476 resultados para keratinocytes
Fas ligand (FasL) causes apoptosis of epidermal keratinocytes and triggers the appearance of spongiosis in eczematous dermatitis. We demonstrate here that FasL also aggravates inflammation by triggering the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules in keratinocytes. In HaCaT cells and in reconstructed human epidermis (RHE), FasL triggered a NF-kappaB-dependent mRNA accumulation of inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1beta), chemokines (CCL2/MCP-1, CXCL1/GROalpha, CXCL3/GROgamma, and CXCL8/IL-8), and the adhesion molecule ICAM-1. Oligomerization of Fas was required both for apoptosis and for gene expression. Inhibition of caspase activity abolished FasL-dependent apoptosis; however, it failed to suppress the expression of FasL-induced genes. Additionally, in the presence of caspase inhibitors, but not in their absence, FasL triggered the accumulation of CCL5/RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted) mRNA. Our findings identify a novel proinflammatory role of FasL in keratinocytes that is independent of caspase activity and is separable from apoptosis. Thus, in addition to causing spongiosis, FasL may play a direct role in triggering and/or sustaining inflammation in eczemas.
While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We report here that interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is induced in differentiation through a Notch-dependent mechanism and is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes and keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Increased IRF6 expression contributes to the impact of Notch activation on growth/differentiation-related genes, while it is not required for induction of 'canonical' Notch targets like p21(WAF1/Cip1), Hes1 and Hey1. Down-modulation of IRF6 counteracts differentiation of primary human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, promoting ras-induced tumour formation. The clinical relevance of these findings is illustrated by the strikingly opposite pattern of expression of Notch1 and IRF6 versus epidermal growth factor receptor in a cohort of clinical SCCs, as a function of their grade of differentiation. Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which contributes to the role of this pathway in differentiation and tumour suppression.
While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We report here that interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is induced in differentiation through a Notch-dependent mechanism and is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes and keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Increased IRF6 expression contributes to the impact of Notch activation on growth/differentiation-related genes, while it is not required for induction of 'canonical' Notch targets like p21(WAF1/Cip1), Hes1 and Hey1. Down-modulation of IRF6 counteracts differentiation of primary human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, promoting ras-induced tumour formation. The clinical relevance of these findings is illustrated by the strikingly opposite pattern of expression of Notch1 and IRF6 versus epidermal growth factor receptor in a cohort of clinical SCCs, as a function of their grade of differentiation. Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which contributes to the role of this pathway in differentiation and tumour suppression.
BACKGROUND: Wound healing involves complex mechanisms, which, if properly chaperoned, can enhance patient recovery. The abilities of platelets and keratinocytes may be harnessed in order to stimulate wound healing through the formation of platelet clots, the release of several growth factors and cytokines, and cell proliferation. The aim of the study was to test whether autologous keratinocyte suspensions in platelet concentrate would improve wound healing. The study was conducted at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland in 45 patients, randomized to three different topical treatment groups: standard treatment serving as control, autologous platelet concentrate (PC) and keratinocytes suspended in autologous platelet concentrate (PC + K). Split thickness skin graft donor sites were chosen on the anterolateral thighs of patients undergoing plastic surgery for a variety of defects. Wound healing was assessed by the duration and quality of the healing process. Pain intensity was evaluated at day five. RESULTS: Healing time was reduced from 13.9 ± 0.5 days (mean ± SEM) in the control group to 7.2 ± 0.2 days in the PC group (P < 0.01). An addition of keratinocytes in suspension further reduced the healing time to 5.7 ± 0.2 days. Pain was reduced in both the PC and PC + K groups. Data showed a statistically detectable advantage of using PC + K over PC alone (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate the positive contribution of autologous platelets combined with keratinocytes in stimulating wound healing and reducing pain. This strikingly simple approach could have a significant impact on patient care, especially critically burned victims for whom time is of the essence. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRY INFORMATION: Protocol Record Identification Number: 132/03Registry URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov.
The homeodomain-only protein (HOP) contains an atypical homeodomain which is unable to bind to DNA due to mutations in residues important for DNA binding. Recently, HOP was reported to regulate proliferation/differentiation homeostasis in different cell types. In the present study, we performed transcriptional profiling of cultured primary human keratinocytes and noted a robust induction of HOP upon calcium-induced cell differentiation. Immunohistochemistry of human skin localized HOP to the granular layer in the epidermis. Overexpression of HOP using a lentiviral vector up-regulated FLG and LOR expression during keratinocyte differentiation. Conversely, decreasing HOP expression using small interfering RNA markedly reduced the calcium-induced expression of late markers of differentiation in vitro, with the most prominent effect on profilaggrin (FLG) mRNA. Moreover, mRNA levels of profilaggrin and loricrin were downregulated in the epidermis of HOP knockout mice. Analysis of skin disorders revealed altered HOP expression in lichen planus, psoriasis and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Our data indicate that HOP is a novel modulator of late terminal differentiation in keratinocytes.
Apoptosis, differentiation, and proliferation are cellular responses which play a pivotal role in wound healing. During this process PPARbeta translates inflammatory signals into prompt keratinocyte responses. We show herein that PPARbeta modulates Akt1 activation via transcriptional upregulation of ILK and PDK1, revealing a mechanism for the control of Akt1 signaling. The resulting higher Akt1 activity leads to increased keratinocyte survival following growth factor deprivation or anoikis. PPARbeta also potentiates NF-kappaB activity and MMP-9 production, which can regulate keratinocyte migration. Together, these results provide a molecular mechanism by which PPARbeta protects keratinocytes against apoptosis and may contribute to the process of skin wound closure.
IRF6 is a mediator of the Notch pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive function in keratinocytes
I. Résumé large publicIRF6 est un médiateur de Notch dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et dans sa fonction de suppresseur de tumeursLa peau est l'organe le plus important du corps humain, elle représente chez l'adulte une surface d'environ 1,5 m2 et elle est composée de 2000 milliards de cellules. La peau est composée de plusieurs types cellulaires dont les kératinocvtes. Ces cellules, qui se trouvent dans la couche la plus externe de la peau (Pépiderme), nous protègent de la déshydratation et des agressions externes telles que les infections et rayons ultraviolets. Cette fonction de « barrière » est mise en place grâce à un processus appelé différenciation des kératinocvtes durant lequel les kératinocytes deviennent matures et finalement meurent pour former la couche cornée la plus externe difficilement pénétrable. L'homéostasie tissulaire est un mécanisme qui régule l'équilibre entre prolifération, différentiation et mort cellulaire. Une perturbation de cet équilibre peut mener à la formation d'une tumeur. Il existe différents types de tumeurs de la peau. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux «carcinomes spino-cellulaires» (SCC) qui se développent à partir des keratinocytes en différenciation. Notch est une molécule impliquée positivement dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et joue un rôle prépondérant dans la suppression des tumeurs kératinocytaires comme les SCC dans lesquelles Notch est faiblement exprimé. L'implication de Notch dans la différenciation et dans la carcinogenèse kératinocytaire n'est plus controversée, mais les mécanismes qui sont à la base de ces fonctions restent encore à élucider. IRfF6 est une protéine qui, d'après sa structure, a été classée parmi une famille de régulateurs de la défense de l'organisme (IRFs). Des études ultérieures ont montré qu'IRf 6 n'a pas de rôle dans la réponse immunitaire mais qu'il est plutôt impliqué dans le développement de l'épiderme. Dans ce travail, nous avons établi que, dans les kératinocytes, l'expression d'IPJF6 est contrôlé par Notch et que, comme pour ce dernier, elle est réduite dans les SCCs. De plus, nous avons observé qu'IRF6 régule les mêmes gènes que Notch, et qu'il est en effet un médiateur de la fonction de Notch dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Parmi les gènes contrôlés par l'axe Notch-IRF6 il y en a trois qui sont sur-exprimés dans les SCCs et qui sont réprimés par cet axe. Il s'agit d'une part d'IRF3 et IRF7, deux autres membres de la famille IRF, et du récepteur EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor), un oncogène (un gène impliqué dans l'accélération de la formation de tumeurs). Dans leur ensemble, ces découvertes nous informent sur les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions pro-differentiatrice et tumeur suppressive de Notch. Plus encore, elles ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes quant au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques dans le traitement des cancers.II. RésuméLa voie de signalisation de Notch joue un rôle très important dans la différenciation cellulaire et dans la carcinogenèse de nombreux tissus. Dans les kératinocytes, elle agit comme suppresseur de tumeurs, fonction altérée dans les cancers spino cellulaires SCC (tumeurs kératinocytaires) de part la perte d'expression de Notch.Bien que les fonctions pro-différenciatrice et tumeur-suppressive de la voie de signalisation de Notch soient aujourd'hui reconnues, les mécanismes sous-jacents restent à explorer.Dans ce travail, nous montrons qu'IRF6, un membre de la famille des régulateurs de la voie de l'interféron (IRF), ne possédant pas de rôles dans la réponse immunitaire mais essentiel dans le développement de l'épiderme, est d'autant plus exprimé que le kératinocytes sont différenciées alors que son expression est drastiquement diminuée dans les SCC. De façon intéressante, l'expression d'IRF6 durant la différenciation kératinocytaire est directement contrôlée par Notch.Dans les kératinocytes l'expression accrue d'IRP6 a les mêmes effets que 1'activation de la voie de Notch induisant les marqueurs de différentiation des couches supra-basales de l'épiderme et inhibant ceux de la couche basale impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire. Cependant IRF6 n'est pas impliqué dans la régulation d'autres cibles de Notch, comme p21WAFI/CiP' et Hesl. Comme Notch, IRF6 contrôle négativement l'expression de EGFR et IRF3/7. De ce fait EGFR et IRF3 et IRF7 sont fortement exprimés dans les SCCs humaines où l'expression de Notch et IRF6 est fortement réduite.En conclusion, nous avons démontré qu'IRF6 est une cible directe de Notch/CSL dans les keratinocytes qui medie les effets "non-canonique" de cette voie de signalisation dans la différentiation et dans la suppression tumorale.III. SummaryThe Notch pathway is an important regulator of differentiation and carcinogenesis. In keratinocytes it acts as tumour suppressor and the Notch gene is markedly reduced in keratinocyte-derived squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, We report here that Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is downmodulated in SCC and is induced in differentiating cells. We observed that the induction of IRF6 in differentiating keratinocytes is suppressed by Notch inhibition. IRF6 expression is also decreased in mice with keratinocyte-specific deletion of the Notch 1/2.Moreover we show that the expression of this gene is induced by Notch activation through a CSL-dependent mechanism even under conditions of protein synthesis inhibition, with endogenous Notch 1 binding to the IRF6 promoter.Increased IRJF6 expression is necessary for the impact of Notch activation on differentiation markers K1 and Involucrin, and proliferation markers integrins and p63, but not on other "canonical" Notch targets like p21WAF1/Cipl, Hes1 and Hey1. Like Notch 1, IRF6 down-modulates expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as well as two other IRF family members, IRF3 and 7, which we previously linked to positive control of p63 expression. Expression of IRF3, IRF7 and EGFR is enhanced in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, illustrating a strikingly opposite pattern compared to Notch and IRF6.Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which mediates the effects of this pathway on differentiation and contributes to tumor suppression.
Many nuclear hormone receptors are involved in the regulation of skin homeostasis. However, their role in the epithelial compartment of the skin in stress situations, such as skin healing, has not been addressed yet. The healing of a skin wound after an injury involves three major cell types: immune cells, which are recruited to the wound bed; dermal fibroblasts; and epidermal and hair follicle keratinocytes. Our previous studies have revealed important but nonredundant roles of PPARalpha and beta/delta in the reparation of the skin after a mechanical injury in the adult mouse. However, the mesenchymal or epithelial cellular compartment in which PPARalpha and beta/delta play a role could not be determined in the null mice used, which have a germ line PPAR gene invalidation. In the present work, the role of PPARalpha was studied in keratinocytes, using transgenic mice that express a PPARalpha mutant with dominant-negative (dn) activity specifically in keratinocytes. This dn PPARalpha lacks the last 13 C terminus amino acids, binds to a PPARalpha agonist, but is unable to release the nuclear receptor corepressor and to recruit the coactivator p300. When selectively expressed in keratinocytes of transgenic mice, dn PPARalphaDelta13 causes a delay in the healing of skin wounds, accompanied by an exacerbated inflammation. This phenotype, which is similar to that observed in PPARalpha null mice, strongly suggests that during skin healing, PPARalpha is required in keratinocytes rather than in other cell types.
Cellular directional migration in an electric field (galvanotaxis) is one of the mechanisms guiding cell movement in embryogenesis and in skin epidermal repair. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), in addition to its function of regulating sodium transport in kidney, has recently been found to modulate cell locomotory speed. Here we tested whether ENaC has an additional function of mediating the directional migration of galvanotaxis in keratinocytes. Genetic depletion of ENaC completely blocks only galvanotaxis and does not decrease migration speed. Overexpression of ENaC is sufficient to drive galvanotaxis in otherwise unresponsive cells. Pharmacologic blockade or maintenance of the open state of ENaC also decreases or increases, respectively, galvanotaxis, suggesting that the channel open state is responsible for the response. Stable lamellipodial extensions formed at the cathodal sides of wild-type cells at the start of galvanotaxis; these were absent in the ENaC knockout keratinocytes, suggesting that ENaC mediates galvanotaxis by generating stable lamellipodia that steer cell migration. We provide evidence that ENaC is required for directional migration of keratinocytes in an electric field, supporting a role for ENaC in skin wound healing.
The transcription factor serum response factor (SRF) plays a crucial role in the development of several organs. However, its role in the skin has not been explored. Here, we show that keratinocytes in normal human and mouse skin expressed high levels of SRF but that SRF expression was strongly downregulated in the hyperproliferative epidermis of wounded and psoriatic skin. Keratinocyte-specific deletion within the mouse SRF locus during embryonic development caused edema and skin blistering, and all animals died in utero. Postnatal loss of mouse SRF in keratinocytes resulted in the development of psoriasis-like skin lesions. These lesions were characterized by inflammation, hyperproliferation, and abnormal differentiation of keratinocytes as well as by disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. Ultrastructural analysis revealed markedly reduced cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts and loss of cell compaction in all epidermal layers. siRNA-mediated knockdown of SRF in primary human keratinocytes revealed that the cytoskeletal abnormalities and adhesion defects were a direct consequence of the loss of SRF. In contrast, the hyperproliferation observed in vivo was an indirect effect that was most likely a consequence of the inflammation. These results reveal that loss of SRF disrupts epidermal homeostasis and strongly suggest its involvement in the pathogenesis of hyperproliferative skin diseases, including psoriasis.
Purpose. The aim of this study was to identify new surfactants with low skin irritant properties for use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, employing cell culture as an alternative method to in vivo testing. In addition, we sought to establish whether potential cytotoxic properties were related to the size of the counterions bound to the surfactants. Methods. Cytotoxicity was assessed in the mouse fibroblast cell line 3T6, and the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC 2544, using the MTT assay and uptake of the vital dye neutral red 24 h after dosing (NRU). Results. Lysine-derivative surfactants showed higher IC50s than did commercial anionic irritant compounds such as sodium dodecyl sulphate, proving to be no more harmful than amphoteric betaines. The aggressiveness of the surfactants depended upon the size of their constituent counterions: surfactants associated with lighter counterions showed a proportionally higher aggressivity than those with heavier ones. Conclusions. Synthetic lysine-derivative anionic surfactants are less irritant than commercial surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulphate and Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and are similar to Betaines. These surfactants may offer promising applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations, representing a potential alternative to commercial anionic surfactants as a result of their low irritancy potential.
BACKGROUND: During the past decades, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) has been developed to treat early intramucosal esophageal cancers and dysplastic Barrett's esophagus. The primary drawback of this method is severe postsurgical esophageal stricture formation. The purpose of this preclinical study was to assess strategies for prevention of this major complication by injecting autologous keratinocytes in the EMR mucosal defect in the sheep model. METHODS: Circumferential, 6-cm-long EMRs were performed in the esophagus of nine sheep. Autologous keratinocytes were harvested 2 weeks before EMR and cultured. Circumferential resection consisted of two opposite hemicircumferential mucosectomies allowing a widespread resection of 24 cm(2). Immediately after EMR, autologous keratinocytes were endoscopically injected in the mucosal defect. Animals were sacrificed after 6 months. RESULTS: Circumferential EMRs were successfully performed in all animals. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. None of the animals developed strictures. All animals were sacrificed at 6 months as planned. Histological examinations showed fibrotic changes in 10 % (range 0-25 %) of the circumferential muscularis propria interna layer and 7.2 % (range 0-25 %) in the muscularis propria externa layer at the midportion of the EMR. No circumferential transmural fibrosis was identified. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention of stricture formation after extensive (6-cm long) circumferential EMR of the sheep esophagus can be achieved by injecting autologous keratinocytes into the wound of the resected mucosal segment.
The Nrf2 transcription factor controls the expression of genes involved in the antioxidant defense system. Here, we identified Nrf2 as a novel regulator of desmosomes in the epidermis through the regulation of microRNAs. On Nrf2 activation, expression of miR-29a and miR-29b increases in cultured human keratinocytes and in mouse epidermis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation identified the Mir29ab1 and Mir29b2c genes as direct Nrf2 targets in keratinocytes. While binding of Nrf2 to the Mir29ab1 gene activates expression of miR-29a and -b, the Mir29b2c gene is silenced by DNA methylation. We identified desmocollin-2 (Dsc2) as a major target of Nrf2-induced miR-29s. This is functionally important, since Nrf2 activation in keratinocytes of transgenic mice causes structural alterations of epidermal desmosomes. Furthermore, the overexpression of miR-29a/b or knockdown of Dsc2 impairs the formation of hyper-adhesive desmosomes in keratinocytes, whereas Dsc2 overexpression has the opposite effect. These results demonstrate that a novel Nrf2-miR-29-Dsc2 axis controls desmosome function and cutaneous homeostasis.
Embryonic cells are expected to possess high growth/differentiation potential, required for organ morphogenesis and expansion during development. However, little is known about the intrinsic properties of embryonic epithelial cells due to difficulties in their isolation and cultivation. We report here that pure keratinocyte populations from E15.5 mouse embryos commit irreversibly to differentiation much earlier than newborn cells. Notch signaling, which promotes keratinocyte differentiation, is upregulated in embryonic keratinocyte and epidermis, and elevated caspase 3 expression, which we identify as a transcriptional Notch1 target, accounts in part for the high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation. In vivo, lack of caspase 3 results in increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of interfollicular embryonic keratinocytes, together with decreased activation of PKC-delta, a caspase 3 substrate which functions as a positive regulator of keratinocyte differentiation. Thus, a Notch1-caspase 3 regulatory mechanism underlies the intrinsically high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation.
The roles of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBPs) in keratinocyte and sebocyte differentiation suggest that both families of transcription factors closely interact in the skin. Initial characterization of the mouse PPARbeta promoter revealed an AP-1 site that is crucial for the regulation of PPARbeta expression in response to inflammatory cytokines in the skin. We now present evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism of the expression of the PPARbeta gene by which two members of the C/EBP family of transcription factors inhibit its basal promoter activity in mouse keratinocytes. We first demonstrate that C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta, but not C/EBPdelta, inhibit the expression of PPARbeta through the recruitment of a transcriptional repressor complex containing HDAC-1 to a specific C/EBP binding site on the PPARbeta promoter. Consistent with this repression, the expression patterns of PPARbeta and C/EBPs are mutually exclusive in keratinocytes of the interfollicular epidermis and hair follicles in mouse developing skin. This work reveals the importance of the regulatory interplay between PPARbeta and C/EBP transcription factors in the control of proliferation and differentiation in this organ. Such insights are crucial for the understanding of the molecular control regulating the balance between proliferation and differentiation in many cell types including keratinocytes.