984 resultados para near miss crash
Intrusion (unauthorized stepping-into/staying-in a hazardous area), as a common type of near-miss, is the prime cause of the majority of incidents on construction sites including fall from heights, and striking against or being struck by moving objects. Accidents often occur because workers take shortcuts moving about the site without fully perceiving the potential dangers. A number of researches have been devoted to developing methods to prevent such behaviors mainly based on the theory of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS), which aims to cultivate safety behaviors among workers in accordance with safety regulations. In current BBS practice, trained observers and safety supervisors are responsible for safety behavior inspections following safety plans and operation regulations. The observation process is time-consuming and its effectiveness depends largely on the observer’s safety knowledge and experience, which often results in omissions or bias. This paper presents a reformed safety behavior modification approach by integrating a location-based technology with BBS. Firstly, a detailed background is provided, covering current intrusion problems on site, existing use of BBS for behavior improvement, difficulties in achieving widespread adoption and potential technologies for location tracking and in-time feedback. Then, a conceptual framework of positioning technology-enhanced BBS is developed, followed by details of the corresponding on-line supporting system, Real Time Location System (RTLS) and Virtual Construction System (VCS). The application of the system is then demonstrated and tested in a construction site in Hong Kong. Final comments are made concerning further research direction and prospects for wider adoption.
Background: The main aims of the study were to assess psychological morbidity among adults nine months after a car bomb explosion in the town of Omagh, Northern Ireland and to identify predictors of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Method: A questionnaire was sent to all adults in households in The Omagh District Council area. The questionnaire comprised established predictors of PTSD (such as pre-trauma personal characteristics, type of exposure, initial emotional response and long-term adverse physical or financial problems), predictors derived from the Ehlers and Clark (2000) cognitive model, a measure of PTSD symptoms and the General Health Questionnaire.
Results: Among respondents (n = 3131) the highest rates of PTSD symptoms and probable casesness (58.5%) were observed among people who were present in the street when the bomb exploded but elevated rates were also observed in people who subsequently attended the scene (21.8% probable caseness) and among people for whom someone close died (11.9%). People with a near miss (left the scene before the explosion) did not show elevated rates. Exposure to the bombing increased PTSD symptoms to a greater extent than general psychiatric symptoms. Previously established predictors accounted for 42% of the variance in PTSD symptoms among people directly exposed to the bombing. Predictors derived from the cognitive model accounted for 63%.
Conclusions: High rates of chronic PTSD were observed in individuals exposed to the bombing. Psychological variables that are in principle amenable to treatment were the best predictors of PTSD symptoms. Teams planning treatment interventions for victims of future bombings and other traumas may wish to take these results into account.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Management of brain arteriovenous malformation (bAVM) is controversial. We have analyzed the largest surgical bAVM cohort for outcome. METHODS: Both operated and nonoperated cases were included for analysis. A total of 779 patients with bAVMs were consecutively enrolled between 1989 and 2014. Initial management recommendations were recorded before commencement of treatment. Surgical outcome was prospectively recorded and outcomes assigned at the last follow-up visit using modified Rankin Scale. First, a sensitivity analyses was performed to select a subset of the entire cohort for which the results of surgery could be generalized. Second, from this subset, variables were analyzed for risk of deficit or near miss (intraoperative hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion of ≥2.5 L, hemorrhage in resection bed requiring reoperation, and hemorrhage associated with either digital subtraction angiography or embolization). RESULTS: A total of 7.7% of patients with Spetzler-Ponce classes A and B bAVM had an adverse outcome from surgery leading to a modified Rankin Scale >1. Sensitivity analyses that demonstrated outcome results were not subject to selection bias for Spetzler-Ponce classes A and B bAVMs. Risk factors for adverse outcomes from surgery for these bAVMs include size, presence of deep venous drainage, and eloquent location. Preoperative embolization did not affect the risk of perioperative hemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the ruptured and unruptured low and middle-grade bAVMs (Spetzler-Ponce A and B) can be surgically treated with a low risk of permanent morbidity and a high likelihood of preventing future hemorrhage. Our results do not apply to Spetzler-Ponce C bAVMs.
L’accouchement et ses conséquences demeurent une des principales causes d’incapacité et de décès pour les femmes dans les pays en développement et comprendre l’utilisation tardive des soins obstétricaux d’urgence au moment d’une complication obstétricale constitue un véritable défi en santé publique. La présente étude qualitative relate l’expérience d’accouchement difficile au Mali, en milieu rural. Dans un contexte de pluralité de systèmes de soins, l’objet de cette étude consiste à déterminer les raisons de l’arrivée tardive des femmes au centre de santé de 1ier ligne, à saisir la compréhension qu’elles ont de l’utilisation des services sanitaires, enfin à reconstruire les processus de prise de décisions de recourir aux soins modernes. Cette étude s’inscrit dans une démarche de type ethnographique. Des entretiens semi dirigés et l’observation des interactions entre les femmes et les professionnels de santé ont constitué le corpus de données. Nous retenons qu’une série de facteurs entrent en jeu pour comprendre le problème de l’utilisation tardive des soins obstétricaux d’urgence. Des contraintes exogènes liées à la distance et l’immédiateté de l’urgence obstétricale c'est-à-dire la mobilisation des ressources et des moyens de transport, accompagnées de contraintes endogènes telles que la subordination des femmes au consentement familial, la perception de la qualité des soins et de la compétence des soignants, influencent systématiquement le choix de recourir aux soins modernes. Le phénomène de gestion collective de la complication obstétricale s’inscrit dans un contexte d’intéractions complexes où l’opinion des femmes est totalement minimisée.
Introducción: La morbilidad materna extrema es un término usado para definir cualquier condición obstétrica severa que amenaza la vida y requiere una intervención médica urgente con el fin de prevenir la probable muerte materna. Con el presente estudio se pretendió evaluar los factores de riesgo para morbilidad materna extrema en las gestantes del Hospital Universitario Mayor. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, comparando pacientes con MME y sin MME en una relación de 1:1. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple teniendo en cuenta 95% de la población apareadas por diagnóstico de ingreso. Resultados Se incluyeron un total de 110 pacientes (55 en cada grupo). Ambas poblaciones fueron comprables. Ser de estrato socioeconómico bajo (p 0,000), haber tenido 2 o menos partos (p 0,000), ser tipo de sangre negativo (p0.000) realizar entre 0-3 controles prenatales (p 0,000), tener antecedente de preeclampsia (p 0,000), hipotiroidismo (p 0,000), o trastorno bipolar (p 0,000), son factores de riesgo significativos para presentar MME. Entre los factores protectores están tener más de tres partos OR 0,60 (IC95%: 0,17-0,82, p=0,00) y 7 o más controles prenatales OR 0,23 (IC95%: 0,09-0,55, p=0,000). Resultados concordantes con la literatura Discusión: Es importante dar a conocer los resultados del presente estudio para promover las campañas de prevención primaria, secundaria y terciaria con el fin de evitar las altas complicaciones que se pueden presentar en las mujeres en edad fértil de nuestra población.
The decision to close airspace in the event of a volcanic eruption is based on hazard maps of predicted ash extent. These are produced using output from volcanic ash transport and dispersion (VATD)models. In this paper an objectivemetric to evaluate the spatial accuracy of VATD simulations relative to satellite retrievals of volcanic ash is presented. The 5 metric is based on the fractions skill score (FSS). Thismeasure of skill provides more information than traditional point-bypoint metrics, such as success index and Pearson correlation coefficient, as it takes into the account spatial scale overwhich skill is being assessed. The FSS determines the scale overwhich a simulation has skill and can differentiate between a "near miss" and a forecast that is badly misplaced. The 10 idealised scenarios presented show that even simulations with considerable displacement errors have useful skill when evaluated over neighbourhood scales of 200–700km2. This method could be used to compare forecasts produced by different VATDs or using different model parameters, assess the impact of assimilating satellite retrieved ash data and evaluate VATD forecasts over a long time period.
OBJECTIVE: to explore perspectives and experiences of antenatal care and partner involvement among women who nearly died during pregnancy ('near-miss'). DESIGN: a study guided by naturalistic inquiry was conducted, and included extended in-community participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions. Qualitative data were collected between March 2013 and April 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda. FINDINGS: all informants were aware of the recommendations of male involvement for HIV-testing at the first antenatal care visit. However, this recommendation was seen as a clear link in the chain of delays and led to severe consequences, especially for women without engaged partners. The overall quality of antenatal services was experienced as suboptimal, potentially missing the opportunity to provide preventive measures and essential health education intended for both parents. This seemed to contribute to women's disincentive to complete all four recommended visits and men's interest in attending to ensure their partners' reception of care. However, the participants experienced a restriction of men's access during subsequent antenatal visits, which made men feel denied to their increased involvement during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: 'near-miss' women and their partners face paradoxical barriers to actualise the recommended antenatal care visits. The well-intended initiative of male partner involvement counterproductively causes delays or excludes women whereas supportive men are turned away from further health consultations. Currently, the suboptimal quality of antenatal care misses the opportunity to provide health education for the expectant couple or to identify and address early signs of complications IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: these findings suggest a need for increased flexibility in the antenatal care recommendations to encourage women to attend care with or without their partner, and to create open health communication about women's and men's real needs within the context of their social situations. Supportive partners should not be denied involvement at any stage of pregnancy, but should be received only upon consent of the expectant mother.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Purpose: to review literature, highlighting current aspects of maternal mortality. Method: research initiated through electronic data base PubMed [http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed], limited to the last 10 years. The selected cases which related to pre-defined aspects of interest to the study, such as vulnerable population, risk factors, causes, difficulties in obtaining data, preventive measures e new approaches to the problem, among them, ‘near misses’ and severe maternal morbidity. Results: maternal death is directly related to the quality of life of the population, with relevant disparities among the different social economic areas. Although maternal mortality is the proper indicator to the female population health, its numbers are presented in unrealistic manners due to the difficulties in identifying the cases through death certificates. Preventive measures associated to early and adequate diagnose and treatment are benefic factors in decreasing those maternal deaths. Apart from these, identification and classification of ‘near misses’ and maternal morbidity are featured in the contemporary approach to the issue. Final considerations: In spite of advanced technology and recognition of preventive measures, a large number of women die daily due to complications in the pregnancy and puerperal cycle. To decrease such tragedy political, social and economical commitment to Health is necessary, in order to promote the needed reforms in the assistance of such cycle.
Background: Caesarean section rates in Brazil have been steadily increasing. In 2009, for the first time, the number of children born by this type of procedure was greater than the number of vaginal births. Caesarean section is associated with a series of adverse effects on the women and newborn, and recent evidence suggests that the increasing rates of prematurity and low birth weight in Brazil are associated to the increasing rates of Caesarean section and labour induction. Methods: Nationwide hospital-based cohort study of postnatal women and their offspring with follow-up at 45 to 60 days after birth. The sample was stratified by geographic macro-region, type of the municipality and by type of hospital governance. The number of postnatal women sampled was 23,940, distributed in 191 municipalities throughout Brazil. Two electronic questionnaires were applied to the postnatal women, one baseline face-to-face and one follow-up telephone interview. Two other questionnaires were filled with information on patients' medical records and to assess hospital facilities. The primary outcome was the percentage of Caesarean sections (total, elective and according to Robson's groups). Secondary outcomes were: post-partum pain; breastfeeding initiation; severe/near miss maternal morbidity; reasons for maternal mortality; prematurity; low birth weight; use of oxygen use after birth and mechanical ventilation; admission to neonatal ICU; stillbirths; neonatal mortality; readmission in hospital; use of surfactant; asphyxia; severe/near miss neonatal morbidity. The association between variables were investigated using bivariate, stratified and multivariate model analyses. Statistical tests were applied according to data distribution and homogeneity of variances of groups to be compared. All analyses were taken into consideration for the complex sample design. Discussion: This study, for the first time, depicts a national panorama of labour and birth outcomes in Brazil. Regardless of the socioeconomic level, demand for Caesarean section appears to be based on the belief that the quality of obstetric care is closely associated to the technology used in labour and birth. Within this context, it was justified to conduct a nationwide study to understand the reasons that lead pregnant women to submit to Caesarean sections and to verify any association between this type of birth and it's consequences on postnatal health.
A field study was performed in a hospital pharmacy aimed at identifying positive and negative influences on the process of detection of and further recovery from initial errors or other failures, thus avoiding negative consequences. Confidential reports and follow-up interviews provided data on 31 near-miss incidents involving such recovery processes. Analysis revealed that organizational culture with regard to following procedures needed reinforcement, that some procedures could be improved, that building in extra checks was worthwhile and that supporting unplanned recovery was essential for problems not covered by procedures. Guidance is given on how performance in recovery could be measured. A case is made for supporting recovery as an addition to prevention-based safety methods.
New Approach’ Directives now govern the health and safety of most products whether destined for workplace or domestic use. These Directives have been enacted into UK law by various specific legislation principally relating to work equipment, machinery and consumer products. This research investigates whether the risk assessment approach used to ensure the safety of machinery may be applied to consumer products. Crucially, consumer products are subject to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) 1987, where there is no direct reference to “assessing risk”. This contrasts with the law governing the safety of products used in the workplace, where risk assessment underpins the approach. New Approach Directives are supported by European harmonised standards, and in the case of machinery, further supported by the risk assessment standard, EN 1050. The system regulating consumer product safety is discussed, its key elements identified and a graphical model produced. This model incorporates such matters as conformity assessment, the system of regulation, near miss and accident reporting. A key finding of the research is that New Approach Directives have a common feature of specifying essential performance requirements that provide a hazard prompt-list that can form the basis for a risk assessment (the hazard identification stage). Drawing upon 272 prosecution cases, and with thirty examples examined in detail, this research provides evidence that despite the high degree of regulation, unsafe consumer products still find their way onto the market. The research presents a number of risk assessment tools to help Trading Standards Officers (TSOs) prioritise their work at the initial inspection stage when dealing with subsequent enforcement action.
INTRODUCTION: Severe maternal morbidity , also known as maternal near miss , has been used as an alternative to the study of maternal mortality , since being more frequent shares the same determinants and enables the implementati on of epidem iological surveillance of cases . Since then, hospital audits ha ve been carried out to determine the rates of maternal near miss, its mai n causes and associated factors . More recently, population surveys based on self - reported morbidity have als o been presented as vi able in identifying these cases . OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of maternal near miss and complications during pregnancy and puerperal period in Natal/RN. METHODS: A cross - secti onal population - based study was conducted in Natal /RN , Brazil, which has as its target population women aged 15 to 49 years who were pregnant in the last five years. It was carried out a probabilistic sam pling design based on a multi - stage complex sample , in which 60 census tracts were selected from three strata (north , south - east and west). Afterwards, domiciles were visited in order to obtain a sample of the 908 eligible women in whom a questionnaire was applied. The descriptive analyzes and bivariate ass ociations were performed using the Chi - square test and the estimate of the prevalence ratio (PR ) with 95% confidence interval (CI) and considering the weights and design effects . The Poisson regression analysis , also with 5% significance and 95% CI, was us ed for analyzes of associated factors. RESULTS: 848 women were identified and interviewed after visits in 8.227 households corresponding to a response rate of 93 . 4 %. The prevalence of maternal near miss was 41 . 1 /1 000NV, being the Intensive Care Unity stay i ng (19 . 1 /1 000 LB ) and eclampsia (13 . 5/1000LB) the most important marker s . The prevalence of complications in the puerperal peri od was 21 . 2 %, and hemorrhage (10 . 7%) and urinary tract infection (10 . 7%) the most frequently reported clinical conditions and rema in ing in the hospital for over a week after delivery the mo st frequent intervention (5.4%) . Regarding associated factors , the bivariate analysis showed an association between the increased number of complications in women of black/brown race ( PR= 1 . 23; CI95 % : 1 . 04 - 1 . 46) and lower socioeconomic status ( PR= 1 . 33; CI95%: 1 . 12 - 1 . 58) in women who had pre natal care in public service ( PR= 1 . 42; CI95%: 1 . 16 to 1 . 72 ) and that were not advised during prenatal about where they should do the d elivery (PR= 1 . 24; CI95%: 1 . 05 - 1 . 46), made the del ivery in the public service (PR= 1 . 63; CI95%: 1 . 30 - 2 . 03), had to search for more than one hospital for delivery (PR=1 . 22; CI95%: 1 . 03 - 1 . 45) and had no companion during childbirth ( PR =1 . 19; CI95%: 1 . 01 - 1 . 41) or at all times of childbirth c are - before, during and after childbirth - ( PR= 1 . 25, CI95%: 1 . 05 - 1 . 48) . Moreover, the number of days postpartum hospitalization was higher in women who had more complications (P R= 1 . 59 ; CI95%: 1 . 36 - 1 . 86). In the final regression model for both birth place (P R= 1 . 21 ; CI 95% : 1 . 02 to 1 . 44 ) and socioeconomic status (PR = 1.54 ; CI95%: 1 . 25 - 1 . 90 ) the association remained. CONCLUSION : Conducting population surveys using the pragmatic definition of near miss is feasible and may add importa nt information about this ev ent . It was possible to find the expression of health inequalities related to maternal health in the analysis of both socioeconomic conditions and on the utilization of health services.
Introdução Nas últimas décadas tem-se assistido a uma vertiginosa evolução tecnológica, particularmente na área da saúde, proporcionando ganhos em saúde e aumentando as expectativas dos utilizadores dos cuidados de saúde. Na complexa interação Homem e tecnologia que ocorre durante a prestação de cuidados existe o risco associado, que poderá levar à ocorrência de erros em saúde e, neste caso, os cuidados de saúde não só não trarão os esperados benefícios para o doente como poderão provocar o dano Fragata e Martins (2004). Assim, o tema da segurança dos doentes, principalmente o erro em saúde, ganha importância dentro do sector da saúde. O erro relacionado com a medicação, é considerado uma das principais causas de morte e incapacidade, falecendo mais pessoas devido a erros de medicação do que a acidentes de trabalho (Khon, Corrigan e Donaldson, 2000). Embora a gestão da medicação envolva múltiplos profissionais, os enfermeiros assumem, neste contexto, um papel central na promoção da segurança dos doentes, quer na deteção de falhas ocorridas anteriormente com o doente, quer na prevenção de falhas durante as fases do processo em que intervêm diretamente (Catela, 2008). No sentido de reduzir os eventos adversos relacionados com a medicação é essencial adotar uma postura de compreensão do erro, dos fatores precipitantes e circunstanciais do mesmo. Esta postura será o primeiro passo para sua prevenção. Porém, reconhece-se que existe subnotificação dos eventos adversos, nomeadamente os relacionados com a medicação, o que tem dificultado o conhecimento desta realidade. Objetivos O estudo propõe-se concretizar os seguintes objetivos gerais: compreender as circunstâncias associadas ao erro de medicação e sensibilizar a equipa de enfermagem para a importância do relato do erro de medicação. Dos objetivos gerais emergiram os seguintes objetivos específicos: identificar os diferentes tipos de erro de medicação; identificar o impacto do erro no doente, na organização e no profissional; identificar o contexto da sua ocorrência (profissionais envolvidos e momento do dia); identificar as fases do processo em que ocorrem os erros de medicação; compreender as causas precipitantes do erro de medicação (falhas humanas ou falhas sistémicas); identificar as medidas de mitigação de dano realizadas pelos profissionais; identificar as medidas preventivas propostas pelos profissionais; verificar se ocorreu a notificação do erro e analisar os fatores que dificultam ou facilitam a decisão de notificar o erro Metodologia O presente estudo procura dar resposta à questão de investigação "Quais as circunstâncias que envolvem a ocorrência dos erros de medicação, vivenciados pelos enfermeiros, num serviço de internamento de um hospital central?" Nesse sentido desenhou-se um estudo transversal, descritivo, exploratório, numa abordagem qualitativa, que permita a compreensão do fenómeno. Foram convidados a participar no estudo os enfermeiros que trabalham num serviço de internamento do Hospital Central. Cumpridos os critérios de inclusão, aceitaram participar onze informantes. Optou-se pela técnica de entrevista semi-estruturada. O participante foi convidado a relatar uma situação de erro de medicação vivenciado ou observado. A fim de facilitar o relato dos participantes, o guião de entrevista seguiu omodelo Patient Safety Event Taxonomy (PSET) da Join Commission Accreditation Health Organization (JCAHO), adaptado por Castilho e Parreira (2012) para o estudo de eventos relacionados com a prática de enfermagem, permitindo organizar a informação em torno de cinco eixos temáticos: tipo de evento, impacto, domínio, causa, mitigação e prevenção do dano e notificação. Resultados/Discussão Os enfermeiros relatam essencialmente situações incidentes com a medicação vivenciados por si e reconhecem situações near miss como precursor de um possível evento adverso. Os eventos adversos ocorrem principalmente na fase de administração e envolvem principalmente situações de troca de doentes. No que concerne ao impacto que estes eventos adversos podem provocar no doente verifica-se que existe uma tendência geral para a sua desvalorização, considerando os profissionais que não houve impacto negativo ou este foi mínimo. Associam este resultado ao predomínio de medicação oral. Relativamente ao impacto para o Organização, identificamos uma tendência de não valorização, no entanto alguns enfermeiros identificam os gastos materiais, em recursos humanos (novas preparações e aumento da vigilância) e na imagem, quer junto do doente quer da família. Nas consequências para o enfermeiro valorizam sobretudo o impacto negativo (culpa, vergonha, ansiedade), identificando também a oportunidade de aprendizagem. A análise das causas permite evidenciar que os erros acontecem em resultado do entrelaçar de vários fatores humanos e sistémicos que contribuem para a sua ocorrência. As pessoas falham: violam métodos de trabalho preconizados e regras de segurança que conhecem, esquecem-se, enganam-se e confundem-se. As situações de erro são justificadas pelos enfermeiros pela existência de um ambiente que é propiciador da ocorrência destas situações, que favorece a distração, a desconcentração e promove a violação do método individual de trabalho, numa tentativa de contornar o elevado volume de trabalho a fim de dar resposta em tempo útil às necessidades dos doentes. Os enfermeiros, quando referiram como causa uma distração, na sua maioria souberam atribuir a causa dessa mesma distração e não a aceitaram apenas por si só. Foram identificados como fatores que dificultam o trabalho dos enfermeiros e potenciam a ocorrência do erro, o elevado volume de trabalho, as múltiplas interrupções a que são sujeitos aquando da preparação e administração de fármacos, a confusão, a agitação e elevado número de pessoas (utentes e visitas) a circular no serviço e na zona de preparação de fármacos aquando da preparação, a ausência de material atualizado e ajustado a uma preparação e administração segura e condições arquitetónicas da zona de preparação pouco adequadas, Foram ainda, referidas a inadequação do aplicativo informático, o sistema de registo de medicação não dispõe de mecanismos seguros para evitar os erros e o facto de nem todos as camas disporem de rampas de oxigénio. Ainda que os enfermeiros tenham identificado falhas humanas e sistémicas na ocorrência do erro, defenderam que na sua maioria são propiciadas por um sistema frágil e propiciador dessas mesmas falhas. Os enfermeiros vivenciam o erro com responsabilidade, adotando de imediato estratégias de redução do dano, nomeadamente aumentando a vigilância, a certificação de ausência de alergia e aumento da pesquisa sobre ao fármaco A oportunidade de refletir sobre as circunstâncias que envolveram o erro de medicação deu origem a várias sugestões de melhoria no serviço, nomeadamente o aumento da dotação de profissionais, a existência de um armário com sistema de unidose, o cumprimento do método individual de trabalho em especial no que concerne à gestão do medicamento, a otimização do aplicativo informático de gestão do medicamento, a otimização na identificação do doente em cada unidade, maior concentração aquando da preparação e administração dos medicamentos, a existência de um espaço físico exclusivo para a preparação da medicação, a existência de rampas de oxigénio em todas as unidades e a criação de momentos de partilha em equipa a fim de estimular a aprendizagem com erro. Os profissionais reconhecem importância da notificação e da aprendizagem com o erro, sobretudo nos casos graves. Identificam como fatores que e contribuem para a não notificação, o medo de penalização, assim como, o desconhecimento da forma como proceder para notificar o evento adverso. Perante tais achados sugere-se, tal como preconiza Chiang, Hui-Ying e Pepper (2006), que será importante trabalhar juntamente com estes enfermeiros no sentido de os formar e informar sobre onde e como notificar, reforçar a extrema importância de notificar desmitificando o receio da punição individual, estimulando a cultura de aprendizagem com o erro em detrimento de uma culpabilização individual. Conclusão A segurança do doente apresenta-se como uma questão incontornável da qualidade em saúde, reconhecendo-se, que apesar dos avanços tecnológicos e científicos, continuam a ocorrer erros nas práticas profissionais, nomeadamente erros de medicação, suscetíveis de causar dano ao doente. Os profissionais reconhecem que este são frequentemente evitáveis, identificam diferentes fatores humanos e sistémicos que intervêm na sua ocorrência. Os enfermeiros apresentaram como medidas preventivas de erros o aumento da dotação de profissionais, a existência de um armário com sistema de unidose, o cumprimento do método individual de trabalho, em especial no que concerne à gestão do medicamento, a otimização do aplicativo informático de gestão do medicamento, a otimização na identificação do doente em cada unidade, maior concentração aquando da preparação e administração dos medicamentos, a existência de um espaço físico exclusivo para a preparação da medicação, a existência de rampas de oxigénio em todas as unidades e a criação de momentos de partilha em equipa a fim de estimular a aprendizagem com erro. Os resultados desta investigação foram apresentados e discutidos em equipa sendo assim criado um espaço de reflexão. Espera-se com este trabalho estimular a reflexão em equipa sobre esta temática, contribuir para a redução do erro de medicação e fomentar uma cultura de notificação de eventos adversos. É fundamental incutir nos profissionais e nas organizações uma verdadeira cultura de segurança, que proceda à gestão do risco clínico.. Tal como Fragata (2010), consideramos que a segurança dos doentes será tanto mais eficaz quanto mais robusto for o sistema.