965 resultados para migration studies, rural destinations, integration


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This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.


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This article explores the experiences of young people of Chinese background in Prato (Italy). Despite significant social exclusion, young Chinese develop a sense of belonging to Prato by creating local, translocal and transnational affiliations and interconnections. These relationships contribute to making an often overtly hostile local reality, liveable and meaningful. A central aim of this article is to examine the intersection between migration studies and youth studies. The former tend to focus on the processes of identity formation featuring ethnic background, hence the label ‘second generation’. In contrast, the latter tend to foreground age- and generation-specific practices of belonging that may extend beyond ethnic identification, hence the focus on ‘youth’. We argue that bringing migration and youth studies together by complicating notions of home and host, migrant and local identity and belonging helps us to better understand how young people are managing multiplicity and mobility (and situatedness and stasis/fixity).


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This paper examines the Rural Schools of Queensland. Starting with Nambour in 1917, the scheme incorporated thirty schools, and operated for over forty years. The rhetoric of the day was that boys and girls from the senior classes of primary school would be provided with elementary instruction of a practical character. In reality, the subjects taught were specifically tailored to provide farm skills to children in rural centres engaged in farming, dairying or fruit growing. Linked to each Rural School was a number of smaller surrounding schools, students from which travelled to the Rural School for special agricultural or domestic instruction. Through this action, the Queensland Department of Public Instruction left no doubt it intended to provide educational support for agrarian change and development within the state; in effect, they had set in motion the creation of a Queensland yeoman class. The Department’s intention was to arrest or reverse the trend toward urbanisation — whilst increasing agricultural productivity — through the making of a farmer born of the land and accepting of the new scientific advances in agriculture.


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This introduction to the volume places the study of migration within the wider processes of social change and the complex actions of class, gender and ethnicity that are integrated into the experience of displacement. It argues that the articles in this volume contribute important new ethnographic and theoretical analyses to our knowledge and understanding of the constraints and the opportunities provided by cultural diversity in several societies by elaborating upon recent advances made in conceptualisations of migrancy. It places particular emphasis on developing phenomenological approaches to migration studies which incorporate the lived experience of migrants into any analysis. It also suggests that redressing the neglect of this area of study in Australia has the possibility of generating informed interruptions into the current political shift towards divisive public debates on immigration and cultural pluralism.


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In 1952 Helsinki hosted the Summer Olympic Games and Armi Kuusela, the current “Maiden of Finland”, was at the same time crowned Miss Universe. In popular history writing, these events have been designated as a crucial turning point – the end of an era marked by war and deprivation and the beginning of a modern, Western nation. Symptomatically, both events were marked by Finnish women’s sexual relationships with foreign men. The Olympics were shadowed by a concern over Finnish women’s “undue friendliness” with the Olympic guests, and Armi Kuusela's world tour was cut short by her surprise marriage in Tokyo and subsequent emigration to the Philippines. This study is an inquiry into the Helsinki Olympics and the public persona of Armi Kuusela from the point of view of transnational heterosexuality and the constitution of Finnish national identity. Methodologically the two main components of the study are intersectionality, defined here as a focus on the mutual histories and effects of discourses of gender, sexuality, race and nation; and transnational history as a way of exploring the ways that both nations and sexual subjects are embedded in global relations of power. The analysis proceeds by way of contextual and intertextual readings of various sources. Part one, centering on the Olympics, involves a campaign mounted by certain women’s organizations before the Games in order to educate young women about the potential dangers of the forthcoming international event as well as magazine and newspaper articles published during and after the Games concerning the encounter between young Finnish women and foreign, especially “Southern,” men. It places the debates during the Olympics within the framework of wartime understandings of women’s sexuality; the history of the concept of decency (siveellisyys); post-war population policy; the intersectional histories of conceptions pertaining to race and sexuality; and finally, the post-war concerns over women’s migration from rural areas to the capital city and their potential emigration abroad. Part two deals with the persona of Armi Kuusela and the public reception of her world tour and marriage, based on material from both Finland and the Philippines (newspapers, magazines, advertisements, books and films). It examines the persona of Armi Kuusela as a figure of national import in terms of the East/West divide; the racialized images of different geographic climates and Oriental “Others;” the meaning of whiteness in the Philippines; the significance of class and colonial history for the domestication of sexual and racial transgressions implied by an unconventional transnational marriage; as well as the cultural logics of transnational desire and its possible meanings for women in 1950s Finland. The study develops two arguments. First, it suggests that instead of being purely oppositional to national discourses, transnational desire may also be viewed as a product of these very discourses. Second, it claims that the national significance of both the Olympics and the persona of Armi Kuusela was due to the new points of comparison they both offered for national identity construction. In comparison with the sexualized Southern men at the Olympics and the racialized Orient in the representations of Armi Kuusela’s travels and marriage, Finland emerged as part of the civilized North, placed firmly within the perimeters of Western Europe. As such, both events mark a “whitening” of the Finnish people as well as a distancing from their previous designations in racial hierarchies. At the same time, however, the process of becoming a white nation inevitably meant complying with and reproducing racial hierarchies, rather than simply abolishing them.


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Knowledge of the population structure of an exploited stock is necessary for the effective management of a fishery. For this reason the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) has sponsored numerous genetic, morphometric, and migration studies of yellowfin, Thunnus albacares, and skipjack, Katswonus pelamis, in a concerted effort to determine the structure of these stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean. (PDF contains 171 pages.)


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The phenomenon of migration has been widely researched by the social sciences. Theories regarding the migrant have been developed in terms of the oppressive social context that is often encountered, proposing different alternatives to understand and overcome such oppression. Through the current project, an alternative view is presented that first, questions the accuracy of the social theories of migration and second, proposes an alternative understanding of this experience. Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology of Being offers a contextualized view of existence that nonetheless includes elements of our experience that are shared due to a common mode of being. I use Heidegger’s philosophy in order to broaden the understanding of the migrant’s experience analyzing those elements that he identifies as shared (for instance: human sociability, a desire for a home, the uncanny, etc.) and comparing them with common issues raised by migrants (identity, homesickness, belonging, etc.). In this way, I intend to present a more complete picture of the experience of migration that considers both empirical evidence of individual migrants and an existential analysis that incorporates the defining elements of our world and our existence as crucial means to understand any experience, including that of migration.


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The idea that Roma communities need to be included in public life is rather uncontroversial, widely accepted by Roma activists, academics and policy-makers in national and transnational political contexts. But, what do we mean by participation? Are we talking about formal political structures or do we refer to the capacity of ordinary Roma to have a presence in public life? The right to participation for minorities is specified by international norms but is interpreted differently in national contexts. Nevertheless, participation alone is not enough, thus minorities require 'effective' participation given that the utilitarian principles of liberal democracy means that groups such as Roma will always be outvoted. This article is based on the conviction that addressing the multiple and inter-connected issues facing Roma communities across Europe requires the participation of Roma in social, economic and political life. Whilst the article acknowledges the structural barriers which inhibit attempts to foster the integration of Roma communities, it does consider different conceptions of political participation including presence, voice and influence and how these are understood by the European Union and its member states with regards to Roma.


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European studies frequently regard the economic and social dimensions of EU integration as diametrically opposed, maintaining that this state of affairs is beyond change. This edited collection challenges this perceived wisdom, focusing on the post-Lisbon constitutional landscape. Taking the multi-layered polity that is Europe today as its central organising theme, it examines how the social and the economic might be reconciled under the Union's different forms of governance. The collection has a clear structure, opening with a theoretical appraisal of its theme, before considering three specific policy fields: migration policy and civic integration, company law and corporate social responsibility and the role of third sector providers in public healthcare. It concludes with three case studies in these fields, illustrating how the argument can be practically applied. Insightful and topical, with a unique interdisciplinary perspective, this is an important contribution to European Union law after the Lisbon Treaty


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A tese analisa o empreendedorismo do imigrante português na cidade do Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, durante a primeira metade do século XX. O foco da tese pode ser assim formulado: teria o imigrante português sido empreendedor nesse cenário de mudança econômica e cultural dos primeiros cinquenta anos do século XX, seja como grupo étnico, seja como pessoa de comportamento empreendedor? O corpus teórico principal é, portanto, derivado do campo do empreendedorismo. É uma pesquisa interdisciplinar, que se ampara nas áreas de história, estudos migratórios, econômicos e organizacionais. De acordo com a literatura consultada, esse tipo de abordagem não é incomum no vasto campo do empreendedorismo (Fillion, 1999 e Martinelli, 2007). À luz dessa visão interdisciplinar, a investigação debruça-se sobre o período referido, resgata a trajetória desse imigrante no país e no Recife e discute sua inserção na economia e sociedade locais. Identifica características do dinamismo econômico comercial existente no período e reconstrói a atmosfera de modernidade que a cidade atravessava no mesmo interregno histórico. Para seu desenvolvimento, a pesquisa se apóia em conteúdos de estudos migratórios, históricos e econômicos porque nesse interregno de tempo, a cidade do Recife estava atravessando a chamada era da modernidade nas esferas econômica, cultural e comportamental. No que diz respeito às questões migratórias, a pertinência é óbvia porque o tema do trabalho tem como alvo o imigrante luso. Já quanto à esfera econômica e ao contexto histórico da modernidade, seus conteúdos são trabalhados como o cenário ou o teatro de operações no qual o ator social, imigrante luso, movimentou-se. O trabalho adota, portanto, o olhar de ourives a procurar e a espiar nos textos, livros, discursos visitados e entrevistas realizadas, eventos ou sinais que conduzam à compreensão e interpretação do comportamento do ator econômico, o imigrante português, na história empresarial da cidade do Recife, na condição de empreendedor. Trata-se, por assim dizer, de uma pesquisa de postura quase arqueológica voltada a procurar achados, materiais e imateriais, que denunciem e permitam a discussão e análise do foco acima citado. Diferentemente de pesquisas recentes a serem referidas no capítulo III que exploram o comportamento empreendedor e o empreendedorismo étnico no cenário dos dias de hoje, o estudo olha pelo retrovisor para quase um século atrás e tenta reconstituir e identificar, na história do imigrante português na cidade, conteúdos empreendedorísticos. Está estruturada em 09 (nove) capítulos. No primeiro, são indicados os objetivos perseguidos, a relevância do estudo sob o ponto de vista teórico e os percalços que a pesquisa atravessou para atingir seu termo final. Faz-se, ainda, uma apresentação detalhada dos demais capítulos do trabalho. No corpo do texto, estão ainda, estampadas imagens que testemunham a presença lusa na cidade e documentam a atmosfera da vida do Recife, no período pesquisado. Os resultados encontrados sinalizam para evidências consistentes de empreendedorismo de natureza étnico lusitana nas cadeias produtivas – conceito a ser definido no 9º capítulo– das indústrias da panificação; de terreno, ferragens e construção; e alimentos em geral. Indica, ainda, comportamento empreendedor do imigrante português em diversas atividades econômicas, desde exportação e importação, cafés, restaurantes até o setor de entretenimento em geral. Acredita-se, destarte, que os resultados alcançados podem aditar contribuições relevantes nos campos referidos acima, bem como indicar novos temas de investigação que desdobrem sugestões formuladas nas considerações finais da investigação.


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Esta tese incide sobre as dinâmicas do turismo rural e as respetivas implicações em termos de desenvolvimento rural. Para tal recorreu-se à mobilização de um conjunto de conhecimentos, nomeadamente da área do turismo no espaço rural, do desenvolvimento rural e do marketing dos destinos rurais. Após uma revisão teórica minuciosa acerca de cada uma das temáticas anteriores, passámos à definição das hipóteses de investigação e do modelo de análise. As hipóteses de investigação permitiram-nos, efetivamente, testar algumas relações que considerámos, desde logo, relevantes no que diz respeito à problemática da investigação. Estas centraram-se nos promotores da oferta e na população rural. Se por um lado pretendíamos analisar a relação entre o perfil dos promotores, motivações de criação do empreendimento turístico e atividades de marketing seguidas, por outro, assumia-se como fundamental, observar as repercussões da oferta turística proporcionada junto da população local. Assumimos que esta se manifesta não só nos benefícios pessoais usufruídos, mas também a nível das perceções positivas e negativas. Após termos integrado as hipóteses de investigação, o modelo foi testado em duas regiões rurais que apresentam particularidades de regiões pobres, mas, ao mesmo tempo, um potencial turístico enorme, sendo que, inclusivamente, parte de uma dessas regiões é Património Mundial da Humanidade. Tomando em consideração esta última constatação, foram também apresentadas hipóteses complementares relativas à existência de diferenças (ao nível dos promotores e residentes) entre as regiões. Estas tarefas obrigaram à recolha de dados primários e secundários. Após a recolha da informação primária, os dados foram tratados e analisados à luz das perspetivas teóricas entretanto fornecidas. Os resultados obtidos com o estudo realizado permitiram identificar relações significativas entre o perfil do promotor, motivações de abertura do empreendimento, objetivos económicos e atividades de marketing desenvolvidas no empreendimento. Por outro lado, confirmámos ainda a existência de relações significativas entre benefícios pessoais auferidos e perceções positivas e negativas desenvolvidas pelos residentes e entre estas e a satisfação e apoio à atividade turística. Considera-se ainda que os resultados obtidos pela investigação devem ser utilizados em prol do desenvolvimento das respetivas regiões rurais. Por fim, sublinha-se o facto do modelo desenvolvido nesta investigação ser passível de aplicar a outras regiões rurais.


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Les études qui portent sur l’intégration professionnelle des travailleurs immigrants s’intéressent majoritairement aux résultats des acteurs sur le marché du travail ou à leur parcours d’intégration en mettant l’accent sur les barrières à l’intégration, plus rarement sur les stratégies des acteurs. Peu d’études s’intéressent aux trajectoires des travailleurs qualifiés qui ont réussi leur intégration socioprofessionnelle depuis une perspective centrée sur leur expérience subjective. Notre étude se situe résolument dans une approche micro-individuelle, donc, centrée sur les acteurs, ici, de nouveaux immigrants, travailleurs qualifiés, en processus d’intégration. Elle porte sur le déroulement de leur processus d’intégration, depuis leur décision d’immigrer jusqu’à la situation actuelle, après 5 à 10 ans passés au Québec. Notre perspective, axée sur l’expérience individuelle de l’immigrant, visait en même temps à relier les facteurs micro, macro et meso sociaux interagissant continuellement pour produire des trajectoires d’intégration uniques. Cette recherche qualitative, inspirée par le courant de la sociologie clinique, analyse les trajectoires socioprofessionnelles de sujets qui occupaient au moment de l’entrevue des emplois qualifiés, situés minimalement au niveau de leur diplôme. Elle portait sur la situation pré-migratoire : les motifs de départ, le choix de la destination; puis le parcours d’intégration socioprofessionnelle au Québec et finalement la situation actuelle du point de vue des objectifs et de la satisfaction personnelle des sujets. Il nous importait de mettre en lumière l’expérience personnelle d’intégration vue depuis la perspective subjective des acteurs. Ce faisant, nous avons étudié l’agentivité des travailleurs qualifiés qui se sont posés en tant qu’acteurs actifs et réflexifs face aux déterminant sociaux et limitations qui pesaient sur eux. Une deuxième question de recherche reliée à celle des trajectoires portait sur le regard subjectif des sujets sur l’intégration. Nous avons voulu savoir ce que c’est pour chacun que l’« intégration réussie » (au Québec) et l’intégration professionnelle « réussie ». De cette façon, il devient possible de révéler la diversité des positions et des perceptions individuelles des sujets quant à la question de l’intégration sans présumer du ou des résultats possibles de leur cheminement. Nos résultats révèlent la diversité des attentes individuelles face à l’immigration et à l’intégration dans le pays de destination et donc, ils nous invitent à tenir compte de la particularité de chaque sujet. L’immigration et l’intégration s’inscrivent pour les sujets dans une démarche individuelle plus large, celle de la réalisation de leurs projets de vie. Ces projets se situent à plusieurs niveaux et leur réalisation agit comme un guide des démarches individuelles qui visent à atteindre une vie qui s’avère satisfaisante, réussie, pleine ou complète, selon les acteurs. Il nous a été possible de rendre visibles les efforts que les acteurs ont déployés et déploient pour accomplir leurs projets et poursuivre leur chemin vers la réalisation de soi. Notre recherche a démontré qu’il est nécessaire de tenir compte tant de la subjectivité et des différences entre les acteurs au moment d’analyser leurs parcours que des résultats de leur intégration afin de concevoir des programmes qui intègrent davantage la complexité des processus en marche. Au final, il s’agit de contribuer plus efficacement à ce que les diverses expériences d’immigration et d’intégration soient « réussies ».


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La Pologne, pendant des décennies pays d’émigration, accueille depuis une dizaine d’années de plus en plus d’immigrants et se transforme en pays d’immigration. D’un côté, elle semble avoir besoin de main d’œuvre, de l’autre elle se refuse d’adopter des politiques migratoires régissant le statut des migrants temporaires et des immigrants permanents. Pourtant, afin de répondre aux défis économiques, sociopolitiques et identitaires posés par des flux migratoires stimulés par la mondialisation, les aspirations économiques et les crises humanitaires, la plupart de ses voisins à l’ouest développent des systèmes migratoires. Nous constatons que malgré l’occurrence de problèmes similaires liés aux migrations en Europe de l’Est, à ce jour seule la République tchèque s’est prévalue d’un système migratoire, y compris d’un programme d’intégration des immigrants permanents. Qu’est-ce qui freine la Pologne de se prévaloir de mécanismes permettant de faire face à l’afflux grandissant des immigrants? Pour comprendre la question nous comparons la Pologne à la République tchèque - deux pays similaires dont le résultat en matière des systèmes migratoires diffère. La littérature met de l’avant trois facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption ou pas des systèmes migratoires par les États: les besoins économiques, sociopolitiques et les questions identitaires. Nous analysons ces trois éléments dans les deux cas choisis et posons comme hypothèse que c’est le facteur de l’identité nationale qui ralenti le développement du système migratoire en Pologne. En effet, notre recherche démontre que les facteurs économiques et sociopolitiques sont similaires en République tchèque et en Pologne, alors que le facteur identitaire marque la différence. Bien que la Pologne soit entrée dans l’UE et que son essor économique progresse depuis les vingt dernières années, il semble que l’identité nationale et le projet politique de préserver un État-nation soient des obstacles au développement d’un système migratoire ouvert à l’accueil des immigrants permanents. L’importance du facteur identitaire pour les politiques migratoires est montrée à travers l’analyse de la littérature, des sondages d’opinion publique et des sténogrammes parlementaires, ainsi que de quatre entrevues semi-structurées que nous avons menées avec des représentants du gouvernement polonais et des organismes non gouvernementaux.