38 resultados para mariculture
Le attività di ricerca della presente tesi di dottorato si sono focalizzata principalmente sulla parassitofauna dei pesci marini allevati in Grecia ed in Italia con particolare attenzione allo studio degli ectoparassiti di maggior rilievo sanitario in maricoltura ed alla ricerca di endoparassiti di potenziale interesse zoonosico, in particolare larve di nematodi Anisakidae del genere Anisakis. Nel corso del triennio sono stati sottoposti ad esami parassitologici 916 spigole (Dicentrarchus labrax) e 462 orate (Sparus aurata) prelevate presso diverse tipologie di allevamenti greci ed italiani. Per quanto concerne le spigole, la presenza di ectoparassiti è stata riscontrata nel 29,2% e nel 61,9% dei soggetti provenienti rispettivamente da impianti siti in Grecia ed in Italia, mentre le orate hanno presentato percentuali di positività rispettivamente del 87,5% e del 26,7%. Gli ectoparassiti dominanti sono risultati essere il monogeneo Diplectanum aequans nelle spigole ed il ciliato Cryptocaryon irritans e il monogeneo Furnestinia echeneis nelle orate, sebbene sia stato possibile studiare anche il coinvolgimento di altri ectoparassiti, quali il monogeneo Sparicotyle chrysophrii ed il dinoflagellato Amyloodinium ocellatum, nel determinismo di alcuni episodi morbosi. Le osservazioni istopatologiche hanno permesso di caratterizzare le lesioni causate dagli ectoparassiti a diverse intensità d’infestazione. Per quanto concerne la ricerca di parassiti zoonosici, con particolare riferimento agli stadi larvali di nematodi Anisakidae del genere Anisakis, si sono condotti esami parassitologici a livello di cavità viscerale e di muscolo laterale in tutti i soggetti provenienti da allevamenti in gabbia (626 soggetti, di cui 441 spigole e 185 orate). Tutti i soggetti esaminati sono risultati negativi, indicando come il rischio di infestazione da larve di nematodi anisakidi possa essere considerato trascurabile in spigole ed orate allevate in gabbia, come già dimostrato per il salmone atlantico (EFSA, 2010).
Oceanographic research in the Amvrakikos Gulf in Western Greece, a semi-enclosed embayment isolated from the Ionian Sea by a narrow, shallow sill, has shown that it is characterised by a fjord-like oceanographic regime. The Gulf is characterised by a well-stratified two layer structure in the water column made up of a surface layer and a bottom layer that are separated by a strong pycnocline. At the entrance over the sill, there is a brackish water outflow in the surface water and a saline water inflow in the near-bed region. This morphology and water circulation pattern makes the Amvrakikos Gulf the only Mediterranean Sea fjord. The investigations have also shown that the surface layer is well oxygenated, whereas in the pycnocline, the dissolved oxygen (DO) declines sharply and finally attains a value of zero, thus dividing the water column into oxic, dysoxic and anoxic environments. At the dysoxic/anoxic interface, at a depth of approximately 35 m, a sharp redox cline develops with Eh values between 0 and 120 mV occurring above and values between 0 and -250 mV occurring below, where oxic and anoxic biochemical processes prevail, respectively. On the seafloor underneath the anoxic waters, a black silt layer and a white mat cover resembling Beggiatoa-like cells are formed. The dysoxic/anoxic conditions appeared during the last 20 to 30 years and have been caused by the excessive use of fertilisers, the increase in animal stocks, intensive fish farming and domestic effluents. The inflicted dysoxia/anoxia has resulted in habitat loss on the seafloor over an area that makes up just over 50% of the total Gulf area and approximately 28% of the total water volume. Furthermore, anoxia is also considered to have been responsible for the sudden fish mortality which occurred in aquaculture rafts in the Gulf in February 2008. Therefore, anoxic conditions can be considered to be a potential hazard to the ecosystem and to the present thriving fishing and mariculture industry in the Gulf.
Final report: ERDA, Subtask 5 - OFEF Project.
The Asian green mussel Perna viridis is tolerant to environmental stress, but its robustness varies between populations from habitats that differ in quality. So far, it is unclear whether local adaptations through stressinduced selection or phenotypic plasticity are responsible for these inter-population differences. We tested for the relevance of both mechanisms by comparing survival under hypoxia in mussels that were transplanted from an anthropogenically impacted (Jakarta Bay, Indonesia) to a natural habitat (Lada Bay, Indonesia) and vice versa. Mussels were retrieved 8 weeks after transplantation and exposed to hypoxia in the laboratory. Additional hypoxia tests were conducted with juvenile mussels collected directly from both sites. To elucidate possible relationships between habitat quality and mussel tolerance, we monitored concentrations of inorganic nutrients, temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, phytoplankton density and the mussels' body condition index (BCI) for 20 months before, during and after the experiments. Survival under hypoxia depended mainly on the quality of the habitat where the mussels lived before the hypoxia tests and only to a small degree on their site of origin. Furthermore, stress tolerance was only higher in Jakarta than in Lada Bay mussels when the BCIs were substantially higher, which in turn correlated with the phytoplankton densities. We explain why phenotypic plasticity and high BCIs are more likely the causes of populationspecific differences in hypoxia tolerance in P. viridis than stress-induced selection for robust genotypes. This is relevant to understanding the role of P. viridis as mariculture organism in eutrophic ecosystems and invasive species in the (sub)tropical world.
Indigenous communities have actively managed their environments for millennia using a diversity of resource use and conservation strategies. Clam gardens, ancient rock-walled intertidal beach terraces, represent one example of an early mariculture technology that may have been used to improve food security and confer resilience to coupled human-ocean systems. We surveyed a coastal landscape for evidence of past resource use and management to gain insight into ancient resource stewardship practices on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada. We found that clam gardens are embedded within a diverse portfolio of resource use and management strategies and were likely one component of a larger, complex resource management system. We compared clam diversity, density, recruitment, and biomass in three clam gardens and three unmodified nonwalled beaches. Evidence suggests that butter clams (Saxidomus gigantea) had 1.96 times the biomass and 2.44 times the density in clam gardens relative to unmodified beaches. This was due to a reduction in beach slope and thus an increase in the optimal tidal range where clams grow and survive best. The most pronounced differences in butter clam density between nonwalled beaches and clam gardens were found at high tidal elevations at the top of the beach. Finally, clam recruits (0.5-2 mm in length) tended to be greater in clam gardens compared to nonwalled beaches and may be attributed to the addition of shell hash by ancient people, which remains on the landscape today. As part of a broader social-ecological system, clam garden sites were among several modifications made by humans that collectively may have conferred resilience to past communities by providing reliable and diverse access to food resources.
Bluefin tuna is particularly concerned in the project of tuna rearing in the Mediterranean sea. However there are no reasons to neglect the other tuna species of the Mediterranean sea which present an interesting material for the development of the research on tuna cultivation.
Tese de dout. Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004