986 resultados para mitral valve
OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of off-pump transapical mitral valve-in-ring implantation and to test the performance of a custom-made self-expandable stent valve, in comparison with the standard SAPIEN valve. METHODS: Acute experiments were performed in five pigs. Animals (mean weight 58.4 ± 7.3 kg) underwent mitral valve annuloplasties under cardiopulmonary bypass using 26-mm rings (SJM?). Then, a 30-mm custom-made self-expandable stent valve or a 23-mm balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve (Edwards SAPIEN XT?) was deployed within the annuloplasty rings through a transatrial access and under direct vision. Subsequently, the stent valves were inserted transapically under fluoroscopic guidance and off pump. RESULTS: The procedural success of transatrial and transapical mitral valve-in-ring procedures was 100% (10 of 10). Mean transatrial and transapical procedure time was 2.0 ± 1.1 and 22.0 ± 5.7 min, respectively. Haemodynamic status during transapical implantation remained stable, and differences in data collected before and after the stent-valve deployment were not statistically significant. Mean mitral annulus diameter and mean mitral orifice area in the group of self-expandable stent valves were 2.60 ± 0.02 cm and 4.16 ± 0.48 cm(2), respectively, whereas in the SAPIEN group they were 1.95 ± 0.18 cm and 2.26 ± 0.20 cm(2), respectively. Trace or mild regurgitation was detected only in the self-expandable stent-valve group. Mean gradients were 4.1 ± 4.5 mmHg across the self-expandable stent valves and 1.0 ± 0 mmHg across the SAPIEN valves. Postmortem examination confirmed adequate positioning of the self-expandable valves and the SAPIEN valves within the annuloplasty ring. CONCLUSIONS: Off-pump transapical mitral valve-in-ring implantation is safe and feasible. Transapical access may represent the ideal option for valve-in-ring procedures in cases of recurrent mitral regurgitation after mitral valve repair, in high-risk patients. Owing to the supra-annular profile of the valve components, our custom-made nitinol stent valve provides nearer to normal functional area than the SAPIEN valve.
In some high-risk patients, standard mitral valve replacement can represent a challenging procedure, requiring a risky extensive decalcification of the annulus. In particular, high-risk redo patients and patients with a previously implanted transcatheter aortic valve, who develop calcific mitral disease, would benefit from the development of new, minimally invasive, transcatheter or hybrid techniques for mitral valve replacement. In particular, mixing transcatheter valve therapies and well-established minimally invasive techniques for mitral replacement or repair can help in decreasing the surgical risk and the technical complexity. Thus, placing transcatheter, balloon-expandable Sapien? XT stent-valves in calcified, degenerated mitral valves through a right thoracotomy, a left atriotomy and on an on-pump fibrillating heart, represents an attractive alternative to standard surgery in redo patients, in patients with concomitant transcatheter aortic stent-valves in place and in patients with a high-risk profile. We describe this hybrid technique in detail.
We report a case of neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE) with congenital heart block and severe myocardial failure, which was followed from the 25th week of gestation because of fetal bradycardia. The child was delivered at the 37th week of gestation by elective cesarean section because of echocardiographically documented heart enlargement, pericardial effusion and moderate insufficiency of the mitral and tricuspid valves. In spite of immediate pacing, intubation and supportive treatment, the newborn developed progressive heart failure. Echocardiography showed endocarditis of the mitral valve and diffuse myocarditis. The heart failure resolved under steroid treatment. Our experience supports the early use of steroids in treating myocarditis due to NLE. Intrauterine steroid treatment in the presence of fetal hydrops and congenital heart block is discussed.
Case: A 11 yo girl with Marfan syndrome was referred to cardiac MR (CMR) to measure the size of her thoracic aorta. She had a typical phenotype with arachnodactyly, abnormally long arms, and was tall and slim (156 cm, 28 kg, body mass index 11,5 kg/m2). She complained of no symptoms. Cardiac auscultation revealed a prominent mid-systolic click and an end-systolic murmur at the apex. A recent echocardiogram showed a moderately dilated left ventricle with normal function and a mitral valve prolapse with moderate mitral valve regurgitation. CMR showed a dilatation of the aortic root (38 mm, Z-score 8.9) and a severe prolapse of the mitral valve with regurgitation. The ventricular cavity was moderately dilated (116 ml/m2) and its contraction was hyperdynamic (stroke volume (SV): 97 ml; LVEF 72%, with the LV volumes measured by modified Simpson method from the apex to the mitral annulus). In this patient however, the mitral prolapse was characterized by a severe backward movement of the valve toward the left atrium (LA) in systole and the dyskinetic movement of the atrioventricular plane caused a ventricularisation of a part of the LA in systole (Figure). This resulted in a significant reduction of LVEF: more than ¼ of the apparent SV was displaced backwards into the ventricularized LA volume, reducing the effective LVEF to 51% (effective SV 69ml). Moreover, by flow measurement, the SV across the ascending aorta was 30 ml (cardiac index 2.0 l/min/m2) allowing the calculation of a regurgitant fraction across the mitral valve of 56%, which was diagnostic for a severe mitral valve insufficiency. Conclusion: This case illustrates the phenomenon of a ventricularisation of the LA where the severe prolapse gives the illusion of a higher attachement of the mitral leaflets within the atrial wall. Besides the severe mitral regurgitation, this paradoxical backwards movement of the valve causes an intraventricular unloading during systole reducing the apparent LVEF of 72% to an effective LVEF of only 51%. In addition, forward flow fraction is only 22% after accounting for the regurgitant volume, as well. This combined involvement of the mitral valve could explain the discrepancy between a low output state and an apparently hyperdynamic LV contraction. Due to its ability to precisely measure flows and volumes, CMR is particularly suited to detect this phenomenon and to quantify its impact on the LV pump function.
Degenerative myxomatous mitral valve (DMMV) is a heart disease of high incidence in small animal clinical medicine, affecting mainly older dogs and small breeds. Thus, a scientific investigation was performed in order to evaluate the clinical use of the medicines furosemide and enalapril maleate in dogs with this disease in CHF functional class Ib before and after the treatment was established. For this purpose 16 dogs with the given valve disease were used, separated into two groups: the first received furosemide (n=8) and the second received enalapril maleate (n=8) throughout 56 days. The dogs were evaluated in four stages (T0, T14, T28 and T56 day) in relation to clinical signs, hematological, biochemical and serum assessment, which included serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and aldosterone, as well as radiography, electrocardiography, Doppler-echocardiography and blood pressure. The results regarding the clinical, hematological and serum chemistry evaluations revealed no significant changes in both groups, but significant reductions in the values of ACE and aldosterone in the group receiving enalapril maleate were verified. The radiographic examination revealed reductions of VHS values and variable Pms wave of the electrocardiogram in both groups, but no changes in blood pressure values were identified. The echocardiogram showed a significant decrease of the variables LVDd/s in the studied groups and the FS% in animals that received only enalapril. Therefore, analysis of results showed that monotherapy based on enalapril maleate showed better efficiency of symptoms control in patients with CHF functional class Ib.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of carvedilol treatment and a regimen of supervised aerobic exercise training on quality of life and other clinical, echocardiographic, and biochemical variables in a group of client-owned dogs with chronic mitral valve disease (CMVD). Ten healthy dogs (control) and 36 CMVD dogs were studied, with the latter group divided into 3 subgroups. In addition to conventional treatment (benazepril, 0.3-0.5 mg/kg once a day, and digoxin, 0.0055 mg/kg twice daily), 13 dogs received exercise training (subgroup I; 10.3±2.1 years), 10 dogs received carvedilol (0.3 mg/kg twice daily) and exercise training (subgroup II; 10.8±1.7 years), and 13 dogs received only carvedilol (subgroup III; 10.9±2.1 years). All drugs were administered orally. Clinical, laboratory, and Doppler echocardiographic variables were evaluated at baseline and after 3 and 6 months. Exercise training was conducted from months 3-6. The mean speed rate during training increased for both subgroups I and II (ANOVA, P>0.001), indicating improvement in physical conditioning at the end of the exercise period. Quality of life and functional class was improved for all subgroups at the end of the study. The N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level increased in subgroup I from baseline to 3 months, but remained stable after training introduction (from 3 to 6 months). For subgroups II and III, NT-proBNP levels remained stable during the entire study. No difference was observed for the other variables between the three evaluation periods. The combination of carvedilol or exercise training with conventional treatment in CMVD dogs led to improvements in quality of life and functional class. Therefore, light walking in CMVD dogs must be encouraged.
Contexte: La régurgitation mitrale (RM) est une maladie valvulaire nécessitant une intervention dans les cas les plus grave. Une réparation percutanée de la valve mitrale avec le dispositif MitraClip est un traitement sécuritaire et efficace pour les patients à haut risque chirurgical. Nous voulons évaluer les résultats cliniques et l'impact économique de cette thérapie par rapport à la gestion médicale des patients en insuffisance cardiaque avec insuffisance mitrale symptomatique. Méthodes: L'étude a été composée de deux phases; une étude d'observation de patients souffrant d'insuffisance cardiaque et de régurgitation mitrale traitée avec une thérapie médicale ou le MitraClip, et un modèle économique. Les résultats de l'étude observationnelle ont été utilisés pour estimer les paramètres du modèle de décision, qui a estimé les coûts et les avantages d'une cohorte hypothétique de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque et insuffisance mitrale sévère traitée avec soit un traitement médical standard ou MitraClip. Résultats: La cohorte de patients traités avec le système MitraClip était appariée par score de propension à une population de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque, et leurs résultats ont été comparés. Avec un suivi moyen de 22 mois, la mortalité était de 21% dans la cohorte MitraClip et de 42% dans la cohorte de gestion médicale (p = 0,007). Le modèle de décision a démontré que MitraClip augmente l'espérance de vie de 1,87 à 3,60 années et des années de vie pondérées par la qualité (QALY) de 1,13 à 2,76 ans. Le coût marginal était 52.500 $ dollars canadiens, correspondant à un rapport coût-efficacité différentiel (RCED) de 32,300.00 $ par QALY gagné. Les résultats étaient sensibles à l'avantage de survie. Conclusion: Dans cette cohorte de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque symptomatique et d insuffisance mitrale significative, la thérapie avec le MitraClip est associée à une survie supérieure et est rentable par rapport au traitement médical.
A doença degenerativa mixomatosa da válvula mitral (DDMVM) é uma cardiopatia de alta incidência na clínica médica de pequenos animais, acometendo mormente cães idosos e raças de pequeno porte. Desta forma, foi realizada uma investigação científica objetivando avaliar clinicamente a utilização dos fármacos maleato de enalapril e furosemida em cães com a referida enfermidade na classe funcional Ib da ICC, antes e após a terapêutica implantada. Para isso, utilizaram-se 16 cães portadores da valvulopatia supracitada, distribuídos em dois grupos; com o primeiro recebendo furosemida (n=8) e o segundo maleato de enalapril (n=8), durante 56 dias. Os cães foram avaliados em quatro momentos (T0, T14, T28 e T56 dias) quanto aos sinais clínicos e parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímico-séricos, que incluíram concentrações séricas da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) e aldosterona, como também avaliações radiográficas, eletrocardiográficas, ecodopplercardiográficas e da pressão arterial. Os resultados quanto aos parâmetros clínicos, avaliações hematológicas e bioquímicas séricas não revelaram alterações significativas em ambos os grupos, mas reduções significativas nos valores de ECA e aldosterona no grupo que recebeu o maleato de enalapril foram identificadas. Ao exame radiográfico observou-se reduções nos valores de VHS e na variável onda Pms do eletrocardiograma em ambos os grupos, mas sem alterações nos valores da pressão arterial. Por sua vez, o ecodopplercardiograma evidenciou diminuição significativa das variáveis DIVEd/s nos grupos estudados e na FEC% nos cães que receberam somente enalapril. Portanto, a análise dos resultados encontrados indicou que a monoterapia fundamentada no maleato de enalapril apresentou melhor eficiência no controle do quadro clínico em pacientes da classe funcional Ib da ICC.
Objective: To report the outcome of partial external mitral annuloplasty in dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) due to mitral regurgitation caused by myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD). Animals, materials and methods: Nine client-owned dogs with CHF due to mitral regurgitation caused by MMVD. Surgery consisted of a double row of pledget-butressed continuous suture lines placed into the left ventricle parallel and just ventral to the atrioventricular groove between the subsinuosal branch of the left circumflex coronary artery and the paraconal branch of the left coronary artery. Results: Two dogs died during surgery because of severe hemorrhage. Two dogs died 12 and 36 h after surgery because of acute myocardial infarction. Three dogs were euthanized 2 and 4 weeks after surgery because of progression of CHF, 1 was euthanized 30 days after surgery for non-cardiac disease, and 1 survived for 48 months. In the 5 dogs that survived to discharge there was no significant change in the left atrium to aortic ratio with surgery (3.6 ± 0.56 before surgery; 3.1 ± 0.4 after surgery; p = 0.182), and no significant change in mitral regurgitant fraction in 4 dogs in which this measurement was made (78.7 ± 2.0% before surgery; 68.7 ± 7.5% after surgery; p = 0.09). Conclusions: Partial external mitral annuloplasty in dogs with CHF due to MMVD was associated with high perioperative mortality and most dogs that survived to discharge failed to show clinically relevant palliation from this procedure. Consequently, partial external mitral annuloplasty is not a viable option for dogs with mitral regurgitation due to MMVD that has progressed to the stage of CHF. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) or endocardiosis is a heart valve disease that occurs in many mammalian species, especially in humans, dogs and pigs. Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the MMVD development. NO can be indirectly evaluated by the nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) expression and by the histochemical reaction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d). The aim of this study was to evaluate NOS activity, by NADPH-d reaction, in the anterior leaflet of dogs with regular mitral valves and in those with MMVD, as well as in young swine and old females, comparing the reaction level with the degree of endocardiosis disease and also the histological alterations. Twelve mitral valves of dogs and 22 of swine were used for the research. All the valves were macroscopically analyzed for the occurrence or not of endocardiosis. They were fixed in a 4% paraformaldehyde, exposed to NADPH-d reaction, routinely processed and microscopically evaluated for the detection of mucopolysaccharides (MPS) deposition, collagen degeneration, fibrosis and level of endocardiosis. In dogs, relation was observed between higher intensity of the NADPH-d reaction, higher endocardiosis degree, MPS deposition as well as the collagen degeneration. No alteration in color was observed in pigs ́ valves during NADPH-d reaction. In conclusion, NO works in canine mitral valve remodeling extracellular matrix and plays an important role in endocardiosis disease. In swine, the lack of reaction reinforces the absence of macroscopical endocardiosis lesions, suggesting restrict NO action or major differences in the structures of swine valves.