956 resultados para mixed epithelial-stromal tumor


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Les tumeurs stromales gastrointestinales (GIST) sont les néoplasies mésenchymateuses les plus complexes du système gastrointestinal. Le traitement curatif standard de cette pathologie est la chirurgie avec l'obtention de marges microscopiques négatives. Les résultats impressionnants obtenus sur la prolongation de la survie avec l'administration d'imatinib (IM) chez les patients atteints de maladie métastatique et non-réséquable ont suggéré aux cliniciens que ce même médicament pourrait aussi collaborer à l'obtention de marges négatives plus aisément lors de cancer avancé. Jusqu'à présent, aucune étude prospective n'a caractérisée l'effet d'une thérapie néoadjuvante prolongée à l'IM sur la qualité de la résection chirurgicale subséquente. L'objectif de ce projet de maîtrise était d'évaluer l'efficacité de l'imatinib utilisé avant la chirurgie (néoadjuvant) jusqu'à l'obtention d'une réponse maximale, en vue d'augmenter le taux de résection microscopique complète (R0) dans le traitement chirurgical des GIST à haut risque de résection microscopique incomplète (R1) ou impossible (R2). Pour ce faire, une étude prospective multicentrique de phase II a été réalisée. Le traitement néoadjuvant à l'IM a été instauré chez des patients porteurs d'une GIST localement avancée ou métastatique. Au total, quatorze patients ont reçu une dose de 400-600 mg/d d'IM pour une durée de 6-12 mois avant la chirurgie. Quatorze patients ont été inclus dans l'étude. Onze ont eu une chirurgie à visée curative, un patient a démontré une maladie non-réséquable suite à une laparotomie exploratrice et deux patients ont refusé la chirurgie. Après un suivi moyen de 48 mois, tous les patients opérés étaient vivants et sept sans évidence de récidive. L'utilisation prolongée (12 mois) d'IM dans un contexte néoadjuvant est faisable, sécuritaire, efficace et comporte peu de toxicité. De plus, cette approche est associée à des hauts taux de résection complète (R0), tout en permettant une chirurgie moins extensive. Des études de phase III actuellement en cours sont nécessaires afin de confirmer nos résultats.


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The potential adverse reproductive effects, with emphasis on the epididymis, of in utero and lactational exposure to 100 mg/kg/d di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) in adult male rat offspring were investigated. The fetal testis histopathology was also determined. The selected endpoints included reproductive organ weights, sperm motility and morphology, sperm epididymal transit time, sperm quantity in the testis and epididymis, hormonal status, fetal testis and epididymal histopathology and stereology, and androgen receptor (AR), aquaporin 9 (AQP9), and Ki-67 immunoreactivities. Pregnant females were divided into two groups: control (C) and treated (T). The treated females received DBP (100 mg/kg/d, by gavage) from gestation day (GD) 12 to postnatal day (PND) 21, while control dams received the vehicle. Some pregnant dams were killed by decapitation on GD20, and testes from male fetuses were collected for histopathogy. Male rats from other dams were killed at PND 90. Fetal testes from treated group showed Leydig-cell clusters, presence of multinucleated germinative cells, and increase of the interstitial component. Testosterone levels and reproductive organ weights were similar between the treated and control adult groups. DBP treatment did not markedly affect relative proportions of epithelial, stromal, or luminal compartments in the epididymis; sperm counts in the testis and epididymis; sperm transit time; or sperm morphology and motility in adult rats. The AR and AQP9 immunoreactivities and proliferation index were similar for the two groups. These results showed that fetal testes were affected by DBP as evidenced by testicular histopathologic alterations, but reproductive parameters and epididymal structure/function were not significantly altered in the adult animals exposed to 100 mg/kg DBP in utero and during lactation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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RACIONAL: O câncer de estômago é o segundo tipo mais comum de neoplasia no mundo. A carcinogênese de estômago é processo de múltiplos passos, podendo manifestar-se em várias etapas como gastrite superficial, gastrite atrófica crônica, metaplasia intestinal, displasia e, finalmente, como um carcinoma. Essas condições costumam ser seqüenciais e ocorrer num período de muitos anos como resultado da exposição a uma variedade de fatores endógenos e exógenos, que causam alterações genéticas. Os recentes avanços da genética molecular têm mostrado que o acúmulo dessas várias anormalidades, incluindo a ativação de oncogenes e a inativação de genes supressores de tumores, resultam no desenvolvimento do câncer. Alterações genéticas descritas em carcinomas gástricos incluem amplificações e mutações dos genes c-ERBB2, K-RAS, c-MET e TP53. O ganho de cromossomos também foi encontrado em várias combinações com perda de outros cromossomos e pode estar associado com a expressão elevada de oncogenes, que contribuem com a progressão tumoral. CONCLUSÃO: Essas mudanças genéticas em carcinomas evidenciam o processo de múltiplas etapas da carcinogênese gástrica, por meio do acúmulo de uma série de alterações.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Due to the high incidence of technical and neurological complications, continuous spinal blocks were not performed for several years. With the advent of intermediate catheters the technique has been used more often and gaining acceptance among anesthesiologists. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the usefulness of the technique as a viable alternative for medium and major size surgeries. CASE REPORT: This is a 58 years old female patient, weighing 62 kg, physical status ASA I, with a history of migraines, low back pain, and prior surgeries under spinal block without intercurrence. The patient was scheduled for exploratory laparotomy for a probable pelvic tumor. After venoclysis with an 18G catheter, monitoring with cardioscope, non-invasive blood pressure and pulse oximetry was instituted; she was sedated with 2 mg of midazolam and 100 μg of fentanyl, and placed in left lateral decubitus. The patient underwent continuous spinal block through the median approach in L 3-L 4; 9 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine and 120 μ g of morphine sulfate were administered. Inspection of the abdominal cavity revealed a gastric stromal tumor that required an increase in the incision for a partial gastrectomy. A small dose of hyperbaric solution was required for the entire procedure, which was associated with complete hemodynamic stability. Postoperative admission to the ICU was not necessary; the patient presented a good evolution without complaints and with a high degree of satisfaction. She was discharged from the hospital after 72 hours without intercurrence. CONCLUSIONS: Intermediate catheters used in continuous spinal blocks have shown the potential to turn it an attractive and useful technique in medium and large size surgeries and it can even be an effective alternative in the management of critical patients to whom hemodynamic repercussions can be harmful.


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Methylmercury (MeHg) is an environmental pollutant that is highly toxic to the central nervous system. As its effects on male reproductive system are poorly understood, this study was carried out to analyse the effects of MeHg on the rat prostate. To evaluate the MeHg toxicity on ventral prostate, three groups of adult male Wistar rats received oral doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0mg/kg MeHg, respectively, on a daily basis for 14days. A fourth group was used as a control. The prostate weight was decreased in rats treated orally with 0.5mg/kg MeHg compared to controls. Also, Hg concentration increased significantly in the prostate after treatments. There were reductions in serum testosterone levels and androgen receptor immunoreactivity in animals receiving 3.0mgMeHg/kg. The stereological data showed changes in the prostatic epithelial, stromal and luminal compartments which varied according to the different doses. Histopathological alterations, such as chronic inflammation, stratified epithelial hyperplasia and epithelial inflammatory reactive atypia, were observed in the 0.5mg/kg MeHg-treated group. Epithelial atrophy was observed in the 3.0mg/kg MeHg-treated group. In conclusion, the MeHg affects prostatic homoeostasis resulting in histopathological changes that may be relevant in the pathogenesis of prostatic disease.


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Hepatoblastoma (HB) is a rare malignant liver tumour found in infants. Many heterogenous histological tumour subtypes exist. Although survival rates have improved dramatically in recent years with the use of platinum-based chemotherapy, there still exists a subset of HB that does not respond to treatment. There are currently no tumour biomarkers in use and in this study we aim to evaluate potential biomarkers to aid identification of relapse cases that would otherwise be overlooked by current prognostication. This may identify patients that would benefit from more aggressive therapy and could improve overall survival rates. We used immunohistochemistry to analyse the expression of β-catenin, E-cadherin, Cyclin D1, Ki-67 and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) protein in tumours from 91 patients prospectively enroled into the SIOPEL 3 clinical trial. The relationship between these biomarkers and clinicopathologic features and patient survival were statistically analysed. We identified one biomarker, Cyclin D1, which has a correlation with mixed epithelial/mesenchymal HB approaching significance (P=0.07). Survival analysis using these markers has revealed two potential prognostic indicators; Cyclin D1 and Ki-67 (P=0.01, 0.01).


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Le cordon ombilical humain suscite beaucoup d’intérêt comme source de cellules à des fins de recherche et de thérapie. Quatre types cellulaires majeurs - les cellules épithéliales, stromales, musculaires lisses et endothéliales - composent les tissus solides du cordon ombilical. Quelques-uns de ces types cellulaires ont été utilisés en recherche scientifique depuis longtemps, alors que d’autres commencent à peine à dévoiler leur potentiel. Nous avons développé un protocole unique pour l’extraction séquentielle de tous ces types cellulaires d’un seul cordon ombilical, permettant ainsi la reconstruction à partir d’une même source. La combinaison des techniques de perfusion, immersion et explants a mené à la mise en culture et à l’expansion de ces cellules, dont les cellules épithéliales et les cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton qui ont été caractérisées plus en détail par l’immunomarquage de protéines spécifiques. Leur potentiel pour la médecine régénératrice a été démontré par la production de tissus par génie tissulaire. Un vaisseau sanguin composé de cellules stromales et de cellules musculaires lisses du cordon ombilical démontra une résistance substantielle à l’éclatement. Les capacités de différenciation des cellules épithéliales ont été étudiées dans le contexte d’une peau bilamellaire reconstruite en combinaison avec des kératinocytes, des fibroblastes dermiques, et des cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton. Les cellules épithéliales ont montré une différenciation similaire à celle des kératinocytes lorsque cultivées sur des fibroblastes dermiques et exposées à l’air, tandis que sur des cellules stromales du cordon, elles ont subi une désorganisation. Finalement, la différenciation des cellules stromales a été induite en culture vers plusieurs types cellulaires afin de compléter cette étude. L’ensemble des résultats fait ressortir l’importance non seulement de l’influence du milieu physique sur la croissance et la différenciation des cellules, mais également de l’impact de la provenance des cellules sur la qualité des tissus reconstruits.


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and they often require a surgical removal. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors can originate from any part of the gastrointestinal tract but gastric location is the most common. In the past the risk of rupture of pseudocapsula and peritoneal dissemination have discouraged surgeons from making a minimally invasive surgical treatment. Recently laparoscopic wedge resection has been proposed. Performance of this mini-invasive technique is however difficult in some gastric location of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, such as iuxta-cardial region. The Authors report and discuss a new technique they used to remove a gastrointestinal stromal tumor located just below the cardia, using a rendez-vous endoscopic and laparoscopic technique.


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Introducción: El cáncer gástrico es uno de los más frecuentes a nivel mundial y Colombia se sitúa entre los países de mayor incidencia en este tipo de patología. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, el tratamiento administrado y los desenlaces inmediatos de los pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor de Bogotá entre los años 2011 y 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico. Se realizaron análisis univariados por medio de proporciones para las variables cualitativas y medidas de tendencia central para las variables cuantitativas según la distribución. Resultados: Un total de 189 pacientes fueron analizados. El dolor fue el síntoma más frecuente en los pacientes (30.7%) y el principal signo encontrado fue una masa palpable en abdomen (9,5%). Los pacientes fueron sometidos a diferentes abordajes terapéuticos, la mayoría recibieron manejo paliativo no quirúrgico (52.9%) y la opción quirúrgica más usada en los pacientes fue la gastrectomía total (20.6%), y la subtotal (16,4) seguidas de quimioterapia y/o radiación perioperatoria. Los pacientes que sobrevivieron a los 2 años fueron 7,4% del total. Conclusiones: El registro de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico es bueno en el Méderi-Hospital Universitario Mayor es bueno y permite caracterizar los pacientes, la presentación de la patología y los resultados del tratamiento que concuerdan con los presentados en contextos similares en la literatura.


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BACKGROUND: Broccoli consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) derived from glucosinolates that accumulate in broccoli are dietary compounds that may mediate these health effects. Sulforaphane (SF, 4-methylsulphinylbutyl ITC) derives from heading broccoli (calabrese) and iberin (IB, 3-methylsulphinypropyl ITC) from sprouting broccoli. While there are many studies regarding the biological activity of SF, mainly undertaken with cancerous cells, there are few studies associated with IB. METHODS: Primary epithelial and stromal cells were derived from benign prostatic hyperplasia tissue. Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 whole genome arrays were used to compare global gene expression between these cells, and to quantify changes in gene expression following exposure to physiologically appropriate concentrations of SF and IB. Ontology and pathway analyses were used to interpret results. Changes in expression of a subset of genes were confirmed by real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS: Global gene expression profiling identified epithelial and stromal-specific gene expression profiles. SF induced more changes in epithelial cells, whereas IB was more effective in stromal cells. Although IB and SF induced different changes in gene expression in both epithelial and stromal cells, these were associated with similar pathways, such as cell cycle and detoxification. Both ITCs increased expression of PLAGL1, a tumor suppressor gene, in stromal cells and suppressed expression of the putative tumor promoting genes IFITM1, CSPG2, and VIM in epithelial cells. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that IB and SF both alter genes associated with cancer prevention, and IB should be investigated further as a potential chemopreventative agent.


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The migration of three human prostate tumor epithelial cell lines (TSU-pr1, PC-3, DU-145) in response to secreted protein from a human prostate stromal cell line was investigated by using the modified blind-well Boyden chamber assay. Migrated cells were quantified by spectrophotometrically measuring the concentration of crystal violet stain extracted from their nuclei. Cell number was correlated linearly with the concentration of extracted crystal violet stain. All three tumor cell lines showed intrinsic migratory ability in the absence of chemoattractants, such that approximately 1-7% of plated cells migrated across the filter of the Boyden chambers during a 5-h incubation period. Prostate tumor cell migration was significantly enhanced (3-13-fold) in response to stromal cell secretory protein in a dose-dependent manner, whereas bovine serum albumin had no effect on stimulating tumor cell migration. Immunoprecipitation of the stromal cell secreted protein with a nerve growth factor antibody partially and significantly reduced its stimulatory activity for tumor cell migration. A Zigmond-Hirsch matrix assay of tumor cell migration in response to various concentration gradients of stromal cell secreted protein demonstrated both chemotaxis and chemokinesis by all three cell lines. These results are consistent with the stromal cell secretory protein stimulation of chemokinetic tumor cell migration through the capsule of the prostate. Outside of the prostate gland metastasis of tumor cells may occur by chemotaxis to preferential sites containing chemoattractants similar to or related to maintenance factors that can substitute for components of stromal cell secretory protein.