977 resultados para look-ahead system


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Simple formalized rules are proposed for automatic phonetic transcription of Tamil words into Roman script. These rules are syntax-directed and require a one-symbol look-ahead facility and hence easily automated in a digital computer. Some suggestions are also put forth for the linearization of Tamil script for handling these by modern machinery.


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In this article, the problem of two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) cooperatively searching an unknown region is addressed. The search region is discretized into hexagonal cells and each cell is assumed to possess an uncertainty value. The UAVs have to cooperatively search these cells taking limited endurance, sensor and communication range constraints into account. Due to limited endurance, the UAVs need to return to the base station for refuelling and also need to select a base station when multiple base stations are present. This article proposes a route planning algorithm that takes endurance time constraints into account and uses game theoretical strategies to reduce the uncertainty. The route planning algorithm selects only those cells that ensure the agent will return to any one of the available bases. A set of paths are formed using these cells which the game theoretical strategies use to select a path that yields maximum uncertainty reduction. We explore non-cooperative Nash, cooperative and security strategies from game theory to enhance the search effectiveness. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out which show the superiority of the game theoretical strategies over greedy strategy for different look ahead step length paths. Within the game theoretical strategies, non-cooperative Nash and cooperative strategy perform similarly in an ideal case, but Nash strategy performs better than the cooperative strategy when the perceived information is different. We also propose a heuristic based on partitioning of the search space into sectors to reduce computational overhead without performance degradation.


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It is proved that the infinitesimal look-ahead and look-back σ-fields of a random process disagree at atmost countably many time instants.


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We consider a wireless sensor network whose main function is to detect certain infrequent alarm events, and to forward alarm packets to a base station, using geographical forwarding. The nodes know their locations, and they sleep-wake cycle, waking up periodically but not synchronously. In this situation, when a node has a packet to forward to the sink, there is a trade-off between how long this node waits for a suitable neighbor to wake up and the progress the packet makes towards the sink once it is forwarded to this neighbor. Hence, in choosing a relay node, we consider the problem of minimizing average delay subject to a constraint on the average progress. By constraint relaxation, we formulate this next hop relay selection problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). The exact optimal solution (BF (Best Forward)) can be found, but is computationally intensive. Next, we consider a mathematically simplified model for which the optimal policy (SF (Simplified Forward)) turns out to be a simple one-step-look-ahead rule. Simulations show that SF is very close in performance to BF, even for reasonably small node density. We then study the end-to-end performance of SF in comparison with two extremal policies: Max Forward (MF) and First Forward (FF), and an end-to-end delay minimising policy proposed by Kim et al. 1]. We find that, with appropriate choice of one hop average progress constraint, SF can be tuned to provide a favorable trade-off between end-to-end packet delay and the number of hops in the forwarding path.


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Our work is motivated by impromptu (or ``as-you-go'') deployment of wireless relay nodes along a path, a need that arises in many situations. In this paper, the path is modeled as starting at the origin (where there is the data sink, e.g., the control center), and evolving randomly over a lattice in the positive quadrant. A person walks along the path deploying relay nodes as he goes. At each step, the path can, randomly, either continue in the same direction or take a turn, or come to an end, at which point a data source (e.g., a sensor) has to be placed, that will send packets to the data sink. A decision has to be made at each step whether or not to place a wireless relay node. Assuming that the packet generation rate by the source is very low, and simple link-by-link scheduling, we consider the problem of sequential relay placement so as to minimize the expectation of an end-to-end cost metric (a linear combination of the sum of convex hop costs and the number of relays placed). This impromptu relay placement problem is formulated as a total cost Markov decision process. First, we derive the optimal policy in terms of an optimal placement set and show that this set is characterized by a boundary (with respect to the position of the last placed relay) beyond which it is optimal to place the next relay. Next, based on a simpler one-step-look-ahead characterization of the optimal policy, we propose an algorithm which is proved to converge to the optimal placement set in a finite number of steps and which is faster than value iteration. We show by simulations that the distance threshold based heuristic, usually assumed in the literature, is close to the optimal, provided that the threshold distance is carefully chosen. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An 8 × 8 pipelined parallel multiplier which uses the Dadda scheme is presented. The multiplier has been implemented in a 3-μm n-well CMOS process with two layers of metal using a standard cell automatic placement and routing program. The design uses a form of pipelined carry look-ahead adder in the final stage of summation, thus providing a significant contribution to the high performance of the multiplier. The design is expected to operate at a clock frequency of at least 50 MHz and has a flush time of seven clock cycles. The design illustrates a possible method of implementing an irregular architecture in VLSI using multiple levels of low-resistance, low-capacitance interconnect and automated layout techniques.


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As Levelt and Meyer (2000) noted, because studies of lexical access during multiword utterances production such as phrases and sentences, they raise two novel questions which studies of single word production do not. Firstly, does the access of different words in a sentence occur in a parallel or a serial fashion? Secondly, does the access of the different words in a sentence occur in an interactive or a discrete fashion? The latter question concerns the horizontal information flow (Smith & Wheeldon, 2004), which is a very important aspect of continuous speech production. A variant of the picture–word interference paradigm combining with eye-tracking technique and a dual task paradigm was used in 7 experiments to investigate the horizontal information flow of semantic and phonological information between nouns in spoken Mandarin Chinese sentences. The results suggested that: 1. Before speech onset, semantic information of different words accross the whole sentence has been activated, while phonological activation has been limited within the first phrase of the sentence. 2. Before speech onset, speaker will look ahead and check the semantic information of latter words as the first noun is beening processed, such looking ahead for phonological information can just occur within the first phrase of the sentence. 3. After speech onset, speaker will concentrate on the content words beyond the first one and will check the semantic information of other words with the same sentence. 4. The result suggested that the lexical accesses of multiple words during spoken sentence production are processed in a partly serial and partly parallel manner and stands for the Unit-by-Unit and Incremental view proposed by Levelt (2000). 5. The horizontal information flow during spoken sentence production is not an automatic process and is constrained by cognitive resource.


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New FPGA architectures for the ordinary Montgomery multiplication algorithm and the FIOS modular multiplication algorithm are presented. The embedded 18×18-bit multipliers and fast carry look-ahead logic located on the Xilinx Virtex2 Pro family of FPGAs are used to perform the ordinary multiplications and additions/subtractions required by these two algorithms. The architectures are developed for use in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over GF(p), which require modular field multiplication to perform elliptic curve point addition and doubling. Field sizes of 128-bits and 256-bits are chosen but other field sizes can easily be accommodated, by rapidly reprogramming the FPGA. Overall, the larger the word size of the multiplier, the more efficiently it performs in terms of area/time product. Also, the FIOS algorithm is flexible in that one can tailor the multiplier architecture is to be area efficient, time efficient or a mixture of both by choosing a particular word size. It is estimated that the computation of a 256-bit scalar point multiplication over GF(p) would take about 4.8 ms.


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Optimized circuits for implementing high-performance bit-parallel IIR filters are presented. Circuits constructed mainly from simple carry save adders and based on most-significant-bit (MSB) first arithmetic are described. Two methods resulting in systems which are 100% efficient in that they are capable of sampling data every cycle are presented. In the first approach the basic circuit is modified so that the level of pipelining used is compatible with the small, but fixed, latency associated with the computation in question. This is achieved through insertion of pipeline delays (half latches) on every second row of cells. This produces an area-efficient solution in which the throughput rate is determined by a critical path of 76 gate delays. A second approach combines the MSB first arithmetic methods with the scattered look-ahead methods. Important design issues are addressed, including wordlength truncation, overflow detection, and saturation.


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Applications that cannot tolerate the loss of accuracy that results from binary arithmetic demand hardware decimal arithmetic designs. Binary arithmetic in Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) technology has been extensively investigated in recent years. However, only limited attention has been paid to QCA decimal arithmetic. In this paper, two cost-efficient binary-coded decimal (BCD) adders are presented. One is based on the carry flow adder (CFA) using a conventional correction method. The other uses the carry look ahead (CLA) algorithm which is the first QCA CLA decimal adder proposed to date. Compared with previous designs, both decimal adders achieve better performance in terms of latency and overall cost. The proposed CFA-based BCD adder has the smallest area with the least number of cells. The proposed CLA-based BCD adder is the fastest with an increase in speed of over 60% when compared with the previous fastest decimal QCA adder. It also has the lowest overall cost with a reduction of over 90% when compared with the previous most cost-efficient design.


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Equity research report


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The ongoing growth of the World Wide Web, catalyzed by the increasing possibility of ubiquitous access via a variety of devices, continues to strengthen its role as our prevalent information and commmunication medium. However, although tools like search engines facilitate retrieval, the task of finally making sense of Web content is still often left to human interpretation. The vision of supporting both humans and machines in such knowledge-based activities led to the development of different systems which allow to structure Web resources by metadata annotations. Interestingly, two major approaches which gained a considerable amount of attention are addressing the problem from nearly opposite directions: On the one hand, the idea of the Semantic Web suggests to formalize the knowledge within a particular domain by means of the "top-down" approach of defining ontologies. On the other hand, Social Annotation Systems as part of the so-called Web 2.0 movement implement a "bottom-up" style of categorization using arbitrary keywords. Experience as well as research in the characteristics of both systems has shown that their strengths and weaknesses seem to be inverse: While Social Annotation suffers from problems like, e. g., ambiguity or lack or precision, ontologies were especially designed to eliminate those. On the contrary, the latter suffer from a knowledge acquisition bottleneck, which is successfully overcome by the large user populations of Social Annotation Systems. Instead of being regarded as competing paradigms, the obvious potential synergies from a combination of both motivated approaches to "bridge the gap" between them. These were fostered by the evidence of emergent semantics, i. e., the self-organized evolution of implicit conceptual structures, within Social Annotation data. While several techniques to exploit the emergent patterns were proposed, a systematic analysis - especially regarding paradigms from the field of ontology learning - is still largely missing. This also includes a deeper understanding of the circumstances which affect the evolution processes. This work aims to address this gap by providing an in-depth study of methods and influencing factors to capture emergent semantics from Social Annotation Systems. We focus hereby on the acquisition of lexical semantics from the underlying networks of keywords, users and resources. Structured along different ontology learning tasks, we use a methodology of semantic grounding to characterize and evaluate the semantic relations captured by different methods. In all cases, our studies are based on datasets from several Social Annotation Systems. Specifically, we first analyze semantic relatedness among keywords, and identify measures which detect different notions of relatedness. These constitute the input of concept learning algorithms, which focus then on the discovery of synonymous and ambiguous keywords. Hereby, we assess the usefulness of various clustering techniques. As a prerequisite to induce hierarchical relationships, our next step is to study measures which quantify the level of generality of a particular keyword. We find that comparatively simple measures can approximate the generality information encoded in reference taxonomies. These insights are used to inform the final task, namely the creation of concept hierarchies. For this purpose, generality-based algorithms exhibit advantages compared to clustering approaches. In order to complement the identification of suitable methods to capture semantic structures, we analyze as a next step several factors which influence their emergence. Empirical evidence is provided that the amount of available data plays a crucial role for determining keyword meanings. From a different perspective, we examine pragmatic aspects by considering different annotation patterns among users. Based on a broad distinction between "categorizers" and "describers", we find that the latter produce more accurate results. This suggests a causal link between pragmatic and semantic aspects of keyword annotation. As a special kind of usage pattern, we then have a look at system abuse and spam. While observing a mixed picture, we suggest that an individual decision should be taken instead of disregarding spammers as a matter of principle. Finally, we discuss a set of applications which operationalize the results of our studies for enhancing both Social Annotation and semantic systems. These comprise on the one hand tools which foster the emergence of semantics, and on the one hand applications which exploit the socially induced relations to improve, e. g., searching, browsing, or user profiling facilities. In summary, the contributions of this work highlight viable methods and crucial aspects for designing enhanced knowledge-based services of a Social Semantic Web.


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In this lecture we describe the structure of the Programming Principles course at Southampton, look at the definitions and paradigms of programming, and take a look ahead to the key things that we will be covering in the weeks ahead.


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This is the revision session for our Programming Principles course. We take a whistle-stop tour of the topics covered in the course, look at the three pillars of object oriented programming, and look ahead to the exam.


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Our country is heading for a crisis. IT and computing are growing larger every day. With this comes an increasing skills shortage, so we need you to be the future of IT. Look ahead of you is an educational video, designed to teach you about the future of computing and why you should be a part of it.