dor da NPH em paciente transplantado pulmonar. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 73 anos, transplantado pulmonar há três anos, em uso de imunossupressores. Desenvolveu quadro de herpes zoster há um ano, com vesículas no oitavo espaço intercostal do hemitórax direito (HTD). O tratamento foi efetivo com ganciclovir; entretanto, o paciente evoluiu com dor em queimação, intensa, constante, com piora no último mês, com intensidade pela escala visual numérica (EVN) de 9, mesmo com uso de 600 mg/dia de gabapentina. Ao exame físico apresentava uma lesão avermelhada no HTD, hiperestésica. Foi instituído tratamento com gabapentina (900 mg), amitriptilina (25 mg), dipirona (8 g) e oxicodona (20 mg) ao dia. Feita a aplicação de laser de baixa intensidade (LBI) diariamente por uma semana, seguido de tratamento com amitriptilina tópica a 4%. A intensidade da dor diminuiu para 5. A frequência de aplicação do LBI diminuiu para uma vez a cada dois dias com melhora significativa com EVN entre 1 e 2. Teve alta hospitalar, com 25 mg/dia de amitriptilina oral e amitriptilina tópica a 4%. CONCLUSÃO: O uso do LBI e da amitriptilina tópica foi eficaz para remissão do quadro doloroso.
OBJECTIVE: Multiple studies have proved that microvascular decompression (MVD) is the treatment of choice in cases of medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia (TN). In the elderly, however, the surgical risks related to MVD are assumed to be unacceptably high and various alternative therapies have been proposed. We evaluated the outcomes of MVD in patients aged older than 65 years of age and compared them with the outcomes in a matched group of younger patients. The focus was on procedure-related morbidity rate and long-term outcome. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 112 patients with TN operated on consecutively over 22 years. The main outcome measures were immediate and long-term postoperative pain relief and neurological status, especially function of trigeminal, facial, and cochlear nerves, as well as surgical complications. A questionnaire was used to assess long-term outcome: pain relief, duration of a pain-free period, need for pain medications, time to recurrence, pain severity, and need for additional treatment. RESULTS: The mean age was 70.35 years. The second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve were most frequently affected (37.3%). The mean follow-up period was 90 months (range, 48-295 months). Seventy-five percent of the patients were completely pain free, 11% were never pain free, and 14% experienced recurrences. No statistically significant differences existed in the outcome between the younger and older patient groups. Postoperative morbidity included trigeminal hypesthesia in 6.25%, hypacusis in 5.4%, and complete hearing loss, vertigo, and partial facial nerve palsy in 0.89% each. Cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis occurred in 1 patient each. There were no mortalities in both groups. CONCLUSION: MVD for TN is a safe procedure even in the elderly. The risk of serious morbidity or mortality is similar to that in younger patients. Furthermore, no significant differences in short- and long-term outcome were found. Thus, MVD is the treatment of choice in patients with medically refractory TN, unless their general condition prohibits it.
OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that, similar to idiopathic hip osteonecrosis, the T-786C mutation of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene affecting nitric oxide (NO) production was associated with neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis of the jaws (NICO). DESIGN: In 22 NICO patients, not having taken bisphosphonates, mutations affecting NO production (eNOS T-786C, stromelysin 5A6A) were measured by polymerase chain reaction. Two healthy normal control subjects were matched per case by race and gender. RESULTS: Homozygosity for the mutant eNOS allele (TT) was present in 6 out of 22 patients (27%) with NICO compared with 0 out of 44 (0%) race and gender-matched control subjects; heterozygosity (TC) was present in 8 patients (36%) versus 15 control subjects (34%); and the wild-type normal genotype (CC) was present in 9 patients (36%) versus 29 controls (66%) (P = .0008). The mutant eNOS T-786C allele was more common in cases (20 out of 44 [45%]) than in control subjects (15 out of 88 [17%]) (P = .0005). The distribution of the stromelysin 5A6A genotype in cases did not differ from control subjects (P = .13). CONCLUSIONS: The eNOS T-786C polymorphism affecting NO production is associated with NICO, may contribute to the pathogenesis of NICO, and may open therapeutic medical approaches to treatment of NICO through provision of L-arginine, the amino-acid precursor of NO.
We describe a patient with a three-year history of severe progressive left-sided glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) that failed to adequately respond to various drug therapies. The application of lidocaine spray to the posterior pharyngeal wall provided no more than short-term relief. Apart from a large hypertrophic tonsillectomy scar on the left side all clinical and radiologic findings were normal. In terms of therapeutic local anaesthesia, the hypertrophic tonsillectomy scar tissue was completely infiltrated with the local anaesthetic (LA) procaine 1%. The patient has been almost completely pain-free ever since, and the lidocaine spray is no longer needed. Six weeks after the first treatment a repeat infiltration of the tonsillectomy scar led to the complete resolution of all symptoms. The patient has become totally symptom-free without the need to take any medication now for two and a half years. This is the first report of a successful therapeutic infiltration of a tonsillectomy scar using an LA in a patient with GPN that has been refractory to medical treatment for several years. A possible explanation may be that the positive feedback loop maintaining neurogenic inflammation is disrupted and "sympathetically maintained pain" resolved by LA infiltration.
La neuralgia del trigémino (NT) es un síndrome doloroso facial caracterizado por un dolor neuropático paroxístico irradiado al territorio sensitivo del nervio trigémino. A lo largo de las últimas décadas la creciente evidencia experimental y clínica ha contribuido a establecer la teoría de una compresión neurovascular (CNV) del nervio trigémino como causa fundamental de este trastorno. Esta teoría apoya el tratamiento quirúrgico de la NT mediante una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Actualmente la DMV es aceptada como la primera opción de tratamiento quirúrgico de la NT refractaria a tratamiento médico. Pese a la cantidad de trabajos que analizan la utilidad de la RM preoperatoria con secuencias de alta resolución volumétricas potenciadas en T2 (RM 3DT2), no hay unanimidad respecto a la precisión de estas secuencias de RM para el diagnóstico y la caracterización de una posible CNV en pacientes con NT refractaria candidatos a tratamiento mediante DMV...
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La neuralgia del pudendo se define como un síndrome doloroso neuropático, que involucra al dermatomo y a la inervación motora del nervio pudendo. Cualquier punto de su trayecto, desde su origen hasta sus ramificaciones terminales, es susceptible de sufrir diferentes grados de afectación o lesión. La localización del dolor puede ser perineal, rectal o en el área del clítoris/pene, presentándose de forma unilateral o bilateral; se agrava al sentarse y disminuye o desaparece al estar de pie; habitualmente respeta el descanso nocturno y puede asociarse a disfunción urinaria, anal e incluso sexual. Son múltiples las causas que pueden provocar la afectación del nervio pudendo, como partos, caídas, golpes directos y cirugías pélvicas. Esta patología constituye una entidad relativamente frecuente en las unidades de dolor crónico. Son varias las terapias utilizadas, incluyendo fármacos, bloqueos nerviosos del pudendo, cirugía descompresiva y neuromodulación de cordones posteriores medulares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente que, tras ser sometido a prostatectomía radical, consultó por dolor crónico continuo de tipo quemante junto a crisis lancinantes en parte distal derecha del pene (territorio del pudendo) y en el que aplicamos radiofrecuencia pulsada sobre el nervio dorsal derecho del pene obteniendo un buen resultado. Son varios los autores que han publicado tratamientos exitosos con radiofrecuencia pulsada del pudendo para el tratamiento de la neuralgia de dicho nervio, pero hasta ahora no se ha publicado ningún artículo de radiofrecuencia pulsada sobre los nervios dorsales del pene.
OBJECTIVES: To determine somesthetic, olfactory, gustative and salivary abnormalities in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS), idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) and trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty patients from each group (BMS, ITN, PHN) and 60 healthy controls were evaluated with a systematized quantitative approach of thermal (cold and warm), mechanical, pain, gustation, olfaction and salivary flow; data were analyzed with ANOVA, Tukey, Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests with a level of significance of 5%. RESULTS: There were no salivary differences among the groups with matched ages; the cold perception was abnormal only at the mandibular branch of PHN (P = 0.001) and warm was abnormal in all trigeminal branches of PHN and BMS; mechanical sensitivity was altered at the mandibular branch of PHN and in all trigeminal branches of BMS. The salty, sweet and olfactory thresholds were higher in all studied groups; the sour threshold was lower and there were no differences of bitter. CONCLUSION: All groups showed abnormal thresholds of gustation and olfaction; somesthetic findings were discrete in ITN and more common in PHN and BMS; central mechanisms of balance of sensorial inputs might be underlying these observations. Oral Diseases (2010) 16, 482-487
Objectives: Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) is an excruciating shock-like paroxysmal pain restricted to the trigeminal area of innervation, with discrete loss of sensibility (thermal, tactile and painful). Trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a neuropathic pain at the trigeminal territory that persists after Herpes zoster infection, which also is associated to sensorial compromise. The objective of this study was to evaluate the somesthetic facial sensibility (pain, thermal and tactile) and to compare the findings between PHN and ITN. Methods: 18 patients with PHN and 26 patients with ITN were diagnosed by the IASP criteria. They were evaluated with a systematic approach, which included mechanical, thermal (cold and warm) and painful stimuli. Results: We found statistical significance at the ophthalmic branch of PHN in pain (p=0.001), tactile (p=0.002), cold (p=0.016) and warm (p=0.013); in ITN, the maxillary branch had higher threshold with pinpricks (p=0.016) and the mandibular branch had higher tactile threshold. Conclusions: The trigeminal area affected by the disease had the higher sensorial losses (ophthalmic branch in PHN and maxillary/mandibular branches in ITN). PHN patients had losses in large and small fibers; therefore, ITN patients had the losses mostly in large fibers, which support different peripheral neural mechanisms for these neuropathic diseases. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To evaluate patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and painful peripheral neuropathy in order to investigate oral complaints and facial somatosensory findings. Research design and methods: Case-control study; 29 patients (12 women, mean age 57.86 yo) with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and 31 age-gender-matched controls were evaluated with a standardized protocol for general characteristics, orofacial pain, research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders, visual analogue scale and McGill Pain questionnaire, and a systematic protocol of quantitative sensory testing for bilateral facial sensitivity at the areas innervated by the trigeminal branches, which included the thermal detection by ThermoSensi 2, tactile evaluation with vonFrey filaments, and superficial pain thresholds with a superficial algometer (Micromar). Statistical analysis was performed with Wilcoxon, chi-square, confidence intervals and Spearman (p < 0.05). Results: Orofacial pain was reported by 55.2% of patients, and the most common descriptor was fatigue (50%); 17.2% had burning mouth. Myofascial temporomandibular disorders were diagnosed in 9(31%) patients. The study group showed higher sensory thresholds of pain at the right maxillary branch (p = 0.017) but sensorial differences were not associated with pain (p = 0.608). Glycemia and HbA(1c) were positively correlated with the quantitative sensory testing results of pain (p < 0.05) and cold (p = 0.044) perceptions. Higher pain thresholds were correlated with higher glycemia and glycated hemoglobin (p = 0.027 and p = 0.026). Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of orofacial pain and burning mouth was the most common complaint. The association of loss of pain sensation and higher glycemia and glycated hemoglobin can be of clinical use for the follow-up of DM complications. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The incidence and outcome of Herpes zoster (HZ) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are not completely defined as well as the relevance to HZ of disease and therapy factors. Objective: To determine HZ features in SLE. Patients and Methods: SLE patients ( 1997 update of the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria) with definitive HZ infection were identified from our Lupus Clinic computerized database of 1145 patients. Results: HZ was diagnosed in 51 SLE patients (4.45%) with an annual incidence rate of 6.4 events/1000 patient-years. At HZ diagnosis, mean disease duration was 9.78 +/- 8.37 years, median Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) was 1, and only 17.6% had SLEDAI >= 8. Frequency of manifestations and immunosuppressor use were similar between patients with and without HZ. Forty-two patients (82.5%) with HZ were under prednisone with concomitant immunosuppressive therapy in 66.7%. Thirty-five patients (68.6%) were using immunosuppressors: azathioprine (39.2%), cyclophosphamide (9.8%), and mycophenolate mofetil ( 9.8%). The mean lymphocyte count was 1219 +/- 803/mm(3) (43.1% < 1000/mm(3) and 17.6% < 500/mm(3)). Only patients using azathioprine and cyclophosphamide had lymphocyte counts < 500/mm(3) (15% and 40%). All patients received acyclovir, 19.6% had postherpetic neuralgia, and recurrence occurred in only 7.8%. Thoracic nerves were the most involved site (56.8%) followed by lumbar (23.5%). Bacterial suprainfection occurred in 11.7% but was not associated with therapy, lymphocyte count, or SLEDAI scores ( P > 0.05). Conclusion: This is the largest cohort to determine that HZ is a late SLE complication with some peculiar features, such as good prognosis and typical dermatomal distribution. In addition, we have identified that the major trigger factor for this viral infection in SLE is therapy, particularly the concomitant use of corticosteroid and immunosuppressors, and not active disease.
This article describes the case of a 67-year-old woman who presented with a typical left hemifacial spasm of 8-month duration. After 2 months, she experienced lacinating and sharp shock-like pain in the left side of her face affecting the V1 and V2 territories and a discrete attenuation of nauseous reflex on the left side. CT angiography and MRI revealed significant compression of left cranial nerves V, VII, VIII, IX and X by a giant and tortuous vertebro-basilar arterial complex. This case illustrates the nonlinearity of the relationship between the presence of the stressor factor and the actual manifestation of the disease.