207 resultados para mindfulness


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This study examines the effects in university students of a psycho-educational program in full awareness (mindfulness) on certain personality variables. A quasi-experimental (group comparison) design with pretest and postest measurements was employed in an experimental (n = 26) and a control group (n = 27). Barratt impulsiveness Scale (BiS- 11), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ), Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD), and the Profile of Mood States (POMS) were applied to experimental and control groups. The results show statistically significant changes in impulsivity variables, experiential avoidance, social avoidance, social anxiety, tension and fatigue when comparing the posttest mean scores of the groups.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Os placebos têm sido estudados ao longo dos tempos, apresentando resultados em várias áreas e potencialidades ainda por descobrir. A maneira como os utilizar e explorar mantém-se em aberto em várias áreas de intervenção. Este trabalho pretendeu, com a elaboração de dois artigos, analisar a influência do priming, mindfulness e efeito placebo na actividade física e exercício físico, no que diz respeito a parâmetros de composição corporal e hemodinâmica. Para isso realizou-se a revisão sistemática da literatura do artigo 1, que tinha como objectivo analisar a influência do Priming e Mindfulness como facilitadores do Efeito Placebo com base na Actividade Física, Exercício Físico e alteração de comportamentos visando a saúde. No artigo 2, definiu-se como objectivo principal analisar a influência de uma intervenção com priming na actividade física, composição corporal e pressão arterial em sujeitos com uma actividade profissional blue collar. Os resultados apontam para a validade do priming como instrumento despoletador de mudança no comportamento e efeito placebo. A intervenção realizada não surtiu os efeitos esperados no grupo experimental. O grupo de controlo, por algum factor não controlado, revelou melhorias significativas na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados. Verificou-se que o priming pode ser um instrumento válido na mudança de comportamentos, havendo ainda a necessidade de compreender melhor como é que se deverá aplicar esta ferramenta ao contexto do exercício físico. Um estado de mindfulness mais elevado parece estar associado à facilitação da mudança de comportamento.


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Bakgrund: Studier har visat att kvinnor som upplever att de har kunnat hantera smärtan välunder sin förlossning har mindre behov av farmakologisk smärtlindring och får en mer positivförlossningsupplevelse samt en ökad självkänsla. Mindfulness är en metod där manmedvetandegör och accepterar tankar, känslor och kroppsförnimmelser utan att värdera ellersträva efter att undvika dem. Om man istället accepterar och tillåter det som är gesoreflekterade tankar och känslor som ofta styr olika skeenden inte samma utrymme.Mindfulnessträning har ingått i program och utvärderats för t ex smärthantering ochstressreduktion. För att kunna genomföra en utvärdering där mindfulness ingår som metod föratt hantera förlossningssmärta behövs mera kunskap om kvinnors upplevelse av mindfulnessunder förlossning.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur några förstföderskor som genomgåttförlossningsförberedelse baserad på mindfulness, upplevde sin förmåga att hantera smärtanunder förlossningen.Metod: En kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer med fem kvinnor. Texterna analyseradesmed kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman.Resultat: Kvinnorna beskrev hur de kände sig förberedda inför smärtan och att de upplevdeatt de hade ett ”verktyg” att ta till för att hantera smärtan. Genom att ha fokus på andningenoch därmed inte fästa sig vid tankar blev det ett stöd i att vara ”här och nu” i födandet ochkvinnorna upplevde en känsla av kontroll. Genom sin delaktighet kunde partnern hjälpakvinnan att hålla detta fokus.Konklusion: Mindfulnessbaserad förlossningsförberedelse kan utgöra ett redskap för kvinnoratt använda under förlossningen men behöver utvärderas.


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Medical students experience various stresses and many poor health behaviours. Previous studies consistently show that student wellbeing is at its lowest pre-exam. Little core-curriculum is traditionally dedicated to providing self-care skills for medical students. This paper describes the development, implementation and outcomes of the Health Enhancement Program (HEP) at Monash University. It comprises mindfulness and ESSENCE lifestyle programs, is experientially-based, and integrates with biomedical sciences, clinical skills and assessment. This study measured the program’s impact on medical student psychological distress and quality of life. A cohort study performed on the 2006 first-year intake measured effects of the HEP on various markers of wellbeing. Instruments used were the depression, anxiety and hostility subscales of the Symptom Checklist-90-R incorporating the Global Severity Index (GSI) and the WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) questionnaire. Pre-course data (T1) was gathered mid-semester and post-course data (T2) corresponded with pre-exam week. To examine differences between T1 and T2 repeated measures ANOVA was used for the GSI and two separate repeated measures MANOVAs were used to examine changes in the subscales of the SCL-90-R and the WHOQOL-BREF. Follow-up t-tests were conducted to examine differences between individual subscales. A total of 148 of an eligible 270 students returned data at T1 and T2 giving a response rate of 55%. 90.5% of students reported personally applying the mindfulness practices. Improved student wellbeing was noted on all measures and reached statistical significance for the depression (mean T1 = 0.91, T2 = 0.78; p = 0.01) and hostility (0.62, 0.49; 0.03) subscales and the GSI (0.73, 0.64; 0.02) of the SCL-90, but not the anxiety subscale (0.62, 0.54; 0.11). Statistically significant results were also found for the psychological domain (62.42, 65.62; p < 0.001) but not the physical domain (69.11, 70.90; p = 0.07) of the WHOQOL. This study is the first to demonstrate an overall improvement in medical student wellbeing during the pre-exam period suggesting that the common decline in wellbeing is avoidable. Although the findings of this study indicate the potential for improving student wellbeing at the same time as meeting important learning objectives, the limitations in study design due to the current duration of follow-up and lack of a control group means that the data should be interpreted with caution. Future research should be directed at determining the contribution of individual program components, long-term outcomes, and impacts on future attitudes and clinical practice.


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Clinical interventions based on training in mindfulness skills are an increasingly common part of psychological practice. Mindfulness training can lead to reductions in a variety of problematic conditions including pain, stress, anxiety, depressive relapse, psychosis, and disordered eating but to date there have been few attempts to investigate the effectiveness of this approach with problematic anger. In this paper, the literature in relation to the theory and treatment of problematic anger is reviewed, with the aim of determining whether a rationale exists for the use of mindfulness with angry individuals. It is concluded that anger as an emotion seems particularly appropriate for the application of mindfulness-based interventions, and the potential mechanisms for its proposed effects in alleviating the cognitive, affective and behavioral manifestations of anger are discussed.


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Treatment and rehabilitation in forensic settings have been largely based on cognitive behavioural models and therapies. In the past decade, “third wave” approaches have developed in cognitive behavioural therapy, strongly influenced by spiritual and contemplative traditions such as Buddhism. Mindfulness is the most analysed and researched of such approaches. In this paper, we ask whether mindfulness is relevant to therapeutic work with offenders in forensic mental health and criminal justice services. We review the known criminogenic and other needs of offender groups and discuss whether the psychological processes affected by mindfulness are relevant to reducing risk, alleviating distress and facilitating coping. We conclude that they are. Finally, we address some of the problems that may arise in implementing mindfulness interventions in forensic settings.


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This thesis investigated the use of mindfulness as an intervention for children with ADHD. Findings indicate significant improvements in attentional, behavioural, and affective deficit symptoms following participation in a mindfulness-based intervention, demonstrating that mindfulness may be a worthwhile alternative or adjunct to ADHD treatment.


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This thesis presents four articles focusing on an online treatment for female sexual dysfunctions (FSDs). The treatment extended prior research by incorporating mindfulness and chat-groups. Article 1 reviews manualised FSD treatments. Articles 2, 3 and 4 present data from the online treatment.