964 resultados para many body effects


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A many-body theory approach to the calculation of gamma spectra of positron annihilation on many-electron atoms is developed. We evaluate the first-order correlation correction to the annihilation vertex and perform numerical calculations for the noble gas atoms. Extrapolation with respect to the maximal orbital momentum of the intermediate electron and positron states is used to achieve convergence. The inclusion of correlation corrections improves agreement with experimental gamma spectra.


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We review some recent developments in many body perturbation theory (MBPT) calculations that have enabled the study of interfaces and defects. Starting from the theoretical basis of MBPT, Hedin's equations are presented, leading to the CW and CWI' approximations. We introduce the perturbative approach, that is the one most commonly used for obtaining quasiparticle (QP) energies. The practical strategy presented for dealing with the frequency dependence of the self energy operator is based on either plasmon-pole models (PPM) or the contour deformation technique, with the latter being more accurate. We also discuss the extrapolar method for reducing the number of unoccupied states which need to be included explicity in the calculations. The use of the PAW method in the framework of MBPT is also described. Finally, results which have been obtained using, MBPT for band offsets a interfaces and for defects presented, with companies on the main difficulties and cancels.

Schematic representation of the QP corrections (marked with ) to the band edges (E and E-v) and a defect level (F) for a Si/SiO2 interface (Si and O atoms are represented in blue and red, respectively, in the ball and stick model) with an oxygen vacancy leading to a Si-Si bond (the Si atoms involved in this bond are colored light blue).


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The electronic properties of zircon and hafnon, two wide-gap high-kappa materials, are investigated using many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) combined with the Wannier interpolation technique. For both materials, the calculated band structures differ from those obtained within density-functional theory and MBPT by (i) a slight displacement of the highest valence-band maximum from the Gamma point and (ii) an opening of the indirect band gap to 7.6 and 8.0 eV for zircon and hafnon, respectively. The introduction of vertex corrections in the many-body self-energy does not modify the results except for a global rigid shift of the many-body corrections.


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Theoretically the Kohn-Sham band gap differs from the exact quasiparticle energy gap by the derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation functional. In practice for semiconductors and insulators the band gap calculated within any local or semilocal density approximations underestimates severely the experimental energy gap. On the other hand, calculations with an "exact" exchange potential derived from many-body perturbation theory via the optimized effective potential suggest that improving the exchange-correlation potential approximation can yield a reasonable agreement between the Kohn-Sham band gap and the experimental gap. The results in this work show that this is not the case. In fact, we add to the exact exchange the correlation that corresponds to the dynamical (random phase approximation) screening in the GW approximation. This accurate exchange-correlation potential provides band structures similar to the local density approximation with the corresponding derivative discontinuity that contributes 30%-50% to the energy gap. Our self-consistent results confirm substantially the results for Si and other semiconductors obtained perturbatively [R. W. Godby , Phys. Rev. B 36, 6497 (1987)] and extend the conclusion to LiF and Ar, a wide-gap insulator and a noble-gas solid. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the statistics of the work done, the fluctuation relations and the irreversible entropy production in a quantum many-body system subject to the sudden quench of a control parameter. By treating the quench as a thermodynamic transformation we show that the emergence of irreversibility in the nonequilibrium dynamics of closed many-body quantum systems can be accurately characterized. We demonstrate our ideas by considering a transverse quantum Ising model that is taken out of equilibrium by the instantaneous switching of the transverse field.


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We study the dissipative dynamics of two independent arrays of many-body systems, locally driven by a common entangled field. We showthat in the steady state the entanglement of the driving field is reproduced in an arbitrarily large series of inter-array entangled pairs over all distances. Local nonclassical driving thus realizes a scale-free entanglement replication and long-distance entanglement distribution mechanism that has immediate bearing on the implementation of quantum communication networks. 


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We analyze the nature of the statistics of the work done on or by a quantum many-body system brought out of equilibrium. We show that, for the sudden quench and for an initial state that commutes with the initial Hamiltonian, it is possible to retrieve the whole nonequilibrium thermodynamics via single projective measurements of observables. We highlight, in a physically clear way, the qualitative implications for the statistics of work coming from considering processes described by operators that either commute or do not commute with the unperturbed Hamiltonian of a given system. We consider a quantum many-body system and derive an expression that allows us to give a physical interpretation, for a thermal initial state, to all of the cumulants of the work in the case of quenched operators commuting with the unperturbed Hamiltonian. In the commuting case, the observables that we need to measure have an intuitive physical meaning. Conversely, in the noncommuting case, we show that, although it is possible to operate fully within the single-measurement framework irrespectively of the size of the quench, some difficulties are faced in providing a clear-cut physical interpretation to the cumulants. This circumstance makes the study of the physics of the system nontrivial and highlights the nonintuitive phenomenology of the emergence of thermodynamics from the fully quantum microscopic description. We illustrate our ideas with the example of the Ising model in a transverse field showing the interesting behavior of the high-order statistical moments of the work distribution for a generic thermal state and linking them to the critical nature of the model itself.


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Volume(density)-independent pair-potentials cannot describe metallic cohesion adequately as the presence of the free electron gas renders the total energy strongly dependent on the electron density. The embedded atom method (EAM) addresses this issue by replacing part of the total energy with an explicitly density-dependent term called the embedding function. Finnis and Sinclair proposed a model where the embedding function is taken to be proportional to the square root of the electron density. Models of this type are known as Finnis-Sinclair many body potentials. In this work we study a particular parametrization of the Finnis-Sinclair type potential, called the "Sutton-Chen" model, and a later version, called the "Quantum Sutton-Chen" model, to study the phonon spectra and the temperature variation thermodynamic properties of fcc metals. Both models give poor results for thermal expansion, which can be traced to rapid softening of transverse phonon frequencies with increasing lattice parameter. We identify the power law decay of the electron density with distance assumed by the model as the main cause of this behaviour and show that an exponentially decaying form of charge density improves the results significantly. Results for Sutton-Chen and our improved version of Sutton-Chen models are compared for four fcc metals: Cu, Ag, Au and Pt. The calculated properties are the phonon spectra, thermal expansion coefficient, isobaric heat capacity, adiabatic and isothermal bulk moduli, atomic root-mean-square displacement and Gr\"{u}neisen parameter. For the sake of comparison we have also considered two other models where the distance-dependence of the charge density is an exponential multiplied by polynomials. None of these models exhibits the instability against thermal expansion (premature melting) as shown by the Sutton-Chen model. We also present results obtained via pure pair potential models, in order to identify advantages and disadvantages of methods used to obtain the parameters of these potentials.


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Delta isobar components in the nuclear many-body wave function are investigated for the deuteron, light nuclei (16O), and infinite nuclear matter within the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. The predictions derived for various realistic models of the baryon-baryon interaction are compared to each other. These include local (V28) and nonlocal meson exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently derived by the Salamanca group accounting for quark degrees of freedom. The characteristic differences which are obtained for the NDelta and Delta Delta correlation functions are related to the approximation made in deriving the matrix elements for the baryon-baryon interaction.


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A detailed analysis of the many-body contribution to the interaction energies of the gas-phase hydrogen-bonded glycine clusters, (Gly)(N), N = 1-4 is presented. The energetics of the hydrogen-bonded dimer, trimer and tetramer complexes have been analyzed using density-functional theory. The magnitude of the two-through four-body energy terms have been calculated and compared. The relaxation energy and the two-body energy terms are the principal contributors to the total binding energy. Four-body contribution is negligible. However, the three-body contribution is found to be sizable and the formation of the cyclic glycine trimer presents geometric strains that make it less favorable. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a quantum many body approach with van der Waal type of interaction to achieve (85)Rb Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interaction which has been produced by magnetic field induced Feshbach resonance in the JILA experiment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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With the development of the simulation of particle dynamics, the traditional dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method can not satisfy the needs of research in static or dynamic wetting phenomena. However, the Many-body DPD approach extends the ability of the traditional method to simulate the interface between solid and liquid or some other situation. In this paper, we propose a Many-body DPD program to simulate the solid-liquid interface and get satisfactory results.


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We consider a four-parameter family of point interactions in one dimension. This family is a generalization of the usual delta-function potential. We examine a system consisting of many particles of equal masses that are interacting pairwise through such a generalized point interaction. We follow McGuire who obtained exact solutions for the system when the interaction is the delta-function potential. We find exact bound states with the four-parameter family. For the scattering problem, however, we have not been so successful. This is because, as we point out, the condition of no diffraction that is crucial in McGuire's method is nor satisfied except when the four-parameter family is essentially reduced to the delta-function potential.