897 resultados para low carbon steel


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The evolution of dynamic ferrite softening in a plain-carbon steel was investigated by torsion tests during warm deformation at 810 °C, in the two-phase (ferrite + austenite) region, and strain rate of 0.1 s−1 with different strains up to 50. The warm flow behaviour and ferrite microstructural parameters, such as grain size, misorientation angle across ferrite/ferrite boundaries, and the fraction of high-angle and low-angle grain/subgrain boundaries were quantified using electron back scatter diffraction. The results show that with increasing strain up to not, vert, similar2, the ferrite grain size and fraction of high-angle boundaries rapidly decrease and the fraction of low-angle boundaries increases. However, these parameters remain approximately unchanged with increasing strain from not, vert, similar2 to 50. The dynamic softening mechanism observed during large strain ferritic deformation is explained by dynamic recovery and continuous dynamic recrystallization.


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Increased fuel economy, combined with the need for the improved safety has generated the development of new hot-rolled high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) and multiphase steels such as dual-phase or transformation-induced plasticity steels with improved ductility without sacrificing strength and crash resistance. However, the modern multiphase steels with good strength-ductility balance showed deteriorated stretch-flangeability due to the stress concentration region between the soft ferrite and hard martensite phases [1]. Ferritic, hot-rolled steels can provide good local elongation and, in turn, good stretch-flangeability [2]. However, conventional HSLA ferritic steels only have a tensile strength of not, vert, similar600 MPa, while steels for the automotive industry are now required to have a high tensile strength of not, vert, similar780 MPa, with excellent elongation and stretch-flangeability [1]. This level of strength and stretch-flangeability can only be achieved by precipitation hardening of the ferrite matrix with very fine precipitates and by ferrite grain refinement. It has been suggested that Mo [3] and Ti [4] should be added to form carbides and decrease the coiling temperature to 650 °C since only a low precipitation temperature can provide the precipitation refinement [4]. These particles appeared to be (Ti, Mo)C, with a cubic lattice and a parameter of 0.433 nm, and they were aligned in rows [4]. It was reported [4] that the formation of these very fine carbides led to an increase in strength of not, vert, similar300 MPa. However, the detailed analysis of these particles has not been performed to date due to their nanoscale size. The aim of this work was to carry out a detailed investigation using atom probe tomography (APT) of precipitates formed in hot-rolled low-carbon steel containing additions Ti and Mo.

The investigated low-carbon steel, containing Fe–0.1C–1.24Mn–0.03Si–0.11Cr–0.11Mo–0.09Ti–0.091Al at.%, was produced by hot rolling. The processing route has been described in detail elsewhere [5] European Patent Application, 1616970 A1, 18.01.2006.[5]. The microstructure was characterised by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on a Philips CM 20, operated at 200 kV using thin foil and carbon replica techniques. Qualitative energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) was used to analyse the chemical composition of particles. The atomic level of particle characterisation was performed at the University of Sydney using a local electrode atom probe [6]. APT was carried out using a pulse repetition rate of 200 kHz and a 20% pulse fraction on the sample with temperature of 80 K. The extent of solute-enriched regions (radius of gyration) and the local solute concentrations in these regions were estimated using the maximum separation envelope method with a grid spacing of 0.1 nm [7]. A maximum separation distance between the atoms of interest of dmax = 1 nm was used.

The microstructure of the steel consisted of two types of fine ferrite grains: (i) small recrystallised grains with an average grain size of 1.4 ± 0.2 μm; and (ii) grains with a high dislocation density (5.8 ± 1.4 × 1014 m−2) and an average grain size of 1.9 ± 0.1 μm in thickness and 2.7 ± 0.1 μm in length (Fig. 1a). Some grains with high dislocation density displayed an elongated shape with Widmanstätten side plates and also the formation of cells and subgrains (Fig. 1a). The volume fraction of recrystallised grains was 34 ± 8%.


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Deformation dilatometry has been used to simulate controlled hot rolling followed by controlled cooling of a group of low- and ultralow-carbon microalloyed steels containing additions of boron and/or molybdenum to enhance hardenability. Each alloy was subjected to simulated recrystallization and nonrecrystallization rolling schedules, followed by controlled cooling at rates from 0.1 °C/s to about 100 °C/s, and the corresponding continuous-cooling-transformation (CCT) diagrams were constructed. The resultant microstructures ranged from polygonal ferrite (PF) for combinations of slow cooling rates and low alloying element contents, through to bainitic ferrite accompanied by martensite for fast cooling rates and high concentrations of alloying elements. Combined additions of boron and molybdenum were found to be most effective in increasing steel hardenability, while boron was significantly more effective than molybdenum as a single addition, especially at the ultralow carbon content. Severe plastic deformation of the parent austenite (>0.45) markedly enhanced PF formation in those steels in which this microstructural constituent was formed, indicating a significant effective decrease in their hardenability. In contrast, in those steels in which only nonequilibrium ferrite microstructures were formed, the decreases in hardenability were relatively small, reflecting the lack of sensitivity to strain in the austenite of those microstructural constituents forming in the absence of PF.


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Single pass warm rolling and compression experiments were carried out from ambient to 800°C for ultra-low carbon (ULC) steel with ∼100 ppm carbon and interstitial free (IF) steels, both with two levels of silicon. Subsequently, annealing was done in order to recrystallize the deformed specimens. The main purpose of this study was to understand the effects of rolling temperature and silicon on stress responses and textures. This study comprises two main themes: flow stress and strain rate sensitivity during compression and shear banding and textures in warm rolled specimens. The effects of deformation temperature on in-grain shear bands were different between ULC-Si and IF-Si steels. As in previous work with more conventional steels, in-grain shear bands in the IF grade had low sensitivity to rolling temperature, while those in the ULC grade depended significantly on the deformation temperature. However, the temperature profile of shear banding in the ULC grade was approximately 150°C higher than in previous work. Deformation and recrystallisation textures for both IF and ULC grades depended on their rolling temperatures. The variation of both grain size and texture after annealing can be explained by the rise and fall of in-grain shear banding activity which is related to the strain rate sensitivity.


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A novel approach was used to produce an ultrafine grain structure in low carbon steels with a wide range of hardenability. This included warm deformation of supercooled austenite followed by reheating in the austenite region and cooling (RHA). The ultrafine ferrite structure was independent of steel composition. However, the mechanism of ferrite refinement changed with the steel quench hardenability. In a relatively low hardenable steel, the ultrafine structure was produced through dynamic strain induced transformation, whereas the ferrite refinement was formed by static transformation in steels with high quench hardenability. The use of a model Ni-30Fe austenitic alloy revealed that the deformation temperature has a strong effect on the nature of the intragranular defects. There was a transition temperature below which the cell dislocation structure changed to laminar microbands. It appears that the extreme refinement of ferrite is due to the formation of extensive high angle intragranular defects at these low deformation temperature that then act as sites for static transformation. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements using two carbon steel electrodes in soybean biodiesel medium, produced by methylic route, were performed in an electrochemical cell that allows positioning the two electrodes face-to-face. To retain the biodiesel between the electrodes and prevent its leakage a porous membrane soaked in biodiesel was used. The amplitude of the AC potential and the area of the electrodes were varied. The linearity between disturbance and response signals was observed for tests when the amplitude of the AC potential was lower than 1500 mV (rms). The electrical resistance of biodiesel dominates the global response and carbon steel presents low corrosion, which is observed only at low frequency, and was confirmed by chemical tests performed in the membrane. In conclusion the electrical resistance of biodiesel can be estimated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with two electrodes set up. ©The Electrochemical Society.


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A problem of metallurgy during the last part of the Nineteenth and the early Twentieth Century, and one that stood very near the front, was investigations of methods to produce a non-corrosive surface on iron and steel without affecting the physical properties of these base metals.


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In a relatively short period of sixty-five years, aluminum has grown to the rank of fifth in total weight of met­als produced in the world. Throughout its short life, aluminum has been found to have excellent corrosion-resistant properties; yet only in recent years has aluminum been under consideration as a corrosion-resistant coating for iron and steel.


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We report on the investigation of the off-stoichiometry and site-occupancy of κ-carbide precipitates within an austenitic (γ), Fe-29.8Mn-7.7Al-1.3C (wt.%) alloy using a combination of atom probe tomography and density functional theory. The chemical composition of the κ-carbides as measured by atom probe tomography indicates depletion of both interstitial C and substitutional Al, in comparison to the ideal stoichiometric L′12 bulk perovskite. In this work we demonstrate that both these effects are coupled. The off-stoichiometric concentration of Al can, to a certain extent, be explained by strain caused by the κ/γ mismatch, which facilitates occupation of Al sites in κ-carbide by Mn atoms (MnγAl anti-site defects). The large anti-site concentrations observed by our experiments, however, can only be stabilized if there are C vacancies in the vicinity of the anti-site.


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The effects of crack depth (a/W) and specimen width W on the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle transition have been investigated using three-point bend specimens. Finite element analysis is employed to obtain the stress-strain fields ahead of the crack tip. The results show that both normalized crack depth (a/W) and specimen width (W) affect the fracture toughness and ductile±brittle fracture transition. The measured crack tip opening displacement decreases and ductile±brittle transition occurs with increasing crack depth (a/W) from 0.1 to 0.2 and 0.3. At a fixed a/W (0.2 or 0.3), all specimens fail by cleavage prior to ductile tearing when specimen width W increases from 25 to 40 and 50 mm. The lower bound fracture toughness is not sensitive to crack depth and specimen width. Finite element analysis shows that the opening stress in the remaining ligament is elevated with increasing crack depth or specimen width due to the increase of in-plane constraint. The average local cleavage stress is dependent on both crack depth and specimen width but its lower bound value is not sensitive to constraint level. No fixed distance can be found from the cleavage initiation site to the crack tip and this distance increases gradually with decreasing inplane constraint.


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Ductile-brittle fracture transition was investigated using compact tension (CT) specimens from -70oC to 40oC for a carbon steel. Large deformation finite element analysis has been carried out to simulate the stable crack growth in the compact tension (CT, a/W=0.6), three point-point bend (SE(B), a/W=0.1) and centre-cracked tension (M(T), a/W=0.5) specimens. Experimental crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) resistance curve was employed as the crack growth criterion. Ductile tearing is sensitive to constraint and tearing modulus increases with reduced constraint level. The finite element analysis shows that path-dependence of J-integral occurs from the very beginning of crack growth and ductile crack growth elevates the opening stress on the remaining ligament. Cleavage may occur after some ductile crack growth due to the increase of opening stress. For both stationary and growing cracks, the magnitude of opening stress increases with increasing in-plane constraint. The ductile-brittle transition takes place when the opening stress ahead of the crack tip reaches the local cleavage stress as the in-plane constraint of the specimen increases.


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Given the need for both short and long-term training for sustainability discussed in the first of this three-part series (ECOS 158, pp 22–24), it is clear that the vocational education and training sector will play a major role in building capacity for our nation over the next five years.


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A lack of appropriate skills and qualifications in the professions over the next decade may see Australian businesses forego significant opportunities in the global shift to sustainable development. What is the extent of the broader capacity building challenge facing our education sector, and how quickly will we need to respond?


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The influence of fluid flow, surface roughness and immersion time on the electrochemical behaviour of carbon steel in coal seam gas produced water under static and hydrodynamic conditions has been studied. The disc electrode surface morphology before and after the corrosion test was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The corrosion product was examined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD).The results show that the anodic current density increased with increasing surface roughness and consequently a decrease in corrosion surface resistance. Under dynamic flow conditions, the corrosion rate increased with increasing rotating speed due to the high mass transfer coefficient and formation of non-protective akaganeite β- FeO(OH) and goethite α- FeO(OH) corrosion scale at the electrode surface.The corrosion rate was lowest at 0 rpm.The corrosion rate decreased in both static and dynamic conditions with increasing immersion time. The decrease in corrosion rate is attributed to the deposition of corrosion products on the electrode surface. SEM results revealed that the rougher surface exhibited a great tendency toward pitting corrosion.


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Gas fermentation using acetogenic bacteria offers a promising route for the sustainable production of low carbon fuels and commodity chemicals from abundant, inexpensive C1 feedstocks including industrial waste gases, syngas, reformed methane or methanol. Clostridium autoethanogenum is a model gas fermenting acetogen that produces fuel ethanol and 2,3-butanediol, a precursor for nylon and rubber. Acetogens have already been used in large scale industrial fermentations, they are ubiquitous and known to play a prominent role in the global carbon cycle. Still, they are considered to live on the thermodynamic edge of life and potential energy constraints when growing on C1 gases pose a major challange for the commercial production of fuels and chemicals. We have developed a systematic platform to investigate acetogenic energy metabolism, exemplified here by experiments contrasting heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism. The platform is built from complete omics technologies, augmented with genetic tools and complemented by a manually curated genome-scale mathematical model. Together the tools enable the design and development of new, energy efficient pathways and strains for the production of chemicals and advanced fuels via C1 gas fermentation. As a proof-of-platform, we investigated heterotrophic growth on fructose versus autotrophic growth on gas that demonstrate the role of the Rnf complex and Nfn complex in maintaining growth using the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. Pyruvate carboxykinase was found to control the rate-limiting step of gluconeogenesis and a new specialized glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was identified that potentially enhances anabolic capacity by reducing the amount of ATP consumed by gluconeogenesis. The results have been confirmed by the construction of mutant strains.