969 resultados para molaR


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Objetivo: En este estudio evaluamos la eficacia analgésica del diclofenaco sódico en comparación con el ibuprofeno, después de la extracción quirúrgica de un tercer molar inferior incluido. Diseño de estudio: Los pacientes que participaron en el estudio fueron distribuidos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos. Uno fue el grupo ibuprofeno y el otro el grupo diclofenaco. La intervención practicada fue la extracción quirúrgica de un tercer molar inferior cuya dificultad fue determinada en función del grado de inclusión en todos los pacientes. Las variables registradas fueron la intensidad del dolor y la necesidad de medicación de rescate durante un periodo de una semana. Los registros se realizaron una vez al día a la misma hora y registrados en un cuaderno por parte del paciente. Resultados: Un total de 81 pacientes (87.1%) fueron incluidos en el estudio. Los valores fueron similares en las primeras 48 horas postoperatorias, pero a partir del tercer día existió una tendencia del grupo diclofenaco a mostrar valores de dolor superiores, aunque sin llegar a existir diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0.05). Esta tendencia a presentar mayor dolor durante el periodo postoperatorio en el grupo diclofenaco también se vio reflejada en el requerimiento del analgésico de rescate y en el número de comprimidos empleados. Conclusiones: No se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a la eficacia analgésica del diclofenaco sódico respecto al ibuprofeno, aunque sí pudo observarse una mayor tendencia hacia la necesidad de más medicación suplementaria durante los 2 primeros días del postoperatorio en el grupo diclofenaco pero sin adquirir significación estadística (p>0.05).


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Objectives: To determine the incidence, severity and duration of lingual tactile and gustatory function impairments after lower third molar removal. Study Design: Prospective cohort study with intra-subject measures of 16 patients undergoing lower third molar extractions. Sensibility and gustatory functions were evaluated in each subject preoperatively, one week and one month after the extraction, using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments and 5 different concentrations of NaCl, respectively. Additionally, all patients filled a questionnaire to assess subjective perceptions. Results: Although patients did not perceive any sensibility impairments, a statistically significant decrease was detected when Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. This alteration was present at one week after the surgical procedure and fully recovered one month after the extraction. There were no variations regarding the gustatory function. Conclusions: Lower third molar removal under local anesthesia may cause light lingual sensibility impairment. Most of these alterations remain undetected to patients. These lingual nerve injuries are present one week after the extraction and recover one month after surgery. The taste seems to remain unaffected after these procedures.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and clinical symptoms associated with sharp mandibular bone irregularities (SMBI) after lower third molar extraction and to identify possible risk factors for this complication. Study Design: A mixed study design was used. A retrospective cohort study of 1432 lower third molar extractions was done to determine the incidence of SMBI and a retrospective case-control study was done to determine potential demographic and etiologic factors by comparing those patients with postoperative SMBI with controls. Results: Twelve SMBI were found (0.84%). Age was the most important risk factor for this complication. The operated side and the presence of an associated radiolucent image were also significantly related to the development of mandibular bone irregularities. The depth of impaction of the tooth might also be an important factor since erupted or nearly erupted third molars were more frequent in the SMBI group. Conclusions: SMBI are a rare postoperative complication after lower third molar removal. Older patients having left side lower third molars removed are more likely to develop this problem. The treatment should be the removal of the irregularity when the patient is symptomatic


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We intend to divulge an easy experiment that permits the determination of molar masses of various compounds by cryoscopy. The major advantage of this is the use of the tert-butyl alcohol as a solvent, which requires simple apparatus and easy procedures. The melting point of this alcohol is around 25 ºC, which makes it easy to freeze and then melt the solutions. This solvent has a high cryoscopic constant and is miscible with both polar and non-polar compounds. The molar masses of acetone, water, chloroform, dichloro-methane, ethanol, hexane, carbon tetrachloride and toluene were determined. The results were good except for water. Even though there are reliable techniques of molar mass determination nowadays, this method is still frequently taught in undergraduate courses.


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The main topics related to the use of dual-site catalysts in the production of polymers with broad molecular weight distribution are reviewed. The polymerization using dual-site catalysts is more economical and allows to produce a higher quality product than other processes, such as polymer blend and multistage reactors. However, the formulation of these catalysts is quite complicated since the same catalyst must produce distinct polymer grades. In addition, the release of patents concerning the combination of metallocenes and new technologies for polymerization shows that polymerization processes using dual-site catalysts are of current industrial interest.


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Over the last decade, evidences have been shown that the wood biodegradation by fungi is not only a result of the action of their enzymatic machinery but also of various low molecular weight non-enzymatic compounds, especially in fungi that promote brown and white decay, which in nature are the major wood decaying microorganisms. The present review focuses on the recent theories involving these low molecular weight compounds that act direct or synergistically with lignocellulolytic enzymes to attack the wood main macromolecular constituents, their relevance as potential degradative systems, in the overall wood biodegradation, and also outlines their potential biotechnological applications.


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Determination of organic acids in soils and organic materials is important due to the important role they play in improving the soil's physical, chemical and microbiological conditions. This study identified and quantified low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) in soils (dystroferric Red Latosol, dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol and Quartzarenic Neosol) and organic materials (cow, pig, chicken, quail and horse manures, sawdust, coconut fiber, pine bark, coffee husks, biochar, organic substrate, sewage sludges 1 and 2, garbage compost, pig slurry compost). The following acids were identified: acetic, citric, D-malic, formic, fumaric, maleic, malonic, oxalic, quinic, shikimic, succinic and tartaric.


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Pressão interna, volume livre, refração molar e propriedades termodinâmicas de excesso de misturas líquidas binárias de dimetil sulfóxido + tiofeno e dimetil sulfóxido + piridina a 298.15K foram calculadas a partir de medidas experimentais de densidades, tensão superficial e índice de refração. A relação entre a pressão interna, volume molar de excesso, refração molar, e a interação molecular dos sistemas binários é examinada.


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OBJETIVO: determinar se a apresentação clínica da mola hidatiforme tem mudado nos últimos anos (1992-1998) quando comparada a registros históricos de controle (1960-1981). MÉTODOS: foram revisadas 80 fichas de pacientes com mola hidatiforme acompanhadas entre 1960-1981 no Centro de Neoplasia Trofoblástica Gestacional da Santa Casa da Misericórdia (Rio de Janeiro Brasil) e as de 801 pacientes atendidas entre 1992-1998 no mesmo centro. Foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: idade, número de gestações, sangramento vaginal, hiperêmese, edema dos membros inferiores, hipertensão arterial, útero grande para a idade gestacional e cistos teca-luteínicos dos ovários. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes do qui-quadrado e o cálculo do odds ratio (OR) com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. RESULTADOS: com relação à idade, a ocorrência de mola em pacientes com menos de 15 anos ou mais de 40 foi significativamente mais freqüente no grupo II do que no grupo I; quanto ao número de gestações, a diferença entre os dois grupos só não foi significativa entre aquelas pacientes que gestavam pela terceira e quarta vez. A hipertensão arterial, foi detectada em porcentagem semelhante nos dois grupos e útero grande para a idade gestacional foi mais freqüente no grupo II (41,4 vs 31,2% - p <0,05; OR: 1,5; IC: 1,0-2,3). Todos os outros elementos clínicos foram menos freqüentes no grupo II do que no grupo I. O sangramento vaginal permaneceu o elemento clínico mais freqüente, ocorrendo em 76,9% das pacientes do grupo II e 98,7% das pacientes do grupo I (p < 0,05; OR: 0,04; IC: 0,030,04). Também foram menos freqüente no grupo II quando comparado com grupo I a hiperêmese (36,5% vs 45% - p < 0,05; OR: 0,7; IC: 0,40,9); edema (12,7% vs 20% - p < 0,05; OR: 0,5; IC: 0,30,8); e cistose ovariana (16,4 vs 41,2% - p < 0,05 OR: 0,3; IC: 0,20,4). A ultra-sonografia foi o meio diagnóstico mais comum (89,2%), e o grande responsável pelo rastreio precoce da gravidez molar. CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se haver diminuição da sintomatologia tradicional nas pacientes com mola hidatiforme quando comparadas a controle histórico, devendo-se o fato ao diagnóstico precoce proporcionado pela ultra-sonografia.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a utilidade da curva de regressão normal da gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG) no diagnóstico precoce de neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional pós-molar (NTG). MÉTODOS: estudo longitudinal, incluindo 105 pacientes com mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) acompanhadas no Centro de Doenças Trofoblásticas de Botucatu, entre 1998 e 2005. Os títulos da hCG sérica foram mensurados quinzenalmente em todas as pacientes. Curvas individuais de regressão da hCG das 105 pacientes foram estabelecidas. A comparação entre a curva de regressão normal estabelecida em nosso serviço com as curvas individuais da hCG foi usada no rastreamento e diagnóstico (platô/ascensão) de NTG. O número de semanas pós-esvaziamento quando a hCG excedeu o limite normal foi comparado com o número semanas em que a hCG apresentou platô/ascensão. RESULTADOS: das 105 pacientes com MHC, 80 apresentaram remissão espontânea (RE) e 25 desenvolveram NTG. Das 80 pacientes com RE, 7 (8,7%) apresentaram, inicialmente, dosagem da hCG acima do normal, mas, no devido tempo, alcançaram a remissão. Todas as 25 pacientes com NTG apresentaram desvio da curva normal da hCG em 3,8±2,5 semanas e mostraram platô ou ascensão em 8,4±2,9 semanas (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: a curva de regressão normal da hCG pós-molar pode ser útil para diagnóstico de NTG.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Curso de Mestrado Profissional em Saúde Materno-Infantil da Universidade Federal Fluminense, como requisito para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Saúde Materno-Infantil. Área de Concentração: Saúde da Mulher e da Criança, em 16 de maio de 2014.OBJETIVO: avaliar o risco da ocorrência de neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG) após a normalização da gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG) no seguimento pós-molar. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, tipo coorte não concorrente, colaborativo interinstitucional, realizado nos Centros de Referência em Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional da SCMRJ, HUAP-UFF, ME-UFRJ, HC-UNESP e HC-UFG. Foram analisados dos prontuários médicos de pacientes acompanhadas nesses Serviços, entre os anos de 2002 e 2013. Esse projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. RESULTADOS: entre as pacientes que cursaram com remissão espontânea, 10 (0,4% - 1 em cada 201 casos de MH) evoluíram com NTG após a normalização de hCG (p<0,0001; IC95% 0,2–0,7). Quando se analisa o risco de NTG após a normalização de hCG nos diferentes tipos de gravidez molar, observou-se sua ocorrência em 9/2016 (0,4% - 1 em cada 224 casos) dentre as pacientes com mola hidatiforme completa - MHC (p<0,0001; IC95% 0,2–0,7), de 1/982 (0,1% - 1 em cada 985 casos) dentre as pacientes com mola hidatiforme parcial - MHP (p<0,0001; IC95% 0,02–0,5) e em nenhuma das pacientes com gravidez molar gemelar - GMG. Consoante o tempo de normalização de hCG, a ocorrência de NTG foi observada em 1/1595 (0,06% - 1 em cada 1595 casos de MH) das pacientes cujo hCG normalizou com menos de 56 dias (p<0,0001; IC95% 0,01–0,3), enquanto que entre aquelas cujo hCG normalizou com mais de 56 dias a NTG ocorreu em 9/1416 (0,6% - 1 em cada 157 casos de MH) das pacientes (p<0,0001; IC95% 0,3–1,1), exibindo um OR de 10,19 (p=0,02; IC95% 1,29–80,58). CONCLUSÕES: o risco de NTG após a normalização de hCG é ínfimo. Parece-nos razoável que seja dada alta para a paciente com MHP após a primeira dosagem normal de hCG. Nos casos de MHC e GMG, esse seguimento deve ser mantido por 6 meses.


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Third molar extraction is a common procedure frequently accompanied by moderate or severe pain, and involves sufficient numbers of patients to make studies relatively easy to perform. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and safety of the therapeutic combination of 10 mg piroxicam, 1 mg dexamethasone, 35 mg orphenadrine citrate, and 2.5 mg cyanocobalamin (Rheumazin®) when compared with 20 mg piroxicam alone (Feldene®) in mandibular third molar surgery. Eighty patients scheduled for removal of the third molar were included in this randomized and double-blind study. They received (vo) Rheumazin or Feldene 30 min after tooth extraction and once daily for 4 consecutive days. Pain was determined by a visual analogue scale and by the need for escape analgesia (paracetamol). Facial swelling was evaluated with a measuring tape and adverse effects and patient satisfaction were recorded. There was no statistically significant difference in facial swelling between Rheumazin and Feldene (control group). Both drugs were equally effective in the control of pain, with Rheumazin displaying less adverse effects than Feldene. Therefore, Rheumazin appears to provide a better risk/benefit ratio in the mandibular molar surgery. Since the side effects resulting from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration are a severe limitation to the routine use of these drugs in clinical practice, our results suggest that Rheumazin can be a good choice for third molar removal treatment.


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We compared the clinical efficacy of orally administered valdecoxib and piroxicam for the prevention of pain, trismus and swelling after removal of horizontally and totally intrabony impacted lower third molars. Twenty-five patients were scheduled to undergo removal of symmetrically positioned lower third molars in two separate appointments. Valdecoxib (40 mg) or piroxicam (20 mg) was administered in a double-blind, randomized and crossed manner for 4 days after the surgical procedures. Objective and subjective parameters were recorded for comparison of postoperative courses. Both agents were effective for postoperative pain relief (N = 19). There was a similar mouth opening at suture removal compared with the preoperative values (86.14 ± 4.36 and 93.12 ± 3.70% of the initial measure for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA). There was no significant difference regarding the total amount of rescue medication taken by the patients treated with valdecoxib or piroxicam (173.08 ± 91.21 and 461.54 ± 199.85 mg, respectively; Wilcoxon test). There were no significant differences concerning the swelling observed on the second postoperative day compared to baseline measures (6.15 ± 1.84 and 8.46 ± 2.04 mm for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA) or on the seventh postoperative day (1.69 ± 1.61 and 2.23 ± 2.09 mm for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA). The cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor valdecoxib is as effective as the non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor piroxicam for pain, trismus and swelling control after removal of horizontally and totally intrabony impacted lower third molars.