998 resultados para mercury chloride


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Toxicity of inorganic mercury to different life history stages of fresh water fishes, Cyprinus carpio and Cirrhinus mrigala were demonstrated by static bioassays. 48 and 94% of egg hatching occurred in controls at 72 and 24h of experimentation in C. carpio and C. mrigala respectively. While fish eggs in water containing mercuric chloride showed delayed development as compared to the control. LC50, LC100 and safe concentrations of hatchling, fry and fingerling were calculated. Hatchling and fry were observed to be more susceptible as compared to fingerlings of C. carpio and C. mrigala.


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Ammonium chloride/mercuric chloride mixtures (molar ratio 2: 1) react at 350degreesC with Monel (Cu68Ni32) to yield (NH4)NiCl3 and mercury and copper amalgam, respectively. With larger amounts of (NH4)Cl in the reaction mixture, dark green (NH4)(2)(NH3)(x)[Ni(NH3)(2)Cl-4] (x approximate to 0.77) (1) is also formed as a main product. Light blue crystals of the mixed-valent copper(I,II) chloride (NH4)(5)Cl-5[CuCl2][CuCl4] (2) were obtained as a minor byproduct from a 4:1 reaction mixture. The crystal structures were determined from single crystal X-ray data; (1): tetragonal, I4/mmm, a = 770.9(1), e = 794.2(2) pm, 190 reflections, R-1 = 0.0263; (2): tetragonal, I4/mcm, a = 874.8(1), c = 2329.2(3) pm, 451 reflections, R-1 = 0.0736. In (1) Ni2+ resides in trans-[Ni(NH3)(2)Cl-4](2-) octahedra, and in (2) copper(l) is linearly two-coordinated in ECUC121- and copper(II) resides in a flattened tetrahedron [CuCl4](2-) with a tetrahedricity of 89%. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science.


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In [HgCl2(Pyp)](n) (Pyp = pyrazine, C4H4N2), chloride-bridged HgCl4/2 strands are connected into layers by pyrazine molecules. The Hg atom is on a site of symmetry 2/m, the unique Cl atom is on a mirror plane, the unique N atom is on a twofold rotation axis, and the unique C and H atoms are in general positions.


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The crystal structure of [HgCl2(Pyo)](n) (Pyo = pyridazine, C4H4N2) consists of chloride-bridged strands of octahedrally coordinated mercuric centers, connected by the two neighboring N atoms of pyridazine molecules. All atoms lie in special positions:Hg with site symmetry 2/m and the others on mirror planes.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Toxicologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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Methyl mercury (MeHg) is highly neurotoxic, affecting visual function in addition to other central nervous system functions. The effect of mercury intoxication on the amplitude of horizontal cell responses to light was studied in the retina of the fish Hoplias malabaricus. Intracellular responses were recorded from horizontal cells of fish previously intoxicated with MeHg by intraperitoneal injection (IP group) or by trophic exposure (T group). Only one retina per fish was used. The doses of MeHg chloride administered to the IP group were 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 mg/kg. The amplitudes of the horizontal cell responses were lower than control in individuals exposed to 0.01 (N = 4 retinas), 0.05 (N = 2 retinas) and 0.1 mg/kg (N = 1 retina), whereas no responses were recorded in the 1.0, 2.0, and 6.0 mg/kg groups. T group individuals were fed young specimens of Astyanax sp previously injected with MeHg corresponding to 0.75 (N = 1 retina), 0.075 (N = 8 retinas) or 0.0075 (N = 4 retinas) mg/kg fish body weight. After 14 doses, one every 5 days, the amplitude of the horizontal cell response was higher than control in individuals exposed to 0.075 and 0.0075 mg/kg, and lower in individuals exposed to 0.75 mg/kg. We conclude that intoxication with MeHg affects the electrophysiological response of the horizontal cells in the retina, either reducing or increasing its amplitude compared to control, and that these effects are related to the dose and/or to the mode of administration.


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A reversible intermittent pow-injection procedure is proposed for the automated determination of mercury in sediments and vinasses by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry, CVAAS. Solutions of sample and stannous chloride are carried by two air streams and sequentially injected into the generator/separator chamber in a segmented asynchronous merging zone configuration. The intermittent flow in the forward direction carries the mercury vapor through the flow cell, and in the backward direction, if aspirates the the remaining solution from the vessel to waste. We investigated composition and concentration of reagents, pow rates, commutation times, reactor configuration, and conditions for mercury release. The accuracy was checked by mercury determination in a certified sediment and spiked vinasses and river waters. The system handles about 100 samples per hour (0.50-5.00 mu g L-1), consuming ca. 2.5 mL of sample and 50 mg of SnCl2 per determination; Good recoveries (92-103%) were obtained with spiked samples. Results are precise (RSD <3% for 2.5 mu g Hg L-1, n = 12) and in agreement with values for certified reference material at 95% confidence level. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A study was carried out to assess the stability of antimicrobial susceptibility of wild isolates upon long-term storage using fifty-three Escherichia coli strains isolated in 1978 from feces of healthy children from the Amazon region in Brazil, exposed to low levels of antimicrobial agents, and examined for resistance to mercury and four antibiotics. All of the strains were kept in Lignieres medium at room temperature and were transferred to fresh media four times during this period. Thirty-five out of the 53 strains analyzed in 1978 were viable. Upon recovery, antibiotic and mercury resistance was estimated. All of the 35 strains maintained their original phenotype in a stable fashion, except for one multiresistant strain which became susceptible to kanamycin. Fifty-four percent of the strains exhibited a resistance phenotype, among which 47% had conjugative plasmids.


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A highly concentrated aqueous saline-containing solution of phenol, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2.4-DCP) was treated by the photo-Fenton process in a system composed of an annular reactor with a quartz immersion well and a medium-pressure mercury lamp (450 W). The study was conducted under special conditions to minimize the costs of acidification and neutralization, which are usual steps in this type of process. Photochemical reactions were carried out to investigate the influence of some process variables such as the initial concentration of Fe2+ ([Fe2+](0)) from 1.0 up to 2.5 mM, the rate in mmol of H2O2 fed into the system (F-H2O2,F-in) from 3.67 up to 7.33 mmol of H2O2/min during 120 min of reaction time, and the initial pH (pH(0)) from 3.0 up to 9.0 in the presence and absence of NaCl (60.0 g/L). Although the optimum pH for the photo-Fenton process is about 3.0, this particular system performed well in experimental conditions starting at alkaline and neutral pH. The results obtained here are promising for industrial applications, particularly in view of the high concentration of chloride, a known hydroxyl radical scavenger and the main oxidant present in photo-Fenton processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The existence of immune self-tolerance allows the immune system to mount responses against infectious agents, but not against self-molecular constitutes. Although self-tolerance is a robust phenomenon, in some individuals as well as in experimental models, the self-tolerance breaks down and as a result, a self-destructive autoimmune disease emerges. The underlying mechanisms for the development of autoimmune diseases are not known, but genetic, environmental and immunological factors are suggested to be involved. In this thesis, we used murine mercury-induced autoimmunity to test this suggestion. In susceptible mice mercuric chloride induces a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by increased serum levels of IgG1 and IgE, production of anti-nucleolar autoantibodies (ANolA) and formation of renal IgG deposits. In contrast, in resistant DBA/2 (H-2d) mice, none of these characteristics develop after exposure to mercury. By crossing and backcrossing mercury-resistant DBA/2 mice to mercury susceptible strains, we found that the resistance was inherited as a dominant trait in F1 hybrids and that one gene or a cluster of genes located in the H-2 loci determined the resistance to ANolA production, whereas resistance to the other characteristics was found to be controlled by two or three non-H-2 genes. We further put forward the “cryptic peptide hypothesis” to investigate whether mercury and another xenobiotic metal use similar pathway(s) to induce the H-2 linked production of ANolA. We found that while mercury stimulated ANolA synthesis in all H-2 susceptible (H-2s, H-2q and H-2f) mouse strains, silver induced only ANolA responses in H-2s and H-2q mice, but not in H-2f mice. Further studies showed that the resistance to silver-induced ANolA production in H-2f mice was inherited as a dominant trait. We next tested the proposition that mercury induces more adverse immunological effects in mouse strains, which are genetically prone to develop autoimmune diseases, using tight-skin 1 mice, an animal model for human Scleroderma. It was found that in this strain, mercury induced a strong immune activation with autoimmune characteristics, but did not accelerate the development of dermal fibrosis, a characteristic in Tsk/1 mice. Finally we addressed the Th1/Th2 cross-regulation paradigm by examining if a Th1-type of response could interact with a Th2-type of response if simultaneous induced in susceptible mice. Our findings demonstrated that mercury-induced autoimmunity (Th2-type) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) (Th1-type) can interact in a synergistic, antagonistic or additive fashion, depending on at which stage of CIA mercury is administered.


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Pingualuk Lake fills a deep crater in the Parc National des Pingualuit on the Ungava Peninsula (Nunavik, Canada) and is isolated from nearby surface waters. The main objectives of this study were to determine and compare the concentrations of two atmospherically derived contaminants, mercury and perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), in the lake water column and fish of Pingualuk Lake and to assess the physical and biological factors influencing contaminant concentrations. Mercury concentrations in arctic char muscle tissue were comparable to those of char in other Arctic lakes, while the total amount of PFCs was below reported levels for remote lakes in the Arctic and elsewhere. Stable isotope and stomach content analyses were made to investigate the feeding ecology of the Pingualuk Lake arctic char population and indicated the possibility of multiple feeding groups. Genetics characteristics (MH and mtDNA) of fish from Pingualuk Lake revealed that this population is likely distinct from that of nearby Laflamme Lake. However, both arctic char populations exhibit differential variation of their allele families. Physical characteristics determined for Lake Pingualuk revealed that the water column was inversely stratified beneath the ice and extremely transparent to visible and ultraviolet radiation. The highest mercury concentrations (3- 6 pg/mL THg) occurred just beneath the ice surface in each lake. Pingualuk Lake, given its near pristine state and exceptional limnological features, may serve as a most valuable reference ecosystem for monitoring environmental stressors, such as contaminants, in the Arctic.


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Concentrations of mercury (Hg) have increased slowly in landlocked Arctic char over a 10- to 15-year period in the Arctic. Fluxes of Hg to sediments also show increases in most Arctic lakes. Correlation of Hg with trophic level (TL) was used to investigate and compare biomagnification of Hg in food webs from lakes in the Canadian Arctic sampled from 2002 to 2007. Concentrations of Hg (total Hg and methylmercury [MeHg]) in food webs were compared across longitudinal and latitudinal gradients in relation to d13C and d15N in periphyton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and Arctic char of varying size-classes. Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) were calculated for the food web in each lake and related to available physical and chemical characteristics of the lakes. The relative content of MeHg increased with trophic level from 4.3 to 12.2% in periphyton, 41 to 79% in zooplankton, 59 to 72% in insects, and 74 to 100% in juvenile and adult char. The d13C signatures of adult char indicated coupling with benthic invertebrates. Cannibalism among char lengthened the food chain. Biomagnification was confirmed in all 18 lakes, with TMFs ranging from 3.5 ± 1.1 to 64.3 ± 0.8. Results indicate that TMFs and food chain length (FCL) are key factors in explaining interlake variability in biomagnification of [Hg] among different lakes.


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Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) has been widely used to evaluate the quality of concrete through the pore size distribution parameters. Two of these parameters are the critical pore diameter (Dcrit) and the percentage of the most interconnected net of pores compared to the total volume of pores. Some researchers consider Dcrit as the diameter obtained from the inflexion point of the cumulative mercury intrusion curve while others consider Dcrit as the diameter obtained from the point of abrupt variation in the same curve. This study aims to analyze two groups of concretes of varying w/c ratios, one cast with pozzolanic cement and another with high initial strength cement, in order to determine which of these diameters feature a better correlation with the quality parameters of the concretes. The concrete quality parameters used for the evaluations were (1) the w/c ratios and (2) chloride diffusion coefficients measured at approximately 90 days. MIP cumulative distributions of the same concretes were also measured at about 90 days, and Dcrit values were determined (1) from the point of abrupt variation and alternatively, (2) from the inflexion point of each of these plots. It was found that Dcrit values measured from the point of abrupt variation were useful indicators of the quality of the concrete, but the Dcrit values based on the inflexion points were not. Hence, it is recommended that Dcrit and the percentage of the most interconnected volume of pores should be obtained considering the point of abrupt variation of the cumulative curve of pore size distribution.


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Reduced organic sulfur (ROS) compounds are environmentally ubiquitous and play an important role in sulfur cycling as well as in biogeochemical cycles of toxic metals, in particular mercury. Development of effective methods for analysis of ROS in environmental samples and investigations on the interactions of ROS with mercury are critical for understanding the role of ROS in mercury cycling, yet both of which are poorly studied. Covalent affinity chromatography-based methods were attempted for analysis of ROS in environmental water samples. A method was developed for analysis of environmental thiols, by preconcentration using affinity covalent chromatographic column or solid phase extraction, followed by releasing of thiols from the thiopropyl sepharose gel using TCEP and analysis using HPLC-UV or HPLC-FL. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limits of the method using HPLC-FL detection were 0.45 and 0.36 nM for Cys and GSH, respectively. Our results suggest that covalent affinity methods are efficient for thiol enrichment and interference elimination, demonstrating their promising applications in developing a sensitive, reliable, and useful technique for thiol analysis in environmental water samples. The dissolution of mercury sulfide (HgS) in the presence of ROS and dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated, by quantifying the effects of ROS on HgS dissolution and determining the speciation of the mercury released from ROS-induced HgS dissolution. It was observed that the presence of small ROS (e.g., Cys and GSH) and large molecule DOM, in particular at high concentrations, could significantly enhance the dissolution of HgS. The dissolved Hg during HgS dissolution determined using the conventional 0.22 μm cutoff method could include colloidal Hg (e.g., HgS colloids) and truly dissolved Hg (e.g., Hg-ROS complexes). A centrifugal filtration method (with 3 kDa MWCO) was employed to characterize the speciation and reactivity of the Hg released during ROS-enhanced HgS dissolution. The presence of small ROS could produce a considerable fraction (about 40% of total mercury in the solution) of truly dissolved mercury (< 3 kDa), probably due to the formation of Hg-Cys or Hg-GSH complexes. The truly dissolved Hg formed during GSH- or Cys-enhanced HgS dissolution was directly reducible (100% for GSH and 40% for Cys) by stannous chloride, demonstrating its potential role in Hg transformation and bioaccumulation.


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Mercury scrubbing from gas streams using a supported 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chlorocuprate(II) ionic liquid ([C4mim]2[Cu2Cl6]) has been studied using operando EXAFS. Initial oxidative capture as [HgCl3]– anions was confirmed, this was then followed by the unanticipated generation of mercury(I) chloride through comproportionation with additional mercury from the gas stream. Combining these two mechanisms leads to net one electron oxidative extraction of mercury from the gas with increased potential capacity and efficiency for supported ionic liquid mercury scrubbers.