1000 resultados para melhoria da qualidade


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Esta dissertação apresenta um sistema de avaliação e melhoria da qualidade dos produtos e processos, em células de manufatura, em uma empresa metalúrgica, situada em Vacaria no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O sistema proposto baseia-se no uso da lista de verificação (Check-List), como fonte para a construção de um banco de dados, capaz de evidenciar os principais defeitos encontrados durante o processo produtivo da célula de manufatura. Para a identificação das características da qualidade mais importantes para os clientes foi utilizado o QDF. na identificação dos modos de falha e processos críticos utilizou-se o FMEA como fonte de informação. A partir de uma matriz de relacionamento entre as características da qualidade e o FMEA, construiu-se um sistema capaz de identificar os defeitos e os processos que produzem maior número de não-conformidades, além de disponibilizar informações adicionais sobre qualidade do que é produzido na célula de manufatura. As informações são apresentadas em gráficos seguindo a lógica de priorização proposta por Pareto. O sistema caracteriza-se por sua simplicidade e facilidade de operacionalização, motivando os operadores a melhorar a qualidade do que produzem e dispondo rapidamente de informações para a tomada de decisão, agindo sobre as fontes causadoras de não-conformidades no processo. Com a implantação deste sistema, a fábrica obteve melhoras significativas na produtividade, redução das reclamações dos clientes e redução da produção de sucata (redução de 60% após a implantação do sistema)


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Descreve a evolução do movimento da Qualidade no ocidente e oriente. Descreve as principais teorias de administração voltadas à melhoria de performance das organizações. Aborda os programas de qualidade na indústria do trigo internacional e, nacional após a desregulamentação. Compara e aponta melhores desempenhos baseados em indicadores financeiros e operacionais e experiências reais de implementação.


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Resumo não disponível.


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A qualidade da água é muito importante para irrigação por gotejamento, pois ela escoa por pequenos bocais dos emissores, podendo ocorrer obstrução devido à deposição dos sólidos em suspensão. Portanto, antes da instalação do projeto, devem-se avaliar parâmetros de qualidade da água, para adotar medidas preventivas, evitando o risco de entupimento do sistema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar um sistema composto por aeradores com aspersores, sobre leito de pedra, para a precipitação dos íons Fe+2e Mn+2 em tanque de decantação, e um conjunto de filtragem composto por três filtros de areia e um de disco, em sistema de irrigação localizada. O trabalho foi realizado na Fazenda Alvorada, no município de Nova Granada - SP, no período de março a outubro de 2008. Foram realizadas determinações de variáveis físicas e químicas da água, ao longo do sistema de aeração, decantação e filtragem, o qual foi eficiente para a melhoria da qualidade de água, reduzindo os níveis de risco de entupimento de severo para médio e de médio para baixo. Oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, pH, Fe+2e Fe+3 não diferenciaram a qualidade de água entre os pontos do sistema de tratamento, porém a turbidez, sólidos dissolvidos, sólidos em suspensão, ferro total e manganês total reduziram-se significativamente pelo uso do sistema proposto, melhorando a qualidade da água.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Currently, with the competitiveness that is seen in the market, it is crucial to the success of the business, develop new strategies to keep and win new customer preference. To ensure the success of a particular service or product, the secret is to continually meet the wishes and demands of the customers, which are the key parts of the business, through innovation, variety and quality assurance. To achieve this goal managers should be aware of all types of process that exist in the company, as they are primarily responsible and interested by quality service, customer satisfaction and consequently, generating favorable financial results. A tool used to ensure good results to business is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) that seeks to hear and interpret customers requirements and turn them into essential features for a project


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This work presents a proposal to create a Polo Ceramic Craft in the town of Indiana - SP, through the potter’s organization in a cooperative that will coordinate activities to add value to ceramic pieces. To achieve this, two things are essential: improving the ceramic body and improve the properties of the ceramic material. For the first action it’s necessary to create a Central Mass Production of Ceramics, to provide raw materials and homogeneous composition that results in differentiated ceramic after burning process (sintering). To this end, we propose the incorporation of additives (which act as fluxes) to the clay material. These additives can be mineral such as feldspar and nefelinas or leavings, such as glass powder obtained from disposable containers. For the second action is necessary to acquire an oven, electric or gas, it reaches higher temperatures (around 1200 ° C). The presence of the additive and burning at higher temperatures will enable better production of sintered ceramic material with less porosity and water absorption and higher mechanical strength, and pieces vitrified and glazed, allowing them to assign a higher value. For the production of these materials (thinner walls) requires a smaller volume of clayey raw materials. Besides benefiting the ceramic pieces, the proposed changes reduce the environmental impact caused by burning wood, since it will be replaced by natural gas (or electricity), and even will reduce the disposal of glass containers in the environment by recycling and incorporating this material in the clay. From a social standpoint, the cooperative is crucial to the viability of the proposed project, to coordinate activities and commercial production, which will result in better wages and profits for companies and consequently for the city and its population


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Delivering to the customers a product or service with the expected quality associated to the huge competitiveness that exists in the market nowadays, has been making organizations increasingly focus on quality planning using techniques which are directed towards the continuous improvement process and production optimization. Thus, this paper aims to improve a machining process using the techniques of experimental design to the optimization and this also includes the analysis of the measurement system. For this purpose, the alloy Nimonic 80A, a nickel base superalloy, was used in the process due to its widespread use for high temperatures, applying this study the robust method proposed by Genichi Taguchi, determining the influence of the factors considered input variables, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, type of tool, lubrication, and material hardness, in the output or response variable, surface roughness, concluding with the use of Taguchi orthogonal array L16 and by analysis of ANOVA that the factor feed rate is significant and offers greater effect on the response variable studied, should be set to 0,12mm/rev. Moreover, the factor type of tool has more influence on the process when compared to other factors, being CP250 the one more suitable to the process. Lastly, the interaction feed rate x cutting speed provides greater significance in the process regarding to surface roughness variable, being the best match between them 0,12mm/rev to the feed rate and 90m/min to the cutting speed. In order to evaluate the measurement system, it was applied the repeatability and reproducibility method (R&R), through which we saw that the system needs improvement (R & R = 88.04% >>> 30%) as the value found in the study was well above compared to the one that classifies the system as inappropriate


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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This paper reports the results of an extension project carried out at Unesp/Veterinary Medicine course in Araçatuba city with milk farmers of the region. The aim of the project was to supply information to farmers concerning to good quality milk production and, at the same time, to follow up the evolution of milk quality parameters, according to the current Brazilian legislation. Every 45 days, approximately, lectures were presented to milk farmers in Araçatuba city region, approaching chemical and microbiological composition of milk, prevention and detection of mastitis, hygiene proceedings in milking and conservation of milk, cleaning and sanitization operations of facilities and equipments and prevention of adulteration. During the intervals between lectures, milk samples were collected from collective milk cooling tanks and analyzed for microbiological, hygienic and physicochemical tests. The main inadequacies in milk quality were high total bacteria and somatic cells counts, low solids contents and water addition. These problems did not proceed to betterment during the project time. So, it was concluded that the time for instruction of farmers was not enough for a progress in the quality of the milk produced in the region, pointing out the need in continuing this kind of work.


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Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB


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Com o crescimento da população idosa, a Gerontologia Social revela que a família, especialmente o cuidador informal, enfrenta desafios imprevisíveis e sofre perdas pessoais e sociais, o que se reflete negativamente no seu bem-estar físico e mental. Assim, com o presente estudo procura-se perceber se a educação de adultos poderá converter alguns destes impactos negativos em positivos. A educação de adultos visa, portanto, apoiar o cuidador informal, de maneira a promover a sua saúde física e mental através de projetos ou ações de suporte psicoeducativo, onde não só são transmitidos conhecimentos e maneiras de lidar com a pessoa cuidada, como se proporcionam momentos de empatia no qual os cuidadores conversam/partilham as dificuldades associadas ao ato de cuidar. Neste contexto, o presente estudo pretende verificar se o apoio psicoeducativo providenciado a cuidadores proporciona ou não uma mudança positiva na sua qualidade de vida. Para a concretização deste objetivo, optou-se por uma investigação quantitativa e qualitativa junto de cuidadores informais com e sem apoio psicoeducativo. Para a recolha dos dados foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: os questionários CASI (Carer´s Assessment of Satisfactions Índex), CADI (Carer´s Assessment of Difficultie Índex), CAMI (Carer´s Assessment of Managing Índex) e a entrevista semiestruturada. A análise de dados e a análise de conteúdo permitiu-nos concluir que existem diferenças significativas entre os participantes do estudo com e sem apoio psicoeducativo, sendo que os resultados obtidos indicam que este tipo de apoio proporciona uma melhoria significativa relativamente ao seu bem-estar físico e mental.


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The Physical Rehabilitation services (PR) are of fundamental importance in combating the global epidemic of Traffic Accidents (TA). Considering the numerous physical and social consequences of the survivors, quality problems in access to PR are a hazard to recovery of victims. It is necessary to improve the management of quality of services, assessing priority dimensions and intervening in their causes, to ensure rehabilitation available in time and suitable conditions. This study aimed to identify barriers to access to rehabilitation considering the perception of TA victims and professionals. The aim is also to estimate the access to rehabilitation and their associated factors. This is a qualitative and quantitative study of exploratory nature developed in Natal / RN with semi-structured interviews with 19 health professionals and telephone survey to 155 victims of traffic accidents. To explore barriers to access the speeches were transcribed and analyzed using the Alceste software (version 4.9). During the interviews used the following guiding question: “What barriers hinder or prevent access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents?”. The names of classes and axes resulting from Alceste was performed by ad hoc query to three external researchers with subsequent consensus of the most representative name of analysis. We conducted multivariate analysis of the influence of the variables of the accident, sociodemographic, clinical and assistance on access to rehabilitation. Associations with p <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to logistic regression, step by step, with p <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The main barriers identified were: “Bureaucratic regulation”, “Long time to start rehabilitation”, “No post-surgery referral” and “inefficiency of public services”. These barriers were divided into a theoretical model built from the cause-effect diagram, in which we observed that insufficient access to rehabilitation is the product of causes related to organizational structure, work processes, professional and patients. Was constructed two logistic regression models: “General access to rehabilitation” and “Access to rehabilitation to public service”. 51.6% of patients had access to rehabilitation, and 32.9% in public and 17.9% in the private sector. The regression model “General access to rehabilitation” included the variables Income (OR:3.7), Informal Employment (OR:0.11), Unemployment (OR:0.15), Perceived Need for PR (OR:10) and Referral (OR: 27.5). The model “Access to rehabilitation in the public service” was represented by the “Referral to Public Service” (OR: 23.0) and “Private Health Plan” (OR: 0.07). Despite the known influence of social determinants on access to health services, a situation difficult to control by the public administration, this study found that the organizational and bureaucratic procedures established in health care greatly determine access to rehabilitation. Access difficulties show the seriousness of the problem and the factors suggest the need for improvements in comprehensive care for TA survivors and avoid unnecessary prolongation of the suffering of the victims of this epidemic.


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Jerked beef, an industrial meat product obtained from beef with the addition of sodium chloride and curing salts and subjected to a maturing and drying process is a typical Brazilian product which has been gradually discovered by the consumer. The replacement of synthetic antioxidants by natural substances with antioxidant potential due to possible side effects discovered by lab tests, consumer health, is being implemented by the meat industry. This study aimed to evaluate the lipid oxidation of jerked beef throughout the storage period by replacing the sodium nitrite by natural extracts of propolis and Yerba Mate. For jerked beef processing brisket was used as raw material processed in 6 different formulations: formulation 1 (control - in nature), formulation 2 (sodium nitrite - NO), formulation 3 (Yerba Mate - EM), formulation 4 (propolis extract - PRO), formulation 5 (sodium nitrite + Yerba Mate - MS + NO), formulation 6 (propolis extract + sodium nitrite - PRO + NO). The raw material was subjected to wet salting, dry salting (tombos), drying at 25°C, packaging and storage in BOD 25°C. Samples of each formulation were taken every 7 days for analysis of lipid oxidation by the TBARS method. In all formulations, were carried out analysis of chemical composition at time zero and sixty days of storage. The water activity analysis and color (L *, a *, b *) was monitored at time zero, thirty and sixty days of storage. The Salmonella spp count, Coliform bacteria, Termotolerant coliforms and coagulase positive staphylococci were taken at time zero and sixty days. The activity of natural antioxidants evaluated shows the decline of lipid oxidation up to 2.5 times compared with the product in natura and presented values with no significant differences between treatments NO and EM, confirming the potential in minimize lipid oxidation of Jerked beef throughout the 60 days of storage. The results also showed that yerba mate has a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the propolis except the PRO + NO formulation. When associated with yerba mate with sodium nitrate, TBARS values become close to values obtained only for the control samples with the addition of sodium nitrite. The proximal composition of the formulations remained within the standards required in the IN nº22/2000 for jerked beef. Samples that differ significantly at 5% are directly related to the established type of formulation. The count of microorganisms was within the standards of the DRC nº12/2001 required for matured meat products. The intensity of the red (a*) decreased with storage time and increase the intensity of yellow (b*) indicates a darkening of the product despite L* also have been increased. These results suggest that yerba mate is a good alternative to meat industry in reducing healing addition salts when associated with another antioxidant.