992 resultados para military training


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A practical military manual for officers in the Royal Regiment of Artillery. It combines training and field service manuals with lists of equipment, weights, dimensions, and equipment accuracy and performance.


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Le présent mémoire aborde les problématiques morales de la scission corps-esprit chez les soldats de la guerre du Việt Nam telles que représentées à travers certains films traitant de cette guerre. Notre démarche sera centrée sur le travail individuel que propose le film Apocalypse Now, plutôt que sur la representation de la guerre. Nous postulons que ce film met les individus devant les contradictions inhérentes d'une société qui prétend justement pacifier le monde en faisant la guerre, et qui plus est, comme ce fut le cas au Việt Nam, au moyen d’un déchainement de violence qui dépasse l'entendement (torture, massacre de masses, napalm et Agent Orange). Notre hypothèse est que le film, à travers son personnage central, nous propose une « voie » qui n’empêche pas la guerre, certes, mais permet du moins d'entreprendre une demarche de distanciation et de redefinition morale individuelle permettant de survivre au(x) temps de guerre(s). Cette mutation morale, chez le personnage principal, s'acquiert au bout d'un voyage réflexif à tout point de vue « au coeur des ténèbres » – de la jungle, tout autant que de son être.


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O processo de construção de uma comunidade europeia de segurança iniciou-se em 1953. Apenas em 2003 foi adotada uma Estratégia Europeia de Segurança e só em 2010, com a entrada em vigor do Tratado de Lisboa, se criou uma política comum de segurança e defesa. Desde 2003, nestes 10 anos de PESD/PCSD, foram lançadas cerca de 30 missões em regiões diferentes como os Balcãs, a África Subsahariana, o Sahel e o espaço da ex-União Soviética, tocando áreas tão vastas como a reforma do setor da segurança, a formação e controlo alfandegário, o combate à pirataria ou a formação militar. Portugal participou em 11 dessas missões. O elenco de riscos e ameaças constantes da Estratégia Europeia de Segurança, revisto e atualizado em 2008, é exaustivo e mantém-se ajustado à presente situação internacional. As dificuldades da UE, no domínio da PCSD, prendem-se sobretudo com um conjunto de défices, em particular de vontade política e de recursos materiais e finanaceiros e não com a revisão da EES. Uma abordagem pragmática, que passe pela melhor definição de prioridaddes, de estratégias regionais, do reforço das capacidades e das industriais de defesa, seria a melhor orientação que o Conselho EUropeu de Dezembro de 2013 poderia dar às Instituições Europeias e aos Estados membros, no sentido de um esforço conjunto com vista a manter e a reforçar o papel da União Europeia enquanto fornecedor de segurança no sistema internacional.


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Calcareous grasslands are an important habitat for floral and faunal communities in the UK and Europe. Declines due to changes in management, scrub invasion and agricultural improvement have left much of the remnants of this habitat in a degraded and fragmented state. Grazing, by cattle or sheep, is one of the main management practices used to maintain and improve the floral and faunal quality of calcareous grassland. The long-term impacts of different grazing regimes, however, are poorly understood, particularly in terms of the invertebrate communities. This study contrasted the impacts of recently introduced and long-term sheep or cattle grazing on beetle communities present on one of the largest areas of calcareous grassland in Europe, the Salisbury Plain military training Area, UK. No effects of grazing management on beetle abundance, species. richness or evenness were found, but plant diversity and overall percentage cover of grasses did influence beetle diversity. Proportions of the total number of individuals and overall species richness within beetle guilds (predatory, phytophagous, flower/seed feeders, root feeders and foliage feeders) were strongly influenced by both the duration and type of grazing animal. At the species level, beetle community structure showed significant differences between ungrazed, long-term cattle and long-term sheep grazing treatments. Changes in plant community structure were found to influence beetle community structure. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the long-term impacts of grazing on beetle community structure, and the benefits of different grazing regimes for the conservation management of calcareous grasslands. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Injuries sustained by Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel during non-combat military training and sports activity are associated with increasing costs due to work days lost, medical treatment, compensation, and early retirement. In 2001, the ADF commissioned a systematic review of the evidence-base for reducing injuries associated with physical activity, while at the same time improving physical activity participation rates to sustain a trained, fit and deployable workforce.

Literature from on-line library databases, relevant unclassified military reports, and material from previously published sport-specific injury countermeasure reviews were systematically and critically analysed to address the study aims.

Modification of intensity, frequency and duration of basic military training activities and improved equipment is likely to reduce injury occurrence. Sports injury countermeasures used for the civilian population have merit for the ADF physical activity program. Injury countermeasures should be designed to minimise any possible deterrent effect on the motivation to participate in regular physical activity. Increasing the participation of ADF personnel in physical activity in the presence of evidence-based injury prevention strategies has the potential to increase health, fitness and deployability with minimal impact on injury frequency.

Recommendations arising from the review include injury intervention trials in basic military training and sports. These and other interventions should be supported by refinement to ADF injury surveillance systems. Research should focus on interventions with the greatest gain for fitness, deployability, and cost effectiveness.


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Background: Total immunoglobulin A in saliva (s-IgA) is normally assayed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We have investigated methodological issues relating to the use of particle-enhanced nephelometric immunoassay (PENIA)
to measure s-IgA in whole unstimulated saliva and determine its reference range.

Methods: Whole unstimulated resting saliva was collected to determine sample stability (temperature, time, effect of a protease inhibitor), limit of quantitation (LOQ), assay precision and analytical variation. The reference range for 134 healthy adults was determined.

Results: Linearity was excellent (4–10.3 mg L21, P, 0.001; R2 ¼ 0.997) and without significant bias (mean of 20.7%). The lowest intra- and inter-analytical coefficients of variation were 1.8% and 7.5% and LOQ was 1.4 mg L21. The concentration of s-IgA is stable at room temperature for up to 6 h, at 48C for 48 h, at 248C for two weeks and at 2808C for up to 1.3 yr. There is no evidence that a protease inhibitor increases the stability or that repeated freeze–thawing cycles degrade sample quality. The reference ranges for s-IgA concentration, s-IgA secretion, s-IgA:albumin and s-IgA:osmolality were 15.9–414.5 mg L21, 7.2–234.9 mg min21, 0.4–19 and 0.6–8.9, respectively.

Automated PENIA assay of s-IgA is precise and accurate. High stability of collected saliva samples and the ease and speed of the assay make this an ideal method for use in athletic and military training situations. The convenience of measuring albumin and IgA on the same analytical platform adds to the practicability of the test.


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We aimed to make recommendations concerning the use of total IgA in saliva (s-IgA) as an aid for monitoring athletic and military training.

Unstimulated whole saliva was collected from 16 subjects (11 women and 5 men ages 18–57) during nonconsecutive days of fasting and non-fasting. Seven samples were collected from each subject at 0700, 0900, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, and 2030 on each day and a further three samples were collected 30 min after three meals on the non-fasting day (at 0730, 1230, and 1830). Strenuous activity was avoided and subjects did not drink caffeine or alcohol-containing beverages. Albumin and s-IgA were measured by commercial nephelometric immunoassays with intra-analytical coefficient of variance (CVA) of 1.8% and 2.9%, respectively. Individual and group variations were determined. Diurnal variation was determined by use of repeated-measures analysis of variance.

CV-individual (CVI) was 48% for s-IgA concentration and 43% for s-IgA secretion and s-IgA:albumin. CV-group (CVG) for these same measures was 68%, 75%, and 68%, respectively. When measurements were adjusted for saliva flow rates there was no evidence that s-IgA is subject to diurnal variation. There was strong evidence for a postprandial decrease in s-IgA for all measures.

The high degree of individuality in s-IgA precludes the use of population reference ranges for identifying individual abnormal results. For the purpose of monitoring individuals we recommend using the individual's calculated biological variance (determined from previous serial measurements over a period of days to weeks). Individual abnormal results can then be identified.


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The dentifrices currently available in the marketplace contain many anticariogenic substances, fluoride and abrasives aimed to better clean the dental surface, remove dental plaque, improve salivary flow and its buffer capacity and reduce colonies of bacteria such as S. mutans, the causative agent of dental caries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of adequately removing dental plaque using an experimental almond oil dentifrice (Titoil) with no abrasives or antiplaque agents. This study was carried out with 80 volunteers, all of them 18-year-old recruits from the military training school of Araçatuba -- SP. Saliva sampling and dental plaque disclosing were undertaken both before and after 28 days of toothbrushing with a low abrasive dentifrice (Group 1: 40 volunteers) or with Titoil (Group 2: 40 volunteers). Statistical analysis of the results revealed that the experimental dentifrice (Titoil) did not interfere with salivary flow and reduced dental plaque more than the low abrasive dentifrice, improved the salivary buffer capacity and decreased salivary S. mutans (Caritest-SM) as much as regular dentifrices. It was concluded that if the dental industry replaces abrasive by vegetable oil in dentifrices, these will be more effective in maintaining oral health and will cause less dental abrasion.


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11. Salomon, Albert: "The Spirit of the Soldier and Nazi Militarism". Social Research, Februar 1942, 13 Blatt; 12. Dicks, H.V.: "The Psychological Foundations of the Wehrmacht". Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 42 Blatt; 13. Clark, Robert A.: "Aggressivness and Military Training". American Journal of Sociology, Volume 51, Number 5, March 1946, 5 Blatt; 14. Stagner, Ross: "Fascist Attitudes: Their Determening Conditions". The Journal of Social Psychology, Volume III, Number 4, 1936, 9 Blatt; 15. Apple, Kenneth E.: "Nationalism and Souvereignity: A Psychiatric View." The Journal of Normal and Abnorma Psychology, Volume 40, Number 4, October 1945, 4 Blatt; 16. Schreier, Fritz: "German Aggressivness- Its Reasons and Types". Journal of Normal and Abnormal Psychology, Volume 38, Number 2, April 1943, 7 Blatt; 17. Stagner, Ross: "Fascist Attitudes: An Exploratory Study". The Journal of Social Psychology, Volume III, Number 3, 1936, 6 Blatt; 18. Stagner, Ross und Katzoff, E. T.: "Fascist Attitudes: Factor Analysis of Item Correlations". The Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 1942, 4 Blatt; 19. Stagner, Ross und Osgood, Charles E.: "Impact of War on a Nationalistic Frame of Reference". The Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 1946, 15 Blatt; 20. Day, Daniel Droba und Quackenbusch, O.F.: Attitudes Towards Defensive, Cooperative and Aggressive War". The Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 1942, 5 Blatt; 21. Kecskemeti, Paul und Leites, Nathan: "Some Psychological Hypotheses on Nazi Germany: I". The Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 1947, 22 Blatt; 22. Dieselben: "Some Psychological Hypotheses on Nazi Germany: II". Ebenda, 27, 1948, 14 Blatt; 23. Parsons, Tollcott: "Certain Primary Sources and Pattersens of Aggression in the Social Structure of the Western World". Psychiatry, Volume 10, Number 2, May 1047, 8 Blatt; 24. Zerner, Elizabeth H.: "German Occupation and Anti-Semitism in France". Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1948, 5 Blatt; 25. Hauser, Ernest O.: "Doctor [Julian] Huxley`s Wonderful Zoo". The Saturday Evening Post, ohne Datum, 5 Blatt; 26. Zeitungsabschnitt, 1 Blatt; "Menschen im Großbetrieb" (GS 8, S. 95-105); Veröffentlicht in: Deutsche Zeitung, 19.02.1955. a) Typoskript mit dem Titel "Meinungsforschung im Betrieb" mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt b) Typoskript mit dem Titel "Der Mensch im Großbetrieb", mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und einer handschriftlichen Notiz von Theodor W. Adorno, 17 Blatt c) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 17 Blatt d) Zeitungsdruck mit dem Titel "Menschen im Großbetrieb", mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt e)-f) Dasselbe , 1 Blatt; "Vorwort" zu: "Zeugnisse. Theodor W. Adorno zum 60. Geburtstag"; Veröffentlicht: Ebenda, Frankfurt am Main, 1963. a)-b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt c) Typoskript, 2 Blatt;


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Wildfires are part of the Mediterranean ecosystem, however, in Israel all wildfires are human caused, either intentionally or un-intentionally. In this study we aimed to develop and test a new method for mapping fire scars from MODIS imagery, to examine the temporal and spatial patterns of wildfires in Israel in the 2000s and to examine the factors controlling Israel's wildfire regime. To map the fires we used two 'off-the-shelf' MODIS fire products as our basis-the 1 km MODIS Collection 5 fire hotspots, the 500 m MCD45A1 burnt areas-and we created a new set of fire scar maps from the 250 m MOD13Q1 product. We carried out a cross comparison of the three MODIS based wildfire scar maps and evaluated them independently against the wild fire scars mapped from 30 m Landsat TM imagery. To examine the factors controlling wildfires we used GIS layers of rainfall, land use, and a Landsat-based national vegetation map. Wildfires occurred in areas where annual rainfall was above 250 mm, mostly in areas with herbaceous vegetation. Wildfire frequency was especially high in the Golan Heights and in the foothills of the Judean mountains, and a high correspondence was found between military training zones and the spatial distribution of fire scars. The use of MODIS satellite images enabled us to map wildfires at a national scale due to the high temporal resolution of the sensor. Our MOD13Q1 based mapping of fire scars adequately mapped large (>1 km**2) fires with accuracies above 80%. Such large fires account for a large proportion of all fires, and pose the greatest threats. This database can aid managers in determining wildfire risks in space and in time.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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[Don Lund (33) and Joe Ponsetto (26) were selected to serve as co-captains by team captain Bob Wiese when he left for military training]