944 resultados para multicultural societies


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The psychologists in the western world, including Australia, are required to be culturally competent due to the cultural diversity of these societies. Previous studies conducted in North America and Europe have found multicultural teaching, clinical experience with culturally diverse clients, and discussion of multicultural counselling issues in supervision to be related to the practitioner’s cultural competency. The present study examined factors contributing to trainee psychologists’ perceived level of cultural competence. It was hypothesised that multicultural teaching, clinical experience and supervision would be related to students’ level of cultural competence. One hundred and twenty seven postgraduate clinical psychology students completed an online survey battery that included demographic information, a social desirability measure, and the Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale (Khawaja, Gomez & Turner, 2009). This hypothesis was partially supported. Clinical experience and supervision focusing on multicultural issues were found to be related to participants’ perceived cultural competence, however, multicultural teaching was not. These results provide insight into how universities around Australia can facilitate future psychologists’ competence in working with clients from different cultural backgrounds.


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This article presents a reflection of the application of multiculturality principles into tertiary educational programs at the University of Los Andes, Bogota Colombia. The main focus of this paper is debating the concept of 'positive discrimination' as a challenge taken by educational centres in societies with cultural diversity populations.


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Multicultural leadership is a topic a great interest in nowadays globalized work environment. Colombia emerges as an attractive marketplace with appealing business opportunities, especially for German enterprises. After presenting Colombia’s current political, social and economic situation, the thesis elaborates the complex subject of cultural differences while focusing on the peculiarities of German and Colombian national cultures. The resulting implications for a team’s collaboration and leader effectiveness are theoretically supported with reference to the landmark studies of Hofstede and GLOBE. By utilizing semi-structured interview techniques, a qualitative research enriches the previous findings and gives an all-encompassing insight in German-Colombian teamwork. The investigation identifies distinctive behavioral patterns and relations, which imply challenges and factors of success for multicultural team leaders. Finally, a categorical analysis examines the influence of cultural traits on team performance and evaluates the effectiveness of the applied leadership style.


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The outdoor places are receiving more importance being contributing in the social cohesion and sustainability within societies. Providing comfortable sustainable urban places is an important factor affecting their success especially in multicultural areas where climatic conditions are perceived differently according to the diversity of users. Different design elements such as design form proved to be able to improve the outdoor thermal comfort. However, the integration of the climate dimension in the design process of outdoor places is lacking due to insufficient interdisciplinary work between urban climatology, and urban design. The main aim of the research is to examine the influence of cultural and climatic background on users’ thermal sensation and comfort within the same context. The methodology of the research is provided through quantitative analysis of a case study in Melbourne, Australia as one of the global cities characterized by the diversity and plurality of its population. The case study approach is adopted in order to examine the users’ thermal comfort within its contextual variables. Multiple sources of evidence such as climate measurements, questionnaires and observations are used to ensure the validity of results. The findings are to contribute to the quality and equality of design for outdoor urban places.


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Os fenómenos migratórios têm contribuído para a configuração de uma realidade sociocultural diversa que marca as sociedades do século XXI. Portugal não é exceção, sendo um dos países onde mais aumentou proporcionalmente a imigração legal permanente, fenómeno coexistente com a emigração da sua população. Neste contexto de migrações reconfiguram-se identidades, não apenas para os migrantes mas também para os autóctones, cuja (re)construção balança entre a semelhança e a diferença. Sem esta relação, a identidade fica comprometida, pois ela existe fundamentalmente pelo reconhecimento dos outros. A liberdade cultural e linguística é também uma dimensão do desenvolvimento humano, pelo que tem vindo a ganhar proeminência a promoção da diversidade linguística e cultural, e a consequente educação intercultural, que se assume como espaço privilegiado de reflexão e ação. Defende-se que a verdadeira integração dos imigrantes terá de ser multilingue e não pode ser realizada apagando as suas diferenças, nem obrigando-os a abandonar as suas línguas nativas e culturas. O domínio da Língua Portuguesa é uma das vias mais poderosas para a integração dos estrangeiros a residir em Portugal, tanto como garantia da autonomia individual que faculta o exercício de uma cidadania ativa, como de harmonia social ao nível coletivo. A escola portuguesa, atenta a este facto, vê reconhecida, por parte do Ministério da Educação, a Língua Portuguesa como fator de integração. Todavia, esse reconhecimento contrasta com a indiferença perante as línguas maternas dos alunos estrangeiros, ignorando-se, assim, um importante elemento das suas pertenças identitárias. Neste âmbito, alguns autores afirmam que a escola portuguesa nem sempre tem praticado uma verdadeira educação intercultural, adotando, pelo contrário, parte das características hegemónicas da cultura dominante, o que se traduz, por conseguinte, no esmagamento simbólico (coletivo) das culturas minoritárias. O nosso estudo usa as Representações Sociais como formas de conhecimento prático que permitem a compreensão do mundo e a comunicação, proporcionando coerência às dinâmicas sociais. Procurámos fazer, através delas, uma leitura da valorização da diversidade linguística e cultural na escola, uma vez que as Representações Sociais que se têm do Outro justificam a forma como se interage com ele e imprimem direção às relações intra e intergrupais. A investigação que aqui apresentamos procura dar primazia à “voz” do aluno como fonte de conhecimento, aos fenómenos, a partir das experiências interindividuais e intergrupais, e à forma como as pessoas experienciam e interpretam o mundo social que constroem interativamente. Para esse efeito, recolhemos dados através de entrevistas semidiretivas individuais junto de dez alunos autóctones e dez alunosestrangeiros de uma mesma escola. Complementarmente, realizámos entrevistas aos Encarregados de Educação de oito dos alunos entrevistados, quatro de cada grupo, aos cinco Diretores de Turma desses alunos e ao Diretor da escola. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, relacionada com um paradigma fenomenológico-interpretativo – os fenómenos humanos e educativos apresentam-se, na sua complexidade, intimamente relacionados e a sua compreensão exige a reconciliação entre a epistemologia e o compromisso ético. Procurando uma leitura global dos resultados obtidos, e à semelhança de alguns estudos, a nossa investigação demonstra que, ao não se promover proativamente uma educação intercultural – designadamente a sua função de crítica cultural e o combate a estereótipos e preconceitos que essencializam as diferenças do Outro culturalmente diverso –, a escola não prepara os alunos para a sociedade contemporânea, culturalmente diversa, dinâmica e com um elevado nível de incerteza, nem para uma abordagem positiva e frontal dos conflitos em toda a sua complexidade. À escola impõem-se ainda muitos desafios relativos às muitas diversidades que acolhe no seu seio, de forma a que todos aqueles que constituem a comunidade escolar – designadamente os alunos, sejam eles estrangeiros ou autóctones – se sintam parte integrante dela, respeitados tanto pelas suas raízes, como pelas múltiplas pertenças dinamicamente em (re)construção, como, ainda, pelos seus projetos de futuro. A informação, por si só, não promove a ação. Revela-se necessária a adoção de estratégias de intervenção que concretizem a informação nas práticas escolares quotidianas, que promovam encontros positivamente significativos, que favoreçam a igualdade social e o reconhecimento das diferenças e, ainda, que previnam atitudes discriminatórias. Para essas estratégias de intervenção serem uma constante no quotidiano das nossas escolas, a didática intercultural deve ser incentivada e operacionalizada, tanto na prática pedagógica como na formação inicial e contínua dos professores.


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Objectives. Considerable evidence suggests that enforcement efforts cannot fully explain the high degree of tax compliance. To resolve this puzzle of tax compliance, several researchers have argued that citizens' attitudes toward paying taxes, defined as tax morale, helps to explain the high degree of tax compliance. However, most studies have treated tax morale as a black box, without discussing which factors shape it. Additionally, the tax compliance literature provides little empirical research that investigates attitudes toward paying taxes in Europe. Methods. Thus, this article is unique in its examination of citizen tax morale within three multicultural European countries, Switzerland, Belgium, and Spain, a choice that allows far more detailed examination of the impact of culture and institutions using data sets from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey. Results. The results indicate the tendency that cultural and regional differences affect tax morale. Conclusion. The findings suggest that higher legitimacy for political institutions leads to higher tax morale.


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Like other nations, Australia has experienced significant change in the past few decades as its society has become increasingly diverse. The new cultures and traditions that result from ethnic and religious diversity have both enriched Australian society and presented it with some challenges. Other challenges have resulted from increased globalisation. For example, the economic fallout from the recent global financial crisis indicates that global issues can impact across a range of levels, from multinational corporations and nation-states to local sites and individual livelihoods. Some suggest that Australia fared better than other nations during this economic crisis because of its export trade with China. Although this is disputed by economists, it highlights another facet of change that is impacting on Australian society and this relates to Australia’s growing engagement with the nations of Asia. There is increasing awareness in education systems that if young people are to achieve their potential as future citizens they need to be able to negotiate the cultural, social, political and economic ties that connect them to the global and regional community through work, leisure and citizenship. Multicultural education, global studies and studies of Asia play a particular part in helping young people to: • appreciate cultural diversity within and beyond their own nation • imagine with some accuracy how others view their world • participate in shaping a better future. This chapter explores the origins, distinctions and common features of each approach.


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Over the past twenty years, the conventional knowledge management approach has evolved into a strategic management approach that has found applications and opportunities outside of business, in society at large, through education, urban development, governance, and healthcare, amongst others. Knowledge-Based Development for Cities and Socieities: Integrated Multi-Level Approaches enlightens the concepts and challenges of knowledge management for both urban environments and entire regions, enhancing the expertise and knowledge of scholars, resdearchers, practitioners, managers and urban developers in the development of successful knowledge-based development policies, creation of knowledte cities and prosperous knowledge societies. This reference creates large knowledge base for scholars, managers and urban developers and increases the awareness of the role of knowledge cities and knowledge socieiteis in the knowledge era, as well as of the challenges and opportunities for future research.