1000 resultados para mastication and deglutition
As glândulas salivares são estruturas essenciais para a manutenção da homeostase da cavidade oral pela síntese e secreção do fluido salivar. A disfunção ou perda permanente das glândulas salivares causadas por radioterapia, doenças inflamatórias ou desordens congênitas elevam principalmente o risco de infecções da mucosa oral e de estruturas dentárias, além de potencialmente prejudicar funções fisiológicas como fala, mastigação e paladar, diretamente interferindo na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados. Os tratamentos atualmente disponíveis são apenas paliativos, ressaltando a necessidade de se compreender melhor os processos embriogênicos a fim de desenvolver novas estratégias terapêuticas capazes de regenerar as glândulas salivares. O princípio da formação das glândulas salivares baseia-se na coordenação de diversos processos morfogenéticos, e este trabalho foca particularmente em investigar a formação do espaço luminal do sistema de ductos, uma vez que a adequada abertura dos lumens é um processo essencial para a secreção salivar. Relata-se que a remoção das células centrais dos cordões sólidos epiteliais por morte celular apoptótica é o principal mecanismo de abertura do espaço luminal dos futuros ductos glandulares em camundongos. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre o controle temporal da apoptose durante o desenvolvimento glandular e sobre seu comportamento em glândulas salivares humanas. Neste trabalho, o perfil de expressão de diversas proteínas envolvidas na cascata apoptótica em glândulas salivares fetais humanas foi analisado de acordo com cada estágio morfogenético por imunoistoquímica (Bax, Bak, Bad, Bid, Bcl-2, Bcl-x, Bcl-xL, caspase-3 clivada, caspases-6, -7 e -9, apaf-1, survivina e citocromo c). As análises semi-qualitativas resultaram em negatividade apenas para as proteínas Bcl-2, Bad, Bid e caspase-3 clivada em todas as fases de desenvolvimento. A expressão nuclear de Bax e Bak foi identificada em presumidos espaços luminais em estágios precoces, enquanto Bcl-xL foi o fator antiapoptótico da família Bcl-2 que exibiu expressão nuclear mais importante. Caspases-6, -7 e -9 foram positivas em todas as fases, e a ausência de caspase-3 clivada sugere caspase-7 como principal caspase efetora da apoptose em desenvolvimento de glândulas salivares humanas. Ambos os componentes do complexo apoptossomo foram positivos durante o desenvolvimento glandular, e o inibidor survivina demonstrou mais positividade nuclear em estágios mais avançados. Ao observar a expressão de reguladores apoptóticos durante o desenvolvimento glandular humano, foram realizados experimentos funcionais com culturas de tecido glandular de camundongos para avaliar o papel das caspases durante a formação desta estrutura. Inicialmente detectou-se a atividade apoptótica em glândulas salivares de camundongos albinos no centro dos cordões epiteliais primários a partir de estágios precoces de desenvolvimento através de TUNEL e caspase-3 clivada. A partir disso, foi realizada a inibição apoptótica funcional in vitro durante o mesmo período, que resultou em ductos significativamente mais amplos e em defeitos morfológicos importantes nas estruturas luminal e acinar. Este trabalho evidenciou portanto atividade apoptótica durante a formação de glândulas salivares humanas e de camundongo, expressando-se em fases mais precoces do que reportadas anteriormente. Além disso, a ausência de Bad e Bid indica que a via intrínseca está mais ativa que a extrínseca, e distintos perfis de expressão da maioria das moléculas sugere adicionais funções não-apoptóticas durante a morfogênese glandular.
Patients with myofascial pain experience impaired mastication, which might also interfere with their sleep quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the jaw motion and sleep quality of patients with myofascial pain and the impact of a stabilization device therapy on both parameters. Fifty women diagnosed with myofascial pain by the Research Diagnostic Criteria were enrolled. Pain levels (visual analog scale), jaw movements (kinesiography), and sleep quality (Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) were evaluated before (control) and after stabilization device use. Range of motion (maximum opening, right and left excursions, and protrusion) and masticatory movements during Optosil mastication (opening, closing, and total cycle time; opening and closing angles; and maximum velocity) also were evaluated. Repeated-measures analysis of variance in a generalized linear mixed models procedure was used for statistical analysis (α=.05). At baseline, participants with myofascial pain showed a reduced range of jaw motion and poorer sleep quality. Treatment with a stabilization device reduced pain (P<.001) and increased both mouth opening (P<.001) and anteroposterior movement (P=.01). Also, after treatment, the maximum opening (P<.001) and closing (P=.04) velocities during mastication increased, and improvements in sleep scores for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (P<.001) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (P=.04) were found. Myofascial pain impairs jaw motion and quality of sleep; the reduction of pain after the use of a stabilization device improves the range of motion and sleep parameters.
This study evaluated the relationship among malocclusion, number of occlusal pairs, masticatory performance, masticatory time and masticatory ability in completely dentate subjects. Eighty healthy subjects (mean age = 19.40 ± 4.14 years) were grouped according to malocclusion diagnosis (n = 16): Class I, Class Class II-2, Class III and Normocclusion (control). Number of occlusal pairs was determined clinically. Masticatory performance was evaluated by the sieving method, and the time used for the comminute test food was registered as the masticatory time. Masticatory ability was measured by a dichotomic self-perception questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA, ANOVA on ranks, Chi-Square and Spearman tests. Class II-1 and III malocclusion groups presented a smaller number of occlusal pairs than Normocclusion (p < 0.0001), Class I (p < 0.001) and II-2 (p < 0.0001) malocclusion groups. Class I, and III malocclusion groups showed lower masticatory performance values compared to Normocclusion (p < 0.05) and Class II-2 (p < 0.05) malocclusion groups. There were no differences in masticatory time (p = 0.156) and ability (χ2 = 3.58/p= 0.465) among groups. Occlusal pairs were associated with malocclusion (rho = 0.444/p < 0.0001) and masticatory performance (rho = 0.393/p < 0.0001), but malocclusion was not correlated with masticatory performance (rho = 0.116/p= 0.306). In conclusion, masticatory performance and ability were not related to malocclusion, and subjects with Class I, II-1 and III malocclusions presented lower masticatory performance because of their smaller number of occlusal pairs.
Objective: Clinical evaluation of the stomatognathic system is indispensable for the diagnosis of orofacial myofunctional disorders. In order to obtain a more precise diagnosis, the protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES protocol) (Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 72 (2008) 367-375) was expanded in terms of number of items and scale amplitude. The proposal of this study is to describe the expanded OMES protocol (OMES-E) for the evaluation of children. Validity of the protocol, reliability of the examiners and agreement between them were analyzed, as also were the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the instrument. Methods: The sample consisted of videorecorded images of 50 children, 25 boys (mean age = 8.4 years, SD = 1.8) and 25 girls (mean age = 8.2 years, SD = 1.7) selected at random from 200 samples. Three speech therapists prepared for orofacial myofunctional evaluation participated as examiners (E). The OMES and OMES-E protocols were used for evaluation on different days. E1 evaluated all images, E2 analyzed children with recordings from 1 to 25 and E3 analyzed children with recordings from 26 to 50. The validity of OMES-E was analyzed by comparing the instrument to the OMES protocol using the Pearson correlation test complemented with the split-half reliability test (p < 0.05). The linear weighted Kappa coefficient of agreement (Kw`), the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values and the prevalence of OMD were calculated. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation between the OMES and OMES-E protocols (0.79 > r < 0.94, p < 0.01) and a significant test-retest correlation with the OMES-E (0.75 > r < 0.86, p < 0.01), with a reliability range of 0.86-0.93. The correlation and reliability coefficients between examiners were: E1 x E2 (r = 0.74, 0.84), E1 x E3 (r = 0.70, 0.83) (p < 0.01). Kw` coefficients with moderate and good strength predominated. The OMES-E protocol presented mean sensitivity = 0.91, specificity = 0.77, positive predictive value = 0.87 and negative predictive value = 0.85. The mean prevalence of OMD was 0.58. Conclusion: The OMES-E protocol is valid and reliable for orofacial myofunctional evaluation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Swallowing is used as a clinical method in prosthodontics to determine and record jaw relationships. The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative evaluation, in naturally dentate subjects and complete denture wearers, of three measurements associated with the mandibular position during the act of swallowing water: 1. intermaxillary distance on vertical axis; 2. anteroposterior deviation; and 3. lateral deviation. Two groups were selected: Group I (GI) included 40 subjects with complete dentition (mean age 45.27 yrs) and Group II (GII) included 40 bimaxillary edentate subjects, complete denture wearers (mean age 63.92 yrs). A kinesiographic instrument was used for analysis. Three records were taken for each measurement and a mean value obtained. It was concluded that: 1. intermaxillary distance on vertical axis and horizontal deviation were similar for both groups; 2. there was a significant intermaxillary distance on the vertical axis; and 3. for anteroposterior and lateral axis, results showed moderate deviation in relation to maximal intercuspation (MI).
Masticatory muscle contraction causes both jaw movement and tissue deformation during function. Natural chewing data from 25 adult miniature pigs were studied by means of time series analysis. The data set included simultaneous recordings of electromyography (EMG) from bilateral masseter (MA), zygomaticomandibularis (ZM) and lateral pterygoid muscles, bone surface strains from the left squamosal bone (SQ), condylar neck (CD) and mandibular corpus (MD), and linear deformation of the capsule of the jaw joint measured bilaterally using differential variable reluctance transducers. Pairwise comparisons were examined by calculating the cross-correlation functions. Jaw-adductor muscle activity of MA and ZM was found to be highly cross-correlated with CD and SQ strains and weakly with MD strain. No muscle’s activity was strongly linked to capsular deformation of the jaw joint, nor were bone strains and capsular deformation tightly linked. Homologous muscle pairs showed the greatest synchronization of signals, but the signals themselves were not significantly more correlated than those of non-homologous muscle pairs. These results suggested that bone strains and capsular deformation are driven by different mechanical regimes. Muscle contraction and ensuing reaction forces are probably responsible for bone strains, whereas capsular deformation is more likely a product of movement.
The aims of this study were to analyse the validity, sensitivity and specificity of the protocol of oro-facial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES) for oro-facial myofunctional disorder (OMD) diagnosis in young and adult subjects. Eighty subjects were examined. The OMES was validated against the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) protocol (criterion validity) (Spearman correlation test). The construct validity was tested by analysis of the ability of the OMES (i) to differentiate healthy subjects (n = 22) from temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients (n = 22), which frequently have OMD (MannWhitney test) and (ii) to measure the changes that occurred in a subgroup with TMD between the period before and after oro-facial myofunctional therapy (T group, n = 15) (Wilcoxon test). Two speech therapists trained with the OMES participated as examiners (E). There was a statistically significant correlation between the OMES and NOT-S protocols, which was negative because the two scales are inverse (r = -0.86, P < 0.01). There was a significant difference between the healthy and TMD subjects regarding the oro-facial myofunctional status (OMES total score, P = 0.003). After therapy, the T group showed improvement in the oro-facial myofunctional status (OMES total score, P = 0.001). Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was moderate, and the reliability coefficients ranged from good to excellent. The OMES protocol presented mean sensitivity and specificity = 0.80, positive predictive value = 0.76 and negative predictive value = 0.84. Conclusion: The OMES protocol is valid and reliable for clinical evaluation of young and adult subjects, among them patients with TMD.
Dysphagia is relatively common in individuals with neurological disorders. To describe the swallowing management and investigate associated factors with swallowing in a case series of patients with Parkinson's disease. It is a long-term study with 24 patients. The patients were observed in a five-year period (2006-2011). They underwent Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing, Functional Oral Intake Scale and therapeutic intervention every three months. In the therapeutic intervention they received orientation about exercises to improve swallowing. The Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher's tests were used. The period of time for improvement or worsening of swallowing was described by Kaplan-Meier analysis. During the follow-up, ten patients improved, five stayed the same and nine worsened their swallowing functionality. The median time for improvement was ten months. Prior to the worsening there was a median time of 33 months of follow-up. There was no associated factor with improvement or worsening of swallowing. The maneuvers frequently indicated in therapeutic intervention were: chin-tuck, bolus consistency, bolus effect, strengthening-tongue, multiple swallows and vocal exercises. The swallowing management was characterized by swallowing assessment every three months with indication of compensatory and rehabilitation maneuvers, aiming to maintain the oral feeding without risks. There was no associated factor with swallowing functionality in this case series.
Dental erosion is a type of wear caused by non bacterial acids or chelation. There is evidence of a significant increase in the prevalence of dental wear in the deciduous and permanent teeth as a consequence of the frequent intake of acidic foods and drinks, or due to gastric acid which may reach the oral cavity following reflux or vomiting episodes. The presence of acids is a prerequisite for dental erosion, but the erosive wear is complex and depends on the interaction of biological, chemical and behavioral factors. Even though erosion may be defined or described as an isolated process, in clinical situations other wear phenomena are expected to occur concomitantly, such as abrasive wear (which occurs, e.g, due to tooth brushing or mastication). In order to control dental loss due to erosive wear it is crucial to take into account its multifactorial nature, which predisposes some individuals to the condition.
Objective rheological assessment of fluids given to dysphagic patients at mealtime and during videofluoroscopy was carried out using a multicenter format. Thin, quarter-thick, half-thick and full-thick fluids were examined for the degree of correlation between mealtime fluids and their allegedly matched videofluoroscopy counterparts. The study was carried out to determine whether perceived subjective differences between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids could be quantified using the rheological parameters of viscosity, density, and yield stress. The results showed poor correlation between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids over all parameters. In general, the videofluoroscopy fluids were more viscous, more dense, and showed higher yield stress values than their mealtime counterparts. Given these results, it is reasonable to assume that the fluids used during videofluoroscopy do not provide an accurate indication of swallowing ability at mealtime. Therefore, it is suggested that clinicians use objective methods to theologically match videofluoroscopy fluids to mealtime fluids.
Dysphagia is a symptom associated with an array of anatomical and functional changes which must be assessed by a multidisciplinary team to guarantee optimal evaluation and treatment, preventing potential complications. Aim: The aim of the present study is to present the combined protocol of clinical and swallowing videoendoscopy carried by ENT doctors and speech therapists in the Dysphagia Group of the ENT Department - University Hospital. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study concerning the use of a protocol made up of patient interview and clinical examination, followed by an objective evaluation with swallowing videoendoscopy. The exam was performed in 1,332 patients from May 2001 to December 2008. There were 726 (54.50%) males and 606 (45.50%) females, between 22 days and 99 years old. Results: We found: 427 (32.08%) cases of normal swallowing, 273 (20.48%) mild dysphagia, 224 (16.81%) moderate dysphagia, 373 (27.99%) severe dysphagia and 35 (2.64%) inconclusive exams. Conclusion: The combined protocol (Otolaryngology and Speech Therapy), is a good way to approach the dysphagic patient, helping to achieve early and safe deglutition diagnosis as far as disorder severity and treatment are concerned.
Evaluation of oral-motor movements and speech in patients with tetanus of a public service in Brazil
The characterisation of oral-motor movements and speech of patients with tetanus were investigated to determine the existence of possible signs that are characteristic of this pathology. Thirteen patients clinically diagnosed with tetanus (10 with severe tetanus and three with very severe tetanus) and admitted to an intensive care unit underwent clinical evaluation of oral-motor movements and speech. Statistical analysis indicated significant between-group differences for speech motor functions, suggesting that individuals with very severe tetanus present rigidity as a characteristic interfering in articulatory precision (P = 0 035) and movement rate (P = 0 038). For lip closure, tongue movement, palatal elevation, gag reflex and voice quality, no between-group differences were identified for the specific abnormal characteristics. The observed abnormal results indicate that muscle strength and functional status of the oral-motor system presented by most of the participants of the study did not ensure the necessary integrity for satisfactory performance. The characterisation of the oral myofunctional aspects of patients with tetanus provides medical teams, patients and families with a wider and better description of the clinical situation, giving support to the diagnosis, prognostics and treatment.
We measured the oral and pharyngeal transit of a paste bolus in 20 patients with Chagas` disease and 21 controls. Each subject swallowed of a 10-ml paste bolus prepared with 50 ml of water and 4.5 g of instant food thickener labeled with 55.5 MBq of 99(m) technetium phytate. After the scintigraphic recording of the transit, we delineated regions of interest (ROI) corresponding to mouth, pharynx, and proximal esophagus. Time-activity curves were generated for each ROI. There was no difference between patients with Chagas` disease and controls with respect to the duration of oral and pharyngeal transit, amount of pharyngeal residue, or flux of bolus entry into the proximal esophagus. The amount of oral residue was higher in patients with Chagas` disease (median = 0.71 ml) than in controls (median = 0.45 ml). The pharyngeal clearance duration was longer in patients with Chagas` disease (median = 0.85 s) than in controls (median = 0.60 s). The oral transit duration of the patients with Chagas` disease and dysphagia (median = 0.55 s, n = 14) was shorter than the oral transit duration of chagasic patients without dysphagia (median = 0.80 s, n = 6). We conclude that when swallowing a paste bolus, patients with Chagas` disease may have an increased amount of oral residue and a longer pharyngeal clearance duration than asymptomatic volunteers.
The purpose of this study was to deter-mine maximum bite force in molar and incisor regions in young Brazilian indigenous individuals, who have had a natural diet since birth, and compare the sample with white Brazilian individuals. To do this, individuals were paired one-to-one (same weight, height, and Class I facial pattern). A secondary purpose was to elucidate the relation between bite force and gender in both populations. Eighty-two Brazilians took part in this study. Participants were aged between 18 and 28 years and were divided into two groups: 41 Xingu indigenous individuals and 41 white Brazilian individuals, with 28 men and 13 women in each group. The inclusion criteria were: having complete dentition; normal occlusion; no neurological, psychiatric or movement disorders.; no reports of toothaches; having satisfactory periodontal health; absence of large facial skeletal alterations (typical Class II and Class III individuals); and no previous treatments using occlusal splints. To measure maximum bite force, a digital dynamometer model IDDK (Kratos-Equipamentos Industriais Ltda, Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil) was used, with a capacity of 1000 N, adapted for oral conditions. Assessments were made in the first molar (right and left) and central incisive regions. Results reveal that mean maximum bite forces in indigenous individuals of the right molar is 421 N, left molar 429 N and incisor region is 194 14 and for white individuals of the right molar is 410 N, left molar 422 N and incisor region is 117 N. Comparing indigenous with white individuals, maximal bite force showed a tendency of being greater in the indigenous group. It was observed that the incisor region showed statistical significance (p < 0.0005) but no significance was observed in the molar region. Moreover, indigenous men showed the highest bite force values. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare 2 different interventions, global postural reeducation (GPR) and static stretching exercises (SS), in the treatment of women with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Methods: A total of 28 subjects with TMDs were randomized into 2 treatment groups: GPR, where therapy involved muscle global chain stretching, or SS, with conventional static stretching; but only 24 completed the study. Eight treatment sessions lasting 40 minutes each (weekly) were performed. Assessments were conducted at baseline, immediately after treatment end, and 2 months later. Measurements included pain intensity at the temporomandibular joint, headache, cervicalgia, teeth clenching, ear symptoms, restricted sleep, and difficulties for mastication, using a visual analogue scale. In addition, electromyographic activity and pain thresholds were measured at the masseter, anterior temporalis, stemocleidomastoid, and upper trapezius muscles. Two-way analysis of variance with Tukey post hoc test was used for between-group comparisons. Significance level was .05. Results: Comparing the pain assessments using the visual analogue scale, no significant differences were seen with the exception of severity of headaches at treatment end (GPR, 3.92 +/- 2.98 cm; SS, 1.64 +/- 1.66 cm; P < .024). In addition, no significant differences were seen for pain thresholds and for electromyographic activity (P > .05). Conclusions: For the subjects in this study, both GPR and SS were similarly effective for the treatment of TMDs with muscular component. They equally reduced pain intensity, increased pain thresholds, and decreased electromyographic activity. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33:500-507)