999 resultados para magnetic fabric


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Sediments recovered from a drift deposit located on the Pacific side of the Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178, Site 1101) give a physical record of a bottom current, sourced from the Weddell Sea Deep Water, for the past 3 Ma. Sediment grain size and magnetic fabric analyses indicate a contourite depositional environment and little change in the average intensity of this current. Terrigenous fluxes decreased around the time of the onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation, which we interpret as a freezing of the base of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Cap. Terrigenous fluxes have increased since 1.7 Ma implying a possible return of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Cap to a more wet-based ice sheet.


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Sediments recovered from a drift deposit lying along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula, (ODP Leg 178, Site 1095) provide a physical record of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current since late Miocene time. Determination of the strength of the magnetic fabric, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, provides a proxy for current strength. Fabric strength declines throughout the record from high values in the late Miocene; a pronounced step occurs between 5.0 and 5.5 Ma, and values decrease more gradually since about 3.0 Ma. The mass accumulation rate of terrigenous sediment derived from the Antarctic Peninsula indicates stabilization of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Cap prior to about 8.5 Ma.


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed on soft sediment samples from a trenched fault zone across the Himalayan frontal thrust (HFT), western Himalaya. AMS orientation of K-min axes in the trench sediments is consistent with lateral shortening revealed by geometry of deformed regional structures and recent earthquakes. Well-defined vertical magnetic foliation parallel to the flexure cleavage in which a vertical magnetic lineation is developed, high anisotropy, and triaxial ellipsoids suggest large overprinting of earth-quake- related fabrics. The AMS data suggest a gradual variation from layer parallel shortening (LPS) at a distance from the fault trace to a simple shear fabric close to the fault trace. An abrupt change in the shortening direction (K-min) from NE-SW to E-W suggests a juxtaposition of pre-existing layer parallel shortening fabric, and bending-related flexure associated with an earthquake. Hence the orientation pattern of magnetic susceptibility axes helps in identifying co-seismic structures in Late Holocene surface sediments.


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The Silurian-Devonian Galway Granite Complex (GGC ~425-380Ma) is defined here as a suite of granitoid plutons that comprise the Main Galway Granite Batholith and the Earlier Plutons. The Main Batholith is a composite of the Carna Pluton in the west and the Kilkieran Pluton in the east and extends from Galway City ~130km to the west. The Earlier Plutons are spatially, temporally and structurally distinct, situated northwest of the Main Batholith and include the Roundstone, Omey, Inis and Letterfrack Plutons. The majority of isotopic and structural data currently available pertain to the Kilkieran Pluton, several tectonic models have already been devised for this part of the complex. These relate emplacement of the Kilkieran Pluton to extension across a large east-west Caledonian lineament, i.e. the Skird Rocks Fault, during late Caledonian transtension. No chronological data have been published that directly and accurately date the emplacement of the Carna Pluton or any of the Earlier Plutons. There is also a lack of data pertaining to the internal structure of these intrusions. Accordingly, no previous study has established the mechanisms of emplacement for the Earlier Plutons and only limited work is available for the Carna Pluton. As a consequense of this, constituents of the GGC have not previously been placed in a context relative to each other or to regional scale Silurio-Devonian kinematics. The current work focuses on the Omey, Roundstone and Carna Plutons. Here, results of detailed field and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibiliy (AMS) fabric studies are presented. This work is complemented by geological mapping that focuses on fault dynamics and contact relationships. Interpretation of AMS data is aided by rock magnetic experiment data and petrographic microstructural evaluations of representative samples. A new geological map of the the Omey Pluton demonstrates that this intrusion has a defined roof and base which are gently inclined parallel to the fold hinge of the Connemara Antiform. AMS and petrographic data show the intrusion is cross cut by NNW-SSE shear zones that extend into the country rock. These pre-date and were active during magma emplacement. It is proposed that the Omey pluton was emplaced as a discordant phacolith. Pre-existing subvertical D5 faults in the host rock were reactived during emplacement, due to regional sinistral transpression, and served as centralised ascent conduits. A central portion of the Roundstone Pluton was mapped in detail for the first time. Two facies are identified, G1 forms the majority of the pluton and coeval G2 sheets cross cut G1 at the core of the pluton. NNW-SSE D5 faults mapped in the country rock extend across the pluton. These share a geometrical relationship with the distribution of submagmatic strain in the pluton and parallel the majoity of mapped subvertical G2 dykes. These data indicate that magma ascent was controlled by NNW-SSE conduits that are inherently related to those identifed in the Omey Pluton. It is proposed that the Roundstone Pluton is a punched laccolith, the symmetry and structure of which was controlled by pre-exising host rock structures and regional sinistral transpressive stress which presided during emplacement. Field relationships show the long axis of the Carna Pluton lies parallel to mulitple NNW-SSE shear zones. These are represented on a regional scale by the Clifden-Mace Fault which cross cuts the core of this intrusion. AMS and petrographic data show concentric emplacement fabrics were tectonically overprinted as magma cooled from the magmatic state due to this faulting. It is proposed that the Clifden-Mace Fault system was active during ascent and emplacement of the magma and that pluton inflation only terminated as this controlling structure went into compression due to the onset of regional transtension. U-Pb zircon laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data has been compiled from four sample sites. New geochronological data from the Roundstone Pluton (RD1 = ± 3.2Ma) represent the oldest age determination obtained from any member of the GGC and demonstrates that this pluton predates the Carna Pluton by ~10Ma and probably intruded synchronously with the Omey Pluton (~422.5 ± 1.7Ma). Chronological data from the Carna Pluton (CN2 = 412.9 ± 2.5Ma; CN3 = 409.8 ± 7.2Ma; CN4 = 409.6 ± 3.6Ma) represent the first precise magma crystallisation age for this intrusion. This work shows this pluton is 10Ma older than the Kilkieran Pluton and that the supply of magma into the Carna Pluton had terminated by ~409Ma. Chronological, magnetic and field data have been utilised to evaluate the kinematic evolution of the Caledonides of western Ireland throughout the construction of the GGC. It is proposed that the GGC was constructed during four distinct episodes. The style of emplacement and the conduits used for magma transport to the site of emplacement was dependent on the orientation of local structures relative to the regional ambiant stress field. This philosophy is used to critically evaluate and progress existing hypotheses on the transition from regional transpression to regional transtension at the end of the Caledonian Orogeny.


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Diamictites interbedded with marine shales and turbidites onlap the eastern border of the Parana Basin (Southern Brazil). These poorly sorted sediments were deposited during the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, and their matrix-supported clasts show no preferred orientation. These massive rocks have been studied using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and grain shape fabric. Hysteresis loops and thermomagnetic measurements show that AMS depends mostly on the paramagnetic clays, but fine ferromagnetic particles also contribute to the anisotropy. The coarse silt to sand grain preferred orientation study supports the use of AMS in describing the diamictite fabric, at least regarding the orientation of the foliation. AMS and grain shape data reveal subhorizontal to weakly inclined magnetic and grain shape foliation parallel to the regional bedding. The magnetic lineations are normally scattered within the foliation plane in agreement with the oblate AMS ellipsoids found in these rocks. Both fabric patterns are consistent with deposition by subaqueous mudflows that were resedimented downslope, with elastic supply from continental sources. The off-vertical grain shape foliation poles suggest that the deposition of diamictites was controlled by the depocentre topography of the Rio do Sul sub-basin.


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Pyroxenes constitute an important component in mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks. They often possess a prismatic habit, and their long axis, the crystallographic c axis, helps define a lineation in a textured rock. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) serves as a fabric indicator in igneous and metamorphic rocks. If a rock’s AMS is carried by pyroxenes, it can be related to their crystallographic preferred orientation and degree of alignment. This requires knowing the intrinsic AMS of pyroxene single crystals. This study provides a comprehensive low-field and high-field AMS investigation of chemically diverse orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene crystals in relation to crystal structure, chemical composition, oxidation state of Fe, and the possible presence of ferromagnetic inclusions. The paramagnetic anisotropy, extracted from high-field data, shows clear relationships to crystallographic directions and Fe concentration both in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. In the diopside-augite series, the intermediate susceptibility is parallel to b, and the maximum is at 45° to the c axis. In aegirine, the intermediate axis remains parallel to b, while the maximum susceptibility is parallel to c. The AMS of spodumene depends on Fe concentration. In enstatite, the maximum susceptibility aligns with c and the minimum with b, and in the case of hypersthene, the maximum susceptibility is normal to the exsolution lamellae. Magnetite inclusions within augite possess a ferromagnetic anisotropy with consistent orientation of the principal susceptibilities, which dominates the low-field anisotropy. These results provide better understanding of magnetic anisotropy in pyroxenes and form a solid basis for interpretation of magnetic fabrics in pyroxene-bearing rocks.


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Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is often used as a proxy for mineral fabric in deformed rocks. To do so quantitatively, it is necessary to quantify the intrinsic magnetic anisotropy of single crystals of rock-forming minerals. Amphiboles are common in mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks and often define rock texture due to their general prismatic crystal habits. Amphiboles may dominate the magnetic anisotropy in intermediate to felsic igneous rocks and in some metamorphic rock types, because they have a high Fe concentration and they can develop a strong crystallographic preferred orientation. In this study, the AMS is characterized in 28 single crystals and I crystal aggregate of compositionally diverse clino- and ortho-amphiboles. High-field methods were used to isolate the paramagnetic component of the anisotropy, which is unaffected by ferromagnetic inclusions that often occur in amphibole crystals. Laue imaging, laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and Mossbauer spectroscopy were performed to relate the magnetic anisotropy to crystal structure and Fe concentration. The minimum susceptibility is parallel to the crystallographic a*-axis and the maximum susceptibility is generally parallel to the crystallographic b-axis in tremolite, actinolite, and hornblende. Gedrite has its minimum susceptibility along the a-axis, and maximum susceptibility aligned with c. In richterite, however, the intermediate susceptibility is parallel to the b-axis and the minimum and maximum susceptibility directions are distributed in the a-c plane. The degree of anisotropy, k', increases generally with Fe concentration, following a linear trend: k' = 1.61 x 10(-9) Fe - 1.17 x 10(-9) m(3)/kg. Additionally, it may depend on the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio. For most samples, the degree of anisotropy increases by a factor of approximately 8 upon cooling from room temperature to 77 K. Fen-oactinolite, one pargasite crystal and riebeckite show a larger increase, which is related to the onset of local ferromagnetic (s.l.) interactions below about 100 K. This comprehensive data set increases our understanding of the magnetic structure of amphiboles, and it is central to interpreting magnetic fabrics of rocks whose AMS is controlled by amphibole minerals.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 832 and 833 were drilled in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin of the New Hebrides Island Arc (Vanuatu). High volcanic influxes in the intra-arc basin sediment resulting from erosion of volcanic rocks from nearby islands and from volcanic activity are associated with characteristic magnetic signals. The high magnetic susceptibility in the sediment (varying on average from 0.005 to more than 0.03 SI) is one of the most characteristic physical properties of this sedimentary depositional environment because of the high concentration of magnetites in redeposited ash flows and in coarse-grained turbidites. Susceptibility data correlate well with the high resolution electrical resistivity logs recorded by the formation microscanner (FMS) tool. Unlike the standard geophysical logs, which have low vertical resolution and therefore smooth the record of the sedimentary process, the FMS and whole-core susceptibility data provide a clearer picture of turbiditic sediment deposition. Measurements of Curie temperatures and low-temperature susceptibility behavior indicate that the principal magnetic minerals in ash beds, silt, and volcanic sandstone are Ti-poor titanomagnetite, whereas Ti-rich titanomagnetites are found in the intrusive sills at the bottom of Site 833. Apart from an increase in the concentration of magnetite in the sandstone layer, acquisition of isothermal and anhysteretic remanences does not show significant differences between sandstone and clayey silts. The determination of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in more than 400 samples show that clayey siltstone have a magnetic anisotropy up to 15%, whereas the AMS is much reduced in sandstone layers. The magnetic susceptibility fabric is dominated by the foliation plane, which is coplanar to the bedding plane. Reorientations of the samples using characteristic remanent magnetizations indicate that the bedding planes dip about 10° toward the east, in agreement with results from FMS images. Basaltic sills drilled at Site 833 have high magnetic susceptibilities (0.05 to 0.1 SI) and strong remanent magnetizations. Magnetic field anomalies up to 50 µT were measured in the sills by the general purpose inclinometer tool (GPIT). The direction of the in-situ magnetic anomaly vectors, calculated from the GPIT, is oriented toward the southeast with shallow inclinations which suggests that the sill intruded during a reversed polarity period.


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Magnetic fabrics of serpentinized peridotites are related to anisomorphic magnetite formed during serpentinization. In the less serpentinized facies they are, however, mainly mimetic of the high temperature deformation prior to serpentinization. In more serpentinized peridotites, the magnetic fabrics, related to magnetite veins which are more developed in this case, are superimposed on mimetic fabrics. Remanent properties, hysteresis loop parameters, and Curie temperatures were measured. Natural remanent magnetizations (NRM) have crystallization remanent magnetic (CRM) origin. Measured magnetic parameters suggest that pseudo-single domain (PSD) grains of magnetite are present in samples with low degree of serpentinization. The samples with high degree of serpentinization contain mainly multi-domain (MD) magnetite grains.