997 resultados para light-cone gauge


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Nonperturbative functions that parametrize off-diagonal hadronic matrix elements of the light-cone leading-twist quark operators are considered. These functions are calculated within the proposed relativistic quark model allowing for the nontrivial structure of the QCD vacuum, special attention being given to gauge invariance. Hadrons are treated as bound states of quarks; strong-interaction quark-pion vertices are described by effective interaction Lagrangians generated by instantons. The parameters of the instanton vacuum, such as the effective radius of the instanton and the quark mass, are related to the vacuum expectation values of the quark-gluon operators of the lowest dimension and to low-energy pion observables. © 2000 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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After reviewing how simulations employing classical lattice gauge theory permit to test a conjectured Euclideanization property of a light-cone Wilson loop in a thermal non-Abelian plasma, we show how Euclidean data can in turn be used to estimate the transverse collision kernel, C(k⊥), characterizing the broadening of a high-energy jet. First results, based on data produced recently by Panero et al, suggest that C(k⊥) is enhanced over the known NLO result in a soft regime k⊥ < a few T. The shape of k3⊥ C(k⊥) is consistent with a Gaussian at small k⊥.


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In this work we review the basic principles of the theory of the relativistic bosonic string through the study of the action functionals of Nambu-Goto and Polyakov and the techniques required for their canonical, light-cone, and path-integral quantisation. For this purpose, we briefly review the main properties of the gauge symmetries and conformal field theory involved in the techniques studied.


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The Mueller-Stokes formalism that governs conventional polarization optics is formulated for plane waves, and thus the only qualification one could require of a 4 x 4 real matrix M in order that it qualify to be the Mueller matrix of some physical system would be that M map Omega((pol)), the positive solid light cone of Stokes vectors, into itself. In view of growing current interest in the characterization of partially coherent partially polarized electromagnetic beams, there is a need to extend this formalism to such beams wherein the polarization and spatial dependence are generically inseparably intertwined. This inseparability brings in additional constraints that a pre-Mueller matrix M mapping Omega((pol)) into itself needs to meet in order to be an acceptable physical Mueller matrix. These additional constraints are motivated and fully characterized. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional lattice model of hard core bosons which is initially in a superfluid phase with a current being induced by applying a twist at the boundary. Subsequently, the twist is removed, and the system is subjected to periodic delta-function kicks in the staggered on-site potential. We present analytical expressions for the current and work done in the limit of an infinite number of kicks. Using these, we show that the current (work done) exhibits a number of dips (peaks) as a function of the driving frequency and eventually saturates to zero (a finite value) in the limit of large frequency. The vanishing of the current (and the saturation of the work done) can be attributed to a dynamic localization of the hard core bosons occurring as a consequence of the periodic driving. Remarkably, we show that for some specific values of the driving amplitude, the localization occurs for any value of the driving frequency. Moreover, starting from a half-filled lattice of hard core bosons with the particles localized in the central region, we show that the spreading of the particles occurs in a light-cone-like region with a group velocity that vanishes when the system is dynamically localized.


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We estimate transverse spin single spin asymmetry(TSSA) in the process e + p(up arrow) -> J/psi + X using color evaporation model of charmonium production. We take into account transverse momentum dependent(TMD) evolution of Sivers function and parton distribution function and show that the there is a reduction in the asymmetry as compared to our earlier estimates wherein the Q(2) - evolution was implemented only through DGLAP evolution of unpolarized gluon densities.


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We use Floquet theory to study the maximum value of the stroboscopic group velocity in a one-dimensional tight-binding model subjected to an on-site staggered potential varying sinusoidally in time. The results obtained by numerically diagonalizing the Floquet operator are analyzed using a variety of analytical schemes. In the low-frequency limit we use adiabatic theory, while in the high-frequency limit the Magnus expansion of the Floquet Hamiltonian turns out to be appropriate. When the magnitude of the staggered potential is much greater or much less than the hopping, we use degenerate Floquet perturbation theory; we find that dynamical localization occurs in the former case when the maximum group velocity vanishes. Finally, starting from an ``engineered'' initial state where the particles (taken to be hard-core bosons) are localized in one part of the chain, we demonstrate that the existence of a maximum stroboscopic group velocity manifests in a light-cone-like spreading of the particles in real space.


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The radiation loss in the escaping light cone with a two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystal slab microcavity can be suppressed by means of cladding the low-Q slab microcavity by three-dimensional woodpile photonic crystals with the complete bandgap when the resonance frequency is located inside the complete bandgap. It is confirmed that the hybrid microcavity based on a low-Q, single-defect photonic crystal slab microcavity shows improvement of the Q factor without affecting the mode volume and modal frequency. Whereas 2D slab microcavities exhibit Q saturation with an increase in the number of layers, for the analyzed hybrid microcavities with a small gap between the slab and woodpiles, the Q factor does not saturate.


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A solution of the sourceless Einstein's equation with an infinite value for the cosmological constant L is discussed by using Inonu-Wigner contractions of the de Sitter groups and spaces. When Lambda --> infinity, spacetime becomes a four-dimensional cone, dual to Minkowski space by a spacetime inversion. This inversion relates the four-cone vertex to the infinity of Minkowski space, and the four-cone infinity to the Minkowski light-cone. The non-relativistic limit c --> infinity. is further considered, the kinematical group in this case being a modified Galilei group in which the space and time translations are replaced by the non-relativistic limits of the corresponding proper conformal transformations. This group presents the same abstract Lie algebra as the Galilei group and can be named the conformal Galilei group. The results may be of interest to the early Universe Cosmology.


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The behavior of the transition pion form factor for processes gamma (*)gamma --> pi(0) and gamma (*)gamma (*) --> pi(0) at large values of space-like photon momenta is estimated within the nonlocal covariant quark-pion model. It is shown that, in general, the coefficient of the leading asymptotic term depends dynamically on the ratio of the constituent quark mass and the average virtuality of quarks in the vacuum and kinematically on the ratio of photon virtualities. The kinematic dependence of the transition form factor allows us to obtain the relation between the pion light-cone distribution amplitude and the quark-pion vertex function. The dynamic dependence indicates that the transition form factor gamma (*)gamma -->, pi(0) at high momentum transfers is very sensitive to the nonlocality size of nonperturbative fluctuations in the QCD vacuum. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a previous Letter. The BRST cohomology in the pure spinor formalism of the superstring was shown to coincide with the light-cone Green-Schwarz spectrum by using an SO(8) parameterization of the pure spinor. In this Letter, the SO(9, 1) Lorentz generators are explicitly constructed using this SO(8) parameterization, proving the Lorentz invariance of the pure spinor BRST cohomology. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We study wave propagation in local nonlinear electrodynamical models. Particular attention is paid to the derivation and the analysis of the Fresnel equation for the wave covectors. For the class of local nonlinear Lagrangian nondispersive models, we demonstrate how the originally quartic Fresnel equation factorizes, yielding the generic birefringence effect. We show that the closure of the effective constitutive (or jump) tensor is necessary and sufficient for the absence of birefringence, i.e., for the existence of a unique light cone structure. As another application of the Fresnel approach, we analyze the light propagation in a moving isotropic nonlinear medium. The corresponding effective constitutive tensor contains nontrivial skewon and axion pieces. For nonmagnetic matter, we find that birefringence is induced by the nonlinearity, and derive the corresponding optical metrics.


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Using the U(4) formalism developed ten years ago, the worldsheet action for the superstring in Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds is expressed in a manifestly N = (2, 2) superconformally invariant manner. This simplifies the construction of consistent Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds and eliminates the problems associated with light-cone interaction point operators.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)