473 resultados para machining


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Advanced ceramic materials constitute a mature technology with a very broad base of current and potential applications and a growing list of material compositions. Within the advanced ceramics category, silicon nitride based ceramics are wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant and lightweight materials, and are superior to many materials with regard to stability in high-temperature environments. Because of this combination the silicon nitride ceramics have an especially high potential to resolve a wide number of machining problems in the industries. Presently the Si3N4 ceramic cutting tool inserts are developed using additives powders that are pressed and sintered in the form of a cutting tool insert at a temperature of 1850 °C using pressureless sintering. The microstructure of the material was observed and analyzed using XRD, SEM, and the mechanical response of this array microstructure was characterized for hardness Vickers and fracture toughness. The results show that Si3N4/20 wt.% (AlN and Y 2O3) gives the best balance between hardness Vickers and fracture toughness. The Si3N4/15 wt.% (AlN and Y 2O3) composition allows the production of a very fine-grained microstructure with low decreasing of the fracture toughness and increased hardness Vickers. These ceramic cutting tools present adequate characteristics for future application on dry machining. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.


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An alternative for grinding of sintered ceramic is the machining on the green state of the ceramic, which presents easy cutting without the introduction of harmful defects to its mechanical resistance. However, after sintering there are invariably distortions caused by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients, which are located in the most outlying portions of the compacted workpiece. In order to minimize these density gradients, this study examined the influence of different allowance values and their corresponding influence in distortion after sintering alumina specimens with 99.8 % purity by turning operation using cemented carbide tool. Besides distortion, other output variables were analyzed, such as tool wear, cutting force and surface roughness of green and sintered ceramics. Results showed a distortion reduction up to 81.4%. Green machining is beneficial for reducing surface roughness in both green and sintered states. Cutting tool wear has a direct influence on surface roughness and cutting force.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Numerous factors influencing the surface quality of wood after machining, among them we highlight the machining parameters and the properties of the wood. In the analysis of the influence of these factors on machining and in determining the quality measurement systems are used to obtain surface characteristics, these systems are divided into methods of contact and non-contact. The method for mechanical contact performed with the aid of the surface roughness tester is the most valued in the measurement of roughness of wood, however, aiming at a greater agility in these measurements, there is a need to seek alternatives for evaluation of surface quality, and one of these options is to use the forms of indirect measurements of this quality, as for example, the use of noise emission during the machining process. With this, the aim was to analyze the influence of the moisture content of the wood, at different levels, on surface quality of the species Pinus elliottii, determined by the method of mechanical probing move and relate this roughness with the sound emission issued for each class of humidity, during machining. The planning of experiments and statistical analyses were performed with the help of Taguchi method. The specimens were conditioned in greenhouses climatizadoras automatics for obtaining three classes of humidity. Machining tests of wooden pieces were performed on a machining center specific for this type of material. The roughness values were measured by a roughness verifier and the noise emission values were measured by for a measurer sound pressure level. Statistically significant differences were observed, the significance level of 10 %, on roughness and noise emission between the three levels of moisture. It was observed that with the increase in the moisture content occurred an increase of roughness and a reduction in noise emission. Monitoring of surface quality through noise level is an interesting alternative to the method of mechanical contact.


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INVESTIGATION INTO CURRENT EFFICIENCY FOR PULSE ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING OF NICKEL ALLOY Yu Zhang, M.S. University of Nebraska, 2010 Adviser: Kamlakar P. Rajurkar Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a nontraditional manufacturing process that can machine difficult-to-cut materials. In ECM, material is removed by controlled electrochemical dissolution of an anodic workpiece in an electrochemical cell. ECM has extensive applications in automotive, petroleum, aerospace, textile, medical, and electronics industries. Improving current efficiency is a challenging task for any electro-physical or electrochemical machining processes. The current efficiency is defined as the ratio of the observed amount of metal dissolved to the theoretical amount predicted from Faraday’s law, for the same specified conditions of electrochemical equivalent, current, etc [1]. In macro ECM, electrolyte conductivity greatly influences the current efficiency of the process. Since there is a certain limit to enhance the conductivity of the electrolyte, a process innovation is needed for further improvement in current efficiency in ECM. Pulse electrochemical machining (PECM) is one such approach in which the electrolyte conductivity is improved by electrolyte flushing in pulse off-time. The aim of this research is to study the influence of major factors on current efficiency in a pulse electrochemical machining process in macro scale and to develop a linear regression model for predicting current efficiency of the process. An in-house designed electrochemical cell was used for machining nickel alloy (ASTM B435) by PECM. The effects of current density, type of electrolyte, and electrolyte flow rate, on current efficiency under different experimental conditions were studied. Results indicated that current efficiency is dependent on electrolyte, electrolyte flow rate, and current density. Linear regression models of current efficiency were compared with twenty new data points graphically and quantitatively. Models developed were close enough to the actual results to be reliable. In addition, an attempt has been made in this work to consider those factors in PECM that have not been investigated in earlier works. This was done by simulating the process by using COMSOL software. However, it was found that the results from this attempt were not substantially different from the earlier reported studies.


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PREPARATION OF COATED MICROTOOLS FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING APPLICATIONS Ajaya K. Swain, M.S. University of Nebraska, 2010 Advisor: K.P. Rajurkar Coated tools have improved the performance of both traditional and nontraditional machining processes and have resulted in higher material removal, better surface finish, and increased wear resistance. However, a study on the performance of coated tools in micromachining has not yet been adequately conducted. One possible reason is the difficulties associated with the preparation of coated microtools. Besides the technical requirement, economic and environmental aspects of the material and the coating technique used also play a significant role in coating microtools. This, in fact, restricts the range of coating materials and the type of coating process. Handling is another major issue in case of microtools purely because of their miniature size. This research focuses on the preparation of coated microtools for pulse electrochemical machining by electrodeposition. The motivation of this research is derived from the fact that although there were reports of improved machining by using insulating coatings on ECM tools, particularly in ECM drilling operations, not much literature was found relating to use of metallic coating materials in other ECM process types. An ideal ECM tool should be good thermal and electrical conductor, corrosion resistant, electrochemically stable, and stiff enough to withstand electrolyte pressure. Tungsten has almost all the properties desired in an ECM tool material except being electrochemically unstable. Tungsten can be oxidized during machining resulting in poor machining quality. Electrochemical stability of a tungsten ECM tool can be improved by electroplating it with nickel which has superior electrochemical resistance. Moreover, a tungsten tool can be coated in situ reducing the tool handling and breakage frequency. The tungsten microtool was electroplated with nickel with direct and pulse current. The effect of the various input parameters on the coating characteristics was studied and performance of the coated microtool was evaluated in pulse ECM. The coated tool removed more material (about 28%) than the uncoated tool under similar conditions and was more electrochemical stable. It was concluded that nickel coated tungsten microtool can improve the pulse ECM performance.


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Product miniaturization for applications in fields such as biotechnology, medical devices, aerospace, optics and communications has made the advancement of micromachining techniques essential. Machining of hard and brittle materials such as ceramics, glass and silicon is a formidable task. Rotary ultrasonic machining (RUM) is capable of machining these materials. RUM is a hybrid machining process which combines the mechanism of material removal of conventional grinding and ultrasonic machining. Downscaling of RUM for micro scale machining is essential to generate miniature features or parts from hard and brittle materials. The goal of this thesis is to conduct a feasibility study and to develop a knowledge base for micro rotary ultrasonic machining (MRUM). Positive outcome of the feasibility study led to a comprehensive investigation on the effect of process parameters. The effect of spindle speed, grit size, vibration amplitude, tool geometry, static load and coolant on the material removal rate (MRR) of MRUM was studied. In general, MRR was found to increase with increase in spindle speed, vibration amplitude and static load. MRR was also noted to depend upon the abrasive grit size and tool geometry. The behavior of the cutting forces was modeled using time series analysis. Being a vibration assisted machining process, heat generation in MRUM is low which is essential for bone machining. Capability of MRUM process for machining bone tissue was investigated. Finally, to estimate the MRR a predictive model was proposed. The experimental and the theoretical results exhibited a matching trend.


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The present work propounds an inverse method to estimate the heat sources in the transient two-dimensional heat conduction problem in a rectangular domain with convective bounders. The non homogeneous partial differential equation (PDE) is solved using the Integral Transform Method. The test function for the heat generation term is obtained by the chip geometry and thermomechanical cutting. Then the heat generation term is estimated by the conjugated gradient method (CGM) with adjoint problem for parameter estimation. The experimental trials were organized to perform six different conditions to provide heat sources of different intensities. This method was compared with others in the literature and advantages are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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After sintering advanced ceramics, there are invariably distortions, caused in large part by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients along the compacted piece. To correct distortions, machining is generally used to manufacture pieces within dimensional and geometric tolerances. Hence, narrow material removal limit conditions are applied, which minimize the generation of damage. Another alternative is machining the compacted piece before sintering, called the green ceramic stage, which allows machining without damage to mechanical strength. Since the greatest concentration of density gradients is located in the outer-most layers of the compacted piece, this study investigated the removal of different allowance values by means of green machining. The output variables are distortion after sintering, tool wear, cutting force, and the surface roughness of the green ceramics and the sintered ones. The following results have been noted: less distortion is verified in the sintered piece after 1mm allowance removal; and the higher the tool wear the worse the surface roughness of both green and sintered pieces.


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A novel solution to the long standing issue of chip entanglement and breakage in metal cutting is presented in this dissertation. Through this work, an attempt is made to achieve universal chip control in machining by using chip guidance and subsequent breakage by backward bending (tensile loading of the chip's rough top surface) to effectively control long continuous chips into small segments. One big limitation of using chip breaker geometries in disposable carbide inserts is that the application range is limited to a narrow band depending on cutting conditions. Even within a recommended operating range, chip breakers do not function effectively as designed due to the inherent variations of the cutting process. Moreover, for a particular process, matching the chip breaker geometry with the right cutting conditions to achieve effective chip control is a very iterative process. The existence of a large variety of proprietary chip breaker designs further exacerbates the problem of easily implementing a robust and comprehensive chip control technique. To address the need for a robust and universal chip control technique, a new method is proposed in this work. By using a single tool top form geometry coupled with a tooling system for inducing chip breaking by backward bending, the proposed method achieves comprehensive chip control over a wide range of cutting conditions. A geometry based model is developed to predict a variable edge inclination angle that guides the chip flow to a predetermined target location. Chip kinematics for the new tool geometry is examined via photographic evidence from experimental cutting trials. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to characterize the chip kinematics. Results from the chip characterization studies indicate that the chip flow and final form show a remarkable consistency across multiple levels of workpiece and tool configurations as well as cutting conditions. A new tooling system is then designed to comprehensively break the chip by backward bending. Test results with the new tooling system prove that by utilizing the chip guidance and backward bending mechanism, long continuous chips can be more consistently broken into smaller segments that are generally deemed acceptable or good chips. It is found that the proposed tool can be applied effectively over a wider range of cutting conditions than present chip breakers thus taking possibly the first step towards achieving universal chip control in machining.


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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank EPSRC (EP/ K018345/1) and Royal Society-NSFC International Exchange Scheme for providing financial support to this research.


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A large part of the new generation of computer numerical control systems has adopted an architecture based on robotic systems. This architecture improves the implementation of many manufacturing processes in terms of flexibility, efficiency, accuracy and velocity. This paper presents a 4-axis robot tool based on a joint structure whose primary use is to perform complex machining shapes in some non-contact processes. A new dynamic visual controller is proposed in order to control the 4-axis joint structure, where image information is used in the control loop to guide the robot tool in the machining task. In addition, this controller eliminates the chaotic joint behavior which appears during tracking of the quasi-repetitive trajectories required in machining processes. Moreover, this robot tool can be coupled to a manipulator robot in order to form a multi-robot platform for complex manufacturing tasks. Therefore, the robot tool could perform a machining task using a piece grasped from the workspace by a manipulator robot. This manipulator robot could be guided by using visual information given by the robot tool, thereby obtaining an intelligent multi-robot platform controlled by only one camera.


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Dental implant is used to replace the natural dental root. The process to fix the dental implant in the maxillary bone needs a previous drilling operation. This machining operation involves the increasing of temperature in the drilled region which can reach values higher than 47°C and for this temperature is possible to occur the osseous necrosis [I]. The main goal of this work is to implement an optimization method to define the optimal drilling parameters that could minimize the drilling temperature. The proposal optimization method is the Taguchi method. This method has been used with success in machining processes optimization of metallic materials [2]. However, the Taguchi method is also used in medical applications, namely in dental medicine [3].


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"Submitted in partial fulfillment of Contract A. F.---33(600)40066."


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"August 1965."