991 resultados para intracellular survival
The Campylobacter jejuni capsular polysaccharide is important for virulence and often contains a modified heptose. In strain ATCC 700819 (a.k.a. NCTC 11168), the modified heptose branches off from the capsular backbone and is directly exposed to the environment. We reported previously that the enzymes encoded by wcaG, mlghB and mlghC are involved in heptose modification. Here, we show that inactivation of any of these genes leads to production of capsule lacking modified heptose and alters the transcription of other capsule modification genes differentially. Inactivation of mlghB or mlghC, but not of wcaG, decreased susceptibility to bile salts and abrogated invasion of intestinal cells. All mutants showed increased sensitivity to serum killing, especially wcaG::cat, and had defects in colonization and persistence in chicken intestine, but did not show significant differences in adhesion, phagocytosis and intracellular survival in murine macrophages. Together, our findings suggest that the capsular heptose modification pathway contributes to bacterial resistance against gastrointestinal host defenses and supports bacterial persistence via its role in serum resistance and invasion of intestinal cells. Our data further suggest a dynamic regulation of expression of this pathway in the gastrointestinal tract.
Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important cause of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. Evidence indicates that Klebsiella might be able to persist intracellularly within a vacuolar compartment. This study was designed to investigate the interaction between Klebsiella and macrophages. Engulfment of K. pneumoniae was dependent on host cytoskeleton, cell plasma membrane lipid rafts and the activation of PI 3-kinase (PI3K). Microscopy studies revealed that K. pneumoniae resides within a vacuolar compartment, the Klebsiella containing vacuolae (KCV), which traffics within vacuoles associated with the endocytic pathway. In contrast to UV-killed bacteria, the majority of live bacteria did not colocalize with markers of the lysosomal compartment. Our data suggest that K. pneumoniae triggers a programmed cell death in macrophages displaying features of apoptosis. Our efforts to identify the mechanism(s) whereby K. pneumoniae prevents the fusion of the lysosomes to the KCV uncovered the central role of the PI3K-Akt-Rab14 axis to control the phagosome maturation. Our data revealed that the capsule is dispensable for Klebsiella intracellular survival if bacteria were not opsonized. Furthermore, the environment found by Klebsiella within the KCV triggered the downregulation of the expression of cps. Altogether, this study proves evidence that K. pneumoniae survives killing by macrophages by manipulating phagosome maturation which may contribute to Klebsiella pathogenesis.
Depuis quelques années, il y a émergence de souches de Salmonella enterica sérovar Typhimurium multirésistantes causant une septicémie et la mort chez le porc. Ceci constitue un problème majeur pour l’industrie porcine et possiblement pour la santé publique. L’objectif de ce projet était de comparer et de caractériser une souche capable de causer une septicémie chez le porc et une souche commensale, en observant l’interaction avec des cellules épithéliales, des macrophages humains et d’identifier des gènes exprimés par les souches septicémiques et les souches commensales. Tout d’abord, l’infection de cellules épithéliales permet d’observer l’adhérence et l’invasion des bactéries, pour ainsi mettre en évidence la capacité des souches à coloniser le tractus gastro-intestinal. La souche commensale possède un pouvoir d’adhésion supérieur à la souche septicémique. Par la suite, l’infection de macrophages permet de caractériser le niveau de phagocytose et de survie. L’importance de la survie dans les macrophages pourrait permettre de faire un lien avec la septicémie. Toutefois, aucune différence n’est observable dans les conditions qui ont été testé. Ensuite, la technique SCOTS (Selective Capture of Transcribed Sequences) est utilisée pour capturer des gènes uniques à la souche septicémique et un autre SCOTS est fait pour capturer les gènes spécifiques à la souche commensale. Finalement, les gènes sont clonés, leur spécificité face aux souches est analysé par dot blot et ils sont identifiés par séquençage suivient d’une analyses bioinformatiques. Les gènes identifiés par SCOTS, lors des captures pour la souche septicémique et la souche commensale, se trouvent à être des gènes communs aux Salmonella. Toutefois, la différence de pathologie causée par les deux souches, n’est peut-être pas l’acquisition de nouveaux gènes, mais plutôt une différence d’expression entre les deux souches.
L’adhésine impliquée dans l’adhérence diffuse (AIDA-I) est une adhésine bactérienne présente chez certaines souches d’Escherichia coli qui, associée aux toxines Stx2e ou STb, contribue à l’apparition de la maladie de l’œdème ou de la diarrhée post-sevrage chez les porcelets. AIDA-I est un autotransporteur qui confère des capacités d’autoaggrégation, de formation de biofilms et d’adhésion. L’objectif principal du projet de recherche consistait en la recherche de récepteur(s) potentiel(s) d’AIDA-I. Les bactéries pathogènes adhèrent aux cellules-cibles soit en liant directement des molécules à la surface cellulaire ou en utilisant des molécules intermédiaires qui permettent de diminuer la distance séparant la bactérie de la cellule-cible. Puisque le sérum est un fluide qui contient de nombreuses molécules, celui-ci a été utilisé comme matériel de départ pour l’isolement de récepteur(s) potentiels. Nous avons isolé un récepteur potentiel à partir du sérum porcin : l’apolipoprotéine A-I. L’interaction entre l’apolipoprotéine A-I et AIDA-I a été confirmée par ELISA et microscopie à fluorescence. La capacité à envahir les cellules épithéliales offre aux pathogènes la possibilité d’établir une niche intracellulaire qui les protègent contre les attaques du milieu extérieur. La présente étude a démontré que la présence d’AIDA-I en tant que seul facteur de virulence chez une souche de laboratoire permet de conférer la capacité d’envahir les cellules sans promouvoir la survie intracellulaire. L’étude de la souche sauvage 2787, exprimant AIDA-I en association avec d’autres facteurs de virulence, a démontré une différence significative pour les phénotypes d’invasion et de survie intracellulaire face à la souche de laboratoire exprimant AIDA-I.
Le genre bactérien Salmonella regroupe plus de 2500 sérovars, mais peu sont responsables de pathologies humaines. Salmonella enterica sérovar Typhi (S. Typhi) est reconnu pour son importance médicale à travers le globe. S. Typhi cause la fièvre typhoïde chez l’Homme, une maladie infectieuse létale caractérisée par la dissémination systémique de la bactérie vers des organes du système réticulo-endothélial. La fièvre typhoïde représente un fardeau pour la santé mondiale, notamment auprès des pays en développement où les conditions sanitaires sont désuètes. La situation se complique davantage par l’apparition de souches résistantes aux antibiotiques. De plus, les deux vaccins licenciés sont d’efficacité modérée, présentent certaines contraintes techniques et ne sont pas appropriés pour les jeunes enfants et nourrissons. La phase systémique de l’infection par Salmonella repose sur sa survie dans les macrophages du système immunitaire. Dans ce compartiment intracellulaire, la bactérie module les défenses antimicrobiennes grâce à de multiples facteurs de virulence encodés dans son génome. Les mécanismes moléculaires sollicités sont complexes et finement régulés. Malgré les progrès scientifiques réalisés précédemment, plusieurs incompréhensions persistent au sujet de l’adaptation de ce pathogène dans les macrophages de l’hôte. Pour mieux concevoir les déterminants génétiques de S. Typhi impliqués dans l’interaction avec ces cellules, une stratégie de sélection négative a été appliquée afin de vérifier systématiquement l’effet direct des gènes pendant l’infection. En premier temps, une librairie de mutants par transposon chez S. Typhi a été créée pour l’infection de macrophages humains en culture. Après 24 heures d’infection, la présence des mutants fut évaluée simultanément par analyse sur des biopuces de Salmonella. Au total, 130 gènes ont été sélectionnés pour leur contribution potentielle auprès des macrophages infectés. Ces gènes comptaient des composantes d’enveloppe bactérienne, des éléments fimbriaires, des portions du flagelle, des régulateurs, des facteurs de pathogenèse et plusieurs protéines sans fonction connue. En deuxième temps, cette collection de gènes a dirigé la création de 28 mutants de délétion définie chez S. Typhi. Les capacités d’entrée et de réplication intracellulaire de ces mutants au sein des macrophages humains ont été caractérisées. D’abord, les macrophages ont été co-infectés avec les mutants en présence de la souche sauvage, pour vérifier la compétitivité de chacun d’eux envers cette dernière. Ensuite, les mutants ont été inoculés individuellement chez les macrophages et leur infectivité fut mesurée comparativement à celle de la souche sauvage. Sommairement, 26 mutants ont présenté des défauts lorsqu’en compétition, tandis que 14 mutants se sont montrés défectueux lorsque testés seuls. Par ailleurs, 12 mutants ont exposé une déficience lors de l’infection mixte et individuelle, incluant les mutants acrA, exbDB, flhCD, fliC, gppA, mlc, pgtE, typA, waaQGP, STY1867-68, STY2346 et SPI-4. Notamment, 35 nouveaux phénotypes défectueux d’entrée ou de survie intracellulaire chez Salmonella ont été révélés par cette étude. Les données générées ici offrent plusieurs nouvelles pistes pour élucider comment S. Typhi manipule sa niche intracellulaire, menant à l’infection systémique. Les gènes décrits représentent des cibles potentielles pour atténuer la bactérie chez l’humain et pourraient contribuer au développement de meilleures souches vaccinales pour immuniser contre la fièvre typhoïde.
Les EHEC de sérotype O157:H7 sont des agents zoonotiques d’origine alimentaire ou hydrique. Ce sont des pathogènes émergeants qui causent chez l’humain des épidémies de gastro-entérite aiguë et parfois un syndrome hémolytique-urémique. Les EHEC réussissent leur transmission à l’humain à partir de leur portage commensal chez l’animal en passant par l’étape de survie dans l’environnement. L’endosymbiose microbienne est une des stratégies utilisées par les bactéries pathogènes pour survivre dans les environnements aquatiques. Les amibes sont des protozoaires vivants dans divers écosystèmes et connus pour abriter plusieurs agents pathogènes. Ainsi, les amibes contribueraient à transmettre les EHEC à l'humain. La première partie de mon projet de thèse est centrée sur l'interaction de l’amibe Acanthamoeba castellanii avec les EHEC. Les résultats montrent que la présence de cette amibe prolonge la persistance des EHEC, et ces dernières survivent à leur phagocytose par les amibes. Ces résultats démontrent le potentiel réel des amibes à héberger les EHEC et à contribuer à leur transmission. Cependant, l’absence de Shiga toxines améliore leur taux de survie intra-amibe. Par ailleurs, les Shiga toxines sont partiellement responsables de l’intoxication des amibes par les EHEC. Cette implication des Shiga toxines dans le taux de survie intracellulaire et dans la mortalité des amibes démontre l’intérêt d’utiliser les amibes comme modèle d'interaction hôte/pathogène pour étudier la pathogénicité des EHEC. Durant leur cycle de transmission, les EHEC rencontrent des carences en phosphate inorganique (Pi) dans l’environnement. En utilisant conjointement le système à deux composantes (TCS) PhoB-R et le système Pst (transport spécifique de Pi), les EHEC détectent et répondent à cette variation en Pi en activant le régulon Pho. La relation entre la virulence des EHEC, le PhoB-R-Pst et/ou le Pi environnemental demeure inconnue. La seconde partie de mon projet explore le rôle du régulon Pho (répondant à un stress nutritif de limitation en Pi) dans la virulence des EHEC. L’analyse transcriptomique montre que les EHEC répondent à la carence de Pi par une réaction complexe impliquant non seulement un remodelage du métabolisme général, qui est critique pour sa survie, mais aussi en coordonnant sa réponse de virulence. Dans ces conditions le régulateur PhoB contrôle directement l’expression des gènes du LEE et de l’opéron stx2AB. Ceci est confirmé par l’augmentation de la sécrétion de l’effecteur EspB et de la production et sécrétion de Stx2 en carence en Pi. Par ailleurs, l’activation du régulon Pho augmente la formation de biofilm et réduit la motilité chez les EHEC. Ceci corrèle avec l’induction des gènes régulant la production de curli et la répression de la voie de production d’indole et de biosynthèse du flagelle et du PGA (Polymère β-1,6-N-acétyle-D-glucosamine).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium bovis, remains one of the leading infectious diseases worldwide. The ability of mycobacteria to rapidly grow in host macrophages is a factor contributing to enhanced virulence of the bacteria and disease progression. Bactericidal functions of phagocytes are strictly dependent on activation status of these cells, regulated by the infecting agent and cytokines. Pathogenic mycobacteria can survive the hostile environment of the phagosome through interference with activation of bactericidal responses. To study the mechanisms employed by highly virulent mycobacteria to promote their intracellular survival, we investigated modulating effects of two pathogenic M. bovis isolates and a reference M. tuberculosis H37Rv strain, differing in their ability to multiply in macrophages, on activation phenotypes of the cells primed with major cytokines regulating proinflammatory macrophage activity. Results: Bone marrow- derived macrophages obtained from C57BL/6 mice were infected by mycobacteria after a period of cell incubation with or without treatment with IFN-gamma, inducing proinflammatory type-1 macrophages (M1), or IL-10, inducing anti-inflammatory type-2 cells (M2). Phenotypic profiling of M1 and M2 was then evaluated. The M. bovis strain MP287/03 was able to grow more efficiently in the untreated macrophages, compared with the strains B2 or H37Rv. This strain induced weaker secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, coinciding with higher expression of M2 cell markers, mannose receptor (MR) and arginase-1 (Arg-1). Treatment of macrophages with IFN-gamma and infection by the strains B2 and H37Rv synergistically induced M1 polarization, leading to high levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, and reduced expression of the Arg-1. In contrast, the cells infected with the strain MP287/03 expressed high levels of Arg-1 which competed with iNOS for the common substrate arginine, leading to lower levels of NO production. Conclusions: The data obtained demonstrated that the strain, characterized by increased growth in macrophages, down- modulated classical macrophage activation, through induction of an atypical mixed M1/M2 phenotype.
Background: Despite advances in supportive care, sepsis-related mortality remains high, especially in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). Erythropoietin can protect organs against ischemia and sepsis. This effect has been linked to activation of intracellular survival pathways, although the mechanism remains unclear. Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator (CERA) is an erythropoietin with a unique pharmacologic profile and long half-life. We hypothesized that pretreatment with CERA would be renoprotective in the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model of sepsis-induced AKI. Methods: Rats were randomized into three groups: control; CLP; and CLP+CERA (5 mu g/kg body weight, i.p. administered 24 h before CLP). At 24 hours after CLP, we measured creatinine clearance, biochemical variables, and hemodynamic parameters. In kidney tissue, we performed immunoblotting-to quantify expression of the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC2), aquaporin 2 (AQP2), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), erythropoietin receptor (EpoR), and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B)-and immunohistochemical staining for CD68 (macrophage infiltration). Plasma interleukin (IL)-2, IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-10, interferon gamma, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were measured by multiplex detection. Results: Pretreatment with CERA preserved creatinine clearance and tubular function, as well as the expression of NKCC2 and AQP2. In addition, CERA maintained plasma lactate at normal levels, as well as preserving plasma levels of transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase. Renal expression of TLR4 and NF-kappa B was lower in CLP+CERA rats than in CLP rats (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively), as were CD68-positive cell counts (p<0.01), whereas renal EpoR expression was higher (p<0.05). Plasma levels of all measured cytokines were lower in CLP+CERA rats than in CLP rats. Conclusion: CERA protects against sepsis-induced AKI. This protective effect is, in part, attributable to suppression of the inflammatory response.
Neisseria meningitidis, the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, can adapt to different host niches during human infection. Both transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory networks have been identified as playing a crucial role for bacterial stress responses and virulence. We investigated the N. meningitidis transcriptional landscape both by microarray and by RNA sequencing (RNAseq). Microarray analysis of N. meningitidis grown in the presence or absence of glucose allowed us to identify genes regulated by carbon source availability. In particular, we identified a glucose-responsive hexR-like transcriptional regulator in N. meningitidis. Deletion analysis showed that the hexR gene is accountable for a subset of the glucose-responsive regulation, and in vitro assays with the purified protein showed that HexR binds to the promoters of the central metabolic operons of meningococcus, by targeting a DNA region overlapping putative regulatory sequences. Our results indicate that HexR coordinates the central metabolism of meningococcus in response to the availability of glucose, and N. meningitidis strains lacking the hexR gene are also deficient in establishing successful bacteremia in a mouse model of infection. In parallel, RNAseq analysis of N. meningitidis cultured under standard or iron-limiting in vitro growth conditions allowed us to identify novel small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) potentially involved in N. meningitidis regulatory networks. Manual curation of the RNAseq data generated a list of 51 sRNAs, 8 of which were validated by Northern blotting. Deletion of selected sRNAs caused attenuation of N. meningitidis infection in a murine model, leading to the identification of the first sRNAs influencing meningococcal bacteraemia. Furthermore, we describe the identification and initial characterization of a novel sRNA unique to meningococcus, closely associated to genes relevant for the intracellular survival of pathogenic Neisseriae. Taken together, our findings could help unravel the regulation of N. meningitidis adaptation to the host environment and its implications for pathogenesis.
BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of chronic or acute infections, is traditionally considered an extracellular pathogen despite repeated reports of S. aureus internalization by a variety of non-myeloid cells in vitro. This property potentially contributes to bacterial persistence, protection from antibiotics and evasion of immune defenses. Mechanisms contributing to internalization have been partly elucidated, but bacterial processes triggered intracellularly are largely unknown. RESULTS: We have developed an in vitro model using human lung epithelial cells that shows intracellular bacterial persistence for up to 2 weeks. Using an original approach we successfully collected and amplified low amounts of bacterial RNA recovered from infected eukaryotic cells. Transcriptomic analysis using an oligoarray covering the whole S. aureus genome was performed at two post-internalization times and compared to gene expression of non-internalized bacteria. No signs of cellular death were observed after prolonged internalization of Staphylococcus aureus 6850 in epithelial cells. Following internalization, extensive alterations of bacterial gene expression were observed. Whereas major metabolic pathways including cell division, nutrient transport and regulatory processes were drastically down-regulated, numerous genes involved in iron scavenging and virulence were up-regulated. This initial adaptation was followed by a transcriptional increase in several metabolic functions. However, expression of several toxin genes known to affect host cell integrity appeared strictly limited. CONCLUSION: These molecular insights correlated with phenotypic observations and demonstrated that S. aureus modulates gene expression at early times post infection to promote survival. Staphylococcus aureus appears adapted to intracellular survival in non-phagocytic cells.
In previous studies it has been established that resistance to superoxide by Neisseria gonorrhoeae is dependent on the accumulation of Mn(II) ions involving the ABC transporter, MntABC. A mutant strain lacking the periplasmic binding protein component (MntC) of this transport system is hypersensitive to killing by superoxide anion. In this study the mntC mutant was found to be more sensitive to H2O2 killing than the wild-type. Analysis of regulation of MntC expression revealed that it was de-repressed under low Mn(II) conditions. The N. gonorrhoeae mntABC locus lacks the mntR repressor typically found associated with this locus in other organisms. A search for a candidate regulator of mntABC expression revealed a homologue of PerR, a Mn-dependent peroxide-responsive regulator found in Gram-positive organisms. A perR mutant expressed more MntC protein than wild-type, and expression was independent of Mn(II), consistent with a role for PerR as a repressor of mntABC expression. The PerR regulon of N. gonorrhoeae was defined by microarray analysis and includes ribosomal proteins, TonB-dependent receptors and an alcohol dehydrogenase. Both the mntC and perR mutants had reduced intracellular survival in a human cervical epithelial cell model.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are typically caused by bacteria that colonize different regions of the urinary tract, mainly the bladder and the kidney. Approximately 25% of women that suffer from UTIs experience a recurrent infection within 6 months of the initial bout, making UTIs a serious economic burden resulting in more than 10 million hospital visits and $3.5 billion in healthcare costs in the United States alone. Type-1 fimbriated Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) is the major causative agent of UTIs, accounting for almost 90 % of bacterial UTIs. The unique ability of UPEC to bind and invade the superficial bladder epithelium allows the bacteria to persist inside epithelial niches and survive antibiotic treatment. Persistent, intracellular UPEC are retained in the bladder epithelium for long periods, making them a source of recurrent UTIs. Hence, the ability of UPEC to persist in the bladder is a matter of major health and economic concern, making studies exploring the underlying mechanism of UPEC persistence highly relevant.
In my thesis, I will describe how intracellular Uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) evade host defense mechanisms in the superficial bladder epithelium. I will also describe some of the unique traits of persistent UPEC and explore strategies to induce their clearance from the bladder. I have discovered that the UPEC virulence factor Alpha-hemolysin (HlyA) plays a key role in the survival and persistence of UPEC in the superficial bladder epithelium. In-vitro and in-vivo studies comparing intracellular survival of wild type (WT) and hemolysin deficient UPEC suggested that HlyA is vital for UPEC persistence in the superficial bladder epithelium. Further in-vitro studies revealed that hemolysin helped UPEC persist intracellularly by evading the bacterial expulsion actions of the bladder cells and remarkably, this virulence factor also helped bacteria avoid t degradation in lysosomes.
To elucidate the mechanistic basis for how hemolysin promotes UPEC persistence in the urothelium, we initially focused on how hemolysin facilitates the evasion of UPEC expulsion from bladder cells. We found that upon entry, UPEC were encased in “exocytic vesicles” but as a result of HlyA expression these bacteria escaped these vesicles and entered the cytosol. Consequently, these bacteria were able to avoid expulsion by the cellular export machinery.
Since bacteria found in the cytosol of host cells are typically recognized by the cellular autophagy pathway and transported to the lysosomes where they are degraded, we explored why this was not the case here. We observed that although cytosolic HlyA expressing UPEC were recognized and encased by the autophagy system and transported to lysosomes, the bacteria appeared to avoid degradation in these normally degradative compartments. A closer examination of the bacteria containing lysosomes revealed that they lacked V-ATPase. V-ATPase is a well-known proton pump essential for the acidification of mammalian intracellular degradative compartments, allowing for the proper functioning of degradative proteases. The absence of V-ATPase appeared to be due to hemolysin mediated alteration of the bladder cell F-actin network. From these studies, it is clear that UPEC hemolysin facilitates UPEC persistence in the superficial bladder epithelium by helping bacteria avoid expulsion by the exocytic machinery of the cell and at the same time enabling the bacteria avoid degradation when the bacteria are shuttled into the lysosomes.
Interestingly even though UPEC appear to avoid elimination from the bladder cell their ability to multiple in bladder cells seem limited.. Indeed, our in-vitro and in-vivo experiments reveal that UPEC survive in superficial bladder epithelium for extended periods of time without a significantly change in CFU numbers. Indeed, we observed these bacteria appeared quiescent in nature. This observation was supported by the observation that UPEC genetically unable to enter a quiescence phase exhibited limited ability to persist in bladder cells in vitro and in vivo, in the mouse bladder.
The studies elucidated in this thesis reveal how UPEC toxin, Alpha-hemolysin plays a significant role in promoting UPEC persistence via the modulation of the vesicular compartmentalization of UPEC at two different stages of the infection in the superficial bladder epithelium. These results highlight the importance of UPEC Alpha-hemolysin as an essential determinant of UPEC persistence in the urinary bladder.
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is one of the most important swine pathogens and often serves as an entry door for other viral or bacterial pathogens, of which Streptococcus suis is one of the most common. Pre-infection with PRRSV leads to exacerbated disease caused by S. suis infection. Very few studies have assessed the immunological mechanisms underlying this higher susceptibility. Since antigen presenting cells play a major role in the initiation of the immune response, the in vitro transcriptional response of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and monocytes in the context of PRRSV and S. suis co-infection was investigated. BMDCs were found to be more permissive than monocytes to PRRSV infection; S. suis phagocytosis by PRRSV-infected BMDCs was found to be impaired, whereas no effect was found on bacterial intracellular survival. Transcription profile analysis, with a major focus on inflammatory genes, following S. suis infection, with and without pre-infection with PRRSV, was then performed. While PRRSV pre-infection had little effect on monocytes response to S. suis infection, a significant expression of several pro-inflammatory molecules was observed in BMDCs pre-infected with PRRSV after a subsequent infection with S. suis. While an additive effect could be observed for CCL4, CCL14, CCL20, and IL-15, a distinct synergistic up-regulatory effect was observed for IL-6, CCL5 and TNF-α after co-infection. This increased pro-inflammatory response by DCs could participate in the exacerbation of the disease observed during PRRSV and S. suis co-infection.
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is one of the most important swine pathogens and often serves as an entry door for other viral or bacterial pathogens, of which Streptococcus suis is one of the most common. Pre-infection with PRRSV leads to exacerbated disease caused by S. suis infection. Very few studies have assessed the immunological mechanisms underlying this higher susceptibility. Since antigen presenting cells play a major role in the initiation of the immune response, the in vitro transcriptional response of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and monocytes in the context of PRRSV and S. suis co-infection was investigated. BMDCs were found to be more permissive than monocytes to PRRSV infection; S. suis phagocytosis by PRRSV-infected BMDCs was found to be impaired, whereas no effect was found on bacterial intracellular survival. Transcription profile analysis, with a major focus on inflammatory genes, following S. suis infection, with and without pre-infection with PRRSV, was then performed. While PRRSV pre-infection had little effect on monocytes response to S. suis infection, a significant expression of several pro-inflammatory molecules was observed in BMDCs pre-infected with PRRSV after a subsequent infection with S. suis. While an additive effect could be observed for CCL4, CCL14, CCL20, and IL-15, a distinct synergistic up-regulatory effect was observed for IL-6, CCL5 and TNF-α after co-infection. This increased pro-inflammatory response by DCs could participate in the exacerbation of the disease observed during PRRSV and S. suis co-infection.