864 resultados para live birth


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Adaptive radiations often follow the evolution of key traits, such as the origin of the amniotic egg and the subsequent radiation of terrestrial vertebrates. The mechanism by which a species determines the sex of its offspring has been linked to critical ecological and life-history traits(1-3) but not to major adaptive radiations, in part because sex-determining mechanisms do not fossilize. Here we establish a previously unknown coevolutionary relationship in 94 amniote species between sex-determining mechanism and whether a species bears live young or lays eggs. We use that relationship to predict the sex-determining mechanism in three independent lineages of extinct Mesozoic marine reptiles (mosasaurs, sauropterygians and ichthyosaurs), each of which is known from fossils to have evolved live birth(4-7). Our results indicate that each lineage evolved genotypic sex determination before acquiring live birth. This enabled their pelagic radiations, where the relatively stable temperatures of the open ocean constrain temperature-dependent sex determination in amniote species. Freed from the need to move and nest on land(4,5,8), extreme physical adaptations to a pelagic lifestyle evolved in each group, such as the fluked tails, dorsal fins and wing-shaped limbs of ichthyosaurs. With the inclusion of ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs and sauropterygians, genotypic sex determination is present in all known fully pelagic amniote groups (sea snakes, sirenians and cetaceans), suggesting that this mode of sex determination and the subsequent evolution of live birth are key traits required for marine adaptive radiations in amniote lineages.


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Background Pregnancy outcomes in the general population are important public health indicators. Purpose The overall aim of this study was to investigate the outcomes of reported pregnancies within a well-defined population, to identify risk groups for adverse pregnancy outcomes, and to suggest preventive measures. Method A prospective population-based cohort study of pregnant women in Bavi district, Vietnam between 1 January 1999 and 30 June 2004. Results Pregnancy outcome was reported for 5,259 cases; 4,152 (79%) resulted in a live birth, 67 (1.3%) in a stillbirth, 733 (14%) in an induced abortion, and 282 (5.4%) in a spontaneous abortion. There was an increased risk of home delivery for women from ethnic minorities (OR?=?1.85; 95%CI?=?1.06–3.24) or with less than 6 years of schooling (OR?=?7.36; 95%CI?=?3.54–15.30). The risk of stillbirth was increased for ethnic minorities (OR?=?6.34; 95%CI?=?1.33–30.29) and women delivering at home (OR?=?6.81; 95%CI?=?2.40–19.30). The risk of induced abortion increased with maternal age. Conclusion Our findings emphasize the public health significance of access to adequate family planning, counselling, and maternal health care for all women. Policies should specifically target women from high-risk groups.


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Os nascimentos ocorridos em uma população consistem em informação de grande valia para diversos estudos e planejamento de políticas públicas. O Sistema de informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) representa uma promissora fonte de informação sobre o tema, uma vez que coleta continuamente e no âmbito municipal, dados sobre nascimentos. Tendo em vista a necessidade de avaliação contínua do SINASC e o panorama do declínio da fecundidade no Nordeste, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade das informações provenientes do SINASC para o Nordeste, estados e microrregiões, nos anos 2000 e 2010, utilizando o Censo Demográfico como informação de referência, avaliando a cobertura do SINASC e identificando níveis e padrões de fecundidade. Pretendeu-se ainda verificar a relação entre os níveis de fecundidade, o grau de cobertura do SINASC e as condições socioeconômicas das microrregiões sintetizadas pelo Índice Social de Desenvolvimento Municipal (ISDM), utilizando-se a análise de cluster, associada à análise de variância (ANOVA) e o teste de Tukey. Por último, analisou-se a incompletude no preenchimento dos campos da Declaração de Nascido Vivo (DNV). De acordo com os resultados, observou-se que houve ampliação da qualidade das informações do SINASC no período estudado, resultando em uma maior aproximação das TFTs oriundas das duas fontes de dados consideradas no estudo. Maranhão e Paraíba foram os estados com maiores ganhos em cobertura das TFTs no período, e os estados do Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe revelaram um grau de cobertura ligeiramente inferior em 2010 frente aos resultados de 2000, bem como ainda persistem várias microrregiões com TFTs oriundas do SINASC bem abaixo daquelas estimadas pelo Censo. Na verificação da associação entre o ISDM, TFTs e cobertura, a análise de cluster resultou em três agrupamentos, GrISDM A com melhores coberturas, ISDM e mais baixas TFT; GrISDM B , intermediário e GrISDM C com piores coberturas, ISDM e TFT mais altas. Notou-se a evolução das condições socioeconômicas no Nordeste, tendo o GrISDM A passado de 8% do total de microrregiões em 2000 para 37% em 2010. Reiterou-se ainda que quanto melhores as condições socioeconômicas de uma população, menores são as TFTs e melhores as coberturas do SINASC. A análise de variância apontou interações significativas entre o ano estudado versus ISDM (p-valor < 0,016) e o ano versus fonte de informação (p-valor < 0,020), e o teste Tukey apontou que não houve similaridade entre as médias das TFT das fontes Censo versus SINASC no período, fato que aponta para a captação ainda deficiente do SINASC nas microrregiões. O resultado da análise de variância da cobertura do SINASC em relação ao Censo apresentou uma interação significativa entre as variáveis UF versus Ano (p-valor < 0,0001), causada pelos estados que apresentaram queda de cobertura entre 2000 e 2010. Quanto à incompletude dos itens da DNV, evidenciou-se uma melhor coleta no período, embora alguns itens ainda careçam de atenção, como o apgar no 1º e 5º minuto e ocupação da mãe, sendo esta a que apresenta maiores percentuais de informações ignoradas. Destaca-se a possibilidade de preenchimento inconsistente nas variáveis referentes ao histórico de gestações anteriores, com o uso da informação zero inserida no lugar da informação ignorado . Concluiu-se que o SINASC é uma importante base de dados sobre nascimentos e que dispõe de dados confiáveis para o acompanhamento dos nascimentos e de seu panorama epidemiológico no Nordeste brasileiro, embora para alguns estados, assim como para algumas microrregiões, ainda faz-se necessária a ampliação da cobertura do Sistema. As informações constantes na DNV podem servir como embasamento para diversos estudos sobre as condições epidemiológicas dos nascituros e das suas mães, e dos indicadores baseados as informações dos nascimentos


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INTRODUÇÃO: A mortalidade infantil em Presidente Prudente, SP (Brasil), foi estudada no período de 1990 a 1992, a partir de aplicação de métodos para obtenção de diagnóstico coletivo que orientassem a identificação e escolha de estratégias de controle de problemas locais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas declarações de óbito colhidas no cartório, cujos dados originais foram corrigidos por meio de pesquisa documental nos serviços de saúde e entrevistas domiciliares. Para estudar variáveis como idade materna e peso ao nascer foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). A qualidade dos dados originais das declarações de óbitos foi inicialmente analisada pela quantidade de informações, sensibilidade, especificidade e valor de Kappa. RESULTADO: A sensibilidade global para a causa básica de óbito foi 78,84% e Kappa igual a 71,32 para o total de causas. Ocorreram 189 óbitos, sendo 66,15% no período neonatal (41,28% durante o primeiro dia de vida) e 33,85% no infantil tardio. O peso ao nascer de 58,28% dos óbitos foi menor que 2.500g. As causas básicas de óbito foram estudadas segundo a possibilidade de serem prevenidas (método desenvolvido por Erica Taucher) por grupos de causas reduzidas utilizadas no International Collaborative Effort (ICE), causas múltiplas e distribuição geográfica. Observou-se que nos óbitos ocorridos até 27 dias, 22,23% poderiam ser evitados por adequada atenção ao parto, 20,64% seriam redutíveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoce, 13,75% por bom controle da gravidez e apenas 7,94% não evitáveis. Das mortes ocorridas no período infantil tardio, 12,17% foram classificadas como outras preveníveis e 4,23% foram consideradas não evitáveis. Segundo os grupos do ICE, 58,74% faleceram por imaturidade ou asfixias; 19,58% por infecções e, 12,17%, por anomalias congênitas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem prioridade para assistência obstétrica no trabalho de parto e atenção pediátrica por baixo peso ao nascer, entre outras. A análise por causas múltiplas mostra que 76,05% dos óbitos têm as causas básicas relacionadas a causas perinatais e confirma a relação entre as deficiências de peso e as complicações respiratórias do recém-nascido. As complicações maternas também relacionaram-se com o baixo peso. Identificaram-se grandes diferenças no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil entre as áreas da zona urbana não somente restritas aos valores, como também ao tipo de doenças responsáveis pela ocorrência do óbito. Conclui-se haver vantagem no uso associado das quatro técnicas que são complementares, tanto para estudo, como para planejamento de ações dirigidas à prevenção da mortalidade infantil.


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Background: It is not well established whether the increased number of leukocytes in the seminal fluid impairs the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology (ART). This investigation analysed the outcomes of the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) cycles in couples in which the male partner exhibited leukocytospermia.Methods: A total of 100 cycles in 100 couples were included in this study. For the ICSI or IMSI procedures, the patients were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of leukocytospermia and then matched by (female) age:- ICSI: Group I (n = 25): Leukocytospermia - semen samples with a leukocyte count of greater than or equal to 1 x 10(6)/mL; and Group II (n = 25): Non-leukocytospermia - semen samples with a leukocyte count < 1 x 10(6)/mL.- IMSI: Group I (n = 25): Leukocytospermia; and Group II (n = 25): Non-leukocytospermia.The endpoints included the rates of fertilisation, implantation, clinical pregnancy, miscarriage, ongoing pregnancy and live birth. Student's t-tests, Mann-Whitney tests and Chi-square tests were performed, and P < 0.05 was considered significant.Results: The data from the ICSI groups showed that leukocytospermia did not have a negative influence on the rates of fertilisation (Group I: 57.9+/-30.2%, Group II: 61.9+/-27.7%; P = 0.74), implantation (Group I: 12.3%; Group II: 13.5%; P = 0.93), clinical pregnancy (Group I: 24%; Group II: 24%; P = 1.0), miscarriage ( Group I: 0, Group II: 0), ongoing pregnancy (Group I: 24%; Group II: 24%; P = 1.0), or live births (Group I: 24%; Group II: 24%; P = 1.0). Similarly, the data from the IMSI groups also showed that the leukocytospermia did not have a negative influence on the rates of fertilisation (Group I: 67.6+/-24.6%, Group II: 59.5+/-28.1%; P = 0.36), implantation (Group I: 17.5%; Group II: 16.7%; P = 0.90), clinical pregnancy (Group I: 28%; Group II: 24%; P = 1.0), miscarriage (Group I: 14.3%; Group II: 0; P = 0.33), ongoing pregnancy (Group I: 24%; Group II: 24%; P = 1.0), or live births (Group I: 24%, 6/25; Group II: 24%, 6/25; P = 1.0).Conclusions: The results indicate that the leukocytospermia may not have a negative effect on the outcomes of ICSI or IMSI cycles. Nevertheless, it seems that it is necessary to more precisely determine the effects, if any, of seminal leukocytes on fertilisation and implantation processes. Such efforts will help to establish a more reliable leukocyte threshold, which could eventually demonstrate whether there is a negative influence on the ART procedures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were introduced in ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization to avoid a premature surge of luteinizing hormone. Although they are accompanied by some disadvantages, GnRH agonists have become well accepted in clinical practice, and their use is associated with increased rates of pregnancy. The development of GnRH antagonists capable of blocking the pituitary immediately offered a therapeutic option. Comparative studies between the two analogs have suggested that the use of antagonists is associated with a shorter duration of ovulatory stimulus and a decreased incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, while the type of GnRH analogues used show no significant effects on the rates of pregnancy and live birth. However, GnRH agonists have other applications in assisted reproductive technology cycles than the pituitary downregulation.


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Objectives: To evaluate the effects of folic acid supplementation on isolated oral cleft recurrence and fetal growth. Patients and Methods: The study included 2,508 women who were at-risk for oral cleft recurrence and randomized into two folic acid supplementation groups: 0.4 and 4 mg per day before pregnancy and throughout the first trimester. The infant outcome data were based on 234 live births. In addition to oral cleft recurrence, several secondary outcomes were compared between the two folic acid groups. Cleft recurrence rates were also compared to historic recurrence rates. Results: The oral cleft recurrence rates were 2.9% and 2.5% in the 0.4 and 4 mg groups, respectively. The recurrence rates in the two folic acid groups both separately and combined were significantly different from the 6.3% historic recurrence rate post the folic acid fortification program for this population (p = 0.0009 when combining the two folic acid groups). The rate of cleft lip with palate recurrence was 2.9% in the 0.4 mg group and 0.8% in the 4 mg group. There were no elevated fetal growth complications in the 4 mg group compared to the 0.4 mg group. Conclusions: The study is the first double-blinded randomized clinical trial (RCT) to study the effect of high dosage folic acid supplementation on isolated oral cleft recurrence. The recurrence rates were similar between the two folic acid groups. However, the results are suggestive of a decrease in oral cleft recurrence compared to the historic recurrence rate. A RCT is still needed to identify the effect of folic acid on oral cleft recurrence given these suggestive results and the supportive results from previous interventional and observational studies, and the study offers suggestions for such future studies. The results also suggest that high dosage folic acid does not compromise fetal growth. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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PURPOSE: To describe the anthropometric and pregnancy characteristics of women with HIV/AIDS, assisted by the Brazilian National Health System and the birth weight of their newborns. METHODS: The participants were women assisted at public STD/AIDS clinics of the Municipal Health system of São Paulo. The anthropometric characteristics were evaluated by trained nutritionists and other information was obtained from the medical records. For comparison of the survey data to those of the general population, secondary maternal and pregnancy data were obtained from live birth certificates through the Live Birth Information System. Continuous variables were summarized as mean and standard deviation or as the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles and minimum and maximum values. The other variables are presented as percentages. Means were compared by the Student's t-test or Kruskal-Wallis test depending on the fulfillment of assumptions, with the decision based on the p value. RESULTS: We found the presence of inadequate maternal nutrition according to triceps skinfold (60.9%). The BMI/gestational age showed the presence of underweight (18.5%) and overweight or obesity (40%). There was no association between disease status (HIV or AIDS) and weight, height, and lean or fat mass. Mean newborn birth weight was lower than the value for the general population without infection or disease. The results of this study indicate the need to develop adapted curves to allow a more accurate nutritional assessment of this population group.


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Recent reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have decried the high rate of fetal mortality in the contemporary United States. Much of the data about fetal and infant deaths, as well as other poor pregnancy outcomes, are tabulated and tracked through vital statistics. In this article, I demonstrate how notions of fetal death became increasingly tied to the surveillance of maternal bodies through the tabulating and tracking of vital statistics in the middle part of the twentieth century. Using a historical analysis of the revisions to the United States Standard Certificate of Live Birth, and the United States Standard Report of Fetal Death, I examine how the categories of analysis utilized in these documents becomes integrally linked to contemporary ideas about fetal and perinatal death, gestational age, and prematurity. While it is evident that there are relationships between maternal behavior and birth outcomes, in this article I interrogate the ways in which the surveillance of maternal bodies through vital statistics has naturalized these relationships. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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STUDY QUESTION Does intrauterine application of diluted seminal plasma (SP) at the time of ovum pick-up improve the pregnancy rate by ≥14% in IVF treatment? SUMMARY ANSWER Intrauterine instillation of diluted SP at the time of ovum pick-up is unlikely to increase the pregnancy rate by ≥14% in IVF. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY SP modulates endometrial function, and sexual intercourse around the time of embryo transfer has been suggested to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. A previous randomized double-blind pilot study demonstrated a strong trend towards increased pregnancy rates following the intracervical application of undiluted SP. As this study was not conclusive and as the finding could have been confounded by sexual intercourse, the intrauterine application of diluted SP was investigated in the present trial. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION A single-centre, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, superiority trial on women undergoing IVF was conducted from April 2007 until February 2012 at the University Department of Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, Heidelberg, Germany. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS The study was powered to detect an 14% increase in the clinical pregnancy rate and two sequential tests were planned using the Pocock spending function. At the first interim analysis, 279 women had been randomly assigned to intrauterine diluted SP (20% SP in saline from the patients' partner) (n = 138) or placebo (n = 141) at the time of ovum pick-up. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE The clinical pregnancy rate per randomized patient was 37/138 (26.8%) in the SP group and 41/141 (29.1%) in the placebo group (difference: -2.3%, 95% confidence interval of the difference: -12.7 to +8.2%; P = 0.69). The live birth rate per randomized patient was 28/138 (20.3%) in the SP group and 33/141 (23.4%) in the placebo group (difference: -3.1%, 95% confidence interval of the difference: -12.7 to +6.6%; P = 0.56). It was decided to terminate the trial due to futility at the first interim analysis, at a conditional power of 62%. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION The confidence interval of the difference remains wide, thus clinically relevant differences cannot reliably be excluded based on this single study. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS The results of this study cast doubt on the validity of the concept that SP increases endometrial receptivity and thus implantation in humans. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) Funding was provided by the department's own research facilities. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER DRKS00004615.


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Background. Different individual (demographic) characteristic and health system related characteristics have been identified in the literature to contribute to different rates of maternal health care utilization in developing countries. This study is going to evaluate the individual and quality of health predictors of maternal health care utilization in rural Jordanian villages. ^ Methods. Data from a 2004 survey was used. Individual (predisposing and enabling) variables, quality of health care variables, and maternal care utilization variables were selected for 477 women who had a live birth during the last 5 years. The conceptual framework used in this study will be the Aday-Andersen model for health services utilization. ^ Results. 82.4% of women received at least one antenatal care visit. Individually, village of residence (p=0.036), parity (p=0.048), education (p=0.006), and health insurance (p=0.029) were found to be significant; in addition to respectful treatment (p=0.045) and clean facilities (p=0.001) were the only quality of health care factors found to be significant in predicting antenatal care use. Using logistic regression, living in southern villages (OR=4.7, p=0.01) and availability of transportation (sometimes OR=3.2, p=0.01 and never OR=2.4, p<0.05) were the only two factors to influence maternal care use. ^ Conclusions. Living in the South and transportation are major barriers to maternal care utilization in rural Jordan. Other important cultural factors of interest in some villages should be addressed in future research. Perceptions of women regarding quality of health services should be seriously taken into account. ^


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Objective. To assess differences in body weight, body composition, total cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose between OC users and non-users age 18-30 y before and after a 15-week cardiovascular exercise program in Houston, TX from 2003 to 2007.^ Study Design. Secondary analysis of prospective data. ^ Study Subjects. 453 Non-Hispanic white (NHW), Hispanic, and African American (AA) women age 18-30 y with no previous live birth, a history of menstruating, no use of other hormonal contraceptives or medications, no menopause or hysterectomy, and no current pregnancies.^ Measurements. Demographic data, medication use, and menstrual history were assessed via self-administered questionnaires at baseline. Anthropometric and laboratory measures were taken at baseline and 15-weeks. ^ Data Analysis. Linear regression assessed the association between OC use and study variables at baseline, and the change in study variables from baseline to 15-weeks. Logistic regression assessed the association between OC use and CVD risk. Each analysis was also stratified by race/ethnicity. ^ Results. At baseline, OC users had higher total cholesterol (p<.0005) and were above cholesterol risk cut points for CVD (OR=4.3, 95% CI=2.4-7.7) compared to non-users. At baseline, OC use was also associated with higher diastolic blood pressure (p=.018) compared to non-users, primarily in non-Hispanic whites (p=.007). OC use was associated with lower blood glucose compared to non-users in Hispanics only (p=.008). OC use was associated with absolute change in diastolic blood pressure (p=.044) and total cholesterol (p=.003). There was evidence that OC use may affect individuals differently based on race/ethnicity for certain obesity and CVD risk factors.^ Conclusions. OC users and non-users responded similarly to a 15-week cardiovascular exercise program. Exceptions included a greater change in diastolic blood pressure and total cholesterol among NHW and Hispanic OC users compared to non-users after exercise intervention. At baseline, OC use was associated with diastolic blood pressure and was most strongly associated with increased levels of total cholesterol. OC users were at greater risk of having total cholesterol above CVD risk cut points than non-users.^


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Previous research has suggested an association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy intention status, and pregnancy intention status and the use of prenatal care services, however much of these studies have been conducted in high income countries (HIC) rather than low and middle income countries (LMIC). The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between pregnancy intention status and intimate partner violence, and pregnancy intention status and the use of prenatal care among ever-married women in Jordan.^ Data were collected from a nationally representative sample of women interviewed in the 2007 Jordan Demographic and Health Survey. The sample was restricted to ever-married women, 15–49 years of age, who had a live birth within the five years preceding the survey. Multivariate logistic regression analyses was used to determine the relationship between intimate partner violence and pregnancy intention status, and pregnancy intention status and the use of prenatal care services.^ Women who reported a mistimed pregnancy (PORadj 1.96, 95% CI: 1.31–2.95), as well as an unwanted pregnancy (PORadj 1.32, 95% CI: 0.80–2.18) had a higher odds of experiencing lifetime physical and/or sexual abuse compared with women reporting a wanted pregnancy. Women not initiating prenatal care by the end of the first trimester had statistically significant higher odds of reporting both a mistimed (PORadj 2.07, 95% CI: 1.55–2.77) and unwanted pregnancy (PORadj 2.36, 95% CI: 1.68–3.31), compared with women initiating care in the first trimester. Additionally, women not receiving the adequate number of prenatal care visits for their last pregnancy had a higher odds of reporting an unwanted pregnancy (PORadj 2.11, 95% CI: 1.35–3.29) and mistimed pregnancy (POR adj 1.41, 95% CI: 0.96–2.07).^ Reducing intimate partner violence may decrease the prevalence of mistimed or unwanted pregnancies, and reducing both unwanted and mistimed pregnancies may decrease the prevalence of women not receiving timely and adequate prenatal care among women in this population. Further research, particularly in LMIC, is needed regarding the determinants of unintended pregnancy and its association with intimate partner violence as well as with the use of prenatal care services. ^


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of computerized vital records in Texas for conducting etiologic studies on neural tube defects (NTDs), using the revised and expanded National Centers for Health Statistics vital record forms introduced in Texas in 1989.^ Cases of NTDs (anencephaly and spina bifida) among Harris County (Houston) residents were identified from the computerized birth and death records for 1989-1991. The validity of the system was then measured against cases ascertained independently through medical records and death certificates. The computerized system performed poorly in its identification of NTDs, particularly for anencephaly, where the false positive rate was 80% with little or no improvement over the 3-year period. For both NTDs the sensitivity and predictive value positive of the tapes were somewhat higher for Hispanic than non-Hispanic mothers.^ Case control studies were conducted utilizing the tape set and the independently verified data set, using controls selected from the live birth tapes. Findings varied widely between the data sets. For example, the anencephaly odds ratio for Hispanic mothers (vs. non-Hispanic) was 1.91 (CI = 1.38-2.65) for the tape file, but 3.18 (CI = 1.81-5.58) for verified records. The odds ratio for diabetes was elevated for the tape set (OR = 3.33, CI = 1.67-6.66) but not for verified cases (OR = 1.09, CI = 0.24-4.96), among whom few mothers were diabetic. It was concluded that computerized tapes should not be solely relied on for NTD studies.^ Using the verified cases, Hispanic mother was associated with spina bifida, and Hispanic mother, teen mother, and previous pregnancy terminations were associated with anencephaly. Mother's birthplace, education, parity, and diabetes were not significant for either NTD.^ Stratified analyses revealed several notable examples of statistical interaction. For anencephaly, strong interaction was observed between Hispanic origin and trimester of first prenatal care.^ The prevalence was 3.8 per 10,000 live births for anencephaly and 2.0 for spina bifida (5.8 per 10,000 births for the combined categories). ^