937 resultados para liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS)


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The antibacterial drug furazolidone belonging to the group of nitrofuran antibacterial agents has been widely used as an antibacterial and antiprotozoal feed additive for poultry, cattle, and farmed fish in China. During application a large proportion of the administered drug may reach the environment directly or via feces. Although the use of furazolidone is prohibited in numerous countries, there are indications of its illegal use. It is known that furazolidone can be rapidly metabolized to 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) in the body of the target organism. In this study, a total of 21 fish feed samples, including 17 commercial fish feeds from local markets in China (representing 15 different formulations) and 4 fish feeds obtained from Germany and Turkey, respectively, are analyzed to determine whether the drug is still illegally used or commercially available feeds are contaminated by this drug. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) methods have been implemented to determine furazolidone and its metabolite AOZ in fish feeds containing animal protein, respectively. An efficient and convenient cleanup method for the determination of furazolidone in fish feeds is developed, and a simple cleanup method for the determination of AOZ is used. Method recoveries for samples used were determined as 87.7-98.3% for furazolidone at two spike levels of 2.0 and 5.0 ng g(-1) and as 95.6-102.8% for AOZ at spike levels of 0.4 and 0.8 ng g(-1). Limits of detections were 0.4 ng g(-1) for furazolidone and 0.05 ng g(-1) for AOZ. The established methods are therefore suitable for the determination of furazolidone and its metabolite AOZ in fish feeds at trace contamination levels. Using the established methods, all fish feed samples have been proved to be furazolidone negative; however, AOZ is tested in 16 of 17 fish feeds obtained from local markets in the Hubei province of China, with a positive rate as high as 94.1%.


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Electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) and liquid chromatography coupled with on-line mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) were applied to characterize saponins in crude extracts from Panax ginseng. The MSn data of the [M - H](-) ions of saponins can provide structural information on the sugar sequences of the saccharide chains and on the sapogins of saponins. By ESI-MSn, non-isomeric saponins and isomeric saponins with different aglycones can be determined rapidly in plant extracts. LC/MS/MS is a good complementary analytical tool for determination of isomeric saponins. These approaches constitute powerful analytical tools far rapid screening and structural assignment of saponins in plant extracts. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Measurement of steroid esters in bovine hair samples, using sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), provides a powerful tool for identifying animals treated illicitly with growth promoters. The successful application of such testing requires appropriate sampling of hair from treated animals. This paper describes the results of hair analysis by LC-MS/MS for two animal studies in which animals were treated with estradiol-3-benzoate and nortestosterone decanoate. The results from the first animal study indicate that animals treated with these anabolic steroids may not always be identified from analysis of hair samples; positive test results occur sporadically and only for some of the treated animals. The results from the second animal study identify conditions attaching to positive hair samples, such as, that concentrations of steroid esters in hair are related to distance of sampling from point of injection and to time post-treatment, that concentrations of steroid esters in hair are related to dose given to the animal but that this relationship may vary over time post-treatment, and that steroid esters may be measured in regrowth hair taken some weeks after treatment. Steroid esters are determined along the length of the hair, confirming that accumulation of steroid esters into hair occurs from various sources, including blood, sweat and sebum. The reported research provides some useful insights into the mechanisms governing the persistence of steroid esters in bovine hair following illicit treatment with growth promoters. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rapid liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the simultaneous identification, confirmation and quantitation of seven licensed anti-inflammatory drugs (AIDS) in bovine milk. The method was validated in accordance with the criteria defined in Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. Two classes of AIDS were investigated, corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The developed method is capable of detecting and confirming dexamethasone (DXM), betamethasone (BTM), prednisolone (FRED), tolfenamic acid (TV), 5-hydroxy flunixin (5-OH-FLU). meloxicam (MLX) and 4-methyl amino antipyrine (4-MAA) at their associated maximum residue limits (MRLs). These compounds represent all the corticosteroids and NSAIDs licensed for use in bovine animals producing milk for human consumption. These compounds have never been analysed before in the same method and also 4-methyl amino antipyrine has never been analysed with the other licensed NSAIDs. The method can be considered rapid as permits the analysis of up to 30 samples in one day. Milk samples are extracted with acetonitrile; sodium chloride is added to aid partition of the milk and acetonitrile mixture. The acetonitrile extract is then subjected to liquid-liquid purification by the addition of hexane. The purified extract is finally evaporated to dryness and reconstituted in a water/acetonitrile mixture and determination is carried out by LC-MS/MS. Decision limit (CC alpha) values and detection capability (CC beta) values have been established for each compound. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A confirmatory method has been developed and validated that allows for the simultaneous detection of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), megestrol acetate (MGA), melengestrol acetate (MLA), chlormadinone acetate (CMA) and delmadinone acetate (DMA) in animal kidney fat using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The compounds were extracted from kidney fat using acetonitrile, defatted using a hexane wash and subsequent saponification. Extracts were then purified on Isolute CN solid-phase extraction cartridges and analysed by LC-MS/MS. The method was validated in animal kidney fat in accordance with the criteria defined in Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The decision limit (CC) was calculated to be 0.12, 0.48, 0.40, 0.63 and 0.54 g kg-1, respectively, for MPA, MGA, MLA, DMA and CMA, with respective detection capability (CC) values of 0.20, 0.81, 0.68, 1.07 and 0.92 g kg-1. The measurement uncertainty of the method was estimated at 16, 16, 19, 27 and 26% for MPA, MGA, MLA, DMA and CMA, respectively. Fortifying kidney fat samples (n = 18) in three separate assays showed the accuracy of the method to be between 98 and 100%. The precision of the method, expressed as % RSD, for within-laboratory reproducibility at three levels of fortification (1, 1.5 and 2 g kg-1 for MPA, 5, 7.5 and 10 g kg-1 for MGA, MLA, DMA and CMA) was less than 5% for all analytes.


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The performances of four LC-MS/MS methodologies for determination of up to eight mycotoxin biomarkers in human urines were compared by involving three laboratories that analysed common urine samples spiked at two levels of each biomarker. Each laboratory received a calibration solution, spiked urines and the corresponding unspiked urine. The two spiking levels for each biomarker were chosen by considering the levels naturally occurring in human urines and the limits of quantification of the LC-MS/MS methodologies used by the participating laboratories. The results of each laboratory were evaluated for their z-score values. The percentage of satisfactory z-scores (vertical bar z vertical bar 2) were obtained for fumonisin B-1 (7/12 results), ochratoxin A (4/8 results) and alpha-zearalenol (1/8 results). The percentage of satisfactory z-scores for fumonisin B-1 and ochratoxin A increased from 42 to 83% for fumonisin B-1 and from 50 to 62% for ochratoxin A when laboratories 1 and 2 used own calibrants. Factors that could explain the different results obtained for fumonisin B-1 and ochratoxin A with provided and own calibration solutions could not be identified in this study and should be carefully investigated in future studies.


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We present a novel data analysis strategy which combined with subcellular fractionation and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based proteomics provides a simple and effective workflow for global drug profiling. Five subcellular fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation followed by high resolution LC-MS and complete functional regulation analysis. The methodology combines functional regulation and enrichment analysis into a single visual summary. The workflow enables improved insight into perturbations caused by drugs. We provide a statistical argument to demonstrate that even crude subcellular fractions leads to improved functional characterization. We demonstrate this data analysis strategy on data obtained in a MS-based global drug profiling study. However, this strategy can also be performed on other types of large scale biological data.


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Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that acts specifically on noradrenergic and sertonergic receptors. A LC-MS method was developed that allows the simultaneous analysis of the R-(-)- and S-(+)-enantiomers of mirtazapine (MIR), demethylmirtazapine (DMIR), and 8-hydroxymirtazapine (8-OH-MIR) in plasma of MIR-treated patients. The method involves a 3-step liquid-liquid extraction, an HPLC separation on a Chirobiotic V column, and MS detection in electrospray mode. The limit of quantification (LOQ) for all enantiomers was 0.5 ng/mL, and the intra- and interday CVs were within 3.3% to 11.7% (concentration ranges 5-50 ng/mL). A method is also presented for the quantitative analysis of glucuroconjugated MIR and 8-OH-MIR. S-(+)-8-OH-MIR is present in plasma mainly as its glucuronide. Preliminary data suggest that in all patients, except in those comedicated with CYP2D6 inhibitors such as fluoxetine and thioridazine, R-(-)-MIR concentrations were higher than those of S-(+)MIR. Moreover, fluvoxamine seems also to inhibit the metabolism of MIR. Therefore, this method seems to be suitable for the stereoselective assay of MIR and its metabolites in plasma of patients comedicated with MIR and other drugs for routine and research purposes.


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Les dernières décennies ont été marquées par une augmentation du nombre des cas de cancers, ce qui a subséquemment conduit à une augmentation dans la consommation des agents de chimiothérapie. La toxicité et le caractère cancérogène de ces molécules justifient l’intérêt crucial porté à leur égard. Quelques études ont fait l’objet de détection et de quantification des agents de chimiothérapie dans des matrices environnementales. Dans ce projet, une méthode utilisant la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS) précédée d’une extraction sur phase solide (SPE) automatisée ou en ligne a été développée pour la détection et la quantification d’un groupe de six agents de chimiothérapie. Parmi ceux-ci figurent les plus utilisés au Québec (gemcitabine, méthotrexate, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, irinotécan, épirubicine) et présentant des propriétés physico-chimiques et des structures chimiques différentes. La méthode développée a été validée dans une matrice réelle représentant l’affluent d’une station d’épuration dans la région de Montréal. Deux des six composés cytotoxiques étudiés en l’occurrence (cyclophosphamide et méthotrexate) ont été détectés dans huit échantillons sur les neuf qui ont été recensés, essentiellement au niveau de l’affluent et l’effluent de quelques stations d’épuration de la région de Montréal. Les résultats des analyses effectuées sur les échantillons réels ont montré qu’il n’y avait pas de différence significative dans la concentration entre l’affluent et l’effluent, et donc que les systèmes d’épuration semblent inefficaces pour la dégradation de ces molécules.


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The iso-alpha-acids or isohumulones are the major contributors to the bitter taste of beer, and it is well-recognized that they are degraded during beer aging. In particular, the trans-isohumulones seem to be less stable than the cis-isohumulones. The major radical identified in beer is the 1-hydroxyethyl radical; however, the reactivity between this radical and the isohumulones has not been reported until now. Therefore, we studied the reactivity of isohumulones toward the 1-hydroxyethyl radical through a competitive kinetic approach. It was observed that both cis- and trans-isohumulones and dihydroisohumulones are decomposed in the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, while the reactivities are comparable. On the other hand, the tetrahydroisohumulones did not react with 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The apparent second-order rate constants for the reactions between the 1-hydroxyethyl radical and these compounds were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry [ESI(+)-MS/MS]. It follows that degradation of beer bitter acids is highly influenced by the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The reaction products were detected by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-ion trap-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS), and the formation of oxidized derivatives of the isohumulones was confirmed. These data help to understand the mechanism of beer degradation upon aging.


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Comparative HPLC-UV and LC-MS/MS studies of impurity profiles of a reference sample (Xenical®, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Switzerland) vs. generic (Lipiblock®, EMS-Sigma Pharma, a generic drug) were carried out with ethanol extracts of commercial samples. The generic formulation contained higher levels of common impurities as well as a considerable number of impurities not found in the reference product. The detected impurity profile of Lipiblock® revealed that it most likely is based on fermentation. Since the effect of the impurities is unknown, at this point fully synthetic Xenical® appears to offer a better safety margin than Lipiblock® which, however, compares quite well to other generic formulations.


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Rocuronium (ROC) is a neuromuscular blocking agent used in surgical procedures which is eliminated primarily by biliary excretion. A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for analysis of ROC in human plasma. Separation of ROC and IS (verapamil) was performed using an endcapped C-18 column and a mixture of water:acetonitrile:trifluoracetic acid (50:50:0.1, v/v) as mobile phase. Aliquots of 100 mu L of human plasma were extracted at pH 3, using dichloromethane. The lower limit of quantification of 5 ng/mL shows the high sensitivity of this method. Intra- and inter-assay precision (as relative standard deviation) was all <= 14.2% and accuracy (as relative standard error) did not exceed 10.1%. The validated method was successfully applied to quantify ROC concentrations in patients under surgical procedures up to 6 h after the administration of the 0.4-0.9 mg/kg ROC. The pharmacokinetic parameter estimations of ROC showed AUC/dose of 563 mu g min/mL, total clearance of 2.5 mL/min/kg, volume of distribution at steady state of 190 mL/kg and mean residence time of 83 min. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An analytical method based on liquid chromatography with positive ion electrospray ionization (ESI) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry detection was developed for the determination of pantoprazole (CAS 102625-70-7) in human plasma using lansoprazole (CAS 103577-45-3) as the internal standard. The analyte and internal standard were extracted from the plasma samples by liquid/liquid extraction using diethyl-ether/dichloromethane (70:30; v/v) and chromatographed on a C-8 analytical column. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile/water/methanol (57:25:18; v/v/v) + 10 mmol/l acetic acid + 20 mmol/l ammonium acetate. The method has a chromatographic total run time of 4.5 min and was linear within the range 5.0-5,000 ng/mL. Detection was performed on a triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer by Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM). The intra- and inter-run precisions calculated from quality control (QC) samples were 4.2% and 3.2%, respectively. The accuracies as determined from QC samples were -5.0% (intra-run) and 2.0% (inter-run). The method herein described was employed in a bioequivalence study of two tablet formulations of pantoprazole.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)