969 resultados para insect and plant trypanosomatids
The objective of the present work was to evaluate 27 progenies of cocoa crosses considering the agronomic traits and select F1 plants within superior crosses. The experiment was installed in March 2005, in the Experimental Station Joaquim Bahiana (ESJOB), in Itajuipe, Bahia. The area of the experiment is of approximately 3 ha, with a total of 3240 plants. Thirteen evaluations of vegetative brooms, five of cushion brooms and 15 of number of pods per plant were accomplished. Thirty pollinations were made for each selected plant to test for self-compatibility. The production, based on the number of pods per plant, and resistance to witches´ broom indicated CEPEC 94 x CCN 10, RB 39 x CCN 51 and CCN 10 x VB 1151 as superior progenies. All selections tested were self-compatible. The analyses of progenies and individual tree data, associated to visual field observations, allowed the selection of 17 plants which were included in a network of regional tests to determine the phenotypic stability.
ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen doses applied via fertigation and associated with different types of crop establishment fertilization on growth and biomass of radish. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Academic Unit of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, from April to May 2014. Treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen fertilizer applied by fertigation (0, 0.7, 1.4, 2.1 and 2.8g per pot) and three types of crop establishment fertilization (humus 2:2; NPK and control), arranged in a 5 x 3 factor design with four repetitions. The 15 treatments were arranged in 60 plots. The nitrogen source used in the study was urea, divided in three applications: the first application was carried out eight days after transplanting, the second, on day 15, and the third, on day 22. The crop establishment fertilization significantly influenced the growth variables and plant mass of the radish on day 35 after transplanting. The highest values of the variables (number of leaves, plant height, bulb diameter, leaf area, fresh mass of the aerial part, dry mass of the aerial part and root/aerial part were observed in the treatment with humus on day 35 after transplanting. The dose of 2.8g nitrogen per pot corresponding to 6.22g of urea per plant provided the highest yield for the variable number of leafs, leaf area and root length on day 35 after transplanting.
Different anthropogenic sources of metals can result from agricultural, industrial, military, mining and urban activities that contribute to environmental pollution. Plants can be grown for phytoremediation to remove or stabilize contaminants in water and soil. Copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) are trace essential metals for plants, although their role in homeostasis in plants must be strictly regulated to avoid toxicity. In this review, we summarize the processes involved in the bioavailability, uptake, transport and storage of Cu, Mn and Zn in plants. The efficiency of phytoremediation depends on several factors including metal bioavailability and plant uptake, translocation and tolerance mechanisms. Soil parameters, such as clay fraction, organic matter content, oxidation state, pH, redox potential, aeration, and the presence of specific organisms, play fundamental roles in the uptake of trace essential metals. Key processes in the metal homeostasis network in plants have been identified. Membrane transporters involved in the acquisition, transport and storage of trace essential metals are reviewed. Recent advances in understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of Cu, Mn and Zn hyperaccumulation are described. The use of plant-bacteria associations, plant-fungi associations and genetic engineering has opened a new range of opportunities to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation. The main directions for future research are proposed from the investigation of published results.
Fruit tree production is gaining an increasing importance in the central Amazon and elsewhere in the humid tropics, but very little is known about the nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant system. The present study quantified the effects of fertilization and cover cropping with a legume (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth.) on soil nitrogen (N) dynamics and plant nutrition in a young guarana plantation (Paullinia cupana Kunth. (H.B. and K.) var. sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke) on a highly weathered Xanthic Ferralsol. Large subsoil nitrate (NO3-) accumulation at 0.3-3 m below the guarana plantation indicated N leaching from the topsoil. The NO3- contents to a depth of 2 m were 2.4 times greater between the trees than underneath unfertilized trees (P<0.05). The legume cover crop between the trees increased soil N availability as shown by elevated aerobic N mineralization and lower N immobilization in microbial biomass. The guarana N nutrition and yield did not benefit from the N input by biological fixation of atmospheric N2 by the legume cover (P>0.05). Even without a legume intercrop, large amounts of NO3- were found in the subsoil between unfertilized trees. Subsoil NO3- between the trees could be utilized, however, by fertilized guarana. This can be explained by a more vigorous growth of fertilized trees which had a larger nutrient demand and exploited a larger soil volume. With a legume cover crop, however, more mineral N was available at the topsoil which was leached into the subsoil and consequently accumulated at 0.3-3 m depth. Fertilizer additions of P and K were needed to increase subsoil NO3- use between trees.
Nutrient recycling in the forest is linked to the production and decomposition of litter, which are essential processes for forest maintenance, especially in regions of nutritionally poor soils. Human interventions in forest such as selecttive logging may have strong impacts on these processes. The objectives of this study were to estimate litterfall production and evaluate the influence of environmental factors (basal area of vegetation, plant density, canopy cover, and soil physicochemical properties) and anthropogenic factors (post-management age and exploited basal area) on this production, in areas of intact and exploited forest in southern Amazonia, located in the northern parts of Mato Grosso state. This study was conducted at five locations and the average annual production of litterfall was 10.6 Mg ha-1 year-1, higher than the values for the Amazon rainforest. There were differences in litterfall productions between study locations. Effects of historical logging intensity on litterfall production were not significant. Effects of basal area of vegetation and tree density on litterfall production were observed, highlighting the importance of local vegetation characteristics in litterfall production. This study demonstrated areas of transition between the Amazonia-Cerrado tend to have a higher litterfall production than Cerrado and Amazonia regions, and this information is important for a better understanding of the dynamics of nutrient and carbon cycling in these transition regions.
Environmental gradients have been postulated to generate patterns of diversity and diet specialization, in which more stable environments, such as tropical regions, should promote higher diversity and specialization. Using field sampling and phylogenetic analyses of butterfly fauna over an entire alpine region, we show that butterfly specialization (measured as the mean phylogenetic distance between utilized host plants) decreases at higher elevations, alongside a decreasing gradient of plant diversity. Consistent with current hypotheses on the relationship between biodiversity and the strength of species interactions, we experimentally show that a higher level of generalization at high elevations is associated with lower levels of plant resistance: across 16 pairs of plant species, low-elevation plants were more resistant vis-à-vis their congeneric alpine relatives. Thus, the links between diversity, herbivore diet specialization, and plant resistance along an elevation gradient suggest a causal relationship analogous to that hypothesized along latitudinal gradients.
Summary For the nutritional management of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis it is important to identify nutrients that positively influence the bone remodeling process at the cellular level. Soy isoflavones show promising osteoprotective effects in animals and humans but their mechanism of action in bone cells is yet poorly understood. Firstly, soy tissue cultures were characterized as a new and optimized source of isoflavones. A large variability in the isoflavone content was observed and high-producing strains (46.3 mg/g dry wt isoflavones) were identified. In the Ishikawa cells bioassay, the estrogenicity of isoflavones was confirmed to be 1000 to 10000 less than 17Mestradiol and that of the malonyl forms was shown for the first time (EC50 of 350 nM and 1880 nM for malonylgenistin and malonyldaidzin, respectively). The estrogenic activity of soya tissue culture extracts correlated to their isoflavone content. Secondly, the effects of phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway, as key mediators of bone formation, were investigated. Dietary achievable concentrations of genistein and daidzein (10vM), and statins (4xM) but not 17M estradiol (10nM), induced BMP-2 gene expression (by up to 3-fold) and inhibited the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway (by up to 50%) in the human osteoblastic cell line hP0B¬tert. In addition, several plant extracts (Cyperus rotundus, Lindera benzoin and Cnidium monnieri) induced BMP-2 gene expression but this induction was not restricted to the inhibition of the cholesterol synthesis pathway neither to the estrogenicity. Finally, the gene expression profiles during hP0B-tert differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone were analyzed with the Affymetrix human GeneChip. 1665 different genes and 98 ESTs were significantly regulated. The expression profiles of bone-related genes was largely in agreement with previously documented patterns, supporting the physiological relevance of the genomic results and the hP0B-tert cell line as a valid model of human osteoblast differentiation. The expression of alternative differentiation markers during the osteogenic treatment of hP0B-tert cells indicated that the adipocyte and myoblast differentiation pathways were repressed, confirming that these culture conditions allowed only osteoblast differentiation. The gene ontology analysis identified further sub-groups of genes that may be involved in the bone formation process. Aims of the thesis In order to define new strategies for the nutritional management of bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis the major goal of the present work was to investigate the potential of phytonutrients to positively modulate the bone formation process at the cellular level and, in particular: 1.To select and optimise alternative plant sources containing high levels of isoflavones with estrogenic activity (Chapter 3). 2.To compare the effects of statins and phytonutrients on BMP-2 gene expression and on the mevalonate synthesis pathway and to select new plant extracts with a bone anabolic potential (Chapter 4). 3.To further characterize the new human periosteal cell line, hP0B-tert, as a bone- formation model, by elucidating its gene expression profile during differentiation induced by vitamin D and dexamethasone (Chapter 5).
cis-natural antisense transcripts (cis-NATs) are widespread in plants and are often associated with downregulation of their associated sense genes. We found that a cis-NAT positively regulates the level of a protein critical for phosphate homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa). PHOSPHATE1;2 (PHO1;2), a gene involved in phosphate loading into the xylem in rice, and its associated cis-NATPHO1;2 are both controlled by promoters active in the vascular cylinder of roots and leaves. While the PHO1;2 promoter is unresponsive to the plant phosphate status, the cis-NATPHO1;2 promoter is strongly upregulated under phosphate deficiency. Expression of both cis-NATPHO1;2 and the PHO1;2 protein increased in phosphate-deficient plants, while the PHO1;2 mRNA level remained stable. Downregulation of cis-NATPHO1;2 expression by RNA interference resulted in a decrease in PHO1;2 protein, impaired the transfer of phosphate from root to shoot, and decreased seed yield. Constitutive overexpression of NATPHO1;2 in trans led to a strong increase of PHO1;2, even under phosphate-sufficient conditions. Under all conditions, no changes occurred in the level of expression, sequence, or nuclear export of PHO1;2 mRNA. However, expression of cis-NATPHO1;2 was associated with a shift of both PHO1;2 and cis-NATPHO1;2 toward the polysomes. These findings reveal an unexpected role for cis-NATPHO1;2 in promoting PHO1;2 translation and affecting phosphate homeostasis and plant fitness.
Recent progress in understanding plant defence has highlighted a complex, interacting network of signalling pathways leading to the induction of numerous genes. The advent of new technologies for the global analysis of gene expression is fundamentally affecting research in biology, and studies on plant defence should benefit from these new approaches. Genome-wide microarrays will provide a powerful tool for the discovery of all defence-related genes and should help in elucidating their function. The association of a particular signalling pathway with a defence response can be tested with microarrays and defined mutants. Comparison of transcript profiles after biotic and abiotic stresses reveals overlapping activation of defence-related genes and defines new concepts on how plants cope with multiple aggressions. The combination of expression data with other biochemical or metabolite measurements seems another promising approach. Finally, small-scale, dedicated microarrays containing sets of well-characterised genes might prove to be a very useful complement to more expensive, less accessible, large-scale arrays.
In the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the municipality of Pelotas is responsible for 90 % of peach production due to its suitable climate and soil conditions. However, there is the need for new studies that aim at improved fruit quality and increased yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship that exists between soil physical properties and properties in the peach plant in the years 2010 and 2011 by the technique of multivariate canonical correlation. The experiment was conducted in a peach orchard located in the municipality of Morro Redondo, RS, Brazil, where an experimental grid of 101 plants was established. In a trench dug beside each one of the 101 plants, soil samples were collected to determine silt, clay, and sand contents, soil density, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, and volumetric water content in the 0.00-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m layers, as well as the depth of the A horizon. In each plant and in each year, the following properties were assessed: trunk diameter, fruit size and number of fruits per plant, average weight of the fruit per plant, fruit pulp firmness, Brix content, and yield from the orchard. Exploratory analysis of the data was undertaken by descriptive statistics, and the relationships between the physical properties of the soil and of the plant were assessed by canonical correlation analysis. The results showed that the clay and microporosity variables were those that exhibited the highest coefficients of canonical cross-loading with the plant properties in the soil layers assessed, and that the variable of mean weight of the fruit per plant was that which had the highest coefficients of canonical loading within the plant group for the two years assessed.
Surface roughness of the soil is formed by mechanical tillage and is also influenced by the kind and amount of plant residue, among other factors. Its persistence over time mainly depends on the fundamental characteristics of rain and soil type. However, few studies have been developed to evaluate these factors in Latossolos (Oxisols). In this study, we evaluated the effect of soil tillage and of amounts of plant residue on surface roughness of an Oxisol under simulated rain. Treatments consisted of the combination of the tillage systems of no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), and minimum tillage (MT) with rates of plant residue of 0, 1, and 2 Mg ha-1 of oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) and 0, 3, and 6 Mg ha-1 of maize (Zea mays L.). Seven simulated rains were applied on each experimental plot, with intensity of 60±2 mm h-1 and duration of 1 h at weekly intervals. The values of the random roughness index ranged from 2.94 to 17.71 mm in oats, and from 5.91 to 20.37 mm in maize, showing that CT and MT are effective in increasing soil surface roughness. It was seen that soil tillage operations carried out with the chisel plow and the leveling disk harrow are more effective in increasing soil roughness than those carried out with the heavy disk harrow and leveling disk harrow. The roughness index of the soil surface decreases exponentially with the increase in the rainfall volume applied under conditions of no tillage without soil cover, conventional tillage, and minimum tillage. The oat and maize crop residue present on the soil surface is effective in maintaining the roughness of the soil surface under no-tillage.
Natural processes that determine soil and plant litter properties are controlled by multiple factors. However, little attention has been given to distinguishing the effects of environmental factors from the effects of spatial structure of the area on the distribution of soil and litter properties in tropical ecosystems covering heterogeneous topographies. The aim of this study was to assess patterns of soil and litter variation in a tropical area that intercepts different levels of solar radiation throughout the year since its topography has slopes predominantly facing opposing geographic directions. Soil data (pH, C, N, P, H+Al, Ca, Mg, K, Al, Na, sand, and silt) and plant litter data (N, K, Ca, P, and Mg) were gathered together with the geographic coordinates (to model the spatial structure) of 40 sampling units established at two sites composed of slopes predominantly facing northwest and southeast (20 units each). Soil and litter chemical properties varied more among slopes within similar geographic orientations than between the slopes facing opposing directions. Both the incident solar radiation and the spatial structure of the area were relevant in explaining the patterns detected in variation of soil and plant litter. Individual contributions of incident solar radiation to explain the variation in the properties evaluated suggested that this and other environmental factors may play a particularly relevant role in determining soil and plant litter distribution in tropical areas with heterogeneous topography. Furthermore, this study corroborates that the spatial structure of the area also plays an important role in the distribution of soil and litter within this type of landscape, which appears to be consistent with the action of water movement mechanisms in such areas.
In comparison with other micronutrients, the levels of nickel (Ni) available in soils and plant tissues are very low, making quantification very difficult. The objective of this paper is to present optimized determination methods of Ni availability in soils by extractants and total content in plant tissues for routine commercial laboratory analyses. Samples of natural and agricultural soils were processed and analyzed by Mehlich-1 extraction and by DTPA. To quantify Ni in the plant tissues, samples were digested with nitric acid in a closed system in a microwave oven. The measurement was performed by inductively coupled plasma/optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). There was a positive and significant correlation between the levels of available Ni in the soils subjected to Mehlich-1 and DTPA extraction, while for plant tissue samples the Ni levels recovered were high and similar to the reference materials. The availability of Ni in some of the natural soil and plant tissue samples were lower than the limits of quantification. Concentrations of this micronutrient were higher in the soil samples in which Ni had been applied. Nickel concentration differed in the plant parts analyzed, with highest levels in the grains of soybean. The grain, in comparison with the shoot and leaf concentrations, were better correlated with the soil available levels for both extractants. The methods described in this article were efficient in quantifying Ni and can be used for routine laboratory analysis of soils and plant tissues.