853 resultados para mandatory disclosures


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This paper examines the factors associated with Canadian firms voluntarily disclosing climate change information through the Carbon Disclosure Project. Five hypotheses are presented to explain the factors influencing management's decision to disclose this information. These hypotheses include a response to shareholder activism, domestic institutional investor shareholder activism, signalling, litigation risk, and low cost publicity. Both binary logistic regressions as well as a cross-sectional analysis of the equity market's response to the environmental disclosures being made were used to test these hypotheses. Support was found for shareholder activism, low cost publicity, and litigation risk. However, the equity market's response was not found to be statistically significant.


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Le développement accéléré des technologies de communication, de saisie et de traitement de l’information durant les dernières années décennies ouvre la voie à de nouveaux moyens de contrôle social. Selon l’auteur Gary Marx ceux-ci sont de nature non coercitive et permettent à des acteurs privés ou publics d’obtenir des informations personnelles sur des individus sans que ceux-ci y consentent ou mêmes sans qu’ils en soient conscients. Ces moyens de contrôle social se fondent sur certaines valeurs sociales qui sont susceptibles de modifier le comportement des individus comme le patriotisme, la notion de bon citoyen ou le volontarisme. Tout comme les moyens coercitifs, elles amènent les individus à adopter certains comportements et à divulguer des informations précises. Toutefois, ces moyens se fondent soit sur le consentement des individus, consentement qui est souvent factice et imposée, soit l’absence de connaissance du processus de contrôle par les individus. Ainsi, l’auteur illustre comment des organisations privées et publiques obtiennent des informations privilégiées sur la population sans que celle-ci en soit réellement consciente. Les partisans de tels moyens soulignent leur importance pour la sécurité et le bien publique. Le discours qui justifie leur utilisation soutient qu’ils constituent des limites nécessaires et acceptables aux droits individuels. L’emploi de telles méthodes est justifié par le concept de l’intérêt public tout en minimisant leur impact sur les droits des individus. Ainsi, ces méthodes sont plus facilement acceptées et moins susceptibles d’être contestées. Toutefois, l’auteur souligne l’importance de reconnaître qu’une méthode de contrôle empiète toujours sur les droits des individus. Ces moyens de contrôle sont progressivement intégrés à la culture et aux modes de comportement. En conséquence, ils sont plus facilement justifiables et certains groupes en font même la promotion. Cette réalité rend encore plus difficile leur encadrement afin de protéger les droits individuels. L’auteur conclut en soulignant l’important décalage moral derrière l’emploi de ces méthodes non-coercitives de contrôle social et soutient que seul le consentement éclairé des individus peut justifier leur utilisation. À ce sujet, il fait certaines propositions afin d’encadrer et de rendre plus transparente l’utilisation de ces moyens de contrôle social.


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Este recurso ayuda al alumno a superar el curso BTEC First, con el que obtiene la titulación en ingeniería, uno de los sectores profesionales de este programa de estudios. Se divide en ocho unidades, algunas de las cuales son unidades obligatorias para la consecución del título y otras unidades son opcionales. Se dedica un capítulo a cada unidad y cada uno de estos capítulos contiene texto, ilustraciones, ejemplos, prueba de preguntas de conocimientos, actividades y un conjunto de preguntas de repaso.


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The Arab Spring, the American pivot, and the global crisis: these affect all of EU external action, but also present opportunities for EU action. A debate on grand strategy remains necessary.


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Purpose – An important outcome of the UK Company Law Review (CLR) involved draft regulations for a mandatory operating and financial review (OFR). The unprecedented abandonment of this mandatory OFR in November 2005 threw debate about the genuine motivations underlying the CLR into disarray. This paper seeks to reinterpret the abandonment of a mandatory OFR using interview research. Design/methodology/approach – The authors conducted a series of 24 interviews with companies from the FTSE100 between May and August 2004, prior to the abandonment. Findings – The interviews showed that the OFR was perceived as an appropriate vehicle for social and environmental reporting (SER). The interviewees considered that a mandatory OFR would provide a means of forcing SER into the mainstream and making it mandatory at a basic level. The interviews revealed that processes for the identification of material SER differ widely between organisations, ranging from embryonic to highly structured. Further, interviewees believed that directors had the final veto on inclusion of information. Despite directors' inclination to hide behind materiality as a means of avoiding SER, interviewees did not view the proposed mandatory OFR as “greenwash” but as a vehicle that would increase stakeholder confidence, as processes underlying the proposed OFR would be audited. Practical implications – The research implies that abandoning the mandatory OFR represented a lost opportunity for SER. Originality/value – The paper provides new evidence on the processes of materiality decision making in the SER area as well as strong endorsement of the mandatory OFR, contrary to the government turn-around.


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Purpose: This paper explores the extent of site-specific and geographic segmental social, environmental and ethical reporting by mining companies operating in Ghana. We aim to: (i) establish a picture of corporate transparency relating to geographic segmentation of social, environmental and ethical reporting which is specific to operating sites and country of operation, and; (ii) gauge the impact of the introduction of integrated reporting on site-specific social, environmental and ethical reporting. Methodology/Approach: We conducted an interpretive content analysis of the annual/integrated reports of mining companies for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011 in order to extract site-specific social, environmental and ethical information relating to the companies’ mining operations in Ghana. Findings and Implications: We found that site-specific social, environmental and ethical reporting is extremely patchy and inconsistent between the companies’ reports studied. We also found that there was no information relating to certain sites, which were in operation, according to the Ghana Minerals Commission. This could simply be because operations were not in progress. Alternatively it could be that decisions are made concerning which site-specific information is reported according to a certain benchmark. One policy implication arising from this research is that IFRS should require geographic segmental reporting of material social, environmental and ethical information in order to bring IFRS into line with global developments in integrated reporting. Originality: Although there is a wealth of sustainability reporting research and an emergent literature on integrated reporting, there is currently no academic research exploring site-specific social, environmental and ethical reporting


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Purpose – This paper aims to make a comparison, different from existing literature solely focusing on voluntary earnings forecasts and ex post earnings surprise, between the effects of mandatory earnings surprise warnings and voluntary information disclosure issued by management teams on financial analysts in terms of the number of followings and the accuracy of earnings forecasts. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses panel data analysis with fixed effects on data collected from Chinese public firms between 2006 and 2010. It uses an exogenous regulation enforcement to minimise the endogeneity problem. Findings – This paper finds that financial analysts are less likely to follow firms which mandatorily issue earnings surprise warnings ex ante than those voluntarily issue earnings forecasts. Moreover, ex post, they issue less accurate and more dispersed forecasts on former firms. The results support Brown et al.’s (2009) finding in the USA and suggest that the earnings surprise warnings affect information asymmetries. Practical implications – This paper justifies the mandatory earnings surprise warnings policy issued by Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission in 2006. Originality/value – Mandatory earnings surprise is a unique practical regulation for publicly listed firms in China. This paper, for the first time, provides empirical evaluation on the effectiveness of a mandatory information disclosure policy in China. Consistent with existing literature on information disclosure by public firms in other countries, this paper finds that, in China, voluntary information disclosure captures more private information than mandatory information disclosure on corporate earnings ability.


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The impact of a mandatory tax on profits which is transferred to workers is analyzed in a general equilibrium entrepreneurial model. In the short run, this distortion reduces the number of firms and the aggregate output. In the long run, if capital and labor are bad substitutes, it fosters capital accumulation and increases the aggregate output. In a small open economy with free movement of capital, it improves the welfare of the economy's average individual. One concludes that the benefits of sharing schemes may go beyond the short run employment-stabilization goal focused by the profit sharing literature.


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The impact of a mandatory tax on profits which is transferred to workers is analyzed in a general equilibrium entrepreneurial model. In the short run, this distortion reduces the number of fmns and the aggregate output. In the long run, if capital and labor are bad substitutes, it fosters capital accumulation and increases the aggregate output. In a small open economy with free movement of capital, it improves the welfare of the economy's average individual. One concludes that the benefits of sharing schemes may go beyond the short run employment-stabilization goal focused by the profit sharing literature.


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Objective: To compare intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) with synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation plus pressure support (SIMV+PS) in terms of time on mechanical ventilation, duration of weaning and length of stay in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial that enrolled children aged 28 days to 4 years who were admitted to a PICU between October of 2005 and June of 2007 and put on mechanical ventilation (MV) for more than 48 hours. These patients were allocated to one of two groups by drawing lots: IMV group (IMVG; n = 35) and SIMV+PS group (SIMVG; n = 35). Children were excluded if they had undergone tracheotomy or had chronic respiratory diseases. Data on oxygenation and ventilation were recorded at admission and at the start of weaning.Results: There were no statistical differences between the groups in terms of age, sex, indication for MV, PRISM score, Comfort scale, use of sedatives or ventilation and oxygenation parameters. The median time on MV was 5 days for both groups (p = 0.120). There were also no statistical differences between the two groups for duration of weaning [IMVG: 1 day (1-6) vs. SIMVG: 1 day (1-6); p = 0.262] or length of hospital stay [IMVG: 8 days (2-22) vs. SIMVG: 6 days (3-20); p = 0.113].Conclusion: Among the children studied here, there was no statistically significant difference between IMV and SIMV+ PS in terms of time on MV, duration of weaning or time spent in the PICU.ClinicalTrials.govID: NCT00549809.