994 resultados para information engine
The removal of noise and outliers from measurement signals is a major problem in jet engine health monitoring. Topical measurement signals found in most jet engines include low rotor speed, high rotor speed. fuel flow and exhaust gas temperature. Deviations in these measurements from a baseline 'good' engine are often called measurement deltas and the health signals used for fault detection, isolation, trending and data mining. Linear filters such as the FIR moving average filter and IIR exponential average filter are used in the industry to remove noise and outliers from the jet engine measurement deltas. However, the use of linear filters can lead to loss of critical features in the signal that can contain information about maintenance and repair events that could be used by fault isolation algorithms to determine engine condition or by data mining algorithms to learn valuable patterns in the data, Non-linear filters such as the median and weighted median hybrid filters offer the opportunity to remove noise and gross outliers from signals while preserving features. In this study. a comparison of traditional linear filters popular in the jet engine industry is made with the median filter and the subfilter weighted FIR median hybrid (SWFMH) filter. Results using simulated data with implanted faults shows that the SWFMH filter results in a noise reduction of over 60 per cent compared to only 20 per cent for FIR filters and 30 per cent for IIR filters. Preprocessing jet engine health signals using the SWFMH filter would greatly improve the accuracy of diagnostic systems. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
In this work, the formation of soot in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition (DISI) engine is simulated using the Stochastic Reactor Model (SRM) engine code. Volume change, convective heat transfer, turbulent mixing, direct injection and flame propagation are accounted for. In order to simulate flame propagation, the cylinder is divided into an unburned, entrained and burned zone, with the rate of entrainment being governed by empirical equations but combustion modelled with chemical kinetics. The model contains a detailed chemical mechanism as well as a highly detailed soot formation model, however computation times are relatively short. The soot model provides information on the morphology and chemical composition of soot aggregates along with bulk quantities, including soot mass, number density, volume fraction and surface area. The model is first calibrated by simulating experimental data from a Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Spark Ignition (SI) engine. The model is then used to simulate experimental data from the literature, where the numbers, sizes and derived mass particulate emissions from a 1.83 L, 4-cylinder, 4 valve production DISI engine were examined. Experimental results from different injection and spark timings are compared with the model and the qualitative trends in aggregate size distribution and emissions match the exhaust gas measurements well. © 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The information provided by the in-cylinder pressure signal is of great importance for modern engine management systems. The obtained information is implemented to improve the control and diagnostics of the combustion process in order to meet the stringent emission regulations and to improve vehicle reliability and drivability. The work presented in this paper covers the experimental study and proposes a comprehensive and practical solution for the estimation of the in-cylinder pressure from the crankshaft speed fluctuation. Also, the paper emphasizes the feasibility and practicality aspects of the estimation techniques, for the real-time online application. In this study an engine dynamics model based estimation method is proposed. A discrete-time transformed form of a rigid-body crankshaft dynamics model is constructed based on the kinetic energy theorem, as the basis expression for total torque estimation. The major difficulties, including load torque estimation and separation of pressure profile from adjacent-firing cylinders, are addressed in this work and solutions to each problem are given respectively. The experimental results conducted on a multi-cylinder diesel engine have shown that the proposed method successfully estimate a more accurate cylinder pressure over a wider range of crankshaft angles. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.
The objective of this study was to examine the operating characteristics of a light duty multi cylinder compression ignition engine with regular gasoline fuel at low engine speed and load. The effects of fuel stratification by means of multiple injections as well as the sensitivity of auto-ignition and burn rate to intake pressure and temperature are presented. The measurements used in this study included gaseous emissions, filter smoke opacity and in-cylinder indicated information. It was found that stable, low emission operation was possible with raised intake manifold pressure and temperature, and that fuel stratification can lead to an increase in stability and a reduced reliance on increased temperature and pressure. It was also found that the auto-ignition delay sensitivity of gasoline to intake temperature and pressure was low within the operating window considered in this study. Nevertheless, the requirement for an increase of pressure, temperature and stratification in order to achieve auto-ignition time scales small enough for combustion in the engine was clear, using pump gasoline. Copyright © 2009 SAE International.
In order to understand how unburned hydrocarbons emerge from SI engines and, in particular, how non-fuel hydrocarbons are formed and oxidized, a new gas sampling technique has been developed. A sampling unit, based on a combination of techniques used in the Fast Flame Ionization Detector (FFID) and wall-mounted sampling valves, was designed and built to capture a sample of exhaust gas during a specific period of the exhaust process and from a specific location within the exhaust port. The sampling unit consists of a transfer tube with one end in the exhaust port and the other connected to a three-way valve that leads, on one side, to a FFID and, on the other, to a vacuum chamber with a high-speed solenoid valve. Exhaust gas, drawn by the pressure drop into the vacuum chamber, impinges on the face of the solenoid valve and flows radially outward. Once per cycle during a specified crank angle interval, the solenoid valve opens and traps exhaust gas in a storage unit, from which gas chromatography (GC) measurements are made. The port end of the transfer tube can be moved to different locations longitudinally or radially, thus allowing spatial resolution and capturing any concentration differences between port walls and the center of the flow stream. Further, the solenoid valve's opening and closing times can be adjusted to allow sampling over a window as small as 0.6 ms during any portion of the cycle, allowing resolution of a crank angle interval as small as 15°CA. Cycle averaged total HC concentration measured by the FFID and that measured by the sampling unit are in good agreement, while the sampling unit goes one step further than the FFID by providing species concentrations. Comparison with previous measurements using wall-mounted sampling valves suggests that this sampling unit is fully capable of providing species concentration information as a function of air/fuel ratio, load, and engine speed at specific crank angles. © Copyright 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Urquhart, C., Lonsdale, R.,Thomas, R., Spink, S., Yeoman, A., Armstrong, C. & Fenton, R. (2003). Uptake and use of electronic information services: trends in UK higher education from the JUSTEIS project. Program, 37(3), 167-180. Sponsorship: JISC
ImageRover is a search by image content navigation tool for the world wide web. The staggering size of the WWW dictates certain strategies and algorithms for image collection, digestion, indexing, and user interface. This paper describes two key components of the ImageRover strategy: image digestion and relevance feedback. Image digestion occurs during image collection; robots digest the images they find, computing image decompositions and indices, and storing this extracted information in vector form for searches based on image content. Relevance feedback occurs during index search; users can iteratively guide the search through the selection of relevant examples. ImageRover employs a novel relevance feedback algorithm to determine the weighted combination of image similarity metrics appropriate for a particular query. ImageRover is available and running on the web site.
The requirement for a very accurate dependence analysis to underpin software tools to aid the generation of efficient parallel implementations of scalar code is argued. The current status of dependence analysis is shown to be inadequate for the generation of efficient parallel code, causing too many conservative assumptions to be made. This paper summarises the limitations of conventional dependence analysis techniques, and then describes a series of extensions which enable the production of a much more accurate dependence graph. The extensions include analysis of symbolic variables, the development of a symbolic inequality disproof algorithm and its exploitation in a symbolic Banerjee inequality test; the use of inference engine proofs; the exploitation of exact dependence and dependence pre-domination attributes; interprocedural array analysis; conditional variable definition tracing; integer array tracing and division calculations. Analysis case studies on typical numerical code is shown to reduce the total dependencies estimated from conventional analysis by up to 50%. The techniques described in this paper have been embedded within a suite of tools, CAPTools, which combines analysis with user knowledge to produce efficient parallel implementations of numerical mesh based codes.
This study examines the efficiency of search engine advertising strategies employed by firms. The research setting is the online retailing industry, which is characterized by extensive use of Web technologies and high competition for market share and profitability. For Internet retailers, search engines are increasingly serving as an information gateway for many decision-making tasks. In particular, Search engine advertising (SEA) has opened a new marketing channel for retailers to attract new customers and improve their performance. In addition to natural (organic) search marketing strategies, search engine advertisers compete for top advertisement slots provided by search brokers such as Google and Yahoo! through keyword auctions. The rationale being that greater visibility on a search engine during a keyword search will capture customers' interest in a business and its product or service offerings. Search engines account for most online activities today. Compared with the slow growth of traditional marketing channels, online search volumes continue to grow at a steady rate. According to the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization, spending on search engine marketing by North American firms in 2008 was estimated at $13.5 billion. Despite the significant role SEA plays in Web retailing, scholarly research on the topic is limited. Prior studies in SEA have focused on search engine auction mechanism design. In contrast, research on the business value of SEA has been limited by the lack of empirical data on search advertising practices. Recent advances in search and retail technologies have created datarich environments that enable new research opportunities at the interface of marketing and information technology. This research uses extensive data from Web retailing and Google-based search advertising and evaluates Web retailers' use of resources, search advertising techniques, and other relevant factors that contribute to business performance across different metrics. The methods used include Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), data mining, and multivariate statistics. This research contributes to empirical research by analyzing several Web retail firms in different industry sectors and product categories. One of the key findings is that the dynamics of sponsored search advertising vary between multi-channel and Web-only retailers. While the key performance metrics for multi-channel retailers include measures such as online sales, conversion rate (CR), c1ick-through-rate (CTR), and impressions, the key performance metrics for Web-only retailers focus on organic and sponsored ad ranks. These results provide a useful contribution to our organizational level understanding of search engine advertising strategies, both for multi-channel and Web-only retailers. These results also contribute to current knowledge in technology-driven marketing strategies and provide managers with a better understanding of sponsored search advertising and its impact on various performance metrics in Web retailing.
Les moteurs de recherche font partie de notre vie quotidienne. Actuellement, plus d’un tiers de la population mondiale utilise l’Internet. Les moteurs de recherche leur permettent de trouver rapidement les informations ou les produits qu'ils veulent. La recherche d'information (IR) est le fondement de moteurs de recherche modernes. Les approches traditionnelles de recherche d'information supposent que les termes d'indexation sont indépendants. Pourtant, les termes qui apparaissent dans le même contexte sont souvent dépendants. L’absence de la prise en compte de ces dépendances est une des causes de l’introduction de bruit dans le résultat (résultat non pertinents). Certaines études ont proposé d’intégrer certains types de dépendance, tels que la proximité, la cooccurrence, la contiguïté et de la dépendance grammaticale. Dans la plupart des cas, les modèles de dépendance sont construits séparément et ensuite combinés avec le modèle traditionnel de mots avec une importance constante. Par conséquent, ils ne peuvent pas capturer correctement la dépendance variable et la force de dépendance. Par exemple, la dépendance entre les mots adjacents "Black Friday" est plus importante que celle entre les mots "road constructions". Dans cette thèse, nous étudions différentes approches pour capturer les relations des termes et de leurs forces de dépendance. Nous avons proposé des méthodes suivantes: ─ Nous réexaminons l'approche de combinaison en utilisant différentes unités d'indexation pour la RI monolingue en chinois et la RI translinguistique entre anglais et chinois. En plus d’utiliser des mots, nous étudions la possibilité d'utiliser bi-gramme et uni-gramme comme unité de traduction pour le chinois. Plusieurs modèles de traduction sont construits pour traduire des mots anglais en uni-grammes, bi-grammes et mots chinois avec un corpus parallèle. Une requête en anglais est ensuite traduite de plusieurs façons, et un score classement est produit avec chaque traduction. Le score final de classement combine tous ces types de traduction. Nous considérons la dépendance entre les termes en utilisant la théorie d’évidence de Dempster-Shafer. Une occurrence d'un fragment de texte (de plusieurs mots) dans un document est considérée comme représentant l'ensemble de tous les termes constituants. La probabilité est assignée à un tel ensemble de termes plutôt qu’a chaque terme individuel. Au moment d’évaluation de requête, cette probabilité est redistribuée aux termes de la requête si ces derniers sont différents. Cette approche nous permet d'intégrer les relations de dépendance entre les termes. Nous proposons un modèle discriminant pour intégrer les différentes types de dépendance selon leur force et leur utilité pour la RI. Notamment, nous considérons la dépendance de contiguïté et de cooccurrence à de différentes distances, c’est-à-dire les bi-grammes et les paires de termes dans une fenêtre de 2, 4, 8 et 16 mots. Le poids d’un bi-gramme ou d’une paire de termes dépendants est déterminé selon un ensemble des caractères, en utilisant la régression SVM. Toutes les méthodes proposées sont évaluées sur plusieurs collections en anglais et/ou chinois, et les résultats expérimentaux montrent que ces méthodes produisent des améliorations substantielles sur l'état de l'art.
Mainframes, corporate and central servers are becoming information servers. The requirement for more powerful information servers is the best opportunity to exploit the potential of parallelism. ICL recognized the opportunity of the 'knowledge spectrum' namely to convert raw data into information and then into high grade knowledge. Parallel Processing and Data Management Its response to this and to the underlying search problems was to introduce the CAFS retrieval engine. The CAFS product demonstrates that it is possible to move functionality within an established architecture, introduce a different technology mix and exploit parallelism to achieve radically new levels of performance. CAFS also demonstrates the benefit of achieving this transparently behind existing interfaces. ICL is now working with Bull and Siemens to develop the information servers of the future by exploiting new technologies as available. The objective of the joint Esprit II European Declarative System project is to develop a smoothly scalable, highly parallel computer system, EDS. EDS will in the main be an SQL server and an information server. It will support the many data-intensive applications which the companies foresee; it will also support application-intensive and logic-intensive systems.
Many producers of geographic information are now disseminating their data using open web service protocols, notably those published by the Open Geospatial Consortium. There are many challenges inherent in running robust and reliable services at reasonable cost. Cloud computing provides a new kind of scalable infrastructure that could address many of these challenges. In this study we implement a Web Map Service for raster imagery within the Google App Engine environment. We discuss the challenges of developing GIS applications within this framework and the performance characteristics of the implementation. Results show that the application scales well to multiple simultaneous users and performance will be adequate for many applications, although concerns remain over issues such as latency spikes. We discuss the feasibility of implementing services within the free usage quotas of Google App Engine and the possibility of extending the approaches in this paper to other GIS applications.
A large volume of visual content is inaccessible until effective and efficient indexing and retrieval of such data is achieved. In this paper, we introduce the DREAM system, which is a knowledge-assisted semantic-driven context-aware visual information retrieval system applied in the film post production domain. We mainly focus on the automatic labelling and topic map related aspects of the framework. The use of the context- related collateral knowledge, represented by a novel probabilistic based visual keyword co-occurrence matrix, had been proven effective via the experiments conducted during system evaluation. The automatically generated semantic labels were fed into the Topic Map Engine which can automatically construct ontological networks using Topic Maps technology, which dramatically enhances the indexing and retrieval performance of the system towards an even higher semantic level.
This article is concerned with the liability of search engines for algorithmically produced search suggestions, such as through Google’s ‘autocomplete’ function. Liability in this context may arise when automatically generated associations have an offensive or defamatory meaning, or may even induce infringement of intellectual property rights. The increasing number of cases that have been brought before courts all over the world puts forward questions on the conflict of fundamental freedoms of speech and access to information on the one hand, and personality rights of individuals— under a broader right of informational self-determination—on the other. In the light of the recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU) in Google Spain v AEPD, this article concludes that many requests for removal of suggestions including private individuals’ information will be successful on the basis of EU data protection law, even absent prejudice to the person concerned.