996 resultados para nephrotic syndrome


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The risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical patients is high, but risk assessment is rarely performed because there is not yet a good method to identify candidates for prophylaxis. Purpose: To perform a systematic review about VTE risk factors (RFs) in hospitalized medical patients and generate recommendations (RECs) for prophylaxis that can be implemented into practice. Data sources: A multidisciplinary group of experts from 12 Brazilian Medical Societies searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, and LILACS. Study selection: Two experts independently classified the evidence for each RF by its scientific quality in a standardized manner. A risk-assessment algorithm was created based on the results of the review. Data synthesis: Several VTE RFs have enough evidence to support RECs for prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients (eg, increasing age, heart failure, and stroke). Other factors are considered adjuncts of risk (eg, varices, obesity, and infections). According to the algorithm, hospitalized medical patients ≥40 years-old with decreased mobility, and ≥1 RFs should receive chemoprophylaxis with heparin, provided they don't have contraindications. High prophylactic doses of unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight-heparin must be administered and maintained for 6-14 days. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary group generated evidence-based RECs and an easy-to-use algorithm to facilitate VTE prophylaxis in medical patients. © 2007 Rocha et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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We explored the role of angiotensin II and vasopressin in the maintenance of blood pressure during the nephrotic syndrome of adriamycin-induced nephropathy in rats. All 91 rats treated with adriamycin developed chronic renal failure with nephrotic syndrome, which was more pronounced in the normotensive rats than the 35% who became hypertensive. Angiotensin II blockade with DuP 753 produced a significantly greater hypotensive response in both the adriamycin-hypertensive (-16 +/- 3 mm Hg) and adriamycin-normotensive (-14 +/- 5 mm Hg) groups than the saline-treated controls (-5 +/- 1 mm Hg, P < .05). Vasopressin blockade with either a V1V2 inhibitor or a selective V1 inhibitor produced a hypotensive response in adriamycin-hypertensive rats only (by -16 +/- 4 and -17 +/- 2 mm Hg, respectively, P < .01), although the nonselective vasopressin inhibitor produced similar fluid loss and body weight reduction in all three groups. The data suggest that in adriamycin-induced nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome, angiotensin II contributes to blood pressure maintenance in both hypertensive and normotensive animals, whereas the pressor action of vasopressin contributes to elevated blood pressure in hypertensive animals only.


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OBJECTIVE: This study sought to outline the clinical and laboratory characteristics of minimal change disease in adolescents and adults and establish the clinical and laboratory characteristics of relapsing and non-relapsing patients. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated patients with confirmed diagnoses of minimal change disease by renal biopsy from 1979 to 2009; the patients were aged >13 years and had minimum 1-year follow-ups. RESULTS: Sixty-three patients with a median age (at diagnosis) of 34 (23-49) years were studied, including 23 males and 40 females. At diagnosis, eight (12.7%) patients presented with microscopic hematuria, 17 (27%) with hypertension and 17 (27%) with acute kidney injury. After the initial treatment, 55 (87.3%) patients showed complete remission, six (9.5%) showed partial remission and two (3.1%) were nonresponders. Disease relapse was observed in 34 (54%) patients who were initial responders (n = 61). In a comparison between the relapsing patients (n = 34) and the non-relapsing patients (n = 27), only proteinuria at diagnosis showed any significant difference (8.8 (7.1-12.0) vs. 6.0 (3.6-7.3) g/day, respectively, p = 0.001). Proteinuria greater than 7 g/day at the initial screening was associated with relapsing disease. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, minimal change disease in adults may sometimes present concurrently with hematuria, hypertension, and acute kidney injury. The relapsing pattern in our patients was associated with basal proteinuria over 7 g/day.


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A 19-year-old female with type 1 diabetes for four years, and a 73-year-old female with type 2 diabetes for twenty years developed sudden-onset nephrotic syndrome. Examination by light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy (in one case) identified minimal change disease (MCD) in both cases. There was a potential causative drug (meloxicam) for the 73-year-old patient. Both patients were treated with prednisone and responded with complete remission. The patient with type 1 diabetes showed complete remission without relapse, and the patient with type 2 diabetes had two relapses; complete remission was sustained after associated treatment with cyclophosphamide and prednisone. Both patients had two years of follow-up evaluation after remission. We discuss the outcomes of both patients and emphasize the role of kidney biopsy in diabetic patients with an atypical proteinuric clinical course, because patients with MCD clearly respond to corticotherapy alone or in conjunction with other immunosuppressive agents. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(5):331-5


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A growing body of evidence demonstrates a correlation between Th2 cytokines and the development of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS). Therefore, we hypothesized that GSL-1, a monoglycosylceramide from Sphingomonas ssp. with pro-Th1 activity on invariant Natural Killer T ( iNKT) lymphocytes, could counterbalance the Th2 profile and modulate glomerulosclerosis. Using an adriamycin( ADM)-based model of FSGS, we found that BALB/c mice presented albuminuria and glomerular degeneration in association with a Th2-like pro-fibrogenic profile; these mice also expressed a combination of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-17, TNF-alpha, and chemokines, such as RANTES and eotaxin. In addition, we observed a decrease in the mRNA levels of GD3 synthase, the enzyme responsible for GD3 metabolism, a glycolipid associated with podocyte physiology. GSL-1 treatment inhibited ADM-induced renal dysfunction and preserved kidney architecture, a phenomenon associated with the induction of a Th1-like response, increased levels of GD3 synthase transcripts and inhibition of pro-fibrotic transcripts and inflammatory cytokines. TGF-beta analysis revealed increased levels of circulating protein and tissue transcripts in both ADM- and GSL-1-treated mice, suggesting that TGF-beta could be associated with both FSGS pathology and iNKT-mediated immunosuppression; therefore, we analyzed the kidney expression of phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and SMAD7 proteins, molecules associated with the deleterious and protective effects of TGF-beta, respectively. We found high levels of phosphoSMAD2/3 in ADM mice in contrast to the GSL-1 treated group in which SMAD7 expression increased. These data suggest that GSL-1 treatment modulates the downstream signaling of TGF-beta through a renoprotective pathway. Finally, GSL-1 treatment at day 4, a period when proteinuria was already established, was still able to improve renal function, preserve renal structure and inhibit fibrogenic transcripts. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that the iNKT agonist GSL-1 modulates the pathogenesis of ADM-induced glomerulosclerosis and may provide an alternative approach to disease management.


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The pathogenesis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) appears to be associated with type-2 cytokines and podocyte dysfunction. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that immunization with the polysaccharide fraction of Propionibacterium acnes (PS), a pro-Th1 agonist, may subvert the type-2 profile and protect podocytes from adriamycin-induced glomerulosclerosis. Adriamycin injection resulted in albuminuria and increased serum creatinine in association with loss of glomerular podocin and podoplanin expression, which is consistent with podocyte dysfunction. Renal tissue analysis revealed the expression of transcripts for GATA3 and fibrogenic-related proteins, such as TGF-beta, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9). In association with the expression of fibrogenic transcripts, we observed peri-glomerular expression of a-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), indicating epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and increased expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in tubular cells, suggesting intense proliferative activity. Previous immunization with PS inhibited albuminuria and serum creatinine in association with the preservation of podocyte proteins and inhibition of fibrogenic transcripts and the expression of alpha-SMA and PCNA proteins. Tissue analysis also revealed that PS treatment induced expression of mRNA for GD3 synthase, which is a glycosiltransferase related to the synthesis of GD3, a ganglioside associated with podocyte physiology. In addition, PS treatment inhibited the influx of inflammatory CD8(pos) and CD11b(pos) cells to kidney tissue. Finally, PS treatment on day 4 post-ADM, a period when proteinuria was already established, was able to improve renal function. Thus, we demonstrate that the PS fraction of P. acnes can inhibit FSGS pathogenesis, suggesting that immunomodulation can represent an alternative approach for disease management. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Linfadenomegalias mediastinais secundárias a hipervolemia são achados tomográficos subdiagnosticados. Descrevemos neste paciente com função cardíaca normal, achados de congestão pulmonar associados a alargamento dos linfonodos mediastinais. A síndrome nefrótica causando hipoalbuminemia, baixa pressão oncótica plasmática e aumento da pressão transcapilar foi a causa provável dos achados radiológicos.


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La sindrome nefrosica (SN) è definita come la presenza concomitante di una proteinuria maggiore di 3.5g/24 h, ipoalbuminemia, ipercolesterolemia e presenza di edemi. I pazienti con SN sono più a rischio di quelli che presentano una nefropatia glomerulare non nefrosica (NNGD) per lo sviluppo di ipertensione, ipernatremia, complicazioni tromboemboliche e comparsa di insufficienza renale. In Medicina Veterinaria, la Letteratura riguardante l’argomento è molto limitata e non è ben nota la correlazione tra SN e gravità della proteinuria, ipoalbuminemia e sviluppo di tromboembolismo. L’obiettivo del presente studio retrospettivo è stato quello di descrivere e caratterizzare le alterazioni cliniche e clinicopatologiche che si verificano nei pazienti con rapporto proteine urinarie:creatinina urinaria (UPC) >2 con lo scopo di inquadrare con maggiore precisione lo stato clinico di questi pazienti e individuare le maggiori complicazioni a cui possono andare incontro. In un periodo di nove anni sono stati selezionati 338 cani e suddivisi in base ad un valore cut-off di UPC≥3.5. Valori mediani di creatinina, urea, fosforo, albumina urinaria, proteina C reattiva (CRP) e fibrinogeno sono risultati al di sopra del limite superiore dell’intervallo di riferimento, valori mediani di albumina sierica, ematocrito, antitrombina al disotto del limite inferiore di riferimento. Pazienti con UPC≥3.5 hanno mostrato concentrazioni di albumine, ematocrito, calcio, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), significativamente minori rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, concentrazioni di CRP, di urea e di fosforo significativamente maggiori. Nessuna differenza tra i gruppi nelle concentrazioni di creatinina colesterolo, trigliceridi, sodio, potassio, cloro, ferro totale e pressione sistolica. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 si trovano verosimilmente in uno “stato infiammatorio” maggiore rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, questa ipotesi avvalorata dalle concentrazioni minori di albumina, di transferrina e da una concentrazione di CRP maggiore. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 non presentano concentrazioni di creatinina più elevate ma sono maggiormente a rischio di anemia.


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La nascita pretermine determina un’alterazione dei normali processi di maturazione dei vari organi ed apparati che durante la gravidanza fisiologica si completano durante le 38-40 settimane di vita intrauterina. Queste alterazioni sono alla base della mortalità e morbilità perinatale che condiziona la prognosi a breve termine di questa popolazione, ma possono determinare anche sequele a medio e lungo termine. E’ stato ampiamente documentato che la nefrogenesi si completa a 36 settimane di vita intrauterina e pertanto la nascita pretermine altera il decorso fisiologico di tale processo; a questa condizione di immaturità si sovrappongono i fattori patogeni che possono determinare danno renale acuto in epoca neonatale, a cui i pretermine sono in larga misura esposti. Queste condizioni conducono ad un rischio di alterazioni della funzione renale di entità variabile in età infantile ed adulta. Nel presente studio è stata studiata la funzione renale in 29 bambini di 2-4 anni di età, precedentemente sottoposti a valutazione della funzione renale alla nascita durante il ricovero in Terapia Intensiva Neonatale. I dati raccolti hanno mostrato la presenza di alterazioni maggiori (sindrome nefrosica, riduzione di eGFR) in un ridotto numero di soggetti e alterazioni minori ed isolate (proteinuria di lieve entità, riduzione del riassorbimento tubulare del fosforo, pressione arteriosa tra il 90° e il 99° percentile per sesso ed altezza). L’età di 2-4 anni, alla luce dei risultati ottenuti, può rappresentare un momento utile per effettuare una valutazione di screening di funzione renale in una popolazione a rischio come i pretermine, con lo scopo di individuare i soggetti che richiedano una presa in carico specialistica ed un follow-up a lungo termine.


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I pazienti con glomerulopatie con sindrome nefrosica hanno poche opzioni di trattamento efficace. Riportiamo la nostra esperienza sull'utilizzo della fotochemioterapia extracorporea ( ECP) in 9 pazienti in cui non era stata osservata una risposta efficace/duratura alla convenzionale terapia farmacologica. L’ECP è una promettente terapia immunomodulante, che è stata utilizzata con successo nel trattamento di altre condizioni immunomediate come il rigetto nel trapianto e il GvHD. METODI: In questo studio abbiamo arruolato 9 pazienti, 5 maschi e 4 femmine, età media 32.7±8.9 anni, affetti da sindrome nefrosica e non responsivi/resistenti alle comuni terapie. Il follow-up medio è stato di 41.3±21.7 mesi. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti a cicli di fotochemioterapia extracorporea secondo il seguente schema: 1ciclo (2 sedute in 2 giorni consecutivi) ogni 15 giorni per tre mesi, seguito da 1ciclo al mese per tre mesi. Il follow up è stato effetuatio ogni 3 mesi durante il primo anno e poi ogni 12 mesi. Durante il follow up sono stati monitorati pressione arteriosa, funzione renale, marcatori diretti ed indiretti di attività della malattia e indici di flogosi. RISULTATI: attraverso l'analisi dei parametri ematochimici indici di attività di malattia, e monitorando l'eventuale progressione della malattia renale, è stato possibile dimostrare che l' ECP può rappresentare per casi selezionati di pazienti una valida ulteriore opzione terapeutica. Secondo i risultati preliminari tale trattamento risulta inoltre caratterizzato da un eccellente profilo di sicurezza . CONCLUSIONI: I risultati osservati suggeriscono che l’ECP è un trattamento efficace per i pazienti con glomenulonefriti con sindrome nefrosica, soprattutto in coloro che presentano ancora una buona funzionalità renale. Valutazioni cliniche aggiuntive dovranno aiuteranno a definire meglio la popolazione di pazienti in cui ECP sia più efficace e raccomandabile.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors, FLK1/KDR and FLT1, are key regulators of angiogenesis. Unlike FLK1/KDR, the role of FLT1 has remained elusive. FLT1 is produced as soluble (sFLT1) and full-length isoforms. Here, we show that pericytes from multiple tissues produce sFLT1. To define the biologic role of sFLT1, we chose the glomerular microvasculature as a model system. Deletion of Flt1 from specialized glomerular pericytes, known as podocytes, causes reorganization of their cytoskeleton with massive proteinuria and kidney failure, characteristic features of nephrotic syndrome in humans. The kinase-deficient allele of Flt1 rescues this phenotype, demonstrating dispensability of the full-length isoform. Using cell imaging, proteomics, and lipidomics, we show that sFLT1 binds to the glycosphingolipid GM3 in lipid rafts on the surface of podocytes, promoting adhesion and rapid actin reorganization. sFLT1 also regulates pericyte function in vessels outside of the kidney. Our findings demonstrate an autocrine function for sFLT1 to control pericyte behavior.


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(Full text is available at http://www.manu.edu.mk/prilozi). New generation genomic platforms enable us to decipher the complex genetic basis of complex diseases and Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) at a high-throughput basis. They give valuable information about predisposing Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), Copy Number Variations (CNVs) or Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) (using SNP-array) and about disease-causing mutations along the whole sequence of candidate-genes (using Next Generation Sequencing). This information could be used for screening of individuals in risk families and moving the main medicine stream to the prevention. They also might have an impact on more effective treatment. Here we discuss these genomic platforms and report some applications of SNP-array technology in a case with familial nephrotic syndrome. Key words: complex diseases, genome wide association studies, SNP, genomic arrays, next generation sequ-encing.


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Membranous nephropathy is one of the most common glomerular diseases and leading causes of nephrotic syndrome in Caucasian adults. Known as a clinico-pathologic entity for over 50 years, it is defined by thickening of the glomerular capillary membrane with subepithelial immuncomplexes. Secondary forms (e. g. hepatitis B, autoimmune disease or medication-induced) are distinguished from idiopathic forms. Despite spontaneous remissions in about 30 % of cases, one third of idiopathic forms progress to end-stage renal disease after 10 years. Seminal research progress of the last decade has allowed the identification of autoantibodies directed against podocytary elements leading to secondary damage to the filtration barrier. The so-called idiopathic membranous nephropathy has thus become a prototype of autoimmune disease. The autoantibodies detectable in 70 - 80 % of cases of idiopathic membranous nephropathy are directed against the M-type phospholipase A2-receptor on the podocyte membrane and correlate with disease activity. These epochal findings influence on diagnostic and therapeutic strategies establishing a rationale for the use of B cell-directed therapy on top of optimal supportive therapy.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014