864 resultados para marketing strategy implementation


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Viviamo in un epoca di cambiamenti. Continuamente, giorno dopo giorno, il vecchio scompare per fare spazio al nuovo. La tecnologia permea sempre più in ogni aspetto della vita, conquistando le nostre abitudini, cambiando il nostro modo di vedere il mondo, e, in maniera inevitabile, il nostro modo di agire. L’essere umano ha da sempre cercato di concepire cose che ancora non ci sono, per cambiare la realtà e modellarla a suo piacimento. Si parte, quindi, da qualcosa che fin dalla nascita è dentro ognuno di noi, un desiderio che arde nell'animo umano, che si alimenta grazie al soffio dell’immaginazione e che non c’è modo di spegnere. L’innovazione porta novità. Resistere al cambiamento non è sempre facile, e se si cerca di ostacolarlo esso ti travolgerà. “Affrontare il cambiamento è come scalare una colata di fango giù per una collina” - esordisce in “The Innovator Dilemma”, Clayton M. Christensen - “Bisogna affrontare qualsiasi cosa per rimanere su di essa, e non appena ci si ferma per prendere fiato si viene seppelliti”. Si intuisce come il cambiamento tecnologico non solo sia di fondamentale evidenza nella vita di ognuno, ma come esso abbia cambiato e stia cambiando il modo di fare business. In questo umile lavoro si è voluto analizzare come certi tipi di innovazione abbiano il potere di cambiare tutto un sistema di riferimento sul quale prima l’impresa faceva affidamento. Sono le Disruptive Innovation – le innovazioni dirompenti – quelle innovazioni che ribaltano un modello di business, il modo di vedere un prodotto, la logica dietro a certe operations aziendali, che seppur sembrassero solide, si sgretolano scontrandosi con innovazioni così forti. Vi è poi una domanda critica a cui si è cercato di rispondere. Si può fare Disruptive Marketing? Alcuni esempi virtuosi ci mostrano come si possa attuare una strategia di questo genere, e come si possa “comprendere, creare, comunicare e distribuire valore” in modo innovativo.


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Prescription drug samples, as used by the pharmaceutical industry to market their products, are of current interest because of their influence on prescribing, and their potential impact on consumer safety. Very little research has been conducted into the use and misuse of prescription drug samples, and the influence of samples on health policies designed to improve the rational use of medicines. This is a topical issue in the prescription drug debate, with increasing costs and increasing concerns about optimizing use of medicines. This manuscript critically evaluates the research that has been conducted to date about prescription drug samples, discusses the issues raised in the context of traditional marketing theory, and suggests possible alternatives for the future.


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With the rise of 'New Public Management' (NPM), government policy has encouraged public-sector organizations to downsize and outsource their services. There is, however, local variation in the use of outsourcing - this is 'managing from the inside out'. This paper draws on the notion of receptivity for organizational change to explain variation in strategy implementation. Four receptivity factors are identified which seem to explain the success of two contrasting English local government outsourcing strategies: ideological vision, leading change, institutional politics and implementation capacity. The organization level of change is interconnected with two other levels of change (the public service and environment levels) to illustrate the dynamic nature of change.


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A hybrid approach for integrating group Delphi, fuzzy logic and expert systems for developing marketing strategies is proposed in this paper. Within this approach, the group Delphi method is employed to help groups of managers undertake SWOT analysis. Fuzzy logic is applied to fuzzify the results of SWOT analysis. Expert systems are utilised to formulate marketing strategies based upon the fuzzified strategic inputs. In addition, guidelines are also provided to help users link the hybrid approach with managerial judgement and intuition. The effectiveness of the hybrid approach has been validated with MBA and MA marketing students. It is concluded that the hybrid approach is more effective in terms of decision confidence, group consensus, helping to understand strategic factors, helping strategic thinking, and coupling analysis with judgement, etc.


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Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning deals with the process of developing and implementing a marketing strategy. The third edition focuses on competitive positioning at the heart of marketing strategy and includes in-depth discussion of the processes used in marketing to achieve competitive advantage.


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This paper looks selectively at strategic group theory and seeks to explore the benefits and limitations of modern strategic group analysis within the context of practical strategy making in the pharmaceutical industry. The rise and fall of strategic group research is reviewed and suggestions advanced as to the reasons why strategic group research suffered criticism and frequently produced conflicting results. The paper concludes that strategic group research offers a valuable way to classify firms by their strategy and provides some suggestions as to how industry strategists may benefit from strategic group analysis and avoid the pitfalls exposed by previous research.


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The development of new products in today's marketing environment is generally accepted as a requirement for the continual growth and prosperity of organisations. The literature is consequently rich with information on the development of various aspects of good products. In the case of service industries, it can be argued that new service product development is of as least equal importance as it is to organisations that produce tangible goods products. Unlike the new goods product literature, the literature on service marketing practices, and in particular, new service product development, is relatively sparse. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine a number of aspects of new service product development practice with respect to financial services and specifically, credit card financial services. The empirical investigation utilises both a case study and a survey approach, to examine aspects of new service product development industry practice relating specifically to gaps and deficiencies in the literature with respect to the financial service industry. The findings of the empirical work are subsequently examined in the context in which they provide guidance and support for a new normative new service product development model. The study examines the UK credit card financial service product sector as an industry case study and perspective. The findings of the field work reveal that the new service product development process is still evolving, and that in the case of credit card financial services can be seen as a well-structured and well-documented process. New product development can also be seen as an incremental, complex, interactive and continuous process which has been applied in a variety of ways. A number of inferences are subsequently presented.


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This thesis examines children's consumer choice behaviour using an information processing perspective, with the fundamental goal of applying academic research to practical marketing and commercial problems. Proceeding a preface, which describes the academic and commercial terms of reference within which this interdisciplinary study is couched, the thesis comprises four discernible parts. Initially, the rationale inherent in adopting an information processing perspective is justified and the diverse array of topics which have bearing on children's consumer processing and behaviour are aggregated. The second part uses this perspective as a springboard to appraise the little explored role of memory, and especially memory structure, as a central cognitive component in children's consumer choice processing. The main research theme explores the ease with which 10 and 11 year olds retrieve contemporary consumer information from subjectively defined memory organisations. Adopting a sort-recall paradigm, hierarchical retrieval processing is stimulated and it is contended that when two items, known to be stored proximally in the memory organisation are not recalled adjacently, this discrepancy is indicative of retrieval processing ease. Results illustrate the marked influence of task conditions and orientation of memory structure on retrieval; these conclusions are accounted for in terms of input and integration failure. The third section develops the foregoing interpellations in the marketing context. A straightforward methodology for structuring marketing situations is postulated, a basis for segmenting children's markets using processing characteristics is adopted, and criteria for communicating brand support information to children are discussed. A taxonomy of market-induced processing conditions is developed. Finally, a case study with topical commercial significance is described. The development, launch and marketing of a new product in the confectionery market is outlined, the aetiology of its subsequent demise identified and expounded, and prescriptive guidelines are put forward to help avert future repetition of marketing misjudgements.


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Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning 5e deals with the process of developing and implementing a marketing strategy. The book focuses on competitive positioning at the heart of marketing strategy and includes in-depth discussion of the processes used in marketing to achieve competitive advantage. The book is primarily about creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. It focuses on the two central issues in marketing strategy formulation – the identification of target markets and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing that, it recognises the emergence of new potential target markets born of the recession and increased concern for climate change; and it examines ways in which firms can differentiate their offerings through the recognition of environmental and social concerns.


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This conceptual article examines the relationship between marketing and sustainability through the dual lenses of anthropocentric and ecocentric epistemology. Using the current anthropocentric epistemology and its associated dominant social paradigm, corporate ecological sustainability in commercial practice and business school research and teaching is difficult to achieve. However, adopting an ecocentric epistemology enables the development of an alternative business and marketing approach that places equal importance on nature, the planet, and ecological sustainability as the source of human and other species' well-being, as well as the source of all products and services. This article examines ecocentric, transformational business, and marketing strategies epistemologically, conceptually and practically and thereby proposes six ecocentric, transformational, strategic marketing universal premises as part of a vision of and solution to current global un-sustainability. Finally, this article outlines several opportunities for management practice and further research. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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The purpose of this study was to determine if the business traveler's behavior is influenced by brand loyalty. This brand loyalty, which became evident through the use of a survey, was then to be thoroughly evaluated. In order for this information to be best understood and utilized as the basis of future marketing strategies, much research was undertaken and its significance explained in relation to the airline industry as it exists at present. The results and conclusions of this study indicate that the airline industry is, for the most part, taking a successful approach in attracting business travelers. These travelers' business is highly valued due to the frequency with which they pay full-fare rates. The airlines view business travelers as a potential for great profit and their actions are in line with these philosophies.