928 resultados para network power


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In this paper we present the results of the use of a methodology for multinodal load forecasting through an artificial neural network-type Multilayer Perceptron, making use of radial basis functions as activation function and the Backpropagation algorithm, as an algorithm to train the network. This methodology allows you to make the prediction at various points in power system, considering different types of consumers (residential, commercial, industrial) of the electric grid, is applied to the problem short-term electric load forecasting (24 hours ahead). We use a database (Centralised Dataset - CDS) provided by the Electricity Commission de New Zealand to this work.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An optimisation technique to solve transmission network expansion planning problem, using the AC model, is presented. This is a very complex mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. A constructive heuristic algorithm aimed at obtaining an excellent quality solution for this problem is presented. An interior point method is employed to solve nonlinear programming problems during the solution steps of the algorithm. Results of the tests, carried out with three electrical energy systems, show the capabilities of the method and also the viability of using the AC model to solve the problem.


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In the last 20 years immense efforts have been made to utilize renewable energy sources for electric power generation. This paper investigates some aspects of integration of the distributed generators into the low voltage distribution network. An assessment of impact of the distributed generators on the voltage and current harmonic distortion in the low voltage network is performed. Results obtained from a case study, using real-life low voltage network, are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents a methodology for modeling high intensity discharge lamps based on artificial neural networks. The methodology provides a model which is able to represent the device operating in the frequency of distribution systems, facing events related to power quality. With the aid of a data acquisition system to monitor the laboratory experiment, and using $$\text{ MATLAB }^{\textregistered }$$ software, data was obtained for the training of two neural networks. These neural networks, working together, were able to represent with high fidelity the behavior of a discharge lamp. The excellent performance obtained by these models allowed the simulation of a group of lamps in a distribution system with shorter simulation time when compared to mathematical models. This fact justified the application of this family of loads in electric power systems. The representation of the device facing power quality disturbances also proved to be a useful tool for more complex studies in distribution systems. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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The hydroelectric power plant Hidroltuango represents a major expansion for the Colombian electrical system (with a total capacity of 2400 MW). This paper analyzes the possible interconnections and investments involved in connecting Hidroltuango, in order to strengthen the Colombian national transmission system. A Mixed Binary Linear Programming (MBLP) model was used to solve the Multistage Transmission Network Expansion Planning (MTEP) problem of the Colombian electrical system, taking the N-1 safety criterion into account. The N-1 safety criterion indicates that the transmission system must be expanded so that the system will continue to operate properly if an outage in a system element (within a pre-defined set of contingencies) occurs. The use of a MBLP model guaranteed the convergence with existing classical optimization methods and the optimal solution for the MTEP using commercial solvers. Multiple scenarios for generation and demand were used to consider uncertainties within these parameters. The model was implemented using the algebraic modeling language AMPL and solved using the commercial solver CPLEX. The proposed model was then applied to the Colombian electrical system using the planning horizon of 2018-2025. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multi-Processor SoC (MPSOC) design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. Scaling down of process technologies has increased process and dynamic variations as well as transistor wearout. Because of this, delay variations increase and impact the performance of the MPSoCs. The interconnect architecture inMPSoCs becomes a single point of failure as it connects all other components of the system together. A faulty processing element may be shut down entirely, but the interconnect architecture must be able to tolerate partial failure and variations and operate with performance, power or latency overhead. This dissertation focuses on techniques at different levels of abstraction to face with the reliability and variability issues in on-chip interconnection networks. By showing the test results of a GALS NoC testchip this dissertation motivates the need for techniques to detect and work around manufacturing faults and process variations in MPSoCs’ interconnection infrastructure. As a physical design technique, we propose the bundle routing framework as an effective way to route the Network on Chips’ global links. For architecture-level design, two cases are addressed: (I) Intra-cluster communication where we propose a low-latency interconnect with variability robustness (ii) Inter-cluster communication where an online functional testing with a reliable NoC configuration are proposed. We also propose dualVdd as an orthogonal way of compensating variability at the post-fabrication stage. This is an alternative strategy with respect to the design techniques, since it enforces the compensation at post silicon stage.


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The objective of this report is to study distributed (decentralized) three phase optimal power flow (OPF) problem in unbalanced power distribution networks. A full three phase representation of the distribution networks is considered to account for the highly unbalance state of the distribution networks. All distribution network’s series/shunt components, and load types/combinations had been modeled on commercial version of General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), the high-level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. The OPF problem has been successfully implemented and solved in a centralized approach and distributed approach, where the objective is to minimize the active power losses in the entire system. The study was implemented on the IEEE-37 Node Test Feeder. A detailed discussion of all problem sides and aspects starting from the basics has been provided in this study. Full simulation results have been provided at the end of the report.


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Massive integration of renewable energy sources in electrical power systems of remote islands is a subject of current interest. The increasing cost of fossil fuels, transport costs to isolated sites and environmental concerns constitute a serious drawback to the use of conventional fossil fuel plants. In a weak electrical grid, as it is typical on an island, if a large amount of conventional generation is substituted by renewable energy sources, power system safety and stability can be compromised, in the case of large grid disturbances. In this work, a model for transient stability analysis of an isolated electrical grid exclusively fed from a combination of renewable energy sources has been studied. This new generation model will be installed in El Hierro Island, in Spain. Additionally, an operation strategy to coordinate the generation units (wind, hydro) is also established. Attention is given to the assessment of inertial energy and reactive current to guarantee power system stability against large disturbances. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is shown by means of simulation results.


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An asymmetric stripline is proposed in this paper. The main aim of this line is to distribute the power among subarrays in an array with minimum losses. Several vertical transitions to subarrays are shown besides some network designs at X band for a square array for satellite communications.


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This paper analyzes the correlation between the fluctuations of the electrical power generated by the ensemble of 70 DC/AC inverters from a 45.6 MW PV plant. The use of real electrical power time series from a large collection of photovoltaic inverters of a same plant is an impor- tant contribution in the context of models built upon simplified assumptions to overcome the absence of such data. This data set is divided into three different fluctuation categories with a clustering proce- dure which performs correctly with the clearness index and the wavelet variances. Afterwards, the time dependent correlation between the electrical power time series of the inverters is esti- mated with the wavelet transform. The wavelet correlation depends on the distance between the inverters, the wavelet time scales and the daily fluctuation level. Correlation values for time scales below one minute are low without dependence on the daily fluctuation level. For time scales above 20 minutes, positive high correlation values are obtained, and the decay rate with the distance depends on the daily fluctuation level. At intermediate time scales the correlation depends strongly on the daily fluctuation level. The proposed methods have been implemented using free software. Source code is available as supplementary material.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown wide applicability to many fields including monitoring of environmental, civil, and industrial settings. WSNs however are resource constrained by many competing factors that span their hardware, software, and networking. One of the central resource constrains is the charge consumption of WSN nodes. With finite energy supplies, low charge consumption is needed to ensure long lifetimes and success of WSNs. This thesis details the design of a power system to support long-term operation of WSNs. The power system’s development occurs in parallel with a custom WSN from the Queen’s MEMS Lab (QML-WSN), with the goal of supporting a 1+ year lifetime without sacrificing functionality. The final power system design utilizes a TPS62740 DC-DC converter with AA alkaline batteries to efficiently supply the nodes while providing battery monitoring functionality and an expansion slot for future development. Testing tools for measuring current draw and charge consumption were created along with analysis and processing software. Through their use charge consumption of the power system was drastically lowered and issues in QML-WSN were identified and resolved including the proper shutdown of accelerometers, and incorrect microcontroller unit (MCU) power pin connection. Controlled current profiling revealed unexpected behaviour of nodes and detailed current-voltage relationships. These relationships were utilized with a lifetime projection model to estimate a lifetime between 521-551 days, depending on the mode of operation. The power system and QML-WSN were tested over a long term trial lasting 272+ days in an industrial testbed to monitor an air compressor pump. Environmental factors were found to influence the behaviour of nodes leading to increased charge consumption, while a node in an office setting was still operating at the conclusion of the trail. This agrees with the lifetime projection and gives a strong indication that a 1+ year lifetime is achievable. Additionally, a light-weight charge consumption model was developed which allows charge consumption information of nodes in a distributed WSN to be monitored. This model was tested in a laboratory setting demonstrating +95% accuracy for high packet reception rate WSNs across varying data rates, battery supply capacities, and runtimes up to full battery depletion.


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Background The identification and characterization of genes that influence the risk of common, complex multifactorial disease primarily through interactions with other genes and environmental factors remains a statistical and computational challenge in genetic epidemiology. We have previously introduced a genetic programming optimized neural network (GPNN) as a method for optimizing the architecture of a neural network to improve the identification of gene combinations associated with disease risk. The goal of this study was to evaluate the power of GPNN for identifying high-order gene-gene interactions. We were also interested in applying GPNN to a real data analysis in Parkinson's disease. Results We show that GPNN has high power to detect even relatively small genetic effects (2–3% heritability) in simulated data models involving two and three locus interactions. The limits of detection were reached under conditions with very small heritability (