579 resultados para inibidor de protox


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de cana-de-açúcar por meio de inibidores da PROTOX e antioxidantes para indução do acúmulo de protoporfirina IX (PROTO IX) e/ou de seus precursores em plantas. Esses compostos podem ser utilizados como agentes sensibilizantes em terapia fotodinâmica (TFD), os quais possibilitam uma fonte de baixo custo para o tratamento de neoplasias e carcinomas. O experimento foi montado em câmara climatizada, com aplicação de nove tratamentos (1. oxyfluorfen + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E; 2. oxyfluorfen + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; 3. oxyfluorfen; 4. carfentrazone + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E; 5. carfentrazone + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; 6. carfentrazone; 7. testemunha + vitaminas C e E; 8. testemunha + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; e 9. testemunha) em oito genótipos de cana-de-açúcar (PO933499, RB806043, RB470355, PO830698, SP701143, PO901387, PO894414 e SP903414), dispostos em esquema fatorial 9 x 8, com quatro repetições. As repetições constituíram-se de folhas (20 cm) destacadas de cada genótipo, sendo estas pulverizadas com os tratamentos mencionados, em simulador estacionário. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle aos 2 DAA (dias após aplicação) e, no fim do estudo, determinações analíticas via extração da biomassa fresca, verificando os teores de protoporfirina IX por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Os resultados mostraram que em curto prazo foram detectados aumentos significativos nas concentrações de PROTO IX para os genótipos RB470355 e SP903414 submetidos ao tratamento 2 e para o genótipo SP701143 submetido ao tratamento 8, indicando que eles podem ser utilizados como fontes acumuladoras de protoporfirina IX.


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Os testes utilizados para identificação de biótipos resistentes de plantas daninhas aos herbicidas variam segundo o tempo de execução e o grau de complexidade, sendo necessário determinar a eficácia de métodos rápidos e de simples execução. Foram realizados dois ensaios, simultaneamente, em laboratório, em delineamento completamente casualizado, empregando a imersão de folhas de E. heterophylla suscetíveis e resistentes a inibidores da ALS e da PROTOX em solução herbicida. A parte aérea das plantas foi submersa em solução herbicida com diferentes concentrações de imazethapyr, imazapyr e nicosulfuron (inibidores da ALS) e fomesafen, lactofen e carfentrazone (inibidores da PROTOX). O controle do biótipo suscetível foi crescente com o decorrer do tempo, e as doses comerciais dos inibidores da ALS e da PROTOX testados apresentaram controle eficiente. O biótipo resistente mostrou diferentes níveis de resistência em função do herbicida testado e da variável considerada. Os resultados encontrados respaldam a técnica da imersão foliar como adequada para a discriminação de biótipos suscetíveis ou com resistência múltipla a inibidores da ALS e PROTOX. A técnica demonstrou ser rápida o suficiente para a detecção precoce da resistência, o que possibilitaria a adoção de medidas de contenção ainda na mesma safra.


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The objective of this study was to determine the activity of the enzyme acetolactate synthase in biotypes of wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla) with multiple resistance to ALS- and Protox- inhibitors in the presence and absence of imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron. We conducted in vitro assay of ALS enzyme extracted from plants of Vitorino, Bom Sucesso do Sul and Medianeira biotypes (with multiple resistance) and a susceptible population in the absence and presence of imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron. In the absence of herbicides, biotypes with multiple resistance showed higher affinity for the substrate of the enzyme compared with the susceptible population. The herbicides imazapyr, imazethapyr and nicosulfuron had little effect on the enzyme activity of ALS-resistant biotypes and, conversely, high inhibitory effect on ALS of the susceptible population. Resistance factors were very high, greater than 438, 963 and 474 for Vitorino, Bom Sucesso do Sul and Medianeira biotypes, respectively. The resistance to ALS inhibitors is due to the insensitivity of ALS to herbicides of both imidazolinone and sulfonylurea groups, characterizing a cross-resistance.


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A soja contém fatores antinutricionais proteicos, inibidores de proteases e lectinas, que limitam o seu uso na alimentação humana e animal. Com a finalidade de reduzir os teores destes antinutricionais na semente de soja, foi desenvolvida uma linhagem sem Inibidor de Tripsina Kunitz (KTI) e Lectina (LEC), pelo Programa de Melhoramento da Qualidade da Soja do BIOAGRO, da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal a caracterização bioquímico-nutricional dessa linhagem. Foram avaliadas a qualidade nutricional da proteína e as alterações morfológicas no intestino de ratos Wistar alimentados com dietas à base de soja e de caseína. A atividade de inibição de tripsina nos genótipos KTI+LEC+ (Variedade de soja comercial Monarca) foi cerca de 2,8 vezes a do genótipo KTI-LEC- (Isolinha de Monarca livre de KTI e LEC). Os resultados dos valores de PER, NPR e NPU foram melhores na variedade comercial após processamento térmico. A digestibilidade proteica da soja KTI-LEC- foi superior à da variedade comercial. Os valores de digestibilidade para os animais alimentados com dieta à base de farinha de soja KTI-LEC- processada termicamente foram próximos aos observados para animais alimentados com dieta à base de caseína. Verificou-se, também, que os animais alimentados com a soja KTI+LEC+ apresentaram maior nível de alterações na morfologia das microvilosidades intestinais, quando comparados àqueles alimentados com a soja KTI-LEC-. A retirada genética do KTI e LEC teve um impacto positivo na digestibilidade das proteínas da soja, no entanto não melhorou a sua qualidade nutricional.


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O L-NAME, um dos inibidores do NO mais utilizados para o estudo da função microcirculatória na hiperémia cutânea, é normalmente administrado por microdiálise, uma técnica invasiva e traumática com reconhecidas limitações. Neste contexto, procurou-se avaliar, ainda que de forma preliminar, o interesse da aplicação transdérmica deL-NAMEemexperiências de indução de hiperémia local. O estudo consistiu na aplicação (durante 2 horas) de um sistema oclusivo contendo L-NAME (40 ) a 10mM, ou 100mM e um controlo com água destilada, no antebraço de voluntários saudáveis (n=5). Após a oclusão os voluntários foram submetidos a um protocolo de aquecimento local da pele a 42ºC durante 20 minutos, com a resposta hiperémica avaliada por Fluxometria de Laser Doppler (LDF).A análise estatística das várias concentrações de inibidor, involveu a comparação das diferentes fases do estudo com o controlo através de estatística não paramétrica. A aplicação de 100mM de L-NAME desencadeou a inibição de toda a resposta microcirculatória, o que constitui um bom indício para que esta metodologia continue a ser desenvolvida.


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No presente trabalho, estudou-se o efeito inibidor do silicato de sódio na corrosão de uma liga de AI-Mg-Si em meio arejado e desarejado, contendo quantidades variadas de Ion cloreto no pW = 10,O . Nos diferentes tipos de ensaios realizados, tais como, traçado de curvas de polarização, ensaios galvanostáticos e com par galvânico, utilizou-se corpos de prova anodizados ou polidos. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que 1 g/l de silicato de sódio neutro de composição Na2O : 3.3 SiO2, demonstrou total efeito inibidor da corrosão da liga de A1-Mg-Si, em solução contendo até 60 p.p.m. de NaC1. Em concentrações de 1060 p.p,m. e maiores de NaC1, o silicato mostrou apenas efeito retardador da corrosão, com diminuição da incidência de pites. A análise dos produtos de corrosão, formadas sobre a superficie dos pites, feita usando-se raio-X e espectroscopia de infravermelho, mostrou que esses produtos têm estrutura amorfa e contêm silicato e grupos hidroxila. Finalmente, medidas de capacitância da dupla camada, confirmaram a existência de uma película que se forma sobre a superfície da liga de alumínio, quando em solução de silicato.


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A saliva do carrapato bovino Boophilus microplus contém dois inibidores de trombina: o BmAP e a microfilina. Este trabalho apresenta a purificação e a caracterização deste último anticoagulante. A microfilina foi purificada da saliva por cromatografia de gel filtração, ultrafiltração em membrana de exclusão de 3 kDa e cromatografia de afinidade em trombina-Sepharose. A análise por espectrometria de massas mostrou uma massa molecular de 1770 Da. Com uma composição de 16 aminoácidos, a microfilina é o segundo menor inibidor peptídico de trombina já descrito. A microfilina inibe a fibrinocoagulação e a agregação plaquetária induzida por trombina com IC50 de 5 M. Como ela não inibe a atividade amidolítica da enzima sobre S2238, mas inibe a hidrólise de um substrato sintético longo que interage com o exosítio I da trombina, o mecanismo de ação proposto para a microfilina é o bloqueio do exosítio I da enzima. A microfilina é resistente à temperatura e não inibe a atividade amidolítica de fXa, plasmina, proteína C ativada, uroquinase, quimiotripsina e tripsina. O estudo mais detalhado da microfilina permitirá sua avaliação como antígeno contra o carrapato e/ou como droga antitrombótica.


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A proteinaceous trypsin inhibitor was purified from Crotalaria pallida seeds by ammonium sulphate fractionation, affinity chromatography on immobilized Trypsin-Sepharose and TCA precipitation. The trypsin inhibitor, named ITC, had Mr of 32.5 kDa by SDS-PAGE and was composed by two subunits with 27.7 and 5.6 kDa linked by disulphide bridges, a typical characteristic of Kunitz-Inhibitor family. ITC was stable until 50°C, and at 100°C its residual activity was of about 60%. Also, ITC was stable at pHs 2 to 12. The inhibition of trypsin by ITC was non-competitive, with a Ki of 8,8 x 10-7M. ITC inhibits weakly other serine proteinases such as chymotrypsin and elastase. The inhibition of papain (44% of inhibition), a cysteine proteinase was an indicative of the bi-functionality of ITC. In vitro assays against digestive proteinases from several Lepdoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera pests were made. ITC inhibited in 100% digestive enzymes of Ceratitis capitata (fruit fly), Spodoptera frugiperda and Alabama argillacea, the last one being a cotton pest. It also inhibited in 74.4% Callosobruchus maculatus (bean weevil) digestive enzymes, a Coleoptera pest. ITC, when added in artificial diet models, affected weakly the development of C. capitata larvae and it had a WD50 of 2.65% to C. maculatus larvae


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Serines proteinases inhibitors (PIs) are widely distributed in nature and are able to inhibit both in vitro and in vivo enzymatic activites. Seed PIs in than leguminous are classified in seven families, Bowman-Birk and Kunitz type families that most studied representing an important role in the first line of defense toward insects pests. Some Kunitz type inhibitors possess activities serine and cysteine for proteinases named bifunctional inhibitor, as ApTKI the inhibitor isolate from seed of Adenanthera pavonina. The A. pavonina inhibitor presenting the uncommon property and was used for interaction studies between proteinases serine (trypsin) and cysteine (papain). In order to determinate the in vitro interaction of ApTKI against enzymes inhibitor purification was carried cut by using chromatographic techniques and inhibition assays. The 3D model of the bifunctional inhibitor ApTKI was constructed SWISS-MODEL program by homology modeling using soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI, pdb:1ba7), as template which presented 40% of identity to A. pavonina inhibitor. Model quality was evaluated by PROCHECK program. Moreover in silico analyzes of formed complex between the enzymes and ApTKI was evaluated by HEX 4.5 program. In vitro results confirmed the inhibitory assays, where the inhibitor presented the ability to simultaneously inhibit trypsin and papain. The residues encountered in the inhibitor model of folder structural three-dimensional that make contact to enzymes target coud explain the specificity pattern against serine and cysteine proteinases


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One Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitors (PmTI) was purified from Piptadenia moniliformis seeds, a tree of the sub-family Mimosoideae, by TCA precipitation, affinity chromatography on immobilized trypsin-Sepharose, DEAE cellulose (ion exchange) and Superose 12 (molecular exclusion) column FPLC/AKTA. The inhibitor has Mr of 25 kDa by SDS-PAGE and chromatography molecular exclusion. The N-terminal sequence of this inhibitor showed high homology with other family Kunitz inhibitors. This also stable variations in temperature and pH and showed a small decrease in its activity when incubated with DDT in the concentration of 100mM for 120 minutes. The inhibition of trypsin by PmTI was competitive, with Ki of 1.57 x10-11 M. The activity of trypsin was effectively inhibited by percentage of inhibition of 100%, among enzymes tested, was not detected inhibition for the bromelain, was weak inhibitor of pancreatic elastase (3.17% of inhibition) and inhibited by 76.42% elastase of neutrophils, and inhibited in a moderate, chymotrypsin and papain with percentage of inhibition of 42.96% and 23.10% respectively. In vitro assays against digestive proteinases from Lepidoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera pests were carried out. Several degrees of inhibition were found. For Anthonomus grandis and Ceratitis capitata the inhibition was 89.93% and 70.52%, respectively, and the enzymes of Zabrotes subfasciatus and Callosobruchus maculatus were inhibited by 5.96% and 9.41%, respectively, and the enzymes of Plodia. interpunctella and Castnia licus were inhibited by 59.94% and 23.67, respectively. In vivo assays, was observed reduction in the development of larvae in 4rd instar of C. capitata, when PmTI was added to the artificial diet, getting WD50 and LD50 of 0.30% and 0.33%, respectively. These results suggest that this inhibitor could be a strong candidate to plant management programs cross transgenic


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Seeds from legumes including the Glycine max are known to be a rich source of protease inhibitors. The soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) has been well characterised and has been found to exhibit many biological activities. However its effects on inflammatory diseases have not been studied to date. In this study, SKTI was purified from a commercial soy fraction, enriched with this inhibitor, using anion exchange chromatography Resource Q column. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE) and bovine trypsin. . Purified SKTI inhibited HNE with an IC50 value of 8 µg (0.3 nM). At this concentration SKTI showed neither cytotoxic nor haemolytic effects on human blood cell populations. SKTI showed no deleterious effects on organs, blood cells or the hepatic enzymes alanine amine transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in mice model of acute systemic toxicity. Human neutrophils incubated with SKTI released less HNE than control neutrophils when stimulated with PAF or fMLP (83.1% and 70% respectively). These results showed that SKTI affected both pathways of elastase release by PAF and fMLP stimuli, suggesting that SKTI is an antagonist of PAF/fMLP receptors. In an in vivo mouse model of acute lung injury, induced by LPS from E. coli, SKTI significantly suppressed the inflammatory effects caused by elastase in a dose dependent manner. Histological sections stained by hematoxylin/eosin confirmed this reduction in inflammation process. These results showed that SKTI could be used as a potential pharmacological agent for the therapy of many inflammatory diseases


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A chymotrypsin inhibitor was purified from Erythrina velutina seeds by ammonium sulphate fractionation, affinities chromatographies on Trypsin-Sepharose, Quimotrypsin-Sepharose and reversed phase C-18 FPLC/AKTA system. The inhibitor, named EvCI, shown molecular mass of 17 kDa, as determined by SDSPAGE. 2D-PAGE showed four isoinhibitors with pI values of 4,42, 4,63, 4,83 and 5,06, with molecular mass of 17 kDa each. The aminoacid sequence of EvCI was determined by MALDI-TOF-MS and showed a high similarity with other Kunitz-type inhibitor of Erythrina variegata. EvCI competitively inhibited chymotrypsin, with Ki of 4 x10-8 M, but did not inhibited trypsin, pancreatic elastase, bromelain and papain. The inhibitory activity of EvCI was stable over wide pH and temperature ranges. In the presence of DTT 100 mM for 120 min, EvCI lost 50 % of activity. Cytotoxicity was studied in HeLa, MDA, HepG2, K562 and PC3 cells after 72-h incubation period. EvCl inhibited HeLa cells growth with an IC50 value of 50 μg/ml. Subsequent studies in HeLa cells analysis of cell death by annexin V/PI double-staining and cell cycle, using flow cytometry. The results provide evidence for a cytostatic activity of EvCl and support further studies on potential application of this inhibitors as an antiproliferative agent in combined therapy against cervical cancer


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Studies indicate that several components were isolated from medicinal plants, which have antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Sepsis is characterized by a systemic inflammation which leads to the production of inflammatory mediators exacerbated by excessive activation of inflammatory cells and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), in which the human neutrophil elastase plays an important role in its pathogenesis. Several epidemiological studies suggest that components of plants, especially legumes, can play a beneficial role in reducing the incidence of different cancers. A chymotrypsin inhibitor of Kunitz (Varela, 2010) was purified from seeds of Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) by fractionation with ammonium sulfate, affinity chromatography on Trypsin-Sepharose, Chymotrypsin-Sepharose and ion exchange chromatography on Resource Q 1 ml (GE Healthcare) in system FPLC / AKTA. The inhibitor, called EvCI, had a molecular mass of 17 kDa determined by SDS-PAGE. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE), with an IC50 of 3.12 nM. The EvCI was able to inhibit both pathways of HNE release stimulated by PAF and fMLP (75.6% and 65% respectively). The inhibitor also inhibited leukocyte migration in septic mice about 87% and prolonged the time of coagulation and inhibition factor Xa. EvCI showed neither hemolytic activity nor cytotoxicity. EvCI showed a selective antiproliferative effect to HepG2 cell lines with IC50 of 0.5 micrograms per milliliter. These results suggest EvCI as a molecule antagonist of PAF / fMLP and a potential use in fighting inflammation related disorders, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and cancer


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Proteinases are enzymes distributed widely founded in several organisms and perform many different functions, from maintaining homeostasis to the worsening of some diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases and infections. The proteins responsible of controlling the action of these enzymes are the inhibitors, that are classified based on their target proteases and are founded since simple organisms, such as bacteria, to higher organisms, such as larger plants and mammals. Plant proteinase inhibitors act by reducing or inactivating the activity of target proteases, thus, these proteins have been studied as potential tools in the treatment of diseases related to protease activities. In this context, an inhibitor of chymotrypsin from Erythrina velutina, called EvCI was previously purified and it was observed that this protein plays in vitro anticoagulant activity and anti-inflammatory activity in in vivo model. Aiming to reduce the environmental impact caused by the purification EvCI in high amounts and to facilitate the process of obtaining this protein, the recombinant chymotrypsin inhibitor from Eryhrina velutina was produced after cloning and expression in Escherichia coli. The bacteria were grown in LB medium and after induction of the expression this material was subjected to procedures for cell lysis and the product was applied on Nickel-affinity column. The proteins adsorbed were digested by thrombin and applied on Chymotrypsin-Sepharose affinity column, obtaining the purified inhibitor, named recEvCI. After electrophoresis, the recombinant inhibitor showed an approximately molecular mass of 17 kDa, and reduced the chymotrypsin and elastase activities in vitro. The recombinant inhibitor was sequenced and was found similar amino acids residues when compared to other inhibitors deposited in the database, with some modifications. recEvCI showed high stability under pH variations and reducing conditions, maintaining its activity around 80%. This protein increased the blood coagulation time in vitro by acting on the intrinsic pathway and did not show cytotoxicity against strains of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts and RAW 264.7 macrophages. recEvCI showed microbicide activity related to release of nitric oxide and consequently the activation of macrophages, futhermore having proinflammatory effects assessed by increased release of TNF-α. These results indicate that recEvCI can be biotechnologically used as a new tool in the control of coagulation-related diseases as well as can be an activating agent of the immune system in immunosuppressed individuals