838 resultados para international marketing


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L’industrie de la publicité doit se renouveler sans cesse pour suivre la réalité en constante évolution des entreprises et de leurs consommateurs, afin de produire des messages qui toucheront, séduiront, puis convaincront les publics visés. Différents facteurs socioéconomiques, politiques mais également technologiques incitent les annonceurs à orchestrer de vastes campagnes multilingues et multiculturelles, où est présentée une idée unique, conforme à l’identité de la marque, qui sera adaptée dans différents marchés. Il s’agit d’une stratégie très différente de celle de la création de campagnes propres à chaque culture, par des agences locales. Le choix de l’adaptation, motivé par des raisons économiques bien sûr, mais également stratégiques, entraîne une évolution de la perception de l’acte traduisant et de ses acteurs au sein du milieu du marketing et de la publicité. Alors que nous assistons à un rapprochement des industries du marketing et de la traduction, principalement dans les marchés secondaires comme le Québec, ce projet doctoral propose une réflexion traductologique sur la place que peut occuper l’adaptation dans une stratégie en publicité marketing, et sur les différentes fonctions que peut remplir un traducteur intégré à une équipe de spécialistes de la communication. Par ailleurs, de la réception du mandat d’adaptation à l’agence de marketing jusqu’à la diffusion du message dans la culture cible, nous explorons dans notre travail les différentes avenues que peut prendre le processus d’adaptation publicitaire. Cette thèse par articles comprend six publications en traductologie, publiées ou acceptées par des comités scientifiques, qui étudient la question de l’adaptation publicitaire sous un angle traductologique, mais ce travail multidisciplinaire s’inspire aussi des contributions des experts des études sur l’adaptation, la culture ainsi que la communication publicitaire. D’abord, le premier chapitre définit les notions de traduction, d’adaptation et d’appropriation auxquelles nous référerons tout au long de la thèse, et les situe dans le contexte de la communication promotionnelle internationale, notamment. Le deuxième chapitre dresse un portrait pratique et théorique de l’adaptation publicitaire, et porte sur les relations de travail entre le traducteur et les autres professionnels de l’agence. Nous y énumérons notamment les raisons de la progression du marché mondial de l’adaptation, comparativement à celui des multiples créations locales. Ensuite, le chapitre 3 définit les défis variés de l’adaptation publicitaire, et en présente une classification inspirée par la taxonomie de la théorie fonctionnaliste en traductologie, formée de quatre problèmes et deux difficultés traductionnels. Le chapitre 4 présente une réflexion sur les mécanismes intellectuels de l’adaptation publicitaire et sur les différentes lectures que le traducteur doit faire du texte source pour produire un message efficace, respectivement la lecture analytique (rationnelle et raisonnée), puis la lecture empathique, où il anticipe la réaction émotive des cibles. Le cinquième chapitre se concentre sur un aspect de la traduction audiovisuelle presque exclusive à l’industrie publicitaire : la double version, où le traducteur traduit non pas des dialogues apposés à l’image originale, mais plutôt le scénario dans son entièreté, afin de produire un nouveau message vidéo avec des acteurs appartenant à la culture cible. Enfin, notre sixième chapitre est une étude de cas menée en agence de publicité, qui analyse la pratique professionnelle de traducteurs dans leur environnement de travail, les mandats qui leur sont confiés ainsi que les ressources dont ils disposent. Ensemble, ces six chapitres visent à mieux faire connaître la démarche intellectuelle de l’adaptation publicitaire, à comprendre comment différents facteurs influencent le rôle du traducteur au sein d’une agence, à déterminer comment mieux préparer les professionnels de demain à exceller dans le marché très prometteur du marketing international, et à contribuer à l’avancement de la réflexion traductologique par l’étude d’un type de traduction spécialisée qui se démarque par ses pratiques et ses défis aussi intéressants qu’uniques.


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Supersedes OBR 74-58.


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Cover title.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Terrorism poses both direct and indirect threats to the operations of the firm. It represents a market imperfection that increases transaction costs and creates barriers to the free flow of goods, affecting potential gains that would occur in the presence of unhindered exchange. Terrorism reflects the risk or actual encounter of violent acts, whose goal is to engender fear, coercion, or intimidation. We investigate terrorism and its association with marketing strategy and operations. Key concepts on terrorism are reviewed and a collection of propositions is offered. We highlight the pivotal roles of sourcing, production, distribution, pricing, communications, and general business strategy as functions influenced by, or capable of influencing, terrorism. Lastly, we offer managerial implications, as well as directions and guidelines for future research.


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Despite the now well developed use of sponsorship-linked marketing, there have been few methodological advances in the measurement of sponsorship constructs and outcomes. This paper offers a preliminary development of an activity index for use in the sponsorship marketing context. The activity index seeks to capture the consumer's extended experience with sport (rugby) and considers the relationship of this overall experience to sponsorship-related outcomes of interest. Initial development of the index, based on a convenience sample of 108 people visiting a sports centre, shows promise.


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This article proposes a framework of alternative international marketing strategies, based on the evaluation of intra- and inter-cultural behavioural homogeneity for market segmentation. The framework developed in this study provides a generic structure to behavioural homogeneity, proposing consumer involvement as a construct with unique predictive ability for international marketing strategy decisions. A model-based segmentation process, using structural equation models, is implemented to illustrate the application of the framework.


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This paper presents a generic strategic framework of alternative international marketing strategies and market segmentation based on intra- and inter-cultural behavioural homogeneity. Consumer involvement (CI) is proposed as a pivotal construct to capture behavioural homogeneity, for the identification of market segments. Results from a five-country study demonstrate how the strategic framework can be valuable in managerial decision-making. First, there is evidence for the cultural invariance of the measurement of CI, allowing a true comparison of inter- and intra-cultural behavioural homogeneity. Second, CI influences purchase behaviour, and its evaluation provides a rich source of information for responsive market segmentation. Finally, a decomposition of behavioural variance suggests that national-cultural environment and nationally transcendent variables explain differences in behaviour. The Behavioural Homogeneity Evaluation Framework therefore suggests appropriate international marketing strategies, providing practical guidance for implementing involvement-contingent strategies. © 2007 Academy of International Business. All rights reserved.


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Purpose - This paper aims to explore the nature of divestment within the context of retailer internationalisation. Design/methodology/approach - It focuses on the activities of the Dutch food multinational retailer Royal Ahold (Ahold). Drawing on 37 in-depth interviews with investment banks and executives, this paper provides a number of insights into Ahold's international retail divestment activities within the context of a broadly successful international investment strategy. Findings - It offers some new insights into the multidimensional nature of international retail divestment construct in terms of the operational as well as more subtle and less visible non-operational international retail divestments. It is concluded from this study that, rather than portraying strategic and opportunistic approaches as binary opposites, a retail firm may have varying degrees of approaches to international retail divestment, and these may not necessarily be isomorphic across different countries. Research limitations/implications - The paper explores international retail divestment from a rather broad perspective, although it is hoped that these parameters can be used to raise a new set of more detailed priorities for future research on international retail divestment. Practical implications - This paper raises a number of interesting issues such as whether retailers initially take divestment seriously and the degree to which this is actually possible during market entry. Originality/value - As called for in the literature, this study examines divestment in the broadest possible fashion, thus addressing a major gap in our understanding of the whole internationalisation process. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Market entry decisions are some of a firm's most important long-term strategic choices. Still, the international marketing literature has not yet fully incorporated the idea of relationship marketing in general, and the customer value concept in particular, as a basis for market entry decisions. This article presents some conceptual ideas about a customer value based market selection model. The metric International Added Customer Equity (IACE), a straightforward decision criterion derived from the customer equity concept is presented as an additional decision criterion for export market selection and ultimately market entry.


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An ongoing strong debate within the marketing discipline concerns the role of marketing within the firm. It has been frequently reported that the marketing function is in a deep decline. Marketing executives and academics alike are interested in the antecedents of this decline and potential performance consequences of this decline. Recent academic research have started investigations on this important topic. Using studies in single countries innovativeness and accountability of the marketing department has been reported as major antecedents of the influence of the marketing department within the organization. Academic research, however, does not provide convincing evidence for a direct link between this influence and business performance. Instead it shows that market orientation is a crucial intervening variable, as marketing department influence is positively related market orientation, which subsequently positively related to business performance. As noted prior research, however, studies firms in single countries. In this article we execute a cross-national study on the antecedents and performance consequences of marketing department influence in order to derive initial empirical generalizations. This study is executed in seven Western-oriented countries, including USA, UK, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Israel and Australia. The study heavily builds on the framework developed in the 2009 Journal of Marketing article of Verhoef and Leeflang. This framework is tested per country and subsequently meta-analytic tests are used to derive initial empirical generalizations. An important empirical generalization is that innovativeness, the customer-connecting capabilities, and accountability of the marketing department are positively related to marketing department influence. Interestingly, a second initial generalization is that creativity of the marketing negative induces less influence. Our results also show a third empirical generalization in that firms having a CEO with a marketing background tend to have more influential marketing departments. Confirming prior research a fourth initial empirical generalization is that MD influence measures and market orientation are positively related. Market orientation is subsequently positively related to business performance. Our most important generalization is, however, that MD influence is positively related to business performance. Hence, beyond striving to become market oriented, firms should also aim to have strong marketing departments. These departments can create a stronger focus on the customer and can also coordinate marketing efforts. In order to become more influential marketing departments should: (1) acquire innovative capabilities, (2) be more connected to customers, (3) invest in accountability, and (4) be careful with be careful being too creative.


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Marketing and technological capabilities are major drivers of new product performance. Prior research has suggested that marketing capabilities outperform technological capabilities. This study shows that the relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities for new product performance depends on the institutional context in a country. Meta-analytic data of 341 effect sizes of the relationship between capabilities and new product performance taken from 50 articles with 57 independent samples and collected in 17 different countries reveal new contingencies to the capabilities framework. Although in general, marketing capabilities have a stronger influence than technological capabilities on new product performance, this effect is moderated by institutional context factors. The relative advantage decreases and even reverses with increasing growth rates; it further decreases with increasingly stronger rules of law in a country; and it increases in societies that put emphasis on self-expression values over survival values. These findings contribute to research on the utility of different capabilities, inform the institution-based view of firms in international marketing, and provide implications for international marketing managers.


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Jelen tanulmány a posztmodern kor fogyasztási tendenciáit és a posztmodern marketing sajátos fejlődését elemzi, elsősorban a turizmus példáján. A szerzők a hazai és a nemzetközi szakirodalom, illetve saját kutatásaik és megfigyeléseik alapján ütköztetik az ismert és elfogadott elveket, elméleteket a gyakorlattal, és felhívják a figyelmet a marketingtevékenység alkalmazkodásának hazai problémáira. A Vezetéstudomány című folyóirat 2008/9. számában rendkívül érdekes tanulmány jelent meg Mitev Ariel Zoltán és Horváth Dóra tollából „A posztmodern marketing rózsaszirmai” címmel. A tanulmány előremutató, érdekfeszítő és minden tekintetben konstruktív, újszerű. Jelen tanulmány szerzőire is nagy hatást gyakorolt a cikk, nagyrészt felsorolt erényei miatt, de egyes esetekben kiegészítést kívánva. Mindenképpen inspirálta a továbblépést, az újabb adalékok megfogalmazását, amire ezúton e tanulmány szerzői kísérletet tettek. A cikk egyben szerves gondolati folytatása a szerzőpáros korábbi közös publikációinak, elsősorban a Marketing & Menedzsment folyóiratban megjelent cikknek. _______ In this article the author will analyze consumption tendencies of post-modern age, mainly using tourism marketing examples. Their analysis has been based on results of their own researches and researches published in Hungarian and international marketing literature. In this article they try to confront different theories of post-modern marketing and they will analyze problems of applicability of these theories in Hungarian marketing problem solving. An extremely interesting article was published in Vezetéstudomány (2008/9), written by Zoltán Mitev Ariel and Dóra Horváth, and this article, by its interesting, innovative and constructive aspect has largely influenced authors of present article to continue the path proposed in the abovementioned article. The article, in the same time, is an organic continuation of the earlier common publications of the authors, e.g. the recent article in Marketing & Menedzsment journal.


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Este artículo es un análisis estadístico retrospectivo de la nacionalidad de dos elementos: las agencias de publicidad con sede en Colombia con mayor número de anuncios premiados en festivales nacionales e internacionales, y las marcas que presentan estos anuncios, según los datos referentes a Colombia generados por el ranking UNIR de Publicidad Iberoamericano (2012-2013). Los resultados demuestran que estas agencias son agentes del marketing nacional e internacional, destacando que son los anuncios con temática y recursos nacionales los más premiados.