40 resultados para inventiveness


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presente pesquisa apresenta-se em uma perspectiva qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico. Analisa o movimento da prática avaliativa de professores que participaram do curso sobre Avaliação numa perspectiva construtivista. Inicialmente, discute a hipótese de não-mudança em relação à prática avaliativa. Em uma trajetória reflexiva, a análise passa a ser inspirada nos estudos de Michel de Certeau, ao não se render à supremacia de produtos culturais impostos por uma ordem social dominante; ao não se limitar à perspectiva das teorias sobre Avaliação da aprendizagem. O foco da pesquisa direcionou-se à ação dos consumidores desses produtos os professores que, ao se apropriarem de tais teorias, o fazem à sua maneira, redimensionando-as e as resignificando, com astúcia, criatividade, inventividade. Ao entender que tais profissionais, em situações menos privilegiadas nas estruturas sociais de poder constituído, possuem uma inteligência que engendra uma multiplicidade de interpretações, abrimos nosso olhar para surpresas, possibilitando a apreciação de variados caminhos que delineiam as práticas avaliativas dos professores. No entanto, se elegêssemos um único padrão de referência para a análise das ações cotidianas, poderíamos nos fechar em apenas duas conclusões: obediências ou resistências. Optamos, todavia, por aproximarmo-nos de Certeau, e acreditar, como ele, na inteligência e criatividade também presentes nas ações dos mais fracos nas organizações sociais, que são os consumidores dos produtos culturais. Criamos, destarte, nova oportunidade para que a multidão adquira vida, evidenciando a diversidade de práticas avaliativas de um grupo de professores, focalizando a análise em ações concretas, de professores reais.


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In this paper we try to present the main trends of evolution of the ICT sector. Its dynamics, supported by a constant technical progress in ICs, compounded with “non convexities” such as network effects and high sunk costs, may either lead to a Schumpeter Mark I or Schumpeter Mark II competition regime. This means that in some segments, the market will be more competitive (Mark I), while in other it will be more monopolistic (Mark II). But a key trend is also the so called “convergence”. But digitization makes it cost effective to integrate different communications, information processing and entertainment systems and devices. Hence, Schumpeter Mark II grows at the core where software production dominates, while Schumpeter Mark I is established at the periphery. In this context, the European ICT industry is potentially smashed between two forces: the cost advantages of Asian countries on one hand, the inventiveness and dynamism of the US industry on the other hand. The way out of this very difficult situation is to create in Europe the conditions of restoring knowledge accumulation in a key sub-sector of ICT, that is software production. To do this, Europe can rely on its tradition of cooperation and knowledge sharing and on a set of institutions that have shown their ability to stimulate inter-regional cooperation. By concentrating on an ambitious project of open source software production in embarked systems and domestic networks, Europe could reach several objectives: to make freely accessible an essential facility, to stimulate competition, to help reaching the Lisbon objectives and to restore the European competitiveness in ICT.


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Essa tese é um estudo sobre o problema do sincretismo religioso, quando pensado no diálogo entre a antropologia e a teologia. Para tanto, a pesquisa faz um exercício hermenêutico de ressignificação do conceito, a partir das diversas teorias sobre o sincretismo e seus usos antropológicos e teológicos, buscando subsídios no pensamento de Michel de Certeau e Paul Tillich para tal ressignificação. Assim, a perspectiva certeauniana de uma reflexão heterológica da cultura e a noção de demônico na teologia e filosofia do sentido de Tillich fundamentam a percepção do sincretismo como uma teoria da mediação entre religião e cultura. Isso significa que o sincretismo opera uma relação dialética com o seu pólo denominado, nessa tese, de diacretismo , tornando a dinâmica cultural e religiosa um espaço inventivo, posto que manifesta aspectos ambíguos de criações de sentido positivas (experiência de aproximação sincrética) e criações de sentido distorcidas (experiência de fragmentação diacrética ), essência da relação com o sagrado, vivida culturalmente. A cultura, entendida como espaço para a vivência do religioso, exprime-se em uma profunda relação entre táticas e estratégias, denotando a ambigüidade anteriormente afirmada, quando reconhece que os atores sociais em interação, mesmo que marcados por lugares próprios estrategicamente estabelecidos, enquanto lugares de poder, não inibem a formação de ações táticas que subervertem inventivamente esses mesmos lugares, dando a devida dinâmica cultural. A tese analisa, também, como estudo de caso, as implicações dessa compreensão de sincretismo para a interpretação da experiência religiosa de grupos de indígenas Guarani e Kaiowá, na Terra Indígena de Dourados /MS, na fronteira entre tradição e tradução operada pelos indígenas, a partir do Projeto da Igreja Indígena Presbiteriana (IIP), ressignificando sua alteridade religiosa na interface com os múltiplos cristianismos presentes nas aldeias, afirmando a possibilidade de um teko retã ( jeito de ser plural, múltiplo ) religioso, a partir das relações sincréticas e diacréticas propostas.


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presente pesquisa apresenta-se em uma perspectiva qualitativa, de cunho etnográfico. Analisa o movimento da prática avaliativa de professores que participaram do curso sobre Avaliação numa perspectiva construtivista. Inicialmente, discute a hipótese de não-mudança em relação à prática avaliativa. Em uma trajetória reflexiva, a análise passa a ser inspirada nos estudos de Michel de Certeau, ao não se render à supremacia de produtos culturais impostos por uma ordem social dominante; ao não se limitar à perspectiva das teorias sobre Avaliação da aprendizagem. O foco da pesquisa direcionou-se à ação dos consumidores desses produtos os professores que, ao se apropriarem de tais teorias, o fazem à sua maneira, redimensionando-as e as resignificando, com astúcia, criatividade, inventividade. Ao entender que tais profissionais, em situações menos privilegiadas nas estruturas sociais de poder constituído, possuem uma inteligência que engendra uma multiplicidade de interpretações, abrimos nosso olhar para surpresas, possibilitando a apreciação de variados caminhos que delineiam as práticas avaliativas dos professores. No entanto, se elegêssemos um único padrão de referência para a análise das ações cotidianas, poderíamos nos fechar em apenas duas conclusões: obediências ou resistências. Optamos, todavia, por aproximarmo-nos de Certeau, e acreditar, como ele, na inteligência e criatividade também presentes nas ações dos mais fracos nas organizações sociais, que são os consumidores dos produtos culturais. Criamos, destarte, nova oportunidade para que a multidão adquira vida, evidenciando a diversidade de práticas avaliativas de um grupo de professores, focalizando a análise em ações concretas, de professores reais.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2012


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This thesis relates to issues present in the hip hop movement. Thus it includes youngsters grouped in different levels such as local, regional and national. The research deals with this broad segment. The analysis is made on those called “peripheral youth” It encompasses the juvenile segment, that is committed to a movement defined by these youngsters and activists, the so called “hip hop movement”. The research aims to analyze poetics present in rap, considered as an expression of resistance and inventiveness. The analysis was of micro politic nature and it dealt with the “peripheral scenario” present in hip hop Lelo Melodia in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. In this community, the group in known for their resistance attitude. The group´s opinion is not of opposition or force but it is seen in the sense of reinventing life that is currently attached to the persisting social inequality condition. In these terms, the research also deals with this committed poetic rap understood here as expressions towards resistance and inventiveness that is produced by these youth groups that belong to this hip hop movement. The focal group was the Lelo Melodia Group of the Posse de Hip Hop in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil.


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This thesis is a writing of (d)enunciation because it reveals the language experiencies of those individuals who take, in social school space, the social role of the teacher and of the student, for some reason, they feel restrained by a demand which prevents them of teaching and learning how to write – and, even, their own writing. On this basis, we consider some questions concerning Benveniste‘s theory of enunciation and the teaching and learning process in Portuguese from the triad among teacher – teaching of writing/ knowledge – student, making this theoretical area closer to the pedagogical one. We support in the working hypothesis that is based on the position of the loosening of this triad has its effects in the process of intervention-interference to the point where it does not leave a scar which can remain working on productive effects on the student‘s writing. As a consequence, we show two findings which allow us to think the teaching of writing in Portuguese is a space for writing creativity in such a way it reveals itself as a sine qua non condition for the institutionalized and subjective writing. The first finding is that taking genre as a model has some implications in the teaching and learning process of writing according to the instructions of the official documents. The second finding, as a result of the first one, is the assumption that genre is at the same time a model and a transgression and taking it as a (ex)sample opens space for writing creativity which ―is a transposition of the interior language‖ (BENVENISTE, 2014 [1968-1969], p. 132) in a way this creativity makes it intelligible and highlights what is a model (interactiveness) and a transgression (inventiveness). From such findings, we organize our heterogeneous corpus according to these procedures: recording the classes in audio; recording the interviews we made with teachers and students in audio; and constituting an archive with the students‘ writing production. From this corpus, we analyzed the (d)enunciative mo(ve)ments in the teacher – teaching of writing/ knowledge – student triad and the history of (d)enunciations, of language experiences. Besides, we analyzed the teacher‘s discourse in relation to the way he plans his classes based on the knowledge that must be taught and his own way of managing this knowledge in order to understand his interference in his students‘ writings. Our analyses (re)affirm that when the loosening of the triad happens, the students become lost, what makes them unable of working upon their own writing epilinguisticaly. Because of it, schools have lost their specificity as a place for teaching students how to read and write as they open space for training, only. On this basis, we consider that the effect of such a loosening generates complaints and denunciations. Therefore, based on such (d)enunciations, we present the Primary sketches of a proposition for intervention-interference in teaching how to write and we aim at introducing much knowledge to teachers and students in order to allow them to think about possible ways out.


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Within The Creative Unconscious and Pictorial Sign I explore the dialogue that exists between social language and personal expression to understand how creativity is mediated. I consider how the involuntary inventiveness of artistic creativity and the structuring function of language come to negotiate what artists can experience and represent. My Doctoral practice attempts to question the influence of orthodox postmodernist views and allow sensual and direct experiences to be located within improvisation and spontaneous approaches to image making. I ask if it is possible for a humanistic and psychological interpretation of creativity to move beyond the copy and quotation that some postmodern theories of simulation and the hyperreal advance; but to retain the communicative function of visual expression and the model of a social form of signification instead of naïvely promoting unintelligible and personal languages.


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In the mid-1980s, the magazine Projeto published the Actual Brazilian Architecture catalogue presenting texts by Hugo Segawa and Ruth Verde Zein with a corpus of works and engaged architects of the 1960s and 1970s. To comprehend the Brazilian architectural production post-1964, in those years of the 1980s, became a significant mission to reactivate the Brazilian architectural debate weakened by the military dictatorship. In his doctoral thesis Spadoni (2003) deals with the different ways which characterizes the Brazilian architectural production of the 1970s. Marked by inventiveness, this production was in tune with the modern thinking and in the transition period between the 1970s and the 1980s it synchronized with the international debate about post-modern architecture. Considering Spadoni s doctoral thesis, this work deals with the modern experience observed in the one-family-houses built in the seventies in João Pessoa. Some modern experiences were not clear outside, to observe it, it was necessary to search for the type of experience into the spatial disposition and of the know-how constructive, because into the appearance some houses not make explicit the use of the modern language. Other observed experiences allude to the repertoire of the Brazilian period in the years 1940s-1960s, to the experience of the modern architecture in São Paulo of the 1960s, to the experiences in which the climate of the Northeastern region strongly influenced the architectural conception. We can also find in a reduced number of houses a particular experience: it refers to experiences that expose the constructive doing, which leave the material apparent and apply to the residential type the experience of the industrial pre-fabricated buildings


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In the mid-1980s, the magazine Projeto published the Actual Brazilian Architecture catalogue presenting texts by Hugo Segawa and Ruth Verde Zein with a corpus of works and engaged architects of the 1960s and 1970s. To comprehend the Brazilian architectural production post-1964, in those years of the 1980s, became a significant mission to reactivate the Brazilian architectural debate weakened by the military dictatorship. In his doctoral thesis Spadoni (2003) deals with the different ways which characterizes the Brazilian architectural production of the 1970s. Marked by inventiveness, this production was in tune with the modern thinking and in the transition period between the 1970s and the 1980s it synchronized with the international debate about post-modern architecture. Considering Spadoni s doctoral thesis, this work deals with the modern experience observed in the one-family-houses built in the seventies in João Pessoa. Some modern experiences were not clear outside, to observe it, it was necessary to search for the type of experience into the spatial disposition and of the know-how constructive, because into the appearance some houses not make explicit the use of the modern language. Other observed experiences allude to the repertoire of the Brazilian period in the years 1940s-1960s, to the experience of the modern architecture in São Paulo of the 1960s, to the experiences in which the climate of the Northeastern region strongly influenced the architectural conception. We can also find in a reduced number of houses a particular experience: it refers to experiences that expose the constructive doing, which leave the material apparent and apply to the residential type the experience of the industrial pre-fabricated buildings