927 resultados para iron accumulation, maternal effect
PURPOSE: Retinal degeneration has been associated with iron accumulation in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and in several rodent models that had one or several iron regulating protein impairments. We investigated the iron concentration and the protective role of human transferrin (hTf) in rd10 mice, a model of retinal degeneration. METHODS: The proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method was used to quantify iron in rd10 mice 2, 3, and 4 weeks after birth. We generated mice with the β-phosphodiesterase mutation and hTf expression by crossbreeding rd10 mice with TghTf mice (rd10/hTf mice). The photoreceptor loss and apoptosis were evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling in 3-week-old rd10/hTf mice and compared with 3-week-old rd10 mice. The neuroprotective effect of hTf was analyzed in 5-day-old rd10 mice treated by intraperitoneal administration with hTf for up to 25 days. The retinal hTf concentrations and the thickness of the outer nuclear layer were quantified in all treated mice at 25 days postnatally. RESULTS: PIXE analysis demonstrated an age-dependent iron accumulation in the photoreceptors of rd10 mice. The rd10/hTf mice had the rd10 mutation, expressed high levels of hTf, and showed a significant decrease in photoreceptor death. In addition, rd10 mice intraperitoneally treated with hTf resulted in the retinal presence of hTf and a dose-dependent reduction in photoreceptor degeneration. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that iron accumulation in the retinas of rd10 mutant mice is associated with photoreceptor degeneration. For the first time, the enhanced survival of cones and rods in the retina of this model has been demonstrated through overexpression or systemic administration of hTf. This study highlights the therapeutic potential of Tf to inhibit iron-induced photoreceptor cell death observed in degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration.
Absorption, transport and storage of iron are tightly regulated, as expected for an element, which is both essential and potentially toxic. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia, and it also compromises immune function and cognitive development. Iron overload damages the liver and other organs in hereditary hemochromatosis, and in thalassaemia patients with both transfusion and non-transfusionrelated iron accumulation. Excess iron has harmful effects in chronic liver diseases caused by excessive alcohol, obesity or viruses. There is evidence for involvement of iron in neurodegenerative diseases and in Type 2 diabetes. Variation in transferrin saturation, a biomarker of iron status, has been associated with mortality in patients with diabetes and in the general population13. All these associations between iron and either clinical disease or pathological processes make it important to understand the causes of variation in iron status. Importantly, information on genetic causes of variation can be used in Mendelian randomization studies to test whether variation in iron status is a cause or consequence of disease. We have used biomarkers of iron status (serum iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation and ferritin), which are commonly used clinically and readily measurable in thousands of individuals, and carried out a meta-analysis of human genomewide association study (GWAS) data from 11 discovery and eight replication cohorts. Our aims were to identify additional loci affecting markers of iron status in the general population and to relate the significant loci to information on gene expression to identify relevant genes. We also made an initial assessment of whether any such loci affect iron status in HFE C282Y homozygotes, who are at genetic risk of HFE-related iron overload (hereditary hemochromatosis type 1, OMIM #235200)
Yeast cells contain a family of three monothiol glutaredoxins: Grx3, 4, and 5. Absence of Grx5 leads to constitutive oxidative damage, exacerbating that caused by external oxidants. Phenotypic defects associated with the absence of Grx5 are suppressed by overexpression ofSSQ1 and ISA2, two genes involved in the synthesis and assembly of iron/sulfur clusters into proteins. Grx5 localizes at the mitochondrial matrix, like other proteins involved in the synthesis of these clusters, and the mature form lacks the first 29 amino acids of the translation product. Absence of Grx5 causes: 1) iron accumulation in the cell, which in turn could promote oxidative damage, and 2) inactivation of enzymes requiring iron/sulfur clusters for their activity. Reduction of iron levels in grx5 null mutants does not restore the activity of iron/sulfur enzymes, and cell growth defects are not suppressed in anaerobiosis or in the presence of disulfide reductants. Hence, Grx5 forms part of the mitochondrial machinery involved in the synthesis and assembly of iron/sulfur centers.
Sucroferric oxyhydroxide (VELPHORO(®)) is a polynuclear iron-based phosphate binder recently approved for the treatment of hyperphosphataemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). As a number of the available phosphate binders do not provide the optimal combination of good efficacy, adequate tolerability and low pill burden, sucroferric oxyhydroxide constitutes a promising alternative. Among the attributes of an ideal phosphate binder is minimal absorption and, hence, low risk of systemic toxicity. Accordingly, the iron-releasing properties and absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) profile of sucroferric oxyhydroxide, as well as the possibility of iron accumulation and toxicity, were investigated in a series of preclinical studies. The effect of sucroferric oxyhydroxide on the progression of vascular calcification was also investigated. Sucroferric oxyhydroxide exhibited a high phosphate-binding capacity and low iron-releasing properties across the physiological pH range found in the gastrointestinal tract. In the ADME studies, uptake of (59)Fe-radiolabelled sucroferric oxyhydroxide was low in rats and dogs (<1% from a 50 mg Fe/kg bodyweight dose), with the majority of absorbed iron located in red blood cells. Long-term (up to 2 years) administration of sucroferric oxyhydroxide in rats and dogs was associated with modest increases in tissue iron levels and no iron toxicity. Moreoever, in uraemic rats, sucroferric oxyhydroxide was associated with reduced progression of vascular calcification compared with calcium carbonate. In conclusion, sucroferric oxyhydroxide offers a new option for the treatment of hyperphosphataemia, with a high phosphate-binding capacity, minimal iron release, and low potential for iron accumulation and toxicity.
Iron is essential for retinal function but contributes to oxidative stress-mediated degeneration. Iron retinal homeostasis is highly regulated and transferrin (Tf), a potent iron chelator, is endogenously secreted by retinal cells. In this study, therapeutic potential of a local Tf delivery was evaluated in animal models of retinal degeneration. After intravitreal injection, Tf spread rapidly within the retina and accumulated in photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium, before reaching the blood circulation. Tf injected in the vitreous prior and, to a lesser extent, after light-induced retinal degeneration, efficiently protected the retina histology and function. We found an association between Tf treatment and the modulation of iron homeostasis resulting in a decrease of iron content and oxidative stress marker. The immunomodulation function of Tf could be seen through a reduction in macrophage/microglial activation as well as modulated inflammation responses. In a mouse model of hemochromatosis, Tf had the capacity to clear abnormal iron accumulation from retinas. And in the slow P23H rat model of retinal degeneration, a sustained release of Tf in the vitreous via non-viral gene therapy efficently slowed-down the photoreceptors death and preserved their function. These results clearly demonstrate the synergistic neuroprotective roles of Tf against retinal degeneration and allow identify Tf as an innovative and not toxic therapy for retinal diseases associated with oxidative stress.
The increasing consumption of soybeans due to its bioactive compounds has attracted interest in describing the grain's constituents and variation during processing. Phytate has been the aim of much research since it chelates essential minerals but also has beneficial antioxidant effects. This study evaluated the variation of phytate, calcium, zinc, and iron during soaking and cooking of soybeans. The phytate: Zn and phytate: Fe molar ratios were determined in order to estimate the bioavailability of these minerals. Six food-type varieties were used: BR 36, BRS 213, BRS 216, BRS 232, BRS 155, and Embrapa 48. The samples were soaked in water 3:1 (w/w) for 12 hours at room temperature and cooked. Cooking time was determined by modeling the softening of each variety using fractional conversion. Water content, phytate, and minerals were determined in raw, soaked and cooked samples. The water content of raw grains for all varieties was 9.9 g.100 g-1 increasing to a range of 58.1-63.7 g.100 g-1 after soaking and 63.1-66.0 g.100 g-1 after cooking. Soaking caused a significant reduction in phytate (23-30%), but cooking caused no additional reduction. The phytate: Zn molar ratio was 20 indicating that zinc absorption could be impaired, while the phytate: Fe molar ratio was 8, below the level of compromising absorption
Le fer, un métal de transition, est requis pour la survie de presque tout les organismes vivant à cause de son habilité à accepter ou donner un électron et donc à catalyser plusieurs réactions biochimique fondamentales. Cependant, la même propriété permet aussi au fer ionique d’accélérer la formation de radicaux libres et donc le fer peut potentiellement avoir des effets néfastes. Conséquemment, l’homéostasie du fer doit être étroitement régulé, tant au niveau cellulaire que systémique. Notre étude met l’emphase sur deux molécules importante pour régulation du métabolisme du fer : la lipocaline 2 (Lcn2) et l’hepcidine. Lcn2, une protéine de phase aiguë, est impliquée dans le transport du fer par les sidérophores. Lcn2 est un candidat potentiel comme transporteur du fer qui pourrait être responsable de l’accumulation excessive du fer non lié à la transferrine dans le foie des patients atteints d’hémochromatose héréditaire (HH). Nous avons généré des souris double-déficiente HfeLcn2 pour évaluer l’importance de Lcn2 dans la pathogenèse de surcharge en fer hépatique dans les souris knock-out Hfe (Hfe -/-). Notre étude révèle que la délétion de Lcn2 dans les souris Hfe-/- n’influence pas leur accumulation de fer hépatique ou leur réponse à une surcharge en fer. Le phénotype des souries HfeLcn2-/- demeure indiscernable de celui des souris Hfe-/-. Nos données impliquent que Lcn2 n’est pas essentiel pour la livraison du fer aux hépatocytes dans l’HH. L’hepcidine, un régulateur clé du métabolisme du fer, est un petit peptide antimicrobien produit par le foie et qui régule l’absorption intestinale du fer et son recyclage par les macrophages. L’expression de l’hepcidine est induite par la surcharge en fer et l’inflammation, tandis que, à l'inverse, elle est inhibée par l'anémie et l'hypoxie. Dans certaine situations pathologique, l’hepcidine est régulée dans des directions opposées par plus d’un régulateur. Nous avons, en outre, analysé comment les différents facteurs influencent l’expression de l’hepcidine in vivo en utilisant un modèle de souris avec un métabolisme du fer altéré. Nous avons examiné la régulation de l’hepcidine en présence de stimuli opposés, ainsi que la contribution des médiateurs et des voix de signalisation en aval de l’expression de l’hepcidine. Nous avons démontré que l'érythropoïèse, lorsque stimulé par l’érythropoïétine, mais pas par l’hypoxie, diminue l’expression de l’hepcidine d’une façon dépendante de la dose, même en présence de lipopolysaccharides ou de surcharge de fer alimentaire, qui peuvent agir de manière additive. De plus, l’entraînement érythropoïétique inhibe tant la voix inflammatoire que celle de détection du fer, du moins en partie, par la suppression du signal IL-6/STAT3 et BMP/SMAD4 in vivo. Au total, nos données suggèrent que le niveau d’expression de l’hepcidine en présence de signaux opposés est déterminé par la force du stimulus individuel plutôt que par une hiérarchie absolue. Ces découvertes sont pertinentes pour le traitement de l’anémie des maladies chronique et les désordres de surcharge en fer.
A utilização da cobertura do solo pode trazer inúmeros benefícios ao cultivo de alface. Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de tipos de coberturas de solo no cultivo de alface tipo americana cv. Lucy Brown. Os tratamentos foram: 1- canteiro sem cobertura e sem capina (testemunha), 2- canteiro sem cobertura, com capina quinzenal, 3- canteiro com cobertura de bagaço de cana de 2 cm de espessura, 4- canteiro com cobertura de plástico preto, 5- canteiro com cobertura de plástico dupla face (prateado/preto). Foram avaliados o ciclo das plantas no campo, a quantidade de clorofila nas folhas, a produção em peso individual de cabeça e a quantidade de nutrientes absorvidos nas folhas. A utilização de cobertura plástica do tipo dupla face proporcionou os maiores valores médios de produção. Foi também o tratamento em que foram obtidos os maiores valores para quantidade de clorofila, nitrogênio, fósforo, enxofre, boro e ferro acumulado nas folhas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The rate at which hydrothermal precipitates accumulate, as measured by the accumulation rate of manganese, can be used to identify periods of anomalous hydrothermal activity in the past. From a preliminary study of Sites 597 and 598, four periods prior to 6 Ma of anomalously high hydrothermal activity have been identified: 8.5 to 10.5 Ma, 12 to 16 Ma, 17 to 18 Ma, and 23-to-27 Ma. The 18-Ma anomaly is the largest and is associated with the jump in spreading from the fossil Mendoza Ridge to the East Pacific Rise, whereas the 23-to-27-Ma anomaly is correlated with the birth of the Galapagos Spreading Center and resultant ridge reorganization. The 12-to-16-Ma and 8.5-to-10.5-Ma anomalies are correlated with periods of anomalously high volcanism around the rim of the Pacific Basin and may be related to other periods of ridge reorganization along the East Pacific Rise. There is no apparent correlation between periods of fast spreading at 19°S and periods of high hydrothermal activity. We thus suggest that periods when hydrothermal activity and crustal alteration at mid-ocean ridges are the most pronounced may be periods of large-scale ridge reorganization.
Marked variations in the chemical and mineralogical composition of sediments at Site 319 have occurred during the 15 My history of sedimentation at this site. The change in composition through time parallels the variability observed in surface sediments from various parts of the Nazca Plate and can be related to variations in the proportion of hydrothermal, hydrogenous, detrital and biogenous phases reaching this site at different times. Metal accumulation rates at Site 319 reach a maximum near the basement for most elements, suggesting a strong hydrothermal contribution during the early history of this site. The hydrothermal contribution decreased rapidly as Site 319 moved away from the spreading center, although a subtle increase in this source is detectable about the time spreading began on the East Pacific Rise. The most recent sedimentation exhibits a strong detritalhydrogenous influence. Post-depositional diagenesis of amorphous phases has converted them to ironrich smectite and well-crystallized goethite without significantly altering the bulk composition of the sediment.