983 resultados para mass movement


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Historically, in Brazil, the process of urbanization and city growth was due to the intense migration of rural population to urban areas, especially in the last thirty years. This move, combined with a lack of planning, allowed the occupation of areas with potential for occurrences of erosion. The city of Aparecida, SP can be cited as an example of this process. These irregular occupations generate large material damage and human losses conditioned on mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosive processes. So, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of these areas within the same city map as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of events. Thus, this work presents a series of graduate field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing and consultation with representative maps of the physical environment, as a means conclusive for delimintation of areas with potential risk for the occurrence of erosion, especially in areas undergoing urban expansion of the city Aparecida, SP. These areas were determined some geotechnical properties of soils present, evaluating the potential erodibility of them. Also presented are the descriptions of the main characteristics of these areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to erosion processes on the local population


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Geological-geotechnical problems affecting escarps as well as embankment and fill slopes of roads and motorways may generate different types of unsteadiness, which are mainly arisen from the deficient knowledge about the physical environment. This results in unsuitable engineering projects and inadequate executions, which can be worsened by an occasional inappropriate maintenance of the construction. A geologically-geotechnically characterization of escarps and slopes is crucial in order to prevent these problems. This work deals with a geological-geotechnical study of 1:10.000 scale mapping in a stretch of a local road (CHQ-40) at the Serra de Itaqueri, Charqueada town, State of São Paulo. The stretch is known by several physical problems as erosion and mass movement. The methods of study were based on an integrative analysis of the diverse elements of the physical environment by using aerial photographs - to obtain the physiographic compartmentalization of terrain units - as well as field work - to accomplish the evaluation of the units by employing sketch lists. To achieve this, we selected several techniques in order to identify and classify different types of existing problems as erosion, landslide in embankments and fill slopes, rockfall, block rolling, among others. We also included the analysis of soil horizon, thickness and composition. The geological-geotechnical mapping resulted in six units: 1- Sandstones in cuesta’s backhill; 2 – Basalts in cuesta’s front; 3- Sandstones in cuesta’s front; 4 – Talus and colluvial deposits at cuesta’s foothill; 5- Sandstones of the Piramboia Formation in hillside; and 6 – Colluvial soil in the hill top. A characterization of the geological-geotechnical units is detailed, coupled to the cartographic material. Other cartographic products elaborated for this study included 1:10.000 maps of hypsometry, slope and curvature


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The city of Guaratinguetá, SP, presents in its history, several instances of property damage and human losses, conditional on the event of flooding and mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosion processes. The extent and severity of these events that affect humans and their properties is the result of the illegal occupation of these areas as potential geohazard. Thus, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of such areas within the map of the same city as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of these events. Thus, this graduate report presents a series of field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing, consultation with maps and satellite images, representative of the physical environment, and the city plan as a means conclusive for the delimitation of risk areas with potential for occurrence of erosion and / or flooding on the map representing the urban area of Guaratinguetá, SP. Also featured are the descriptions of the main characteristics of those areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to flooding and erosion processes on the local population


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Large conurbations are a significant source of the anthropogenic pollution and demographic differences between cities that result in a different pollution burden. The metropolitan area of Sao Paulo (MASP, population 20 million) accounts for one fifth of the Brazilian vehicular fleet. A feature of MASP is the amount of ethanol used by the vehicular fleet, known to exacerbate air quality. The study describes the diurnal behaviour of the submicron aerosol and relies on total particle number concentration, particle number size distribution, light scattering and light absorption measurements. Modelled planetary boundary layer (PBL) depth and air mass movement data were used to aid the interpretation. During morning rush-hour, stagnant air and a shallow PBL height favour the accumulation of aerosol pollution. During clear-sky conditions, there was a wind shift towards the edge of the city indicating a heat island effect with implications on particulate pollution levels at the site. The median total particle number concentration for the submicron aerosol typically varied in the range 1.6 x 10(4)-3.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) frequently exceeding 4 x 10(4) cm-3 during the day. During weekdays, nucleation-mode particles are responsible for most of the particles by numbers. The highest concentrations of total particle number concentrations and black carbon (BC) were observed on Fridays. Median diurnal values for light absorption and light scattering (at 637 nm wavelength) varied in the range 12-33 Mm(-1) and 21-64 Mm(-1), respectively. The former one is equal to 1.8-5.0 mu g m(-3) of BC. The growth of the PBL, from the morning rush-hour until noon, is consistent with the diurnal cycle of BC mass concentrations. Weekday hourly median single-scattering albedo (omega(0)) varied in the range 0.59-0.76. Overall, this suggests a top of atmosphere (TOA) warming effect. However, considering the low surface reflectance of urban areas, for the given range of omega(0), the TOA radiative forcing can be either positive or negative for the sources within the MASP. On the average, weekend omega(0) values were 0.074 higher than during weekdays. During 11% of the days, new particle formation (NPF) events occurred. The analysed events growth rates ranged between 9 and 25 nm h(-1). Sulphuric acid proxy concentrations calculated for the site were less than 5% of the concentration needed to explain the observed growth. Thus, other vapours are likely contributors to the observed growth.


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In the last decade the interest for submarine instability grew up, driven by the increasing exploitation of natural resources (primary hydrocarbons), the emplacement of bottom-lying structures (cables and pipelines) and by the development of coastal areas, whose infrastructures increasingly protrude to the sea. The great interest for this topic promoted a number of international projects such as: STEAM (Sediment Transport on European Atlantic Margins, 93-96), ENAM II (European North Atlantic Margin, 96-99), GITEC (Genesis and Impact of Tsunamis on the European Coast 92-95), STRATAFORM (STRATA FORmation on Margins, 95-01), Seabed Slope Process in Deep Water Continental Margin (Northwest Gulf of Mexico, 96-04), COSTA (Continental slope Stability, 00-05), EUROMARGINS (Slope Stability on Europe’s Passive Continental Margin), SPACOMA (04-07), EUROSTRATAFORM (European Margin Strata Formation), NGI's internal project SIP-8 (Offshore Geohazards), IGCP-511: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences (05-09) and projects indirectly related to instability processes, such as TRANSFER (Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European region, 06-09) or NEAREST (integrated observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system, 06-09). In Italy, apart from a national project realized within the activities of the National Group of Volcanology during the framework 2000-2003 “Conoscenza delle parti sommerse dei vulcani italiani e valutazione del potenziale rischio vulcanico”, the study of submarine mass-movement has been underestimated until the occurrence of the landslide-tsunami events that affected Stromboli on December 30, 2002. This event made the Italian Institutions and the scientific community more aware of the hazard related to submarine landslides, mainly in light of the growing anthropization of coastal sectors, that increases the vulnerability of these areas to the consequences of such processes. In this regard, two important national projects have been recently funded in order to study coastal instabilities (PRIN 24, 06-08) and to map the main submarine hazard features on continental shelves and upper slopes around the most part of Italian coast (MaGIC Project). The study realized in this Thesis is addressed to the understanding of these processes, with particular reference to Stromboli submerged flanks. These latter represent a natural laboratory in this regard, as several kind of instability phenomena are present on the submerged flanks, affecting about 90% of the entire submerged areal and often (strongly) influencing the morphological evolution of subaerial slopes, as witnessed by the event occurred on 30 December 2002. Furthermore, each phenomenon is characterized by different pre-failure, failure and post-failure mechanisms, ranging from rock-falls, to turbidity currents up to catastrophic sector collapses. The Thesis is divided into three introductive chapters, regarding a brief review of submarine instability phenomena and related hazard (cap. 1), a “bird’s-eye” view on methodologies and available dataset (cap. 2) and a short introduction on the evolution and the morpho-structural setting of the Stromboli edifice (cap. 3). This latter seems to play a major role in the development of largescale sector collapses at Stromboli, as they occurred perpendicular to the orientation of the main volcanic rift axis (oriented in NE-SW direction). The characterization of these events and their relationships with successive erosive-depositional processes represents the main focus of cap.4 (Offshore evidence of large-scale lateral collapses on the eastern flank of Stromboli, Italy, due to structurally-controlled, bilateral flank instability) and cap. 5 (Lateral collapses and active sedimentary processes on the North-western flank of Stromboli Volcano), represented by articles accepted for publication on international papers (Marine Geology). Moreover, these studies highlight the hazard related to these catastrophic events; several calamities (with more than 40000 casualties only in the last two century) have been, in fact, the direct or indirect result of landslides affecting volcanic flanks, as observed at Oshima-Oshima (1741) and Unzen Volcano (1792) in Japan (Satake&Kato, 2001; Brantley&Scott, 1993), Krakatau (1883) in Indonesia (Self&Rampino, 1981), Ritter Island (1888), Sissano in Papua New Guinea (Ward& Day, 2003; Johnson, 1987; Tappin et al., 2001) and Mt St. Augustine (1883) in Alaska (Beget& Kienle, 1992). Flank landslide are also recognized as the most important and efficient mass-wasting process on volcanoes, contributing to the development of the edifices by widening their base and to the growth of a volcaniclastic apron at the foot of a volcano; a number of small and medium-scale erosive processes are also responsible for the carving of Stromboli submarine flanks and the transport of debris towards the deeper areas. The characterization of features associated to these processes is the main focus of cap. 6; it is also important to highlight that some small-scale events are able to create damage to coastal areas, as also witnessed by recent events of Gioia Tauro 1978, Nizza, 1979 and Stromboli 2002. The hazard potential related to these phenomena is, in fact, very high, as they commonly occur at higher frequency with respect to large-scale collapses, therefore being more significant in terms of human timescales. In the last chapter (cap. 7), a brief review and discussion of instability processes identified on Stromboli submerged flanks is presented; they are also compared with respect to analogous processes recognized in other submerged areas in order to shed lights on the main factors involved in their development. Finally, some applications of multibeam data to assess the hazard related to these phenomena are also discussed.


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Aunque esta tesis puede leerse desde diferentes perspectivas, tiene una voluntad fundamental: explicar, desde la metodología propia de la historia conceptual, la racionalidad específica del llamado fascismo español. Centra su interés en la figura de Ramiro Ledesma Ramos (1905-1936), fundador del primer movimiento fascista español. Ledesma ideó un proyecto de modernización de España que sólo podía pasar por la organización de un Estado total. Trató de crear un movimiento de masas de corte fascista con capacidad para fundar un Estado total capaz de ser una alternativa viable al liberalismo republicano y al socialismo. El fascismo español emergerá como una experiencia temporal propia de la modernidad. Buscará revitalizar y acelerar un proceso, el moderno, que a la luz de los jóvenes exaltados de principios de siglo se percibía como agotado y decadente. El planteamiento de Ledesma brotaba de la necesidad de combatir aquellas presuntas fuerzas degenerativas (liberalismo, comunismo, conservadurismo, etc.) de la historia contemporánea española para erigir una nueva modernidad basada en el renacimiento de la nación. Al mismo tiempo, se pretende poner en relieve la eficacia de la acción histórica planteada por el pensamiento reaccionario español. Bajo sus coordenadas, la nación jamás desarrollaría los rasgos sublimados de la política moderna europea. Jamás abandonó los pretendidos órdenes del derecho natural del clasicismo católico que, en última instancia, limitaban la potencia absoluta de cualquier soberano político. Esta particularidad histórica, arrastrada desde la primera modernidad, impedirá con obstinación cualquier oleada revolucionaria que supusiera la autonomización de la esfera política y por tanto, la instauración de un poder totalitario. De hecho, cuando se instauré la dictadura del Franco, a lo más que se llegaría, sería a un Estado mínimo, que bajo los presupuestos del tradicionalismo, dejaba a su suerte las dinámicas económicas.


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Die (Wieder-)Nutzung auf Schwerkraft basierender Fördertechniken, die insbesondere durch das niedrige Energiepreisniveau in den Jahrzehnten nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der Tagebautechnik nahezu vollständig verdrängt wurden, ist bei den heutigen wirtschaftlichen Randbedingungen und anzustrebenden ökologischen Standards eine Herausforderung für die bergbautreibende Industrie. Seit Aufnahme der Entwicklung des Förderkonzeptes – Geführte Versturztechnik – Mitte der 1990er Jahre haben sich die Kosten für Rohöl vor Steuern nach dem Tiefstand um das Jahr 1998 bis heute mehr als verdreifacht, alleine seit 2004 mehr als verdoppelt. Gesetzliche Regelwerke wie die europäische IVU-Richtlinie 96/61/EG zur „integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung“ fordern, Genehmigungen nur noch bei Einsatz der besten verfügbaren Techniken (BVT oder BAT: „best available techniques“) zu erteilen. Die Umsetzung in nationale Vorschriften wie das Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz und nachgeordnete Regelwerke fordern hierauf aufbauend, dass Umweltbelastungen nicht in andere Medien verlagert werden dürfen. Die Anordnung einer Versturzrinne zur Nutzung von Massenschwerebewegungen am Beispiel von Quarzitabbau im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge bei denen die Förderbezugsebene unterhalb der Strossen liegt, die zur sichern und selektiven Gewinnung des Rohstoffs aufgefahren werden müssen, erfüllt durch Rückgriff auf ein vermeintlich „archaisches“ Förderkonzept durch Nutzung der Schwerkraft die obigen Anforderungen. Offenkundige Umweltbelastungen, die alleine durch die Verbrennung von Dieselkraftstoff und hieraus resultierender Schadstoff- und Wärmeeinträge in die Luft beim verbreiteten Einsatz von SLKW zur Abwärtsförderung entstehen, können erheblich vermindert werden. Der Aspekt der Betriebssicherheit einer solchen Anordnung kann durch Auffahren eines geradlinigen Bauwerks mit an das Fördergut angepassten Dimensionen sowie Einrichtungen zur Beschränkung der kinetischen Energie erreicht werden. Diese stellen auch gleichzeitig sicher, dass die Zerkleinerung des durch die Versturzrinne abwärts transportierten Materials betrieblich zulässige Grenzen nicht überschreitet. Hierfür kann auf das umfangreiche Wissen zu Massenschwerebewegungen Rückgriff genommen werden. Dem Aspekt des Umweltschutzes, der sich in Bezug auf das Medium Luft auf den autochtonen Staub reduziert, kann durch Vorrichtungen zur Staubniederschlagung Rechnung getragen werden. Vertiefende Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um die mit komplexen, aber erprobten Techniken arbeitende Tagebauindustrie auch in dicht besiedelten Regionen wieder an die Nutzung von Schwerkraft (-gestützten) Fördertechniken heranzuführen. Auch das Konzept – Geführte Versturztechnik – ist auf konkrete Anwendungsfälle hin in Details anzupassen.


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Central Switzerland lies tectonically in an intraplate area and recurrence rates of strong earthquakes exceed the time span covered by historic chronicles. However, many lakes are present in the area that act as natural seismographs: their continuous, datable and high-resolution sediment succession allows extension of the earthquake catalogue to pre-historic times. This study reviews and compiles available data sets and results from more than 10 years of lacustrine palaeoseismological research in lakes of northern and Central Switzerland. The concept of using lacustrine mass-movement event stratigraphy to identify palaeo-earthquakes is showcased by presenting new data and results from Lake Zurich. The Late Glacial to Holocene mass-movement units in this lake document a complex history of varying tectonic and environmental impacts. Results include sedimentary evidence of three major and three minor, simultaneously triggered basin-wide lateral slope failure events interpreted as the fingerprints of palaeoseismic activity. A refined earthquake catalogue, which includes results from previous lake studies, reveals a non-uniform temporal distribution of earthquakes in northern and Central Switzerland. A higher frequency of earthquakes in the Late Glacial and Late Holocene period documents two different phases of neotectonic activity; they are interpreted to be related to isostatic post-glacial rebound and relatively recent (re-)activation of seismogenic zones, respectively. Magnitudes and epicentre reconstructions for the largest identified earthquakes provide evidence for two possible earthquake sources: (i) a source area in the region of the Alpine or Sub-Alpine Front due to release of accumulated north-west/south-east compressional stress related to an active basal thrust beneath the Aar massif; and (ii) a source area beneath the Alpine foreland due to reactivation of deep-seated strike-slip faults. Such activity has been repeatedly observed instrumentally, for example, during the most recent magnitude 4.2 and 3.5 earthquakes of February 2012, near Zug. The combined lacustrine record from northern and Central Switzerland indicates that at least one of these potential sources has been capable of producing magnitude 6.2 to 6.7 events in the past.


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The sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 565 and University of Texas Marine Science Institute Cores IG-24-7-38 to -42 taken on the landward slope of the Middle America Trench exhibit characteristics of material subject to reworking during downslope mass flow. These characteristics include a generally homogeneous texture, lack of sedimentary structures, pervasive presence of a penetrative scaly fabric, and presence of transported benthic foraminifers. Although these features occur throughout the sediments examined, trends in bulk density, porosity, and water content, and abrupt shifts in these index physical properties and in sediment magnetic properties at Site 565 indicate that downslope sediment creep is presently most active in the upper 45 to 50 m of sediment. It cannot be determined whether progressive dewatering of sediment has brought the material at this depth to a plastic limit at which sediment can no longer flow (thus resulting in its accretion to the underlying sediments) or whether this depth represents a surface along which slumping has occurred. We suspect both are true in part, that is, that mass movements and downslope reworking accumulate sediments in a mobile layer of material that is self-limiting in thickness.


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Pocos líderes de la historia política contemporánea han generado tantos estudios e impactado de forma tan contundente en los medios de comunicación como la figura emblemática de Juan Domingo Perón. Fundador de un movimiento masivo que construyó, más allá de textos políticos deliberados, una constelación de discursos mediáticos y artísticos. Los alcances semánticos de estas construcciones implosionan, en el campo simbólico, con un vocabulario e imágenes que difícilmente podrán ser desterrados de la memoria de los argentinos. Resulta sugestivo caminar a través de esta senda de amores y de odios. Por un lado a través del análisis de los epítetos descalificatorios que pueblan el diccionario de los antiperonistas. Por el otro, desandando el camino de los mitos, las versiones posmodernas del fenómeno peronista y escuchando las voces quienes adhirieron al movimiento y recrearon sus pasiones tanto en su producción testimonial, ficcional e historiográfica. En esta investigación se analizaron las formas con las que el peronismo constituyó el mito de origen y, a la vez, un mito social popular, en tanto promovió un armazón representacional utópico desde el cual ha sabido generar sus propias creencias


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Pocos líderes de la historia política contemporánea han generado tantos estudios e impactado de forma tan contundente en los medios de comunicación como la figura emblemática de Juan Domingo Perón. Fundador de un movimiento masivo que construyó, más allá de textos políticos deliberados, una constelación de discursos mediáticos y artísticos. Los alcances semánticos de estas construcciones implosionan, en el campo simbólico, con un vocabulario e imágenes que difícilmente podrán ser desterrados de la memoria de los argentinos. Resulta sugestivo caminar a través de esta senda de amores y de odios. Por un lado a través del análisis de los epítetos descalificatorios que pueblan el diccionario de los antiperonistas. Por el otro, desandando el camino de los mitos, las versiones posmodernas del fenómeno peronista y escuchando las voces quienes adhirieron al movimiento y recrearon sus pasiones tanto en su producción testimonial, ficcional e historiográfica. En esta investigación se analizaron las formas con las que el peronismo constituyó el mito de origen y, a la vez, un mito social popular, en tanto promovió un armazón representacional utópico desde el cual ha sabido generar sus propias creencias


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Pocos líderes de la historia política contemporánea han generado tantos estudios e impactado de forma tan contundente en los medios de comunicación como la figura emblemática de Juan Domingo Perón. Fundador de un movimiento masivo que construyó, más allá de textos políticos deliberados, una constelación de discursos mediáticos y artísticos. Los alcances semánticos de estas construcciones implosionan, en el campo simbólico, con un vocabulario e imágenes que difícilmente podrán ser desterrados de la memoria de los argentinos. Resulta sugestivo caminar a través de esta senda de amores y de odios. Por un lado a través del análisis de los epítetos descalificatorios que pueblan el diccionario de los antiperonistas. Por el otro, desandando el camino de los mitos, las versiones posmodernas del fenómeno peronista y escuchando las voces quienes adhirieron al movimiento y recrearon sus pasiones tanto en su producción testimonial, ficcional e historiográfica. En esta investigación se analizaron las formas con las que el peronismo constituyó el mito de origen y, a la vez, un mito social popular, en tanto promovió un armazón representacional utópico desde el cual ha sabido generar sus propias creencias


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The 106 m long composite profile from site 2 of ICDP expedition 5022 (PASADO) at Laguna Potrok Aike documents a distinct change in sedimentation patterns from pelagic sediments at the top to dominating mass movement deposits at its base. The main lithological units correspond to the Holocene, to the Lateglacial and to the last glacial period and can be interpreted as the result of distinct environmental variations. Overflow conditions might have been achieved during the last glacial period, while signs of desiccation are absent in the studied sediment record. Altogether, 58 radiocarbon dates were used to establish a consistent age-depth model by applying the mixed-effect regression procedure which results in a basal age of 51.2 cal. ka BP. Radiocarbon dates show a considerable increase in scatter with depth which is related to the high amount of reworking. Validation of the obtained chronology was achieved with geomagnetic relative paleointensity data and tephra correlation.