35 resultados para metaphyseal


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Operationsziel Geschlossene, anatomische Reposition und sichere Fixation von problematischen suprakondylären Typ-III- und Typ-IV-Humerusfrakturen, die mit den herkömmlichen Operationsmethoden nur schwierig geschlossen zu behandeln sind. Indikationen Gemäß der AO-Kinderklassifikation der suprakondylären Humerusfrakturen vom Typ III und IV: Frakturen, welche nicht geschlossen mittels üblicher Repositionsmethoden reponierbar sind sowie Frakturen, die nicht mittels der üblichen, gekreuzten perkutanen Kirschner-Draht-Technik zu fixieren sind. Bei schweren Schwellungszuständen, offener Fraktur oder initial neurologischen und/oder vaskulären Problemen („pulseless pink hand“) sowie bei mehrfachverletzten Kindern, welche eine optimale Rehabilitation benötigen und die Extremität gipsfrei sein sollte. Bei Kindern mit Komorbiditäten (z. B. Anfälle, Spastizität), die eine bessere Stabilität benötigen. Kontraindikationen Prinzipiell keine Kontraindikationen Operationstechnik Im nichtreponierten Zustand unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle Einbringen einer einzelnen Schanz-Schraube in den lateralen (radialen) Aspekt des distalen Fragments, welches sich in der streng seitlichen Röntgenprojektion als „Sand-Uhr“- bzw. Kreisform des Capitulum humeri darstellt. Je nach Größe dieses distalen Fragments kann die Schanz-Schraube rein epiphysär oder metaphysär liegen. Danach in absolut streng seitlicher Projektion des distalen Humerus im Bereich des meta-diaphysären Übergangs Einbohren einer 2. Schanz-Schraube unabhängig von der Ersten, die möglichst rechtwinklig zur Längsachse des Humerus in der a.-p.-Ebene zu liegen kommen sollte, um spätere Manipulationen mittels „Joy-Stick“-Technik zu erleichtern. Sind die beiden Schanz-Schrauben mehr oder weniger in beiden Ebenen parallel, so ist die Fraktur praktisch anatomisch reponiert. Nach erreichter Reposition Feinjustierung aller Achskomponenten. Sicherung der Flexion/Extension mittels einem von radial, distal eingebrachten sog. Anti-Rotations-Kirschner-Drahts, der die Stabilität signifikant erhöht und eine Drehung des distalen Fragments um die einzelne Schanz-Schraube verhindert. Postoperative Behandlung Keine zusätzliche Gipsruhigstellung notwendig. Es sollte eine funktionelle Nachbehandlung erfolgen. Ergebnisse Gemäß unserer Langzeitstudien bewegen die meisten Kinder bereits zum Zeitpunkt der ambulanten Pin-Entfernung in der Frakturambulanz ihren Ellbogen weitgehend normal. Bei einer Follow-up-Zeit über 40 Monate hatten 30/31 Kindern eine seitengleiche Achse und Beweglichkeit.


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Fractures of the growing bone require fixation techniques, which preclude any injury to the growth plate regions. This requirement is met by Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nails (ESIN) which are positioned between both metaphyseal regions. Pronounced malposition and/or shortening, open fractures and fractures with impending skin perforation are indications for clavicle nailing in adolescents. Retrograde nailing with two elastic nails, inserted from lateral, is the method of choice for stabilization of humerus fractures. In radial neck fractures with severe tilting of the radial head, a retrograde nail may reduce and fix the head. In Monteggia lesions, the ulna fracture is reduced and fixed with an antegrade nail. Forearm fractures with unacceptable axial deviation are reduced and fixed with one antegrade nail in the ulna and a retrograde nail in the radius. Ascending elastic nailing is done for femur shaft and proximal femur fractures. The medial and lateral entry sites are located above the distal physis. End caps are used to prevent shortening in spiral and multiple segment fractures. Fractures of the distal third of the femur are nailed in a descending technique. The entry sites of two nails are located on the lateral cortex below the greater trochanter. Combined tibia and fibula fractures, open fractures and unstable fracture types such as spiral and multifragmental tibia fractures are good indications for ESIN. Descending nailing is the method of choice. The nail entry points are medially and laterally distal to the apophysis of the proximal tibia. Thorough knowledge of each fracture type, fracture location and age specific healing pattern is necessary for safe and effective treatment of pediatric fractures


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Tumor necrosis factor-related, activation-induced cytokine (TRANCE), a tumor necrosis factor family member, mediates survival of dendritic cells in the immune system and is required for osteoclast differentiation and activation in the skeleton. We report the skeletal phenotype of TRANCE-deficient mice and its rescue by the TRANCE transgene specifically expressed in lymphocytes. TRANCE-deficient mice showed severe osteopetrosis, with no osteoclasts, marrow spaces, or tooth eruption, and exhibited profound growth retardation at several skeletal sites, including the limbs, skull, and vertebrae. These mice had marked chondrodysplasia, with thick, irregular growth plates and a relative increase in hypertrophic chondrocytes. Transgenic overexpression of TRANCE in lymphocytes of TRANCE-deficient mice rescued osteoclast development in two locations in growing long bones: excavation of marrow cavities permitting hematopoiesis in the marrow spaces, and remodeling of osteopetrotic woven bone in the shafts of long bones into histologically normal lamellar bone. However, osteoclasts in these mice failed to appear at the chondroosseous junction and the metaphyseal periosteum of long bones, nor were they present in tooth eruption pathways. These defects resulted in sclerotic metaphyses with persistence of club-shaped long bones and unerupted teeth, and the growth plate defects were largely unimproved by the TRANCE transgene. Thus, TRANCE-mediated regulation of the skeleton is complex, and impacts chondrocyte differentiation and osteoclast formation in a manner that likely requires local delivery of TRANCE.


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Mice in which the genes encoding the parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) or the PTH/PTHrP receptor have been ablated by homologous recombination show skeletal dysplasia due to accelerated endochondral bone formation, and die at birth or in utero, respectively. Skeletal abnormalities due to decelerated chondrocyte maturation are observed in transgenic mice where PTHrP expression is targeted to the growth plate, and in patients with Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, a rare genetic disorder caused by constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors. These and other findings thus indicate that PTHrP and its receptor are essential for chondrocyte differentiation. To further explore the role of the PTH/PTHrP receptor in this process, we generated transgenic mice in which expression of a constitutively active receptor, HKrk-H223R, was targeted to the growth plate by the rat α1 (II) collagen promoter. Two major goals were pursued: (i) to investigate how constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors affect the program of chondrocyte maturation; and (ii) to determine whether expression of the mutant receptor would correct the severe growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP-ablated mice (PTHrP−/−). The targeted expression of constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors led to delayed mineralization, decelerated conversion of proliferative chondrocytes into hypertrophic cells in skeletal segments that are formed by the endochondral process, and prolonged presence of hypertrophic chondrocytes with delay of vascular invasion. Furthermore, it corrected at birth the growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP−/− mice and allowed their prolonged survival. “Rescued” animals lacked tooth eruption and showed premature epiphyseal closure, indicating that both processes involve PTHrP. These findings suggest that rescued PTHrP−/− mice may gain considerable importance for studying the diverse, possibly tissue-specific role(s) of PTHrP in postnatal development.


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Bone cell cultures were evaluated to determine if osteogenic cell populations at different skeletal sites in the horse are heterogeneous. Osteogenic cells were isolated from cortical and cancellous bone in vitro by an explant culture method. Subcultured cells were induced to differentiate into bone-forming osteoblasts. The osteoblast phenotype was confirmed by immunohistochemical testing for osteocalcin and substantiated by positive staining of cells for alkaline phosphatase and the matrix materials collagen and glycosaminoglycans. Bone nodules were stained by the von Kossa method and counted. The numbers of nodules produced from osteogenic cells harvested from different skeletal sites were compared with the use of a mixed linear model. On average, cortical bone sites yielded significantly greater numbers of nodules than did cancellous bone sites. Between cortical bone sites, there was no significant difference in nodule numbers. Among cancellous sites, the radial cancellous bone yielded significantly more nodules than did the tibial cancellous bone. Among appendicular skeletal sites, tibial metaphyseal bone yielded significantly fewer nodules than did all other long bone sites. This study detected evidence of heterogeneity of equine osteogenic cell populations at various skeletal sites. Further characterization of the dissimilarities is warranted to determine the potential role heterogeneity plays in differential rates of fracture healing between skeletal sites.