954 resultados para implementation issues


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Supercapacitors are increasingly used as short term energy storage elements in distributed generation systems. The traditional approach in integrating them to the main system is the use of interfacing dc-dc converters which introduce additional costs and power losses. This paper therefore, presents a novel direct integration scheme for supercapacitors and thereby eliminates associated costs and power losses of interfacing converters. The idea is simply to replace ordinary capacitors of three-level flying-capacitor rectifiers with supercapacitors and operate them under variable voltage conditions. An analysis on the reduction of power losses by the proposed system is presented. Furthermore, supercapacitor sizing and implementation issues such as effects of the variable voltage operation and resistive behavior of supercapacitors at high frequencies are also discussed. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed system in suppressing short term power fluctuations in wind generation system.


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In the OHS field increasing use is being made of administrative penalties to enforce OHS legislation. Infringement notices (also known as penalty notices or on-the-spot fines) are used in several Australian jurisdictions and there are plans to introduce them in others. Overseas jurisdictions with some form of OHS administrative penalty include the United States, some Canadian provinces, and the system recently enacted in New Zealand. This article reviews empirical evidence and legal arguments about the use of infringement notices for enforcing OHS legislation. Key factors influencing the impact of these notices are discussed, including the monetary amounts of penalties, the nature of offences, the criteria and processes for issuing notices, and other implementation issues. There is a need for further empirical studies to determine the characteristics of infringement notice schemes that are most effective in motivating preventive action.


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The detailed system design of a small experimental autonomous helicopter is described. The system requires no ground-to-helicopter communications and hence all automation hardware is on-board the helicopter. All elements of the system are described including the control computer, the flight computer (the helicopter-to-control-computer interface), the sensors and the software. A number of critical implementation issues are also discussed.


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The increasing prevalence of dementia in Australia (and worldwide) over the next few decades poses enormous social, health and economic challenges. In the absence of a cure, strategies to prevent, delay the onset of, or reduce the impact of dementia are required to contain a growing disease burden, and health and care costs. A population health approach has the potential to substantially reduce the impact of dementia. Internationally, many countries have started to adopt population health strategies that incorporate elements of dementia prevention. The authors examine some of the elements of such an approach and barriers to its implementation. International dementia frameworks and strategies were reviewed to identify options utilized for a population health approach to dementia. Internationally and nationally, dementia frameworks are being developed that include population health approaches. Most of the frameworks identified included early diagnosis and intervention, and increasing community awareness as key objectives, while several included promotion of the links between a healthy lifestyle and reduced risk for dementia. A poor evidence base (especially for illness prevention), diagnostic and technical limitations, and policy and implementation issues are significant barriers in maximizing the promise of population health approaches in this area. The review and analysis of the population health approach to dementia will inform national and jurisdictional policy development.


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My thesis examined an alternative approach, referred to as the unitary taxation approach to the allocation of profit, which arises from the notion that as a multinational group exists as a single economic entity, it should be taxed as one taxable unit. The plausibility of a unitary taxation regime achieving international acceptance and agreement is highly contestable due to its implementation issues, and economic and political feasibility. Using a case-study approach focusing on Freeport-McMoRan and Rio Tinto's mining operations in Indonesia, this thesis compares both tax regimes against the criteria for a good tax system - equity, efficiency, neutrality and simplicity. This thesis evaluates key issues that arise when implementing a unitary taxation approach with formulary apportionment based on the context of mining multinational firms in Indonesia.


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In this paper, we argue that by examining the discursive elements in strategy talk we can contribute to our understanding of the myriad of microprocesses and practices that make up strategies. We focus on airline alliances as a particularly illustrative case. Based on a critical discourse analysis of an extensive material of strategy talk on airline alliances, we point to five types of discursive practices that characterize strategizing in this context in 1995–2000: (1) problematization of traditional strategies; (2) rationalization, objectification and factualization of alliance benefits; (3) fixation of ambiguous independence concerns; (4) reframing of cooperation problems as ‘implementationissues; and (5) naturalization of alliance strategies. While we want to emphasize the context-specificity of these practices, we claim that similar types of discursive practices are also likely to be an inherent part of strategizing in other settings.


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Grid-connected systems when put to use at the site would experience scenarios like voltage sag, voltage swell, frequency deviations and unbalance which are common in the real world grid. When these systems are tested at laboratory, these scenarios do not exist and an almost stiff voltage source is what is usually seen. But, to qualify the grid-connected systems to operate at the site, it becomes essential to test them under the grid conditions mentioned earlier. The grid simulator is a hardware that can be programmed to generate some of the typical conditions experienced by the grid-connected systems at site. It is an inverter that is controlled to act like a voltage source in series with a grid impedance. The series grid impedance is emulated virtually within the inverter control rather than through physical components, thus avoiding the losses and the need for bulky reactive components. This paper describes the design of a grid simulator. Control implementation issues are highlighted in the experimental results.


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A new language concept for high-level distributed programming is proposed. Programs are organised as a collection of concurrently executing processes. Some of these processes, referred to as liaison processes, have a monitor-like structure and contain ports which may be invoked by other processes for the purposes of synchronisation and communication. Synchronisation is achieved by conditional activation of ports and also through port control constructs which may directly specify the execution ordering of ports. These constructs implement a path-expression-like mechanism for synchronisation and are also equipped with options to provide conditional, non-deterministic and priority ordering of ports. The usefulness and expressive power of the proposed concepts are illustrated through solutions of several representative programming problems. Some implementation issues are also considered.


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Closed loop current sensors used in power electronics applications are expected to have high bandwidth and minimal measurement transients. In this paper, a closed loop compensated Hall-effect current sensor is modeled. The model is used to tune the sensor's compensator. Analytical expression of step response is used to evaluate the performance of the PI compensator in the current sensor. This analysis is used to devise a procedure to design parameters of the PI compensator for fast dynamic response and for small dynamic error. A prototype current sensor is built in the laboratory. Simulations using the model are compared with experimental results to validate the model and to study the variation in performance with compensator parameters. The performance of the designed PI compensator for the sensor is compared with a commercial current sensor. The measured bandwidth of the designed current sensor is above 200 kHz, which is comparable to commercial standards. Implementation issues of PI compensator using operational amplifiers are also addressed.


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Sensor networks can be naturally represented as graphical models, where the edge set encodes the presence of sparsity in the correlation structure between sensors. Such graphical representations can be valuable for information mining purposes as well as for optimizing bandwidth and battery usage with minimal loss of estimation accuracy. We use a computationally efficient technique for estimating sparse graphical models which fits a sparse linear regression locally at each node of the graph via the Lasso estimator. Using a recently suggested online, temporally adaptive implementation of the Lasso, we propose an algorithm for streaming graphical model selection over sensor networks. With battery consumption minimization applications in mind, we use this algorithm as the basis of an adaptive querying scheme. We discuss implementation issues in the context of environmental monitoring using sensor networks, where the objective is short-term forecasting of local wind direction. The algorithm is tested against real UK weather data and conclusions are drawn about certain tradeoffs inherent in decentralized sensor networks data analysis. © 2010 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Computer Society. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports our experiences with a phoneme recognition system for the TIMIT database which uses multiple mixture continuous density monophone HMMs trained using MMI. A comprehensive set of results are presented comparing the ML and MMI training criteria for both diagonal and full covariance models. These results using simple monophone HMMs show clear performance gains achieved by MMI training, and are comparable to the best reported by others including those which use context-dependent models. In addition, the paper discusses a number of performance and implementation issues which are crucial to successful MMI training.


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Concurrent Engineering demands a new way of working and many organisations experience difficulty during implementation. The research described in this paper has the aim to develop a paper-based workbook style methodology that companies can use to increase the benefits generated by Concurrent Engineering, while reducing implementation costs, risk and time. The three-stage methodology provides guidance based on knowledge accumulated from implementation experience and best practitioners. It encourages companies to learn to manage their Concurrent Engineering implementation by taking actions which expose them to new and valuable experiences. This helps to continuously improve understanding of how to maximise the benefits from Concurrent Engineering. The methodology is particularly designed to cater for organisational and contextual uniqueness, as Concurrent Engineering implementations will vary from company to company. Using key actions which improve the Concurrent Engineering implementation process, individual companies can develop their own 'best practice' for product development. The methodology ensures that key implementation issues, which are primarily human and organisational, are addressed using simple but proven techniques. This paper describes the key issues that the majority of companies face when implementing Concurrent Engineering. The structure of the methodology is described to show how the issues are addressed and resolved. The key actions used to improve the Concurrent Engineering implementation process are explained and their inclusion in the implementation methodology described. Relevance to industry. Implementation of Concurrent Engineering concepts in manufacturing industry has not been a straightforward process. This paper describes a workbook-style tool that manufacturing companies can use to accelerate and improve their Concurrent Engineering implementation. © 1995.


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From modelling to manufacturing, computers have increasingly become partners in the design process, helping automate many phases once carried out by hand. In the creative phase, computational synthesis methods aim at facilitating designers' task through the automated generation of optimally directed design alternatives. Nevertheless, applications of these techniques are mainly academic and industrial design practice is still far from applying them routinely. This is due to the complex nature of many design tasks and to the difficulty of developing synthesis methods that can be easily adapted to multiple case studies and automated simulation. This work stems from the analysis of implementation issues and obstacles to the widespread use of these tools. The research investigates the possibility to remove these obstacles through the application of a novel technique to complex design tasks. The ability of this technique to scale-up without sacrificing accuracy is demonstrated. The successful results confirm the possibility to use synthesis methods in complex design tasks and spread their commercial and industrial application.


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A typical robot vision scenario might involve a vehicle moving with an unknown 3D motion (translation and rotation) while taking intensity images of an arbitrary environment. This paper describes the theory and implementation issues of tracking any desired point in the environment. This method is performed completely in software without any need to mechanically move the camera relative to the vehicle. This tracking technique is simple an inexpensive. Furthermore, it does not use either optical flow or feature correspondence. Instead, the spatio-temporal gradients of the input intensity images are used directly. The experimental results presented support the idea of tracking in software. The final result is a sequence of tracked images where the desired point is kept stationary in the images independent of the nature of the relative motion. Finally, the quality of these tracked images are examined using spatio-temporal gradient maps.


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We describe a software package for computing and manipulating the subdivision of a sphere by a collection of (not necessarily great) circles and for computing the boundary surface of the union of spheres. We present problems that arise in the implementation of the software and the solutions that we have found for them. At the core of the paper is a novel perturbation scheme to overcome degeneracies and precision problems in computing spherical arrangements while using floating point arithmetic. The scheme is relatively simple, it balances between the efficiency of computation and the magnitude of the perturbation, and it performs well in practice. In one O(n) time pass through the data, it perturbs the inputs necessary to insure no potential degeneracies and then passes the perturbed inputs on to the geometric algorithm. We report and discuss experimental results. Our package is a major component in a larger package aimed to support geometric queries on molecular models; it is currently employed by chemists working in "rational drug design." The spherical subdivisions are used to construct a geometric model of a molecule where each sphere represents an atom. We also give an overview of the molecular modeling package and detail additional features and implementation issues.