993 resultados para naked DNA


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All-trans and 9-cis retinoic acids (RA) signals are transduced by retinoic acid receptor/retinoid X receptor (RAR/RXR) heterodimers that act as functional units controlling the transcription of RA-responsive genes. With the aim of elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms, we have developed an in vitro transcription system using a chromatin template made up of a minimal promoter and a direct repeat with 5-spacing-based RA response element. RARα and RXRα were expressed in and purified from baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells, and transcription was carried out by using naked DNA or chromatin templates. Transcription from naked templates was not affected by the presence of RA and/or RAR/RXR heterodimers. In contrast, very little transcription occurred from chromatin templates in the absence of RA or RAR/RXR heterodimers whereas their addition resulted in a dosage-dependent stimulation of transcription that never exceeded that occurring on naked DNA templates. Most importantly, the addition of synthetic agonistic or antagonistic retinoids to the chromatin transcription system mimicked their stimulatory or inhibitory action in vivo, and activation by a RXR-specific retinoid was subordinated to the binding of an agonist ligand to the RAR partner. Moreover, the addition of the p300 coactivator generated a synergistic enhancement of transcription. Thus, the dissection of this transcription system ultimately should lead to the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms by which RAR/RXR heterodimers control transcription in a ligand-dependent manner.


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Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 (HNF4) regulates gene expression by binding to direct repeat motifs of the RG(G/T)TCA sequence separated by one nucleotide (DR1). In this study we demonstrate that endogenous HNF4 present in rat liver nuclear extracts, as well as purified recombinant HNF4, activates transcription from naked DNA templates containing multiple copies of the DR1 element linked to the adenovirus major late promoter. Recombinant HNF4 also activates transcription from the rat cellular retinol binding protein II (CRBPII) promoter in vitro. The region between –105 and –63 bp of this promoter is essential for HNF-mediated transactivation. The addition of a peptide containing the LXXLL motif abolished HNF4-mediated transactivation in vitro suggesting that LXXLL-containing protein factor(s) are involved in HNF4-mediated transactivation in rat liver nuclear extracts. This is the first report on transactivation by HNF4 in a cell-free system derived from rat liver nuclei.


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Baculovirus-expressed recombinant Sir3p (rSir3p) has been purified to near homogeneity, and its binding to naked DNA, mononucleosomes, and nucleosomal arrays has been characterized in vitro. At stoichiometric levels rSir3p interacts with intact nucleosomal arrays, mononucleosomes, and naked DNA, as evidenced by formation of supershifted species on native agarose gels. Proteolytic removal of the core histone tail domains inhibits but does not completely abolish rSir3p binding to nucleosomal arrays. The linker DNA in the supershifted complexes remains freely accessible to restriction endonuclease digestion, suggesting that both the tail domains and nucleosomal DNA contribute to rSir3p–chromatin interactions. Together these data indicate that rSir3p cross-links individual nucleosomal arrays into supramolecular assemblies whose physical properties transcend those of typical 10-nm and 30-nm fibers. Based on these data we hypothesize that Sir3p functions, at least in part, by mediating reorganization of the canonical chromatin fiber into functionally specialized higher order chromosomal domains.


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To increase transient expression of recombinant proteins in Chinese hamster ovary cells, we have engineered their protein synthetic capacity by directed manipulation of mRNA translation initiation. To control this process we constructed a nonphosphorylatable Ser51Ala site-directed mutant of eIF2, a subunit of the trimeric eIF2 complex that is implicated in regulation of the global rate of mRNA translation initiation in eukaryotic cells. Phosphorylation of eIF2 by protein kinases inhibits eIF2 activity and is known to increase as cells perceive a range of stress conditions. Using single-and dual-gene plasmids introduced into CHO cells by electroporation, we found that transient expression of the eIF2 Ser51Ala mutant with firefly luciferase resulted in a 3-fold increase in reporter activity, relative to cells transfected with reporter only. This effect was maintained in transfected cells for at least 48 h after transfection. Expression of the wild-type eIF2 protein had no such effect. Elevated luciferase activity was associated with a reduction in the level of eIF2 phosphorylation in cells transfected with the mutant eIF2 construct. Transfection of CHO cells with the luciferase-only construct resulted in a marked decrease in the global rate of protein synthesis in the whole cell population 6 h post-transfection. However, expression of the mutant Ser51Ala or wild-type eIF2 proteins restored the rate of protein synthesis in transfected cells to a level equivalent to or exceeding that of control cells. Associated with this, entry of plasmid DNA into cells during electroporation was visualized by confocal microscopy using a rhodamine-labeled plasmid construct expressing green fluorescent protein. Six hours after transfection, plasmid DNA was present in all cells, albeit to a variable extent. These data suggest that entry of naked DNA into the cell itself functions to inhibit protein synthesis by signaling mechanisms affecting control of mRNA translation by eIF2. This work therefore forms the basis of a rational strategy to generically up-regulate transient expression of recombinant proteins by simultaneous host cell engineering.


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BACKGROUND: Existing methods of non-viral airway gene transfer suffer from low levels of efficiency. Electroporation has been used to enhance gene transfer in a range of tissues. Here we assess the usefulness of electroporation for enhancing gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep. METHODS: Naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) expressing either luciferase or green fluorescent protein (GFP) was delivered to mouse lungs by instillation. Following surgical visualisation, the lungs were directly electroporated and the level and duration of luciferase activity was assessed and cell types that were positive for GFP were identified in lung cryosections. Naked pDNA was nebulised to the sheep lung and electrodes attached to the tip of a bronchoscope were used to electroporate airway segment bifurcations, Luciferase activity was assessed in electroporated and control non-electroporated regions, after 24 h. RESULTS: Following delivery of naked pDNA to the mouse lung, electroporation resulted in up to 400-fold higher luciferase activity than naked pDNA alone when luciferase was under the control of a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Following delivery of a plasmid containing the human polyubiquitin C (UbC) promoter, electroporation resulted in elevated luciferase activity for at least 28 days. Visualisation of GFP indicated that electroporation resulted in increased GFP detection compared with non-electroporated controls. In the sheep lung electroporation of defined sites in the airways resulted in luciferase activity 100-fold greater than naked pDNA alone. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that electroporation can be used to enhance gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep without compromising the duration of expression.


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Genome maintenance (GM) is an essential defense system against aging and cancer, as both are characterized by increased genome instability. Here, we compared the copy number variation and mutation rate of 518 GM-associated genes in the naked mole rat (NMR), mouse, and human genomes. GM genes appeared to be strongly conserved, with copy number variation in only four genes. Interestingly, we found NMR to have a higher copy number of CEBPG, a regulator of DNA repair, and TINF2, a protector of telomere integrity. NMR, as well as human, was also found to have a lower rate of germline nucleotide substitution than the mouse. Together, the data suggest that the long-lived NMR, as well as human, has more robust GM than mouse and identifies new targets for the analysis of the exceptional longevity of the NMR.


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We have used circular dichroism and structure-directed drugs to identify the role of structural features, wide and narrow grooves in particular, required for the cooperative polymerization, recognition of homologous sequences, and the formation of joint molecules promoted by recA protein. The path of cooperative polymerization of recA protein was deduced by its ability to cause quantitative displacement of distamycin from the narrow groove of duplex DNA. By contrast, methyl green bound to the wide groove was retained by the nucleoprotein filaments comprised of recA protein-DNA. Further, the mode of binding of these ligands and recA protein to DNA was confirmed by DNaseI digestion. More importantly, the formation of joint molecules was prevented by distamycin in the narrow groove while methyl green in the wide groove had no adverse effect. Intriguingly, distamycin interfered with the production of coaggregates between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-M13 ssDNA and naked linear M13 duplex DNA, but not with linear phi X174 duplex DNA. Thus, these data, in conjunction with molecular modeling, suggest that the narrow grooves of duplex DNA provide the fundamental framework required for the cooperative polymerization of recA protein and alignment of homologous sequences. These findings and their significance are discussed in relation to models of homologous pairing between two intertwined DNA molecules.


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To understand the molecular basis of gene targeting, we have studied interactions of nucleoprotein filaments comprised of single-stranded DNA and RecA protein with chromatin templates reconstituted from linear duplex DNA and histones. We observed that for the chromatin templates with histone/DNA mass ratios of 0.8 and 1.6, the efficiency of homologous pairing was indistinguishable from that of naked duplex DNA but strand exchange was repressed. In contrast, the chromatin templates with a histone/DNA mass ratio of 9.0 supported neither homologous pairing nor strand exchange. The addition of histone H1, in stoichiometric amounts, to chromatin templates quells homologous pairing. The pairing of chromatin templates with nucleoprotein filaments of RecA protein-single-stranded DNA proceeded without the production of detectable networks of DNA, suggesting that coaggregates are unlikely to be the intermediates in homologous pairing. The application of these observations to strategies for gene targeting and their implications for models of genetic recombination are discussed.


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The search for homologous sequences promoted by RecA protein in vitro involves a presynaptic filament and naked duplex DNA, the multiple contacts of which produce nucleoprotein networks or coaggregates. The single-stranded DNA within the presynaptic filaments, however, is extended to an axial spacing 1.5 times that of B-form DNA. To investigate this paradoxical difference between the spacing of bases in the RecA presynaptic filament versus the target duplex DNA, we explored the effect of heterologous contacts on the conformation of DNA, and vice versa. In the presence of wheat germ topoisomerase I, RecA presynaptic filaments induced a rapid, limited reduction in the linking number of heterologous circular duplex DNA. This limited unwinding of heterologous duplex DNA, termed heterologous unwinding, was detected within 30 seconds and reached a steady state within a few minutes. Presynaptic filaments that were formed in the presence of ATP?S and separated from free RecA protein by gel filtration also generated a ladder of topoisomers upon incubation with relaxed duplex DNA and topoisomerase. The inhibition of heterologous contacts by 60 mImage -NaCl or 5 mImage -ADP resulted in a corresponding decrease in heterologous unwinding. In reciprocal fashion, the stability or number of heterologous contacts with presynaptic filaments was inversely related to the linking number of circular duplex DNA. These observations show that heterologous contacts with the presynaptic filament cause a limited unwinding of the duplex DNA, and conversely that the ability of the DNA to unwind stabilizes transient heterologous contacts.


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Hg2+ is able to inhibit the peroxidase-like DNAzyme function of a T-containing G-quadruplex DNA via Hg2+-mediated T-T base pairs, which enables the visual detection of Hg2+ in the TMB-H2O2 reaction system with high selectivity and sensitivity.


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Background: Although plasmid DNA encoding an antigen from pathogens or tumor cells has been widely studied as vaccine, the use of plasmid vector (without insert) as therapeutic agent requires further investigation. Results: Here, we showed that plasmid DNA (pcDNA3) at low doses inhibits the production of IL-6 and TNF-alpha by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophage cell line J774. These findings led us to evaluate whether plasmid DNA could act as an anti-inflammatory agent in a Wistar rat endotoxemia model. Rats injected simultaneously with 1.5 mg/kg of LPS and 10 or 20 mu g of plasmid DNA had a remarkable attenuation of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) drop at 2 hours after treatment when compared with rats injected with LPS only. The beneficial effect of the plasmid DNA on MAP was associated with decreased expression of IL-6 in liver and increased concentration of plasma vasopressin (AVP), a known vasoconstrictor that has been investigated in hemorrhagic shock management. No difference was observed in relation to nitric oxide (NO) production. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate for the first time that plasmid DNA vector at low doses presents anti-inflammatory property and constitutes a novel approach with therapeutic potential in inflammatory diseases.


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Abstract Background Although B cells are important as antigen presenting cells (APC) during the immune response, their role in DNA vaccination models is unknown. Methods In this study in vitro and in vivo experiments were performed to evaluate the ability of B cells to protect mice against Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge. Results In vitro and in vivo studies showed that B cells efficiently present antigens after naked plasmid pcDNA3 encoding M. leprae 65-kDa heat shock protein (pcDNA3-Hsp65) internalization and protect B knock-out (BKO) mice against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. pcDNA3-Hsp65-transfected B cells adoptively transferred into BKO mice rescued the memory phenotypes and reduced the number of CFU compared to wild-type mice. Conclusions These data not only suggest that B cells play an important role in the induction of CD8 T cells but also that they improve bacterial clearance in DNA vaccine model.


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Antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) hold promise for therapeutic correction of many genetic diseases via exon skipping, and the first AON-based drugs have entered clinical trials for neuromuscular disorders1, 2. However, despite advances in AON chemistry and design, systemic use of AONs is limited because of poor tissue uptake, and recent clinical reports confirm that sufficient therapeutic efficacy has not yet been achieved. Here we present a new class of AONs made of tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA), which displays unique pharmacological properties and unprecedented uptake by many tissues after systemic administration. We demonstrate these properties in two mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a neurogenetic disease typically caused by frame-shifting deletions or nonsense mutations in the gene encoding dystrophin3, 4 and characterized by progressive muscle weakness, cardiomyopathy, respiratory failure5 and neurocognitive impairment6. Although current naked AONs do not enter the heart or cross the blood-brain barrier to any substantial extent, we show that systemic delivery of tcDNA-AONs promotes a high degree of rescue of dystrophin expression in skeletal muscles, the heart and, to a lesser extent, the brain. Our results demonstrate for the first time a physiological improvement of cardio-respiratory functions and a correction of behavioral features in DMD model mice. This makes tcDNA-AON chemistry particularly attractive as a potential future therapy for patients with DMD and other neuromuscular disorders or with other diseases that are eligible for exon-skipping approaches requiring whole-body treatment.


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High mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) is a multifunctional protein with roles in chromatin structure, transcription, V(D)J recombination, and inflammation. HMGB1 also binds to and bends damaged DNA, but the biological consequence of this interaction is not clearly understood. We have shown previously that HMGB1 binds cooperatively with nucleotide excision repair (NER) damage recognition proteins XPA and RPA to triplex-directed psoralen DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). Based on this we hypothesized that HMGB1 is enhancing the repair of DNA lesions, and through this role, is affecting DNA damage-induced mutagenesis and cell survival. Because HMGB1 is also a chromatin protein, we further hypothesized that it is acting to facilitate chromatin remodeling at the site of the DNA damage, to allow access of the repair machinery to the DNA lesion. We demonstrated here that HMGB1 could bind to triplex-directed psoralen ICLs in a complex with NER proteins XPC-RAD23B, XPA and RPA, which occurred in the presence or absence of DNA. Supporting these findings, we demonstrated that HMGB1 enhanced repair of triplex-directed psoralen ICLs (by nucleotide incorporation), as well as removal of UVC irradiation-induced DNA lesions from the genome (by radioimmunoassay). We also explored HMGB1's role in chromatin remodeling upon DNA damage. Immunoblotting demonstrated that, in contrast to HMGB1 proficient cells, cells lacking HMGB1 showed no increase in histone acetylation after UVC irradiation. Additionally, purified HMGB1 protein enhanced chromatin formation in an in vitro chromatin assembly system. However, HMGB1 also has a role in DNA repair in the absence of chromatin, as shown by measuring UVC-induced nucleotide incorporation on a naked substrate. Upon exploration of HMGB1's effect on several cellular outcomes of DNA damage, we found that mammalian cells lacking HMGB1 were hypersensitive to DNA damage induced by psoralen plus UVA irradiation or UVC radiation, showing less survival and increased mutagenesis. These results reveal a new role for HMGB1 in the error-free repair of DNA lesions in a chromosomal context. As strategies targeting HMGB1 are currently in development for treatment of sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, our findings draw attention to potential adverse side effects of anti-HMGB1 therapy in patients with inflammatory diseases. ^


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The formulation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) in cationic liposomes is a promising strategy to improve the potency of DNA vaccines. In this respect, physicochemical parameters such as liposome size may be important for their efficacy. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of vesicle size on the in vivo performance of liposomal pDNA vaccines after subcutaneous vaccination in mice. The tissue distribution of cationic liposomes of two sizes, 500 nm (PDI 0.6) and 140 nm (PDI 0.15), composed of egg PC, DOPE and DOTAP, with encapsulated OVA-encoding pDNA, was studied by using dual radiolabeled pDNA-liposomes. Their potency to elicit cellular and humoral immune responses was investigated upon application in a homologous and heterologous vaccination schedule with 3 week intervals. It was shown that encapsulation of pDNA into cationic lipsomes resulted in deposition at the site of injection, and strongest retention was observed at large vesicle size. The vaccination studies demonstrated a more robust induction of OVA-specific, functional CD8+ T-cells and higher antibody levels upon vaccination with small monodisperse pDNA-liposomes, as compared to large heterodisperse liposomes or naked pDNA. The introduction of a PEG-coating on the small cationic liposomes resulted in enhanced lymphatic drainage, but immune responses were not improved when compared to non-PEGylated liposomes. In conclusion, it was shown that the physicochemical properties of the liposomes are of crucial importance for their performance as pDNA vaccine carrier, and cationic charge and small size are favorable properties for subcutaneous DNA vaccination.