702 resultados para mobile telephony
The purpose of this paper is to increase current empirical evidence on the relevance of real options for explaining firm investment decisions in oligopolistic markets. We study an actual investment case in the Spanish mobile telephony industry, the entrant in the market of a new operator, Yoigo. We analyze the option to abandon in order to show the relevance of the possibility of selling the company in an oligopolistic market where competitors are not allowed free entrance. The NPV (net present value) of the new entrant is calculated as a starting point. Then, based on the general approach proposed by Copeland and Antikarov (2001), a binomial tree is used to model managerial flexibility in discrete time periods, and value the option to abandon. The strike price of the option is calculated based on incremental EBITDA margins due to selling customers or merging with a competitor.
The extraordinary increase of new information technologies, the development of Internet, the electronic commerce, the e-government, mobile telephony and future cloud computing and storage, have provided great benefits in all areas of society. Besides these, there are new challenges for the protection of information, such as the loss of confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents. Cryptography plays a key role by providing the necessary tools to ensure the safety of these new media. It is imperative to intensify the research in this area, to meet the growing demand for new secure cryptographic techniques. The theory of chaotic nonlinear dynamical systems and the theory of cryptography give rise to the chaotic cryptography, which is the field of study of this thesis. The link between cryptography and chaotic systems is still subject of intense study. The combination of apparently stochastic behavior, the properties of sensitivity to initial conditions and parameters, ergodicity, mixing, and the fact that periodic points are dense, suggests that chaotic orbits resemble random sequences. This fact, and the ability to synchronize multiple chaotic systems, initially described by Pecora and Carroll, has generated an avalanche of research papers that relate cryptography and chaos. The chaotic cryptography addresses two fundamental design paradigms. In the first paradigm, chaotic cryptosystems are designed using continuous time, mainly based on chaotic synchronization techniques; they are implemented with analog circuits or by computer simulation. In the second paradigm, chaotic cryptosystems are constructed using discrete time and generally do not depend on chaos synchronization techniques. The contributions in this thesis involve three aspects about chaotic cryptography. The first one is a theoretical analysis of the geometric properties of some of the most employed chaotic attractors for the design of chaotic cryptosystems. The second one is the cryptanalysis of continuos chaotic cryptosystems and finally concludes with three new designs of cryptographically secure chaotic pseudorandom generators. The main accomplishments contained in this thesis are: v Development of a method for determining the parameters of some double scroll chaotic systems, including Lorenz system and Chua’s circuit. First, some geometrical characteristics of chaotic system have been used to reduce the search space of parameters. Next, a scheme based on the synchronization of chaotic systems was built. The geometric properties have been employed as matching criterion, to determine the values of the parameters with the desired accuracy. The method is not affected by a moderate amount of noise in the waveform. The proposed method has been applied to find security flaws in the continuous chaotic encryption systems. Based on previous results, the chaotic ciphers proposed by Wang and Bu and those proposed by Xu and Li are cryptanalyzed. We propose some solutions to improve the cryptosystems, although very limited because these systems are not suitable for use in cryptography. Development of a method for determining the parameters of the Lorenz system, when it is used in the design of two-channel cryptosystem. The method uses the geometric properties of the Lorenz system. The search space of parameters has been reduced. Next, the parameters have been accurately determined from the ciphertext. The method has been applied to cryptanalysis of an encryption scheme proposed by Jiang. In 2005, Gunay et al. proposed a chaotic encryption system based on a cellular neural network implementation of Chua’s circuit. This scheme has been cryptanalyzed. Some gaps in security design have been identified. Based on the theoretical results of digital chaotic systems and cryptanalysis of several chaotic ciphers recently proposed, a family of pseudorandom generators has been designed using finite precision. The design is based on the coupling of several piecewise linear chaotic maps. Based on the above results a new family of chaotic pseudorandom generators named Trident has been designed. These generators have been specially designed to meet the needs of real-time encryption of mobile technology. According to the above results, this thesis proposes another family of pseudorandom generators called Trifork. These generators are based on a combination of perturbed Lagged Fibonacci generators. This family of generators is cryptographically secure and suitable for use in real-time encryption. Detailed analysis shows that the proposed pseudorandom generator can provide fast encryption speed and a high level of security, at the same time. El extraordinario auge de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, el desarrollo de Internet, el comercio electrónico, la administración electrónica, la telefonía móvil y la futura computación y almacenamiento en la nube, han proporcionado grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Junto a éstos, se presentan nuevos retos para la protección de la información, como la suplantación de personalidad y la pérdida de la confidencialidad e integridad de los documentos electrónicos. La criptografía juega un papel fundamental aportando las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la seguridad de estos nuevos medios, pero es imperativo intensificar la investigación en este ámbito para dar respuesta a la demanda creciente de nuevas técnicas criptográficas seguras. La teoría de los sistemas dinámicos no lineales junto a la criptografía dan lugar a la ((criptografía caótica)), que es el campo de estudio de esta tesis. El vínculo entre la criptografía y los sistemas caóticos continúa siendo objeto de un intenso estudio. La combinación del comportamiento aparentemente estocástico, las propiedades de sensibilidad a las condiciones iniciales y a los parámetros, la ergodicidad, la mezcla, y que los puntos periódicos sean densos asemejan las órbitas caóticas a secuencias aleatorias, lo que supone su potencial utilización en el enmascaramiento de mensajes. Este hecho, junto a la posibilidad de sincronizar varios sistemas caóticos descrita inicialmente en los trabajos de Pecora y Carroll, ha generado una avalancha de trabajos de investigación donde se plantean muchas ideas sobre la forma de realizar sistemas de comunicaciones seguros, relacionando así la criptografía y el caos. La criptografía caótica aborda dos paradigmas de diseño fundamentales. En el primero, los criptosistemas caóticos se diseñan utilizando circuitos analógicos, principalmente basados en las técnicas de sincronización caótica; en el segundo, los criptosistemas caóticos se construyen en circuitos discretos u ordenadores, y generalmente no dependen de las técnicas de sincronización del caos. Nuestra contribución en esta tesis implica tres aspectos sobre el cifrado caótico. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis teórico de las propiedades geométricas de algunos de los sistemas caóticos más empleados en el diseño de criptosistemas caóticos vii continuos; en segundo lugar, se realiza el criptoanálisis de cifrados caóticos continuos basados en el análisis anterior; y, finalmente, se realizan tres nuevas propuestas de diseño de generadores de secuencias pseudoaleatorias criptográficamente seguros y rápidos. La primera parte de esta memoria realiza un análisis crítico acerca de la seguridad de los criptosistemas caóticos, llegando a la conclusión de que la gran mayoría de los algoritmos de cifrado caóticos continuos —ya sean realizados físicamente o programados numéricamente— tienen serios inconvenientes para proteger la confidencialidad de la información ya que son inseguros e ineficientes. Asimismo una gran parte de los criptosistemas caóticos discretos propuestos se consideran inseguros y otros no han sido atacados por lo que se considera necesario más trabajo de criptoanálisis. Esta parte concluye señalando las principales debilidades encontradas en los criptosistemas analizados y algunas recomendaciones para su mejora. En la segunda parte se diseña un método de criptoanálisis que permite la identificaci ón de los parámetros, que en general forman parte de la clave, de algoritmos de cifrado basados en sistemas caóticos de Lorenz y similares, que utilizan los esquemas de sincronización excitador-respuesta. Este método se basa en algunas características geométricas del atractor de Lorenz. El método diseñado se ha empleado para criptoanalizar eficientemente tres algoritmos de cifrado. Finalmente se realiza el criptoanálisis de otros dos esquemas de cifrado propuestos recientemente. La tercera parte de la tesis abarca el diseño de generadores de secuencias pseudoaleatorias criptográficamente seguras, basadas en aplicaciones caóticas, realizando las pruebas estadísticas, que corroboran las propiedades de aleatoriedad. Estos generadores pueden ser utilizados en el desarrollo de sistemas de cifrado en flujo y para cubrir las necesidades del cifrado en tiempo real. Una cuestión importante en el diseño de sistemas de cifrado discreto caótico es la degradación dinámica debida a la precisión finita; sin embargo, la mayoría de los diseñadores de sistemas de cifrado discreto caótico no ha considerado seriamente este aspecto. En esta tesis se hace hincapié en la importancia de esta cuestión y se contribuye a su esclarecimiento con algunas consideraciones iniciales. Ya que las cuestiones teóricas sobre la dinámica de la degradación de los sistemas caóticos digitales no ha sido totalmente resuelta, en este trabajo utilizamos algunas soluciones prácticas para evitar esta dificultad teórica. Entre las técnicas posibles, se proponen y evalúan varias soluciones, como operaciones de rotación de bits y desplazamiento de bits, que combinadas con la variación dinámica de parámetros y con la perturbación cruzada, proporcionan un excelente remedio al problema de la degradación dinámica. Además de los problemas de seguridad sobre la degradación dinámica, muchos criptosistemas se rompen debido a su diseño descuidado, no a causa de los defectos esenciales de los sistemas caóticos digitales. Este hecho se ha tomado en cuenta en esta tesis y se ha logrado el diseño de generadores pseudoaleatorios caóticos criptogr áficamente seguros.
Este trabajo fin de máster se integra con el sistema Localiza, un sistema previamente desarrollado para la localización bajo demanda de personas que requieran un cierto grado de supervisión. El proyecto amplia las funciones del sistema Localiza, añadiendo una nueva funcionalidad que permita a un usuario con movilidad reducida controlar su dispositivo móvil a través de su ordenador personal. Este proyecto se integra con el proyecto Localiza bajo el título: “Desarrollo de una herramienta software para el manejo de un teléfono móvil adaptada a personas con discapacidad física severa”. El proyecto citado se centra en el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil, que se comunicara con el ordenador personal del usuario. El desarrollo del sistema residente en el ordenador personal, es el ámbito central que ocupa a este trabajo fin de Master. El usuario final al que está destinada la aplicación desarrollada en este proyecto, es un usuario con grado de discapacidad motórica, de forma que con ligeros movimientos de cabeza sea capaz de controlar remotamente el terminal móvil a través de un ordenador personal. El objetivo principal del proyecto es el control remoto de un terminal móvil desde un ordenador personal. La comunicación entre el terminal móvil y el ordenador personal se ha realizado bajo el protocolo Bluetooth. Para desarrollar la aplicación residente en el ordenador personal, se ha utilizado la plataforma Java. SUMMARY. This Master Tesis develops an application, which is intended to provide an added value to the already existing project Localiza, on-demand position system for people with severe disabilities. This project extends the functions of the Localiza system, adding a new feature that allows a user with limited mobility to control their mobile device. This project is integrated with the project under the title: “Desarrollo de una herramienta software para el manejo de un teléfono móvil adaptada a personas con discapacidad física severa”. The above project it is focused on the development of mobile application and the development of the application that resides in the personal computer is the main work of this project. Both projects are closely related and together they complement. The end-user of the application that is developed in this project is a person with motor disabilities. This person may control the computer mouse with slight head movements. The aim of this project is to facilitate the access to the personal computer and to the mobile telephony environment for disabled people. The Communication between the mobile and personal computer has been conducted under the Bluetooth protocol. To develop the application resident on the personal computer have been used the Java platform.
El presente proyecto desarrolla una aplicación residente en un terminal móvil, que pretende proporcionar un valor añadido al actual proyecto Localiza, sistema de localización bajo demanda para personas con discapacidad severa. Mediante el desarrollo de este proyecto se pretende facilitar el acceso al teléfono móvil y al ordenador a las personas con discapacidad motriz. El objetivo final es ser capaz de controlar un teléfono móvil por medio de control remoto, mediante el uso de un ordenador personal. Para ello se establece una conexión remota entre el terminal móvil y el ordenador personal, a través del protocolo de comunicación Bluetooth. De este modo, a través de la aplicación móvil se transmite la información de posición de las coordenadas, proporcionada por el acelerómetro del terminal, a un servicio instalado en el ordenador que se encarga de gestionar la información recibida, y así crear las interrupciones pertinentes en el sistema operativo para mover el puntero del ratón. Para controlar el teléfono móvil de forma remota se dispondrá de un emulador de telefonía móvil instalado en el ordenador que implemente las funciones básicas de control de llamadas. Por medio de comunicación Bluetooth, las acciones que realice el usuario en emulador serán invocadas en el propio terminal móvil. SUMMARY. The project presented develops a mobile application, which is intended to provide an added value to the already existing project Localiza, on-demand position system for people with severe disabilities. This project aims to facilitate the access to the personal computer and to the mobile telephony environment for disabled people. The main goal is to be able to control a mobile phone by remote control, using a personal computer. Thus, a remote connexion will to be established between the mobile device and the personal computer, through Bluetooth communication protocol. Thus, the mobile application will transmit the coordinate’s position, provided by the accelerometer of the mobile device, to a Bluetooth service running in the personal computer. That service will be in charge of managing the information received in order to create the interruptions on the operational system for moving the mouse pointer. The remote controlling of the mobile device is carried out using a mobile telephony emulator installed in the personal computer, which will implement the basic functionality of calling control. Using Bluetooth communication, the user actions done in the emulator interface will be invoked on the mobile device itself.
Esta tese apresenta um estudo de linguagem para a produção de obras audiovisuais de caráter interativo. Esse estudo justifica-se pela demanda existente nesse campo, em especial para produtos aplicáveis a ambientes de exibição que proporcionam interatividade aos usuários, como a televisão digital interativa, a Internet e a telefonia móvel. Foram estudados conceitos que serviram de base para a tese, como os de montagem audiovisual, de interatividade e de linguagem, informações fundamentais para o desenvolvimento desta proposta. O objetivo da tese foi constatar se há uma linguagem audiovisual que ofereça um formato de produção e exibição de um cinema que seja interativo, sem a pretensão de substituir os formatos tradicionais. Esta pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, é participativa, e adota, como procedimento metodológico, o quase-experimental. A amostragem foi intencional ou de seleção racional, e, por meio do experimento seguido de um questionário de perguntas fechadas, obtivemos resultados qualitativos sobre a tese. Para tanto, foi produzido um vídeo do gênero documentário especificamente para o experimento, além da definição de dois grupos participantes: pesquisadores e estudantes leigos, compostos por integrantes de oito paises ibero-americanos. Os resultados alcançados apontam para a viabilidade dessa proposta, com uma diversidade criativa considerável, 103 distintas propostas para um total de 114 participações. Além disso, um total de 85% considerou ter participado do resultado final da obra, o que consideramos expressivo. Espera-se, com o resultado deste estudo, que novas pesquisas sejam desenvolvidas sobre o tema, em constante evolução.(AU)
Contemporary Higher Education Institutions must adapt to address government funded calls for expansion and widened participation. The adoption of e-learning strategies, such as the use of the podcasts, can facilitate flexible learning around the needs and expectations of students. In this article we outline a number of e-learning developments at Aston University collectively referred to as the Virtual Pedagogy Initiative. Each of the strands, podcasts, vodcasts, mobile telephony and the campus wide remote broadcasts, are described pedagogically as well as technically. Where possible data highlighting the student response and experience are included. The article begins with the contention that contemporary undergraduates may be qualitatively different and can considered „digital natives?.
Spread spectrum systems make use of radio frequency bandwidths which far exceed the minimum bandwidth necessary to transmit the basic message information.These systems are designed to provide satisfactory communication of the message information under difficult transmission conditions. Frequency-hopped multilevel frequency shift keying (FH-MFSK) is one of the many techniques used in spread spectrum systems. It is a combination of frequency hopping and time hopping. In this system many users share a common frequency band using code division multiplexing. Each user is assigned an address and the message is modulated into the address. The receiver, knowing the address, decodes the received signal and extracts the message. This technique is suggested for digital mobile telephony. This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the possibility of utilising FH-MFSK for data transmission corrupted by additive white gaussian noise (A.W.G.N.). Work related to FH-MFSK has so far been mostly confined to its validity, and its performance in the presence of A.W.G.N. has not been reported before. An experimental system was therefore constructed which utilised combined hardware and software and operated under the supervision of a microprocessor system. The experimental system was used to develop an error-rate model for the system under investigation. The performance of FH-MFSK for data transmission was established in the presence of A.W.G.N. and with deleted and delayed sample effects. Its capability for multiuser applications was determined theoretically. The results show that FH-MFSK is a suitable technique for data transmission in the presence of A.W.G.N.
BACKGROUND: Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) is a telecommunications system widely used by police and emergency services around the world. The Stewart Report on mobile telephony and health raised questions about possible health effects associated with TETRA signals. This study investigates possible effects of TETRA signals on the electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram in human volunteers. METHODS: Blinded randomized provocation study with a standardized TETRA signal or sham exposure. In the first of two experiments, police officers had a TETRA set placed first against the left temple and then the upper-left quadrant of the chest and the electroencephalogram was recorded during rest and active cognitive processing. In the second experiment, volunteers were subject to chest exposure of TETRA whilst their electroencephalogram and heart rate variability derived from the electrocardiogram were recorded. RESULTS: In the first experiment, we found that exposure to TETRA had consistent neurophysiological effects on the electroencephalogram, but only during chest exposure, in a pattern suggestive of vagal nerve stimulation. In the second experiment, we observed changes in heart rate variability during exposure to TETRA but the electroencephalogram effects were not replicated. CONCLUSIONS: Observed effects of exposure to TETRA signals on the electroencephalogram (first experiment) and electrocardiogram are consistent with vagal nerve stimulation in the chest by TETRA. However given the small effect on heart rate variability and the lack of consistency on the electroencephalogram, it seems unlikely that this will have a significant impact on health. Long-term monitoring of the health of the police force in relation to TETRA use is on-going.
Access to the Internet has grown exponentially in Latin America over the past decade. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) estimates that in 2009 there were 144.5 million Internet users in South America, 6.4 million in Central America, and 8.2 million in the Caribbean, or a total 159.2 million users in all of Latin America.1 At that time, ITU reported an estimated 31 million Internet users in Mexico, which would bring the overall number of users in Latin America to 190.2 million people. More recent estimates published by Internet World Stats place Internet access currently at an estimated 204.6 million out of a total population of 592.5 million in the region (this figure includes Mexico).2 According to those figures, 34.5 per cent of the Latin American population now enjoys Internet access. In recent years, universal access policies contributed to the vast increase in digital literacy and Internet use in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Whereas the latter was the first country in the region to adopt a policy of universal access, the most expansive and successful digital inclusion programs in the region have taken hold in Brazil and Chile. These two countries have allocated considerable resources to the promotion of digital literacy and Internet access among low income and poor populations; in both cases, civil society groups significantly assisted in the promotion of inclusion at the grassroots level. Digital literacy and Internet access have come to represent, particularly in the area of education, a welcome complementary resource for populations chronically underserved in nations with a long-standing record of inadequate public social services. Digital inclusion is vastly expanding throughout the region, thanks to stabilizing economies, increasingly affordable technology, and the rapid growth in the supply of cellular mobile telephony. A recent study by the global advertising agency Razorfish revealed significant shifts in the demographics of digital inclusion in the major economies of South America, where Web access is rapidly increasing amid the lower middle class and the working poor.3 Several researchers have suggested that Internet access will bring about greater civic participation and engagement, although skeptics remain unsure this could happen in Latin America. Yet, there have been some recent instances of political mobilization facilitated through the use of the Web and social media applications, starting in Chile when “smart mobs” nationwide demonstrated against former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet when she failed to enact education reforms in May 2006. The Internet has also been used by marginalized groups and by guerrillas groups to highlight their stories. In sum, Internet access in Latin is no longer a medium restricted to the elite. It is rather a public sphere upon which civil society has staked its claim. Some of the examples noted in this study point toward a developing trend whereby civil society, through online grassroots movements, is able to effectively pressure public officials, instill transparency and demand accountability in government. Access to the Internet has also made it possible for voices on the margins to participate in the conversation in a way that was never previously feasible. 1 International Telecommunications Union [ITU], “Information Technology Public & Report,” accessed May 15, 2011, http://www.itu.int/. 2 Internet World Stats, “Internet Usage Statistics for the Americas,” accessed March 24, 2011, http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats2.htm 3 J. Crump, “The finch and the fox,” London, UK (2010), http://www.slideshare.net/razorfishmarketing/the-finch-and-the-fox.
This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process
This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process
A partir de la dinámica evolutiva de la economía de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones y el establecimiento de estándares mínimos de velocidad en distintos contextos regulatorios a nivel mundial, en particular en Colombia, en el presente artículo se presentan diversas aproximaciones empíricas para evaluar los efectos reales que conlleva el establecimiento de definiciones de servicios de banda ancha en el mercado de Internet fijo. Con base en los datos disponibles para Colombia sobre los planes de servicios de Internet fijo ofrecidos durante el periodo 2006-2012, se estima para los segmentos residencial y corporativo el proceso de difusión logístico modificado y el modelo de interacción estratégica para identificar los impactos generados sobre la masificación del servicio a nivel municipal y sobre las decisiones estratégicas que adoptan los operadores, respectivamente. Respecto a los resultados, se encuentra, por una parte, que las dos medidas regulatorias establecidas en Colombia en 2008 y 2010 presentan efectos significativos y positivos sobre el desplazamiento y el crecimiento de los procesos de difusión a nivel municipal. Por otra parte, se observa sustituibilidad estratégica en las decisiones de oferta de velocidad de descarga por parte de los operadores corporativos mientras que, a partir del análisis de distanciamiento de la velocidad ofrecida respecto al estándar mínimo de banda ancha, se demuestra que los proveedores de servicios residenciales tienden a agrupar sus decisiones de velocidad alrededor de los niveles establecidos por regulación.
Tämä diplomityö käsittelee kolmannen sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmien kuljetuskerroksen mitoitusta. Nykyisten matkapuhelinverkkojen korvaajiksi suunnitellut kolmannen sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmät tulevat yhdistämään perinteisen puhelinviestinnän ja uudenlaiset datapalvelut. Uudet verkot tulevat perustumaan pakettivälitteiseen tiedonsiirtoon joka mahdollistaa molempien liikennetyyppien, puheen sekä datan, siirtämisen samassa verkossa. Tämän ratkaisun uskotaan tarjoavan paremmat mahdollisuudet uusien palvelujen luomiseen ja parantavan tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia. Siirtyminen pakettivälitteiseen tiedonsiirtoon aiheuttaa kuitenkin suuria muutoksia verkkoarkkitehtuurissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan tulevien runkoverkkojen mitoitukseen liittyviä näkökohtia sekä muodostetaan alustavia kuljetuskerroksen mitoitusohjeita. Diplomityö on tehty osaksi diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoa Lappeenrannan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa. Työ on tehty Nokia Networksin palveluksessa Helsingissä, vuoden 2000 toisella puoliskolla.
Uudet palvelut ovat tarkeinta, mita asiakkaat odottavat uudelta teknologialta.Se on paaasiallinen syy siihen, etta asiakkaat ovat valmiita maksamaan uudesta teknologiasta ja kayttamaan sita. Sen vuoksi uuden verkon tuoma uusi palveluarkkitehtuuri on tarkea koko projektin onnistumiselle. Tama dokumentti keskittyy kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkkojen palveluarkkitehtuuriin, jonka viitemallista annetaan kuvaus. Verkon palvelut esitellaan ja kuvaillaan. Toteutukseen liittyvia asioita selostetaan. USA:n markkinoilla tarvittava WIN konsepti kuvataan ja sen toteutuksesta annetaan myos kuvaus. Lopussa kuvataan Pre-Paid tilaajien laskutustietojen kasittelya WIN konseptissa elvytystilanteessa.
Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) has been developed as the pan-European second generation of digital mobile systems. GSM operates in the 900 MHz frequency band and employs digital technology instead of the analogue technology of its predecessors. Digital technology enables the GSM system to operate in much smaller zones in comparison with the analogue systems. The GSM system will offer greater roaming facilities to its subscribers, extended throughout the countries that have installed the system. The GSM system could be seen as a further enhancement to European integration. GSM has adopted a contention-based protocol for multipoint-to-point transmission. In particular, the slotted-ALOHA medium access protocol is used to coordinate the transmission of the channel request messages between the scattered mobile stations. Collision still happens when more than one mobile station having the same random reference number attempts to transmit on the same time-slot. In this research, a modified version of this protocol has been developed in order to reduce the number of collisions and hence increase the random access channel throughput compared to the existing protocol. The performance evaluation of the protocol has been carried out using simulation methods. Due to the growing demand for mobile radio telephony as well as for data services, optimal usage of the scarce availability radio spectrum is becoming increasingly important. In this research, a protocol has been developed whereby the number of transmitted information packets over the GSM system is increased without any additional increase of the allocated radio spectrum. Simulation results are presented to show the improvements achieved by the proposed protocol. Cellular mobile radio networks commonly respond to an increase in the service demand by using smaller coverage areas. As a result, the volume of the signalling exchanges increases. In this research, a proposal for interconnecting the various entitles of the mobile radio network over the future broadband networks based on the IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is outlined. Simulation results are presented to show the benefits achieved by interconnecting these entities over the broadband Networks.