982 resultados para local minimum spanning tree (LMST)


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This paper introduces a probability model, the mixture of trees that can account for sparse, dynamically changing dependence relationships. We present a family of efficient algorithms that use EMand the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm to find the ML and MAP mixtureof trees for a variety of priors, including the Dirichlet and the MDL priors.


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This paper introduces a probability model, the mixture of trees that can account for sparse, dynamically changing dependence relationships. We present a family of efficient algorithms that use EM and the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm to find the ML and MAP mixture of trees for a variety of priors, including the Dirichlet and the MDL priors. We also show that the single tree classifier acts like an implicit feature selector, thus making the classification performance insensitive to irrelevant attributes. Experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of the new model both in density estimation and in classification.


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Large scale image mosaicing methods are in great demand among scientists who study different aspects of the seabed, and have been fostered by impressive advances in the capabilities of underwater robots in gathering optical data from the seafloor. Cost and weight constraints mean that lowcost Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) usually have a very limited number of sensors. When a low-cost robot carries out a seafloor survey using a down-looking camera, it usually follows a predetermined trajectory that provides several non time-consecutive overlapping image pairs. Finding these pairs (a process known as topology estimation) is indispensable to obtaining globally consistent mosaics and accurate trajectory estimates, which are necessary for a global view of the surveyed area, especially when optical sensors are the only data source. This thesis presents a set of consistent methods aimed at creating large area image mosaics from optical data obtained during surveys with low-cost underwater vehicles. First, a global alignment method developed within a Feature-based image mosaicing (FIM) framework, where nonlinear minimisation is substituted by two linear steps, is discussed. Then, a simple four-point mosaic rectifying method is proposed to reduce distortions that might occur due to lens distortions, error accumulation and the difficulties of optical imaging in an underwater medium. The topology estimation problem is addressed by means of an augmented state and extended Kalman filter combined framework, aimed at minimising the total number of matching attempts and simultaneously obtaining the best possible trajectory. Potential image pairs are predicted by taking into account the uncertainty in the trajectory. The contribution of matching an image pair is investigated using information theory principles. Lastly, a different solution to the topology estimation problem is proposed in a bundle adjustment framework. Innovative aspects include the use of fast image similarity criterion combined with a Minimum spanning tree (MST) solution, to obtain a tentative topology. This topology is improved by attempting image matching with the pairs for which there is the most overlap evidence. Unlike previous approaches for large-area mosaicing, our framework is able to deal naturally with cases where time-consecutive images cannot be matched successfully, such as completely unordered sets. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed methods is discussed and a comparison made with other state-of-the-art approaches, using a series of challenging datasets in underwater scenarios


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Early American crania show a different morphological pattern from the one shared by late Native Americans. Although the origin of the diachronic morphological diversity seen on the continents is still debated, the distinct morphology of early Americans is well documented and widely dispersed. This morphology has been described extensively for South America, where larger samples are available. Here we test the hypotheses that the morphology of Early Americans results from retention of the morphological pattern of Late Pleistocene modern humans and that the occupation of the New World precedes the morphological differentiation that gave rise to recent Eurasian and American morphology. We compare Early American samples with European Upper Paleolithic skulls, the East Asian Zhoukoudian Upper Cave specimens and a series of 20 modern human reference crania. Canonical Analysis and Minimum Spanning Tree were used to assess the morphological affinities among the series, while Mantel and Dow-Cheverud tests based on Mahalanobis Squared Distances were used to test different evolutionary scenarios. Our results show strong morphological affinities among the early series irrespective of geographical origin, which together with the matrix analyses results favor the scenario of a late morphological differentiation of modern humans. We conclude that the geographic differentiation of modern human morphology is a late phenomenon that occurred after the initial settlement of the Americas. Am J Phys Anthropol 144:442-453, 2011. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A database of 4471 Roadian–Wordian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) occurrences of 381 brachiopod genera in 44 different operational geographical units (stations) was analyzed by both Q-mode and R-mode quantitative methods. Four distinct brachiopod biogeographical realms and nine provinces, and 11 brachiopod associations are recognized. The Boreal Realm in the Northern Hemisphere includes the Verkolyman Province in the northern and northeastern Siberian Platform and the eastern European Province in the Ural seaway between the European and Siberian platforms. Both provinces are characterized by containing typical Boreal cold-water brachiopod associations. The Gondwanan Realm in the south also includes two provinces. The Austrazean Province in eastern Australia and New Zealand is probably the most stable province throughout the Permian and characterized by typical Gondwanan brachiopod associations. The Westralian Province centered in Western Australia is also characterized by typical Gondwanan brachiopods, but also demonstrates biogeographical links with the Tethyan stations. The Palaeoequatorial Realm located mainly in the palaeotropical zone contains highly diverse and abundant brachiopod faunas. Two regions/subrealms and four provinces are recognized within this realm. The North America Subrealm contains a distinct Grandian Province characterized by many endemic brachiopod genera and a few coldwater genera. East-central Alaska and Yukon Territory may constitute another brachiopod province. All the stations in the Tethyan Ocean (both Palaeotethys and Neotethys) constitute a distinct Asian–Tethyan Region/ Subrealm and incorporate three different provinces. The Cathaysian Province is comprised of the stations in South China and its surrounding terranes/blocks and a few stations in the northern and western margin of the Palaeotethys. Two transitional provinces (Sino–Mongolian–Japanese Province and Cimmerian Province) in the northern and southern temperate zones are also recognizable. The brachiopod fauna from the Mino Belt in Japan is well distinguished from those from other regions, and is hence assigned to the palaeoceanic Panthalassan Realm. Principal coordinates analysis and minimum spanning tree analysis suggest that a latitude-related thermal gradient was the major control for the palaeobiogeography of Roadian–Wordian global brachiopod faunas and for the latitudinal of pattern of decreasing brachiopod generic diversities from the equator to the poles. In addition, geographic separation and oceanic currents may also have played some role in the spatial distribution of brachiopods during Roadian–Wordian times.


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Combinatorial optimization problems have the goal of maximize or minimize functions defined over a finite domain. Metaheuristics are methods designed to find good solutions in this finite domain, sometimes the optimum solution, using a subordinated heuristic, which is modeled for each particular problem. This work presents algorithms based on particle swarm optimization (metaheuristic) applied to combinatorial optimization problems: the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Multicriteria Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. The first problem optimizes only one objective, while the other problem deals with many objectives. In order to evaluate the performance of the algorithms proposed, they are compared, in terms of the quality of the solutions found, to other approaches


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In general, pattern recognition techniques require a high computational burden for learning the discriminating functions that are responsible to separate samples from distinct classes. As such, there are several studies that make effort to employ machine learning algorithms in the context of big data classification problems. The research on this area ranges from Graphics Processing Units-based implementations to mathematical optimizations, being the main drawback of the former approaches to be dependent on the graphic video card. Here, we propose an architecture-independent optimization approach for the optimum-path forest (OPF) classifier, that is designed using a theoretical formulation that relates the minimum spanning tree with the minimum spanning forest generated by the OPF over the training dataset. The experiments have shown that the approach proposed can be faster than the traditional one in five public datasets, being also as accurate as the original OPF. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Atmosphärische Aerosolpartikel wirken in vielerlei Hinsicht auf die Menschen und die Umwelt ein. Eine genaue Charakterisierung der Partikel hilft deren Wirken zu verstehen und dessen Folgen einzuschätzen. Partikel können hinsichtlich ihrer Größe, ihrer Form und ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung charakterisiert werden. Mit der Laserablationsmassenspektrometrie ist es möglich die Größe und die chemische Zusammensetzung einzelner Aerosolpartikel zu bestimmen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das SPLAT (Single Particle Laser Ablation Time-of-flight mass spectrometer) zur besseren Analyse insbesondere von atmosphärischen Aerosolpartikeln weiterentwickelt. Der Aerosoleinlass wurde dahingehend optimiert, einen möglichst weiten Partikelgrößenbereich (80 nm - 3 µm) in das SPLAT zu transferieren und zu einem feinen Strahl zu bündeln. Eine neue Beschreibung für die Beziehung der Partikelgröße zu ihrer Geschwindigkeit im Vakuum wurde gefunden. Die Justage des Einlasses wurde mithilfe von Schrittmotoren automatisiert. Die optische Detektion der Partikel wurde so verbessert, dass Partikel mit einer Größe < 100 nm erfasst werden können. Aufbauend auf der optischen Detektion und der automatischen Verkippung des Einlasses wurde eine neue Methode zur Charakterisierung des Partikelstrahls entwickelt. Die Steuerelektronik des SPLAT wurde verbessert, so dass die maximale Analysefrequenz nur durch den Ablationslaser begrenzt wird, der höchsten mit etwa 10 Hz ablatieren kann. Durch eine Optimierung des Vakuumsystems wurde der Ionenverlust im Massenspektrometer um den Faktor 4 verringert.rnrnNeben den hardwareseitigen Weiterentwicklungen des SPLAT bestand ein Großteil dieser Arbeit in der Konzipierung und Implementierung einer Softwarelösung zur Analyse der mit dem SPLAT gewonnenen Rohdaten. CRISP (Concise Retrieval of Information from Single Particles) ist ein auf IGOR PRO (Wavemetrics, USA) aufbauendes Softwarepaket, das die effiziente Auswertung der Einzelpartikel Rohdaten erlaubt. CRISP enthält einen neu entwickelten Algorithmus zur automatischen Massenkalibration jedes einzelnen Massenspektrums, inklusive der Unterdrückung von Rauschen und von Problemen mit Signalen die ein intensives Tailing aufweisen. CRISP stellt Methoden zur automatischen Klassifizierung der Partikel zur Verfügung. Implementiert sind k-means, fuzzy-c-means und eine Form der hierarchischen Einteilung auf Basis eines minimal aufspannenden Baumes. CRISP bietet die Möglichkeit die Daten vorzubehandeln, damit die automatische Einteilung der Partikel schneller abläuft und die Ergebnisse eine höhere Qualität aufweisen. Daneben kann CRISP auf einfache Art und Weise Partikel anhand vorgebener Kriterien sortieren. Die CRISP zugrundeliegende Daten- und Infrastruktur wurde in Hinblick auf Wartung und Erweiterbarkeit erstellt. rnrnIm Rahmen der Arbeit wurde das SPLAT in mehreren Kampagnen erfolgreich eingesetzt und die Fähigkeiten von CRISP konnten anhand der gewonnen Datensätze gezeigt werden.rnrnDas SPLAT ist nun in der Lage effizient im Feldeinsatz zur Charakterisierung des atmosphärischen Aerosols betrieben zu werden, während CRISP eine schnelle und gezielte Auswertung der Daten ermöglicht.


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Camels are the most valuable livestock species in the Horn of Africa and play a pivotal role in the nutritional sustainability for millions of people. Their health status is therefore of utmost importance for the people living in this region. Streptococcus agalactiae, a Group B Streptococcus (GBS), is an important camel pathogen. Here we present the first epidemiological study based on genetic and phenotypic data from African camel derived GBS. Ninety-two GBS were characterized using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), capsular polysaccharide typing and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing. We analysed the GBS using Bayesian linkage, phylogenetic and minimum spanning tree analyses and compared them with human GBS from East Africa in order to investigate the level of genetic exchange between GBS populations in the region. Camel GBS sequence types (STs) were distinct from other STs reported so far. We mapped specific STs and capsular types to major disease complexes caused by GBS. Widespread resistance (34%) to tetracycline was associated with acquisition of the tetM gene that is carried on a Tn916-like element, and observed primarily among GBS isolated from mastitis. The presence of tetM within different MLST clades suggests acquisition on multiple occasions. Wound infections and mastitis in camels associated with GBS are widespread and should ideally be treated with antimicrobials other than tetracycline in East Africa.


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Encontrar el árbol de expansión mínimo con restricción de grado de un grafo (DCMST por sus siglas en inglés) es un problema NP-complejo ampliamente estudiado. Una de sus aplicaciones más importantes es el dise~no de redes. Aquí nosotros tratamos una nueva variante del problema DCMST, que consiste en encontrar el árbol de expansión mínimo no solo con restricciones de grado, sino también con restricciones de rol (DRCMST), es decir, a~nadimos restricciones para restringir el rol que los nodos tienen en el árbol. Estos roles pueden ser nodo raíz, nodo intermedio o nodo hoja. Por otra parte, no limitamos el número de nodos raíz a uno, por lo que, en general, construiremos bosques de DRCMSTs. El modelado en los problemas de dise~no de redes puede beneficiarse de la posibilidad de generar más de un árbol y determinar el rol de los nodos en la red. Proponemos una nueva representación basada en permutaciones para codificar los bosques de DRCMSTs. En esta nueva representación, una permutación codifica simultáneamente todos los árboles que se construirán. Nosotros simulamos una amplia variedad de problemas DRCMST que optimizamos utilizando ocho algoritmos de computación evolutiva diferentes que codifican los individuos de la población utilizando la representación propuesta. Los algoritmos que utilizamos son: algoritmo de estimación de distribuciones (EDA), algoritmo genético generacional (gGA), algoritmo genético de estado estacionario (ssGA), estrategia evolutiva basada en la matriz de covarianzas (CMAES), evolución diferencial (DE), estrategia evolutiva elitista (ElitistES), estrategia evolutiva no elitista (NonElitistES) y optimización por enjambre de partículas (PSO). Los mejores resultados fueron para el algoritmo de estimación de distribuciones utilizado y ambos tipos de algoritmos genéticos, aunque los algoritmos genéticos fueron significativamente más rápidos.---ABSTRACT---Finding the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree (DCMST) of a graph is a widely studied NP-hard problem. One of its most important applications is network design. Here we deal with a new variant of the DCMST problem, which consists of finding not only the degree- but also the role-constrained minimum spanning tree (DRCMST), i.e., we add constraints to restrict the role of the nodes in the tree to root, intermediate or leaf node. Furthermore, we do not limit the number of root nodes to one, thereby, generally, building a forest of DRCMSTs. The modeling of network design problems can benefit from the possibility of generating more than one tree and determining the role of the nodes in the network. We propose a novel permutation-based representation to encode the forest of DRCMSTs. In this new representation, one permutation simultaneously encodes all the trees to be built. We simulate a wide variety of DRCMST problems which we optimize using eight diferent evolutionary computation algorithms encoding individuals of the population using the proposed representation. The algorithms we use are: estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA), generational genetic algorithm (gGA), steady-state genetic algorithm (ssGA), covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMAES), diferential evolution (DE), elitist evolution strategy (ElististES), non-elitist evolution strategy (NonElististES) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The best results are for the estimation of distribution algorithm and both types of genetic algorithms, although the genetic algorithms are significantly faster. iv


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Genetic diversity and population structure were investigated across the core range of Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus laniarius; Dasyuridae), a wide-ranging marsupial carnivore restricted to the island of Tasmania. Heterozygosity (0.386-0.467) and allelic diversity (2.7-3.3) were low in all subpopulations and allelic size ranges were small and almost continuous, consistent with a founder effect. Island effects and repeated periods of low population density may also have contributed to the low variation. Within continuous habitat, gene flow appears extensive up to 50 km (high assignment rates to source or close neighbour populations; nonsignificant values of pairwise F-ST), in agreement with movement data. At larger scales (150-250 km), gene flow is reduced (significant pairwise F-ST) but there is no evidence for isolation by distance. The most substantial genetic structuring was observed for comparisons spanning unsuitable habitat, implying limited dispersal of devils between the well-connected, eastern populations and a smaller northwestern population. The genetic distinctiveness of the northwestern population was reflected in all analyses: unique alleles; multivariate analyses of gene frequency (multidimensional scaling, minimum spanning tree, nearest neighbour); high self-assignment (95%); two distinct populations for Tasmania were detected in isolation by distance and in Bayesian model-based clustering analyses. Marsupial carnivores appear to have stronger population subdivisions than their placental counterparts.


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Healthy brain functioning depends on efficient communication of information between brain regions, forming complex networks. By quantifying synchronisation between brain regions, a functionally connected brain network can be articulated. In neurodevelopmental disorders, where diagnosis is based on measures of behaviour and tasks, a measure of the underlying biological mechanisms holds promise as a potential clinical tool. Graph theory provides a tool for investigating the neural correlates of neuropsychiatric disorders, where there is disruption of efficient communication within and between brain networks. This research aimed to use recent conceptualisation of graph theory, along with measures of behaviour and cognitive functioning, to increase understanding of the neurobiological risk factors of atypical development. Using magnetoencephalography to investigate frequency-specific temporal dynamics at rest, the research aimed to identify potential biological markers derived from sensor-level whole-brain functional connectivity. Whilst graph theory has proved valuable for insight into network efficiency, its application is hampered by two limitations. First, its measures have hardly been validated in MEG studies, and second, graph measures have been shown to depend on methodological assumptions that restrict direct network comparisons. The first experimental study (Chapter 3) addressed the first limitation by examining the reproducibility of graph-based functional connectivity and network parameters in healthy adult volunteers. Subsequent chapters addressed the second limitation through adapted minimum spanning tree (a network analysis approach that allows for unbiased group comparisons) along with graph network tools that had been shown in Chapter 3 to be highly reproducible. Network topologies were modelled in healthy development (Chapter 4), and atypical neurodevelopment (Chapters 5 and 6). The results provided support to the proposition that measures of network organisation, derived from sensor-space MEG data, offer insights helping to unravel the biological basis of typical brain maturation and neurodevelopmental conditions, with the possibility of future clinical utility.


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The paper catalogues the procedures and steps involved in agroclimatic classification. These vary from conventional descriptive methods to modern computer-based numerical techniques. There are three mutually independent numerical classification techniques, namely Ordination, Cluster analysis, and Minimum spanning tree; and under each technique there are several forms of grouping techniques existing. The vhoice of numerical classification procedure differs with the type of data set. In the case of numerical continuous data sets with booth positive and negative values, the simple and least controversial procedures are unweighted pair group method (UPGMA) and weighted pair group method (WPGMA) under clustering techniques with similarity measure obtained either from Gower metric or standardized Euclidean metric. Where the number of attributes are large, these could be reduced to fewer new attributes defined by the principal components or coordinates by ordination technique. The first few components or coodinates explain the maximum variance in the data matrix. These revided attributes are less affected by noise in the data set. It is possible to check misclassifications using minimum spanning tree.


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Gender differences in collaborative research have received little at- tention when compared with the growing importance that women hold in academia and research. Unsurprisingly, most of bibliomet- ric databases have a strong lack of directly available information by gender. Although empirical-based network approaches are often used in the study of research collaboration, the studies about the influence of gender dissimilarities on the resulting topological outcomes are still scarce. Here, networks of scientific subjects are used to characterize patterns that might be associated to five categories of authorships which were built based on gender. We find enough evidence that gen- der imbalance in scientific authorships brings a peculiar trait to the networks induced from papers published in Web of Science (WoS) in- dexed journals of Economics over the period 2010-2015 and having at least one author affiliated to a Portuguese institution. Our re- sults show the emergence of a specific pattern when the network of co-occurring subjects is induced from a set of papers exclusively au- thored by men. Such a male-exclusive authorship condition is found to be the solely responsible for the emergence that particular shape in the network structure. This peculiar trait might facilitate future network analyses of research collaboration and interdisciplinarity.


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This paper proposes a novel application of Visual Assessment of Tendency (VAT)-based hierarchical clustering algorithms (VAT, iVAT, and clusiVAT) for trajectory analysis. We introduce a new clustering based anomaly detection framework named iVAT+ and clusiVAT+ and use it for trajectory anomaly detection. This approach is based on partitioning the VAT-generated Minimum Spanning Tree based on an efficient thresholding scheme. The trajectories are classified as normal or anomalous based on the number of paths in the clusters. On synthetic datasets with fixed and variable numbers of clusters and anomalies, we achieve 98 % classification accuracy. Our two-stage clusiVAT method is applied to 26,039 trajectories of vehicles and pedestrians from a parking lot scene from the real life MIT trajectories dataset. The first stage clusters the trajectories ignoring directionality. The second stage divides the clusters obtained from the first stage by considering trajectory direction. We show that our novel two-stage clusiVAT approach can produce natural and informative trajectory clusters on this real life dataset while finding representative anomalies.