979 resultados para membrane lipids
These are definitively exciting times for membrane lipid researchers. Once considered just as the cell membrane building blocks, the important role these lipids play is steadily being acknowledged. The improvement occurred in mass spectrometry techniques (MS) allows the establishment of the precise lipid composition of biological extracts. However, to fully understand the biological function of each individual lipid species, we need to know its spatial distribution and dynamics. In the past 10 years, the field has experienced a profound revolution thanks to the development of MS-based techniques allowing lipid imaging (MSI). Images reveal and verify what many lipid researchers had already shown by different means, but none as convincing as an image: each cell type presents a specific lipid composition, which is highly sensitive to its physiological and pathological state. While these techniques will help to place membrane lipids in the position they deserve, they also open the black box containing all the unknown regulatory mechanisms accounting for such tailored lipid composition. Thus, these results urges to different disciplines to redefine their paradigm of study by including the complexity revealed by the MSI techniques.
采用改进的的分离纯化方法从菠菜叶绿体中获得了纯度和活性、Chl a 和β-carotene含量较高的Cyt b6f制剂。利用吸收光谱、CD光谱和共振喇曼光谱对Cyt b6f蛋白复合体中的β-carotene分子的构型及构象进行了研究。结果表明,无论是结合在蛋白复合体上还是处于自由状态,该β-carotene都是一种特殊的9-顺式构型的分子;在蛋白复合体中,该9-顺式β-carotene存在于一种不对称的蛋白环境中,但从喇曼光谱中没有观察到构象扭曲现象。SDS处理前、后的荧光激发光谱和光破坏的研究表明Cyt b6f中的β-carotene不能有效地向Chl a传递光能,但对Chl a具有明显的光保护功能,因而说明β-carotene分子是Cyt b6f的天然结构和功能成分。根据这些实验结果和文献的有关报道,提出了β-carotene在Cyt b6f中可能的光保护机理模型,,即在Cyt b6f中,Chl a不是单线态氧的主要发生源,单线态氧主要由Rieske[Fe-s]中心产生,β-carotene不具有直接淬灭Chl a三线态的功能,其主要功能是作为抗氧化剂抵御Rieske[Fe-s]中心产生的单线态氧对Chl a的攻击,从而保护Cyt b6f中Chl a免受强光照射的破坏。 利用非变性凝胶电泳和硫酸铵沉淀对Chl a在Cyt b6f中的结合和解离现象进行了研究,观察到Chl a的解离与Rieske蛋白的解离及Cyt b6f复合体单体化的关系比较密切,膜脂能够有效地抵制这三个过程的发生,推测膜脂的作用位置位点可能位于Cyt b6f二聚体中两个单体之间的交界处。色素重组实验表明缺失Rieske[Fe-S]蛋白的Cyt b6f单体不能有效的和Chl a重组。 利用从菠菜叶绿体中分离纯化出的缺脂Cyt b6f与从菠菜类囊体分离纯化的膜脂进行体外重组,检测了不同膜脂对Cyt b6f催化电子传递活性的影响。结果表明:被检测的五种膜脂单半乳糖基甘油二酯(MGDG)、双半乳糖基甘油二酯 (DGDG),磷脂酰胆碱(PC),磷脂酰甘油(PG)和硫代异鼠李糖基甘油二酯(SQDG)对Cyt b6f催化电子传递的活性均有明显的促进作用,但促进的程度各不相同。不带电荷的MGDG和DGDG及分子整体呈电中性的PC对促进Cyt b6f催化电子传递的活性非常用效,最适条件下可分别使其活性提高89%、75%和77%;而带负电荷的PG和SQDG的活性促进作用则相对较弱,最适条件下仅可使其活性分别提高43%和26%。由此可见,膜脂对Cyt b6f活性的促进作用可能与这些膜脂分子的带电性质密切相关。
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 exposed to chill (5 degrees C)-light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) stress loses its ability to reinitiate growth. From a random insertion mutant library of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a sll1242 mutant showing increased sensitivity to chill plus light was isolated. Mutant reconstruction and complementation with the wild-type gene confirmed the role of sll1242 in maintaining chill-light tolerance. At 15 degrees C, the autotrophic and mixotrophic growth of the mutant were both inhibited, paralleled by decreased photosynthetic activity. The expression of sll1242 was upregulated in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 after transfer from 30 to 15 degrees C at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 30 mu mol photons m(-2) S-1. sll1242, named ccr (cyanobacterial cold resistance gene)- 1, may be required for cold acclimation of cyanobacteria in light.
Nepsilon-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) is a stable chemical modification of proteins formed from both carbohydrates and lipids during autoxidation reactions. We hypothesized that carboxymethyl lipids such as (carboxymethyl)phosphatidylethanolamine (carboxymethyl-PE) would also be formed in these reactions, and we therefore developed a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assay for quantification of carboxymethylethanolamine (CME) following hydrolysis of phospholipids. In vitro, CME was formed during glycation of dioleoyl-PE under air and from linoleoylpalmitoyl-PE, but not from dioleoyl-PE, in the absence of glucose. In vivo, CME was detected in lipid extracts of red blood cell membranes, approximately 0.14 mmol of CME/mol of ethanolamine, from control and diabetic subjects, (n = 22, p > 0.5). Levels of CML in erythrocyte membrane proteins were approximately 0.2 mmol/mol of lysine for both control and diabetic subjects (p > 0.5). For this group of diabetic subjects there was no indication of increased oxidative modification of either lipid or protein components of red cell membranes. CME was also detected in fasting urine at 2-3 nmol/mg of creatinine in control and diabetic subjects (p = 0.085). CME inhibited detection of advanced glycation end product (AGE)-modified protein in a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using an anti-AGE antibody previously shown to recognize CML, suggesting that carboxymethyl-PE may be a component of AGE lipids detected in AGE low density lipoprotein. Measurement of levels of CME in blood, tissues, and urine should be useful for assessing oxidative damage to membrane lipids during aging and in disease.
Adaptor protein (AP) complexes bind to transmembrane proteins destined for internalization and to membrane lipids, so linking cargo to the accessory internalization machinery. This machinery interacts with the appendage domains of APs, which have platform and beta-sandwich subdomains, forming the binding surfaces for interacting proteins. Proteins that interact with the subdomains do so via short motifs, usually found in regions of low structural complexity of the interacting proteins. So far, up to four motifs have been identified that bind to and partially compete for at least two sites on each of the appendage domains of the AP2 complex. Motifs in individual accessory proteins, their sequential arrangement into motif domains, and partial competition for binding sites on the appendage domains coordinate the formation of endocytic complexes in a temporal and spatial manner. In this work, we examine the dominant interaction sequence in amphiphysin, a synapse-enriched accessory protein, which generates membrane curvature and recruits the scission protein dynamin to the necks of coated pits, for the platform subdomain of the alpha-appendage. The motif domain of amphiphysin1 contains one copy of each of a DX(F/W) and FXDXF motif. We find that the FXDXF motif is the main determinant for the high affinity interaction with the alpha-adaptin appendage. We describe the optimal sequence of the FXDXF motif using thermodynamic and structural data and show how sequence variation controls the affinities of these motifs for the alpha-appendage.
Le facteur de l’ADP-ribosylation 6 (ARF6) et Rac1 sont des petites protéines liant le GTP qui régulent plusieurs voies de signalisation comprenant le trafic de vésicules, la modification des lipides membranaires et la réorganisation du cytosquelette d’actine. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels ARF6 et Rac1 agissent de concert afin de contrôler ces différents processus cellulaires restent méconnus. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que, dans les cellules HEK293, ARF6 et Rac1 sont retrouvées en complexe suite à la stimulation du récepteur à l’angiotensine. Des expériences réalisées in vitro nous indiquent que ces deux GTPases interagissent ensemble directement, et que ARF6 s’associe préférentiellement avec la forme inactive de Rac1. L’inhibition de l’expression de ARF6 par interférence à l’ARN entraîne une activation marquée en cellule de Rac1 via le facteur PIX, indépendamment de la stimulation d’un récepteur, ce qui provoque la migration non contrôlée des cellules. Les arrestines, protéines de régulation de la désensibilisation des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G, servent de protéines d’échafaudage pour Rac1 et ARF6, en interagissant directement avec les GTPases et en augmentant leur association stimulée par l’angiotensine. De plus, les arrestines permettent l’activation, en s’en dissociant, de la MAP Kinase p38 qui régule l’activité de ARF6 et son interaction précoce avec les arrestines. Mis ensemble, ces résultats montrent que les arrestines contrôlent l’activité de ARF6, en influençant p38. ARF6 joue un rôle inhibiteur sur l’activation basale de Rac1 pour permettre ensuite son recrutement et son activation dépendante de l’angiotensine. Cette étude nous a permis de préciser le mode de régulation mis en jeu dans l’initiation de la migration cellulaire, suite à l’activation d’un récepteur couplé aux protéines G. Par le fait même, nous avons identifié certains des acteurs impliqués dans ce processus, offrant ainsi de nouvelles cibles pour le traitement des déséquilibres pathophysiologiques de la migration cellulaire.
"Funktionelle Analyse der LC-FACS in Dictyostelium discoideum" Das Dictyostelium discoideum Gen fcsA kodiert für ein 75 kDa großes Protein. Es kann durch Homologieanyalysen der Amino-säuresequenz zu den "long-chain fatty acyl-CoA"-Synthetasen ge-rechnet werden, die lang-kettige Fettsäuren durch die kovalente Bindung von Coenzym A akti-vie-ren und damit für diverse Reak-tionen in Stoffwechsel und Molekül-Synthese der Zelle verfügbar machen. Die hier untersuchte D. discoideum LC-FACS lokalisiert als peripher assoziiertes Protein an der cytosolischen Seite der Membran von Endo-somen und kleiner Vesikel. Bereits kurz nach der Bildung in der frühen sauren Phase kann die Lokalisation der LC-FACS auf Endosomen ge-zeigt werden. Sie dissoziiert im Laufe ihrer Neutra-li-sierung und kann auf späten Endosomen, die vor ihrer Exocytose stehen nicht mehr nach-gewiesen werden. Ein Teil der kleinen die in der gesamte Zelle verteilten kleinen Vesikel zeigt eine Kolokalisation mit lysosomalen Enzymen. Trotz des intrazellulären Verteilungs-mus-ters, das eine Beteiligung dieses Pro-teins an der Endocytose nahe-legt, konnte kein signifikanter Rückgang der Pino- und Phagocytose-Rate in LC-FACS Nullmutanten beobachtet werden. Der endo-cy-to-ti-sche Transit ist in diesen Zellen etwas verlängert, außerdem zeigen die Endosomen einen deutlich erhöhten pH-Wert, was zu einer weniger effektiven Prozessierung eines lysosomalen Enzyms führt (a-Mannosidase). Die Funktion der LC-FACS ist die Aufnahme von langkettigen Fettsäuren aus dem Lumen der Endosomen.
Methods used for lipid analysis in embryos and oocytes usually involve selective lipid extraction from a pool of many samples followed by chemical manipulation, separation and characterization of individual components by chromatographic techniques. Herein we report direct analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) of single and intact embryos or oocytes from various species. Biological samples were simply moisturized with the matrix solution and characteristic lipid ( represented by phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins and triacylglycerols) profiles were obtained via MALDI-MS. As representative examples, human, bovine, sheep and fish oocytes, as well as bovine and insect embryos were analyzed. MALDI-MS is shown to be capable of providing characteristic lipid profiles of gametes and embryos and also to respond to modifications due to developmental stages and in vitro culture conditions of bovine embryos. Investigation in developmental biology of the biological roles of structural and reserve lipids in embryos and oocytes should therefore benefit from these rapid MALDI-MS profiles from single and intact species.-Ferreira, C. R., S. A. Saraiva, R. R. Catharino, J. S. Garcia, F. C. Gozzo, G. B. Sanvido, L. F. A. Santos, E. G. Lo Turco, J. H. F. Pontes, A. C. Basso, R. P. Bertolla, R. Sartori, M. M. Guardieiro, F. Perecin, F. V. Meirelles, J. R. Sangalli, and M. N. Eberlin. Single embryo and oocyte lipid fingerprinting by mass spectrometry. J. Lipid Res. 2010. 51: 1218-1227.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ability of high dietary carbohydrate to induce acute pancreatitis was investigated in groups of 16,2 1-day and 15-month old rats fed different carbohydrate diets for 30 days. Significantly increased levels of serum amylase (2-fold), phospholipids (50%),phosphorus (2-fold), and lipoperoxides (8-fold) were observed in 15-month old rats fed a high-carbohydrate diet, compared to rats fed a diet with normal carbohydrate levels, indicating peroxidation of membrane lipids which caused final cell death and pancreatic lesion. Serum Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase activity was not altered. Daily administration of bovine Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase conjugated with polyediylene glycol prevented the serum level alterations and pancreatic lesions, indicating that the superoxide radical has a role in dietary carbohydrate-induced acute pancreatitis. No biochemical changes were observed in rats in which treatment was initiated on the 21st day of life indicating that this is an age-related lesion.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: The liver is an important organ for its ability to transform xenobiotics, making the liver tissue a prime target for toxic substances. The carotenoid bixin present in annatto is an antioxidant that can protect cells and tissues against the deleterious effects of free radicals. In this study, we evaluated the protective effect of bixin on liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in rats.Results: The animals were divided into four groups with six rats in each group. CCl4 (0.125 mL kg(-1) body wt.) was injected intraperitoneally, and bixin (5.0 mg kg(-1) body wt.) was given by gavage 7 days before the CCl4 injection. Bixin prevented the liver damage caused by CCl4, as noted by the significant decrease in serum aminotransferases release. Bixin protected the liver against the oxidizing effects of CCl4 by preventing a decrease in glutathione reductase activity and the levels of reduced glutathione and NADPH. The peroxidation of membrane lipids and histopathological damage of the liver was significantly prevented by bixin treatment.Conclusion: Therefore, we can conclude that the protective effect of bixin against hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 is related to the antioxidant activity of the compound.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC