974 resultados para motivational factors


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Objetivo: El cuestionario Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ), indaga las barreras para ser físicamente activo. El cuestionario fue traducido al español por el mismo equipo que desarrolló la versión inglésa original, pero carece de estudios de validez en la versión española. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del BBAQ (en la versión completa de 21 ítems), centrándose en la fiabilidad y validez. Material y métodos: Un total de 2.634 (1.462 mujeres y 1.172 varones; 18-30 años de edad) estudiantes universitarios completaron el cuestionario BBAQ-21. El alfa de Crombach se estimó como indicador de consistencia interna. El coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (CCI) y el grado de acuerdo se calcularon para evaluar la estabilidad temporal con un periodo de 7 días entre ambas administraciones como estimadores de la reproducibilidad. Se aplicó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC) para analizar la validez del BBAQ-21 ítems. Resultados: El BBAQ-21 mostró valores de un alfa de Cronbach entre 0,812 y 0,844 y un CCI entre el 0,46 y 0,87. El porcentaje de acuerdo por todos los conceptos individuales varió de 45 a 80%. El AFE determinó cuatro factores que explicaron el 52,90% de la varianza y el AFC mostró moderadas cargas factoriales. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos en este cuestionario avalan la utilización de este instrumento con este tipo de muestra, desde el punto de vista de la fiabilidad y validez. El BBAQ-21 está disponible para evaluar las barreras para la actividad física en América Latina.


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O presente estudo, enquadrado na área de gestão de recursos humanos, tem como principal objectivo identificar os factores motivacionais que orientam a adesão à especialização, no grupo profissional dos enfermeiros. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratória, transversal, descritivo, analítico, comparativo e quantitativo. A população do estudo foi o grupo de enfermeiros portugueses, sendo a sua amostra composta por 150 enfermeiros. Este grupo foi seleccionado a partir de um processo de amostragem probabilística estratificada, sem reposição. O instrumento de recolha de dados foi o inquérito por questionário. Para o efeito usou-se o questionário da motivação para a formação (QMF) de Carré (2001), tendo sido já adaptado para a população portuguesa por Correia (2009). A formação contínua é uma condição importante no desenvolvimento do indivíduo, quer a nível pessoal, quer a nível profissional; assim como no desempenho da organização onde o indivíduo exerce a sua profissão. O presente trabalho pretende, assim, identificar os factores motivacionais na função de enfermeiro, e que conduzem à adesão da especialização, em particular ao Curso de Pós-Licenciatura em Enfermagem. Numa primeira parte, faz-se a definição e avaliação da função, desenhando-se um mapa de competências; identificando-se, em paralelo, os motivos/expectativas que levam estes profissionais da saúde à especialização desta mesma escala. Decorrente dos resultados obtidos, o presente trabalho conclui que as duas principais motivações dos enfermeiros para a frequência do CPLEE são a motivação extrínseca Operacional Pessoal e a motivação extrínseca Operacional Profissional. Foi ainda possível determinar que a idade, o género, o vínculo à instituição e a situação financeira também têm um papel decisivo no que concerne à motivação dos enfermeiros para a frequência do CPLEE. Este estudo permitiu ainda consolidar o questionário da motivação para a formação desenvolvido por Philippe Carré, aplicado à população portuguesa, de forma a analisar a motivação dos enfermeiros portugueses para a frequência do CPLEE. Quanto às implicações práticas, pretende-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento e melhoria das práticas de recursos humanos no sector da saúde. Balança-se aqui, consequentemente, um equilíbrio entre o diagnóstico organizacional, e a prescrição prática. Potencialmente, poderá servir de roadmap para áreas como o recrutamento e selecção, gestão de carreiras, formação e desenvolvimento, desenho de trabalho e de funções; e, adicionalmente, para uma melhor gestão académica do ensino pós-graduado, na carreira da enfermagem.


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A motivação organizacional é assunto que vem sendo estudado mais profundamente com o passar do tempo, buscando entender o que realmente faz com que o colaborador se sinta motivado para desenvolver suas atividades laborais. A fim de atingir o objetivo proposto nesta pesquisa foram estudados os aspectos motivacionais no ambiente de trabalho da área administrativa do hospital filantrópico Divina Providência, localizado no município de Marituba integrante da área metropolitana do Estado do Pará e, qual a percepção dos clientes em relação aos serviços prestados por estes profissionais. Para tanto, a primeira parte do estudo, apresenta uma pesquisa bibliográfica, com o objetivo de coletar contribuições de diversos autores sobre o tema motivação Estes aspectos foram estudados sob a égide de estudiosos como Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, Aldefer e Adams. O estudo justifica-se pela necessidade de serem obtidos dados que dizem respeito a aspectos objetivos e subjetivos que podem ser captados ou não na correlação entre os fatores motivacionais e o êxito dos serviços realizados. Face à natureza do problema, este estudo de caso tem como procedimento metodológico a aplicação e a análise de três questionários em três amostragens: colaboradores da área administrativa sem cargo de chefia, colaboradores que possuem cargo de chefia na área administrativa em dados sobre motivação laboral, clientes sobre a qualidade de serviços prestados pelo hospital. Por um lado, os dados evidenciaram uma visão realista em relação a motivação dos colaboradores. Mostrando ainda uma visão positiva em relação à qualidade dos serviços prestados. Os resultados expostos conseguiram demonstrar quais os principais fatores que representam a motivação dos colaboradores no trabalho além de visualizar a satisfação dos usuários com os serviços prestados.


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This article examines the adoption of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) crops in the European Union (EU) prior to its commercial release. A set of potential drivers including the implementation of coexistence measures by farmers, farmers’ own motivational factors (e.g. economic, environmental and technical factors) and perceived social pressure to accept or reject adoption may influence European Union farmers’ willingness to adopt GMHT oilseed rape and GMHT maize. The analysis includes economic and sociological factors. Results show that coexistence measures may hamper GMHT adoption in the EU.


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The importance of extensive literature reading in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context has been given increasing attention in recent research. Literature reading is also a required part of the national syllabi of the (EFL) courses offered to both adolescents and adults at Upper Secondary level in Sweden. This thesis aims to investigate the teachers’ process of making literature choices for extensive reading in upper secondary EFL courses in Sweden. Eight teachers of three different student groups took part in the study, representing adolescent university preparatory programs and vocational programs, as well as programs for adult students. Questionnaires were used and the data was analyzed for patterns revealing three main factors affecting teachers’ literature choice: language proficiency, reading experience and contextual factors. These three factors were fitted into the theoretical framework of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic reading models, with the addition of a perspective of motivational research. The results of this survey underline the importance of extensive reading, according to teachers, and that motivation for literature choice can be primarily related to factors associated with psycholinguistic reading models. The survey also points to the need for further investigating of teachers’ own experiences of literature reading, searching for deeper motivational factors which influence teaching choices. Another future field of research is the choice of reading activities assigned together with the chosen literature, which probably also influence teachers’ choices in the Swedish EFL classroom.


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The status and explanatory role of nutrition knowledge is uncertain in public health nutrition. Much of the uncertainty about this area has been generated by conceptual confusion about the nature of knowledge and behaviours, and, nutrition knowledge and food behaviours in particular. So the paper  describes several key concepts in some detail. The main argument is that 'nutrition knowledge' is a necessary but not sufficient factor for changes in consumers' food behaviours. Several classes of food behaviours and their causation are discussed. They are influenced by a number of environmental and intra-individual factors, including motivations. The interplay between motivational factors and information processing is important for nutrition promoters as is the distinction between declarative and procedural  knowledge. Consideration of the domains of nutrition knowledge shows that their utility is likely to be related to consumers' and nutritionists' particular goals and viewpoints. A brief survey of the recent literature shows that the evidence for the influence of nutrition knowledge on food behaviours is mixed. Nevertheless, recent work suggests that nutrition knowledge may play a small but pivotal role in the adoption of healthier food habits. The implications of this overview for public health nutrition are: (i) We need to pay greater attention to the development of children's and adults' knowledge frameworks (schema building); (ii) There is a need for a renewed proactive role for the education sector; (iii) We need to take account of consumers' personal food goals and their acquisition of procedural knowledge which will enable them to attain their goals; (iv) Finally, much more research into the ways people learn and use food-related knowledge is required in the form of experimental interventions and longitudinal studies.


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Behavioural symptoms of dementia, such as wandering, aggression, and restlessness, are commonly manifested by residents of long-term residential facilities, and are associated with a range of negative outcomes. This paper reviews the literature on the efficacy of psychoeducation programs to improve the skills of residential care staff in managing these symptoms. The benefits and limitations of this approach are illustrated through presentation of case studies from clinical practice, with a focus on organisational and motivational factors. Preliminary data from a psychoeducation program delivered by an Aged Persons Mental Health Team are presented. Recommendations are made for future research and practice.


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In order to promote healthful nutrition, insight is needed into the determinants of nutrition behaviours. Behavioural determinant research and behavioural nutrition interventions have focused mostly on individual-level motivational factors. It has been argued that the individual's socio-cultural and physical environments may be the main determinants of nutrition behaviours. However, the theoretical basis and empirical evidence for environmental determinants of nutrition behaviours are not strong. The present paper is a narrative review informed by a series of systematic reviews and recent original studies on associations between environmental factors and nutrition behaviours to provide an overview and discussion of the evidence for environmental correlates and predictors of nutrition behaviour. Although the number of studies on potential environmental determinants of nutrition behaviours has increased steeply over the last decades, they include only a few well-designed studies with validated measures and guided by sound theoretical frameworks. The preliminary evidence from the available systematic reviews indicates that socio-cultural environmental factors defining what is socially acceptable, desirable and appropriate to eat may be more important for healthful eating than physical environments that define the availability and accessibility of foods. It is concluded that there is a lack of well-designed studies on environmental determinants of healthful eating behaviours. Preliminary evidence indicates that social environmental factors may be more important than physical environmental factors for healthful eating. Better-designed studies are needed to further build evidence-based theory on environmental determinants to guide the development of interventions to promote healthful eating.


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This research paper provides a more encompassing review of self-assessment of a variety of knowledge worker activities, as well as providing the basis for these self assessments. A novel aspect is the inclusion of motivational affects which are considered alongside work environment influences on productivity. A questionnaire was administered on 25 academics. The group was questioned for their perceptions of their productivity for a range of their everyday activities and what areas of their work environment enhanced or disrupted their productivity. Job satisfaction was also assessed. The results from a series of self-assessments show that on the whole, the sample perceive themselves to be reasonably to very productive in all tasks undertaken. Staff satisfaction measures are generally very positive with collaboration and job enjoyment being motivational factors for this group. Noise levels, thermal conditions, poor lighting and a lack of storage seem to be the biggest inhibitors of productivity. Having a window to look out of and access to natural light seem to enhance an academics view of their productivity.


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Heightened competition both on a global and national level has raised the bar regarding the expectations that sport organisations have of their coaches. Using the Self-Determination Theory (SOT), which emphasizes the distinction between intrinsically- and extrinsically- driven behaviours, the current study investigated the specific intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate professional soccer coaches in South Africa to coach. A non-experimental design using a quantitative approach to assess the motives of individual involvement of coaches in South Africa was employed. The Coach Motivation Scale (CMS) designed to assess motivational factors in coaching was administered to a purposive sample of 112 soccer coaches. Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the number and nature of factors of the underlying structure of the data. In addition, correlation analysis was conducted on the data set. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlated significantly with highest academic qualification. Arising from the findings of the study implications for further study are suggested and recommendations made.


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Older Australians are confronted by dramatic changes in their physical, social, financial, and psychological well-being. There are social costs to these changes related to their productivity and increased costs associated with caring for older Australians. Greater community engagement through voluntary work practice may minimize these costs, as well as positively influence volunteers' subjective quality of life (QOL). This study investigates the motivations for older Australians to engage in formal voluntary work. It seeks to identify whether the motivational factors to volunteer are associated with individuals' subjective QOL. The results indicate a positive relationship between older people's motivations to volunteer and their subjective QOL. This association is strengthened by respondents' community orientation, positive perception of voluntary work, positive personal attitudes toward volunteering, and their self-esteem. The role of policy makers in motivating larger participation by the older groups is discussed.


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Crowdsourcing in recent times has become popular among not-for-profits as a means of eliciting members of the public to contribute to activities that would normally have been carried out by staff or by contracting external expertise. The GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) sector does have a history of involving online volunteers (e.g. reviewing books). Extending that tradition, some GLAM institutions are engaging in crowdsourcing projects to enhance and enrich their collections. But what motivates the public to participate in these crowdsourcing activities? Understanding the unique motivations of participants is needed to establish a motivational framework for GLAM organisations in their not-for-profit context. We present findings from a study of the motivational factors affecting participation in the Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program (ANDP) by the National Library of Australia (NLA). Based on motivational theories and frameworks the study shows that the participants are motivated by a complex framework of personal, collective and external factors. Participants were highly intrinsically motivated, but valued altruistic and community motivations as well. Community and external factors played a vital role in their continued involvement. The paper concludes with a conceptual framework of the motivational factors for crowdsourcing participants in a GLAM context based on the motivational dynamics observed in the ANDP case.


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The article describes the importance of motivational factors through an analysis of the core TAM constructs in the context of marketing IS evaluation. We argue that our findings compliment current IS evaluation strategy, specially for measuring motivational elements for online IS. The study consequently provides an empirical validation of the importance of motivational and behavioural factors. Through an experimental analysis we evaluated the relative importance of perceived enjoyment with perceived usefulness of using an online website for shopping purposes and found that enjoyment was by far the dominant predictor of attitude towards online shopping. The result illustrates that in terms of IS evaluation online environments have moved from being functional online applications to being functional, engaging and interactive online IS (e.g. websites).


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This research examined how individual differences in coping styles and drinking motives are associated with personality in the prediction of alcohol use.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to argue in support of a model that shows how four key HRM practices focused on engagement influence organizational climate, job demands and job resources, the psychological experiences of safety, meaningfulness and availability at work, employee engagement, and individual, group and organizational performance and competitive advantage.
Design/methodology/approach - This conceptual review focuses on the research evidence showing interrelationships between organizational context factors, job factors, individual employee psychological and motivational factors, employee outcomes, organizational outcomes and competitive advantage. The proposed model integrates frameworks that have previously run independently in the HR and engagement literatures.
Findings - The authors conclude that HRM practitioners need to move beyond the routine administration of annual engagement surveys and need to embed engagement in HRM policies and practices such personnel selection, socialization, performance management, and training and development.
Practical implications - The authors offer organizations clear guidelines for how HR practices (i.e. selection, socialization, performance management, training) can be used to facilitate and improve employee engagement and result in positive outcomes that will help organizations achieve a competitive advantage.
Originality/value - The authors provide useful new insights for researchers and management professionals wishing to embed engagement within the fabric of HRM policies and practices and employee behaviour, and organizational outcomes.