994 resultados para living situation
OBJECTIVES: There is a growing emphasis on the perspective of individuals living with diabetes and the need for a more person-centred diabetes care. At present, the Swedish National Diabetes Register (NDR) lacks patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) based on the perspective of the patient. As a basis for a new PROM, the aim of this study was to describe important aspects in life for adult individuals with diabetes. DESIGN: Semistructured qualitative interviews analysed using content analysis. SETTING: Hospital-based outpatient clinics and primary healthcare clinics in Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: 29 adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) (n=15) and type 2 DM (n=14). INCLUSION CRITERIA: Swedish adults (≥18 years) living with type 1 DM or type 2 DM (duration ≥5 years) able to describe their situation in Swedish. Purposive sampling generated heterogeneous characteristics. RESULTS: To live a good life with diabetes is demanding for the individual, but experienced barriers can be eased by support from others in the personal sphere, and by professional support from diabetes care. Diabetes care was a crucial resource to nurture the individual's ability and knowledge to manage diabetes, and to facilitate life with diabetes by supplying support, guidance, medical treatment and technical devices tailored to individual needs. The analysis resulted in the overarching theme 'To live a good life with diabetes' constituting the two main categories 'How I feel and how things are going with my diabetes' and 'Support from diabetes care in managing diabetes' including five different categories. CONCLUSIONS: Common aspects were identified including the experience of living with diabetes and support from diabetes care. These will be used to establish a basis for a tailored PROM for the NDR.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The synthesis of a photolabile derivative of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is described. This new caged second messenger (6-ortho-nitroveratryl)-IP3 (6-NV-IP3) has an extinction coefficient of 5000 M(-1) cm(-1) at 350 nm, and a quantum yield of photolysis of 0.12. Therefore, 6-NV-IP3 is photolyzed with UV light about three times more efficiently than the widely used P(4(5))-1-(2-nitrophenyl)ethyl-caged IP3 (NPE-IP3). 6-NV-IP3 has a two-photon cross-section of about 0.035 GM at 730 nm. This absorbance is sufficiently large for effective two-photon excitation in living cells at modest power levels. Using near-IR light (5 mW, 710 nm, 80 MHz, pulse-width 70 fs), we produced focal bursts of IP3 in HeLa cells, as revealed by laser-scanning confocal imaging of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Therefore, 6-NV-IP3 can be used for efficient, subcellular photorelease of IP3, not only in cultured cells but also, potentially, in vivo. It is in the latter situation that two-photon photolysis should reveal its true forte.
Les personnes en situation d’itinérance, principalement des hommes, représentent pour certains une culture au sein de laquelle on identifie des personnes atteintes de troubles concomitants de santé mentale et d’abus de substances. Déjà vulnérables de par leur statut domiciliaire précaire, les personnes atteintes de cette concomitance le sont davantage et tendent à être plus isolées de leur famille que celles ne rencontrant pas cette double problématique. Le soutien familial est toutefois reconnu comme un élément favorisant l’engagement de comportements de santé et réduisant l’itinérance. Le but de cette étude était alors de décrire, du point de vue des hommes en situation d’itinérance atteints de troubles concomitants de santé mentale et d’abus de substances, les relations qu’ils entretiennent avec leur famille. Pour ce faire, le devis choisi fût une ethnographie ciblée. Différents degrés d’observation participante au sein de la Mission Old Brewery et des entrevues avec neuf informateurs-clés ont été les principales méthodes de collecte des données. L’analyse des données qualitative était soutenue par le guide proposé par Roper et Shapira (2000) ainsi que l’épistémologie constructiviste et l’approche systémique familiale de Calgary (Wright & Leahey, 2013) qui furent les cadres de référence de cette étude. Les résultats font ressortir trois thèmes explicitant 1) l’influence du contexte de vie dans les relations familiales, 2) la teneur conflictuelle de ces relations ainsi que 3) le soutien familial perçu. Finalement, des recommandations pour la pratique infirmière ainsi que des pistes pour de futures recherches sont suggérées.
Les personnes en situation d’itinérance, principalement des hommes, représentent pour certains une culture au sein de laquelle on identifie des personnes atteintes de troubles concomitants de santé mentale et d’abus de substances. Déjà vulnérables de par leur statut domiciliaire précaire, les personnes atteintes de cette concomitance le sont davantage et tendent à être plus isolées de leur famille que celles ne rencontrant pas cette double problématique. Le soutien familial est toutefois reconnu comme un élément favorisant l’engagement de comportements de santé et réduisant l’itinérance. Le but de cette étude était alors de décrire, du point de vue des hommes en situation d’itinérance atteints de troubles concomitants de santé mentale et d’abus de substances, les relations qu’ils entretiennent avec leur famille. Pour ce faire, le devis choisi fût une ethnographie ciblée. Différents degrés d’observation participante au sein de la Mission Old Brewery et des entrevues avec neuf informateurs-clés ont été les principales méthodes de collecte des données. L’analyse des données qualitative était soutenue par le guide proposé par Roper et Shapira (2000) ainsi que l’épistémologie constructiviste et l’approche systémique familiale de Calgary (Wright & Leahey, 2013) qui furent les cadres de référence de cette étude. Les résultats font ressortir trois thèmes explicitant 1) l’influence du contexte de vie dans les relations familiales, 2) la teneur conflictuelle de ces relations ainsi que 3) le soutien familial perçu. Finalement, des recommandations pour la pratique infirmière ainsi que des pistes pour de futures recherches sont suggérées.
The present study was conducted to provide information about living coccolithophores from the northern Arabian Sea as potential proxies in palaeoceanographic studies. In all, 71 plankton samples from 16 stations collected in September 1993 were analysed for their contents of living coccolithophores. Absolute abundances range from less than 400 coccospheres per litre in surface waters to 35 000 spheres per litre at intermediate water depths. From 49 identified taxa, nine species contribute significant cell numbers of more than 2000 coccospheres per litre and comprise more than 10% of the communities in at least one sample. Important species are (in approximate order of cell abundances): Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Florisphaera profunda, Oolithotus antillarum, Calciosolenia murrayi, Umbellosphaera irregularis, Emiliania huxleyi, Umbellosphaera tenuis, Calciopappus rigidus, and Algirosphaera robusta. At most profiles, a vertical succession of coccolithophore species was found. Calciosolenia murrayi and C. rigidus were restricted to surface waters, whereas high numbers of F. profunda and A. robusta occurred at depths below 40 m. The coccolithophore communities reflected the local oceanographic situation and seemed to be more dependent on mixed layer depth and nutrient availability than on temperature and salinity changes. Additionally, synecologic competition with diatoms in part controlled the species composition and generally reduced the abundance of coccolithophores. Synecological and ecological tolerances of species were discussed with the help of cluster analysis.
"April 1957."
"December 1955."
"June 1956."
"November 1959."
"October 1955."
Investigations into the kinetics and mechanism of dithiobenzoate-mediated Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerizations, which exhibit nonideal kinetic behavior, such as induction periods and rate retardation, are comprehensively reviewed. The appreciable uncertainty in the rate coefficients associated with the RAFT equilibrium is discussed and methods for obtaining RAFT-specific rate coefficients are detailed. In addition, mechanistic studies are presented, which target the elucidation of the fundamental cause of rate retarding effects. The experimental and theoretical data existing in the literature are critically evaluated and apparent discrepancies between the results of different studies into the kinetics of RAFT polymerizations are discussed. Finally, recommendations for further work are given. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This is the third article of a series entitled Astronauts as Audiences. In this article, we investigate the roles that situation awareness (SA), communications, and reality TV (including media communications) might have on the lives of astronauts in remote space communities. We examined primary data about astronauts’ living and working environments, applicable theories of SA, communications, and reality TV (including media communications). We then surmised that the collective application of these roles might be a means of enhancing the lives of astronauts in remote space communities.
Background The risk of adverse pregnancy outcome for women with type 1 diabetes is reduced through tight diabetes control. Most women enter pregnancy with inadequate blood glucose control. Interview studies with women suggest the concept of ‘planned’ and ‘unplanned’ pregnancies is unhelpful. Aim To explore women's accounts of their journeys to becoming pregnant while living with type 1 diabetes. Design of study Semi-structured interviews with 15 women living with pre-gestational type 1 diabetes, between 20 and 30 weeks gestation and with a normal pregnancy ultrasound scan. Setting Four UK specialist diabetes antenatal clinics. Method Interviews explored women's journeys to becoming pregnant and the impact of health care. Analysis involved comparison of women's accounts of each pregnancy and a thematic analysis. Results Women's experiences of becoming pregnant were diverse. Of the 40 pregnancies described, at least one positive step towards becoming pregnant was taken by 11 women in 23 pregnancies but not in the remaining 17 pregnancies, with variation between pregnancies. Prior to and in early pregnancy, some women described themselves as experts in their diabetes but most described seeking and/or receiving advice from their usual health professionals. Three women described pre-conception counselling and the anxiety this provoked. Conclusion For women living with type 1 diabetes each pregnancy is different. The concept of planned and unplanned pregnancy is unhelpful for designing health care. Formal preconception counselling can have unintended consequences. Those providing usual care to women are well positioned to provide advice and support to women about becoming pregnant, tailoring it to the changing needs and situation of each woman.