957 resultados para learning platform


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5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (Barcelona, Spain. 1-3 July, 2013)


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia.


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A investigação em didáctica das ciências tem mostrado que a generalidade dos alunos manifesta cada vez menos interesse para aprender ciências. No entanto, o incremento da importância de temas científicos no nosso dia-a-dia, exige dos indivíduos um conhecimento científico cada vez mais aprofundado. O estudo da Astronomia permite abordar e interligar os conteúdos de tisica mais facilmente, tomando possível a aproximação do conhecimento científico ao conhecimento do quotidiano, mostrando a estreita ligação entre a Física, a Sociedade e a Tecnologia. O processo de ensino-aprendizagem encontra-se em mudança devido à integração das T.I.C. Através da internet e tirando partido da multimédia é possível desenvolver uma formação científica adequada que contribua para o despertar da curiosidade e do interesse dos alunos pela Ciência. Tendo em conta os pressupostos anteriores pretende-se, com este estudo, desenvolver uma plataforma de e-learning e recursos multimédia que satisfaçam estes requisitos. ABSTRACT; The investigation in didactics of sciences has been showing that the generality of students show less and less interest to learn sciences. However, the increment of the importance of scientific themes in our day-to-day life, demands from the individuals an increasingly deeper scientific knowledge. The study of Astronomy allows to approach and to interconnect physics subjects more easily, making possible the approach of scientific knowledge to the knowledge of everyday life, showing the narrow connection among Physics, Society and Technology. The teaching-learning process is in change duet the integration of the I.C.T. Through the internet and taking advantage of multimedia it is possible to develop an appropriate scientific formation that contributes to the awakening of curiosity and of the student's interest for Science. Having in mind the previous presuppositions is intended, with this study, to develop an e-learning platform and multimedia resources that satisfy these requirements.


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Much has been written about transferring class materials and teaching techniques to digital platforms, but less has been written about applying heuristic organizing constructs in the same manner. With the transformation of learning ecologies over the past decades as well as requirements to adjust to constantly shifting digital tools and environments, the challenges for learning facilitators are to readily adapt and change, as well as to engage a changing learner demographic. However, most importantly is to engage most effectively with learners in these online environments. This article reviews the existing literature in the heuristic construct of academagogy [1] and applies a case study methodology to discussion of the first application of academagogy to the online delivery of an undergraduate design unit. Through a focus on effective teaching and learning techniques, the transfer from face-to-face (f2f) to the digital realm is explored through four main focal points: Tools for teaching, teaching and learning, communicating with students, and effective teaching methods. These four focal points are then used to discuss ways to meet the challenges of teaching online including how they create new dimensions in teaching practice and how the digital experience changes learning experiences. The article concludes with reflection and consolidation of the similarities and differences between the face-to-face and digital deliveries, and by suggesting changes to the academagogic heuristic to enable its use more easily in a digital space.


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The research establishes a model for online learning centering on the needs of integrative knowledge practices. Through the metaphor of Constellations, the practice-based research explores the complexities of working within interdisciplinary learning contexts and the potential of tools such as the Folksonomy learning platform for providing necessary conceptual support.


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Farmlets, each of 20 cows, were established to field test five milk production systems and provide a learning platform for farmers and researchers in a subtropical environment. The systems were developed through desktop modelling and industry consultation in response to the need for substantial increases in farm milk production following deregulation of the industry. Four of the systems were based on grazing and the continued use of existing farmland resource bases, whereas the fifth comprised a feedlot and associated forage base developed as a greenfield site. The field evaluation was conducted over 4 years under more adverse environmental conditions than anticipated with below average rainfall and restrictions on irrigation. For the grazed systems, mean annual milk yield per cow ranged from 6330 kg/year (1.9 cows/ha) for a herd based on rain-grown tropical pastures to 7617 kg/year (3.0 cows/ha) where animals were based on temperate and tropical irrigated forages. For the feedlot herd, production of 9460 kg/cow.year (4.3 cows/ha of forage base) was achieved. For all herds, the level of production achieved required annual inputs of concentrates of similar to 3 t DM/animal and purchased conserved fodder from 0.3 to 1.5 t DM/animal. This level of supplementary feeding made a major contribution to total farm nutrient inputs, contributing 50% or more of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium entering the farming system, and presents challenges to the management of manure and urine that results from the higher stocking rates enabled. Mean annual milk production for the five systems ranged from 88 to 105% of that predicted by the desktop modelling. This level of agreement for the grazed systems was achieved with minimal overall change in predicted feed inputs; however, the feedlot system required a substantial increase in inputs over those predicted. Reproductive performance for all systems was poorer than anticipated, particularly over the summer mating period. We conclude that the desktop model, developed as a rapid response to assist farmers modify their current farming systems, provided a reasonable prediction of inputs required and milk production. Further model development would need to consider more closely climate variability, the limitations summer temperatures place on reproductive success and the feed requirements of feedlot herds.


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[ES] Una de las aplicaciones más interesantes de las nuevas tecnologías en la docencia, es la utilización de plataformas virtuales accesibles por el alumno a través de Internet. eKASI es una plataforma informática para el apoyo a la docencia presencial desarrollada en la Universidad del Pais Vasco, que permite la gestión de los documentos y la gestión de los estudiantes de un curso, a la vez que facilita el aprendizaje del alumno. Es una herramienta de distribución gratuita y de fácil manejo. Durante el curso 2005/2006, se ha utilizado esta plataforma como apoyo a la docencia de la asignatura Tecnología Farmacéutica I de 4º curso de la Licenciatura en Farmacia de la Universidad del País Vasco. La plataforma está accesible en la dirección de Internet http://ekasi.ehu.es mediante la introducción de una clave facilitada por el administrador del sistema. En la sección correspondiente al aula virtual de la plataforma, el alumno tiene a su disposición la información y documentos relacionados con la asignatura (plan docente, presentaciones utilizadas en las clases, cuestionarios de autoevaluación, enlaces de interés a paginas web, materiales multimedia, etc.). Por otra parte, esta plataforma permite la colaboración y discusión on line de los materiales estudiados, a través del foro y del correo electrónico y posibilita al profesor tutorizar y realizar un seguimiento del progreso de los estudiantes, mediante la realización de tests y de las diferentes tareas propuestas al grupo de alumnos. La plataforma eKASI ha supuesto un instrumento de gran utilidad como apoyo a la docencia presencial tal como se deduce de los resultados de la encuesta realizada a los alumnos al finalizar el curso académico.


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A presente pesquisa busca analisar os conflitos de valores em uma política pública para a diversidade na escola. Para tanto, inicialmente é feita uma discussão teórica que problematiza a questão dos valores nas políticas públicas. A partir dessa discussão e também da reflexão sobre as questões de gênero e sexualidade nas sociedades modernas, o curso piloto Gênero e Diversidade na Escola, realizado em 2006, é analisado. O curso se destinou à atualização de 1.200 professores do 3 e do 4 ciclo (antigas 5 a 8 séries) do Ensino Fundamental da rede pública do país nas temáticas de gênero, sexualidade e orientação sexual e relações étnico-raciais, tendo sido elaborado numa parceria entre a Secretaria Especial de Políticas para Mulheres, o Ministério da Educação, a Secretaria Especial de Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial, o Conselho Britânico e o Centro Latino Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos. O curso, por ter sido oferecido a distância e ambientado em uma plataforma virtual de aprendizagem, gerou diversos materiais. Para essa pesquisa foram utilizados principalmente os relatos dos cursistas e dos professores on-line nos fóruns de discussão de caso. A partir desses relatos observou-se que a discussão do assunto sexualidade apresentou alguns conflitos entre os valores promovidos pelo curso e os valores apresentados pelos cursistas. Essa conflito se tornou ainda mais evidente ao se comparar as discussões sobre sexualidade com as discussões dos temas ligados ao gênero e à questão racial, que fluíram com uma menor número de entraves. A concepção de sexualidade que o curso promoveu se pautou nas ciências sociais, enquanto a concepção dos cursistas esteve mais de acordo com uma concepção de moral e ciência mais tradicional e fechada.


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In Cambodia, fish provide a major source of animal protein for rural households. Capture fisheries have declined and aquaculture has been identified as playing an important role in food and nutritional security and rural income generation. In 2011, WorldFish, in partnership with the Stung Treng Fishery Administration Cantonment and the Culture and Environment Preservation Association, aimed at improving the uptake of small-scale aquaculture by communities with limited experience in fish culture in Stung Treng Province in northeast Cambodia. The system was given the name “WISH ponds,” derived from the combination of the words "water" and "fish" to reflect the integration of fish cultivation with water for storage and vegetable growing. It was targeted towards households with limited space to construct large aquaculture ponds, such as peri-urban households. The study indicated that WISH ponds can create an important learning platform for communities to address challenges associated with small-scale aquaculture development by using scientific data generated and owned by the participants. Results from this 2011 study provided important insights into the challenges and constraints for introducing small-scale aquaculture into rural households in Cambodia. In mid-2013, WorldFish won a Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation grant, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, to build upon its successful engagement with communities in northeast Cambodia where WISH ponds had already been introduced and investigate scaling this technology to establish more WISH ponds in these communities.


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A Globalização a que assistimos actualmente traz consigo exigências que a Sociedade deve responder de forma efectiva e adequada. O eLearning constitui, assim, uma realidade capaz de congregar esforços no sentido de permitir a construção de comunidades empenhadas em adquirir as competências necessárias para enfrentar os desafios propostos pela Globalização. É nesta perspectiva que apresentamos este estudo que procura, na sua essência, compreender o processo de interacção num ambiente de aprendizagem colaborativo a distância entre alunos de Línguas Clássicas. Cientes da importância de promover uma aprendizagem com significado para os alunos, foram desenvolvidos conteúdos que representaram o conhecimento segundo os pressupostos pedo-didácticos da Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva de forma a serem trabalhados colaborativamente pelos participantes no fórum de discussão online Scaena. O trabalho desenvolvido pelos alunos decorreu ao longo de três sessões e foi integrado na disciplina de Tecnologia Educativa constante do programa curricular do 2º Semestre do 4º Ano da Licenciatura de Português, Latim e Grego, no ano lectivo de 2004-05. De índole qualitativa, a investigação efectuada privilegiou a análise de conteúdo a fim de proceder ao tratamento de dados. Para o efeito foi, ainda, utilizado o software de análise NUD*IST. Os resultados relevaram a ocorrência de padrões de interacção em todas as dimensões de análise, assim como tornaram evidente o processo de construção de conhecimento flexível numa plataforma de ensino online. Por último, os resultados apurados confirmam as mais-valias da utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação para os Estudos Clássicos em contexto educativo. São, ainda, apresentadas sugestões para futuros estudos. ABSTRACT: The Globalisation we witness nowadays brings with it demands to which Society has to answer effectivelly and adequatelly. eLearning constitutes, therefore, a reality capable of congregating efforts towards allowing for the construction of communities involved in acquiring the necessary competences to face the challenges proposed by Globalisation. It is against this background that we present this study which aims, in its essence, at understanding the process of interaction in a collaborative distance learning environment between Classical Languages students. Being aware of the importance of promoting learning that is meaningful for the students, contents were developed representing knowledge according to Cognitive Flexibility Theory pedagogical and didactic principles. These would have to be worked on collaboratively by the participants in the study in the online discussion fórum Scaena. The work developed by the students evolved along three sessions and was integrated in the subject Educational Technology, which was part of the curriculum of the Portuguese, Latin and Greek Teacher Education Degree, 2nd Semestre, 4th year, in the academic year of 2004-05. Of a qualitative nature, the study conducted priviledged content analysis of data. For this effect the analysis software NUD*IST was used. Results revealed the occurrence of interaction patterns in all dimensions of analysis as well as the evidence of the process of flexible construction of knowledge in an oline learning platform. Finally the results obtained confirm the added value of the use of Information and Communication Technologies for Classical Studies in the educational context. Suggestions for future studies are put forward.


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El desarrollo del archivo docente de imágenes diagnósticas, permite compartir y difundir el conocimiento de la colección de casos e imágenes radiológicas con rapidez y facilidad al personal de la Clínica Fundación Cardio-Infantil – Instituto de Cardiología, a través por portal web “e-cardio”, contribuyendo en la formación académica del personal médico, técnico y administrativo.


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A Web-based tool developed to automatically correct relational database schemas is presented. This tool has been integrated into a more general e-learning platform and is used to reinforce teaching and learning on database courses. This platform assigns to each student a set of database problems selected from a common repository. The student has to design a relational database schema and enter it into the system through a user friendly interface specifically designed for it. The correction tool corrects the design and shows detected errors. The student has the chance to correct them and send a new solution. These steps can be repeated as many times as required until a correct solution is obtained. Currently, this system is being used in different introductory database courses at the University of Girona with very promising results


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Mobile learning involves use of mobile devices to participate in learning activities. Most elearning activities are available to participants through learning systems such as learning content management systems (LCMS). Due to certain challenges, LCMS are not equally accessible on all mobile devices. This study investigates actual use, perceived usefulness and user experiences of LCMS use on mobile phones at Makerere University in Uganda. The study identifies challenges pertaining to use and discusses how to improve LCMS use on mobile phones. Such solutions are a cornerstone in enabling and improving mobile learning. Data was collected by means of focus group discussions, an online survey designed based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and LCMS log files of user activities. Data was collected from two courses where Moodle was used as a learning platform. The results indicate positive attitudes towards use of LCMS on phones but also huge challenges whichare content related and technical in nature.