992 resultados para hydrothermal fluid
The Snake Pit active hydrothermal field was discovered at 23°22'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge during ODP Leg 106. Among the ten holes drilled in the mound at the foot of an active chimney, only three (649B, 649F, and 649G) had substantial recovery, and produced cores of unconsolidated hydrothermal deposit made up of porous sulfide fragments with minor talc pellets and biological debris, and a few pieces of brassy massive sulfides. Eight representative samples from the 6.5-m-long core from Hole 649B were analyzed for bulk chemistry, both by XRF (major elements) and NAA (trace elements). Major elements average compositions show high Fe (36 wt%), S (37 wt%), and Cu (12 wt%) contents, and minor Zn (6.7 wt%), reflecting a mostly high-temperature deposit. Trace elements are characterized by a high Au content (600 ppb) which could express the maturity of the mound. Mineralogical assemblages show evidence of sequential precipitation, and absence of equilibrium. Major sulfide phases are pyrrhotite, pyrite, Fe, Cu sulfides, marcasite, and sphalerite. Three types of samples are distinguished on the basis of textures and mineral assemblages: type 1, rich in pyrrhotite, with approximately equivalent amounts of Cu, Fe sulfides, and sphalerite and minor pyrite; type 2, rich in Cu, Fe sulfides, which are cubic cubanite with exsolutions and rims of chalcopyrite; and type 3, essentially made up of sphalerite. Type 2 samples likely represent fragments of the inner chimney wall. The presence of talc intergrown with cubic cubanite/chalcopyrite in one big piece from Hole 649G is probably related to mixing of the hydrothermal fluid with seawater.
Alteration of sheeted dikes exposed along submarine escarpments at the Pito Deep Rift (NE edge of the Easter microplate) provides constraints on the crustal component of axial hydrothermal systems at fast spreading mid-ocean ridges. Samples from vertical transects through the upper crust constrain the temporal and spatial scales of hydrothermal fluid flow and fluid-rock reaction. The dikes are relatively fresh (average extent of alteration is 27%), with the extent of alteration ranging from 0 to >80%. Alteration is heterogeneous on scales of tens to hundreds of meters and displays few systematic spatial trends. Background alteration is amphibole-dominated, with chlorite-rich dikes sporadically distributed throughout the dike complex, indicating that peak temperatures ranged from <300°C to >450°C and did not vary systematically with depth. Dikes locally show substantial metal mobility, with Zn and Cu depletion and Mn enrichment. Amphibole and chlorite fill fractures throughout the dike complex, whereas quartz-filled fractures and faults are only locally present. Regional variability in alteration characteristics is found on a scale of <1-2 km, illustrating the diversity of fluid-rock interaction that can be expected in fast spreading crust. We propose that much of the alteration in sheeted dike complexes develops within broad, hot upwelling zones, as the inferred conditions of alteration cannot be achieved in downwelling zones, particularly in the shallow dikes. Migration of circulating cells along rides axes and local evolution of fluid compositions produce sections of the upper crust with a distinctive character of alteration, on a scale of <1-2 km and <5-20 ka.
Abyssal peridotite from the 15°20'N area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge show complex geochemical variations among the different sites drilled during ODP Leg 209. Major element compositions indicate variable degrees of melt depletion and refertilization as well as local hydrothermal metasomatism. Strongest evidence for melt-rock interactions are correlated Light Rare Earth Element (LREE) and High Field Strength Element (HFSE) additions at Sites 1270 and 1271. In contrast, hydrothermal alteration at Sites 1274, 1272, and 1268 causes LREE mobility associated with minor HFSE variability, reflecting the low solubility of HFSE in aqueous solutions. Site 1274 contains the least-altered, highly refractory, peridotite with strong depletion in LREE and shows a gradual increase in the intensity of isochemical serpentinization; except for the addition of H2O which causes a mass gain of up to 20 g/100 g. The formation of magnetite is reflected in decreasing Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) ratios. This style of alteration is referred to as rock-dominated serpentinization. In contrast, fluid-dominated serpentinization at Site 1268 is characterized by gains in sulfur and development of U-shaped REE pattern with strong positive Eu anomalies which are also characteristic for hot (350 to 400°C) vent-type fluids discharging from black smoker fields. Serpentinites at Site 1268 were overprinted by talc alteration under static conditions due to interaction with high a_SiO2 fluids causing the development of smooth, LREE enriched patterns with pronounced negative Eu anomalies. These results show that hydrothermal fluid-peridotite and fluid-serpentinite interaction processes are an important factor regarding the budget of exchange processes between the lithosphere and the hydrosphere in slow spreading environments.
40Ar-39Ar incremental heating experiments on a relatively unaltered basalt from Site 843 yield a crystallization age of 110 ± 2 Ma for the central Pacific Ocean igneous basement near Hawaii. Previous estimates of the age of the basement inferred by indirect methods and from radiometric dates of the South Hawaiian Seamounts are too young by 20-30 m.y. Phyllosilicate alteration minerals from veins in the Site 843 basalts define a Rb/Sr isochron with an age of 94.5 ± 0.5 Ma. The isochron records the last equilibration of the phyllosilicate minerals with a hydrothermal fluid at about 16 m.y. after the formation of the igneous basement. The last event recorded by calcite veins is the sealing of the crust by a sufficient thickness of sediment to impede the free circulation of seawater into the crust. The chemistry of the alteration minerals indicates the rare earth elements in the hydrothermal solutions were derived from alteration of the basalts and, furthermore, were transported in solution as metal species and carbonate complexes. Calcite with approximately seawater 87Sr/86Sr, but Sr contents too low to precipitate directly from seawater, is suggested to have formed at a late stage in the alteration history of the crust by the reaction of seawater with calcite precipitated earlier from basalt-dominated hydrothermal fluids.
Chemical and isotopic data for rare massive and semimassive sulfide samples cored at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) suggest their genetic relationship with sulfide chimneys at the seafloor. Sand collected from the hammer drill after commencement of Hole 1189B indicates that at least the lower section of the cased interval was occupied by material similar to the stockwork zone cored from 31 to ~100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in this hole, but with increased content of barite, sphalerite, and lead-bearing minerals. Fractional crystallization of ascending hydrothermal fluid involving early precipitation of pyrite may explain vertical mineralogical and chemical zoning within the stockwork conduit and the high base and precious metal contents of Roman Ruins chimneys. A mineralized volcaniclastic unit cored deep in Hole 1189A possibly represents the lateral fringe of the conduit system. Lead isotope ratios in the sulfides differ slightly but significantly from those of fresh lavas from Pual Ridge, implying that at least some of the Pb within the Roman Ruins hydrothermal system derived from a deeper, more radiogenic source than the enclosing altered volcanic rocks.
El yacimiento de Pasto Bueno se localiza en el extremo nordeste del Batolito de la Cordillera Blanca, comprende diversas vetas, generalmente subverticales, asociadas al stock cuarzomonzonitico de Consuzo, datado como Terciario Superior, que intruye a las pizarras de la fm. Chicama y cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Las principales vetas discurren con direccion N-S cortando al stock, aunque tambien existen sistemas NE-SW asi como NW-SE encajados sobre las rocas metamorficas. La mineralogia de mena reconocida comprende wolframita (hubnerita), tetraedrita/tenantita, esfalerita y galena, en una ganga de cuarzo, fluorita, sericita, pirita y carbonatos, ademas de molibdenita, calcopirita, bornita, arsenopirita, enargita (luzonita), stolzita, scheelita, zinnwaldita, topacio, tungstita y arsenico nativo. Estudios previos han caracterizado Pasto Bueno como un yacimiento con una gran componente de greisen, con una evolucion de las vetas desde un episodio temprano esteril de 400 oC, depositando la mineralizacion economica en torno a los 220-250 oC y con un evento postumo de 175-220 oC rico en CO2. La precipitacion de la wolframita se produjo a partir de un fluido netamente hidrotermal, sin embargo, dicha precipitacion estuvo controlada por el aporte al sistema de aguas externas meteoricas y/o metamorficas. El trabajo llevado a cabo ha consistido en la realizacion de un estudio microtermometrico de las 3 principales estructuras del distrito: Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix y Chabuca, para caracterizar la evolucion del fluido mineralizador desde el stock (veta Consuelo) hacia las rocas metasedimentarias de las fm. Chicama y Chimu (manto Alonso-Fenix y veta Chabuca). Para ello se realizo un muestreo sobre el evento principal de mineralizacion. Dichas muestras se sometieron a un estudio petrografico de lamina gruesa para seleccionar las muestras optimas para el posterior estudio microtermometrico. Previamente a la obtencion de las medidas de temperatura de fusion del hielo (criotermometria) y de homogenizacion del fluido; se realizo un estudio de petrografia de inclusiones fluidas para caracterizarlas y seleccionar las representativas. La interpretacion de los resultados ha permitido confirmar la existencia de un episodio previo de alta temperatura, superior a 282 oC y un evento mineralizador con temperaturas en torno a los 200-240 oC. Sin embargo, las salinidades obtenidas son mucho menores que las previamente publicadas, en torno al 5 % peso eq. NaCl, frente a 11-17 % peso eq. NaCl. Tambien se ha observado un fluido postumo rico en CO2, pero de temperatura superior, en torno a los 270 oC. Los gradientes isotermicos muestran dos focos para dichos fluidos hidrotermales: el primero asociado al stock en la veta Consuelo, y el segundo en la veta Chabuca, asociado a la zona de cabalgamiento de las pizarras de la fm. Chicama sobre las cuarcitas de la fm. Chimu. Este segundo foco puede corresponder con los aportes externos de aguas metamorficas. Para finalizar, se dan una serie de pautas para guiar las futuras exploraciones en el yacimiento. ABSTRACT The Pasto Bueno deposit is located at the northeastern end of the Cordillera Blanca Batholith. It comprises several veins, generally subvertical, associated with the quartz-monzonite stock of Consuzo, dated as Tertiary, which intrudes the Chicama fm. slates and the Chimu fm. quartzites. The main veins trend N-S cutting the stock, although there are also NE-SW and NWSE systems, hosted by the metamorphic rocks. The ore mineralogy comprises wolframite (hubnerite), tetrahedrite/tennantite, sphalerite and galena in a gangue of quartz, fluorite, sericite, pyrite and carbonates, and minor molybdenite, chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, enargite (luzonite), stolzite, scheelite, zinnwaldite, topaz, tungstite and native arsenic. Previous studies have characterized Pasto Bueno as a deposit with a large component of greisen, with an evolution of the veins from an early barren 400 oC event , followed by economic mineralization of about 220-250 °C and a late event of 175 -220 oC rich in CO2. Wolframite precipitation occurred from a purely hydrothermal fluid; however, this precipitation was controlled by an external flux of meteoric and/or metamorphic waters. Microthermometric studies of the 3 main structures of the district (Consuelo, Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins) have been carried out to depict the evolution of the mineralizing fluid coming from the stock (Consuelo vein) into the metasedimentary rocks of the Chimu and Chicama fm. (Alonso-Fenix and Chabuca veins). The sampling was performed over the main event of mineralization. These samples were subject to a quick plate petrography study in order to select the optimal samples for further microthermometry studies. Before the freezing/heating measures, a fluid inclusion petrography study was done to characterize and select the representative F.I. Interpretation of results has confirmed the existence of a previous episode of higher temperature, over 282 °C, and a mineralizing event with temperatures of about 200-240 °C. However, obtained salinities, about 5 wt% NaCl equivalents, are much lower than those previously reported, about 11-17 wt% NaCl equivalents. A last fluid, rich in CO2, but of higher temperature, about 270 oC, has been characterized. Isothermal gradients show two foci for the hydrothermal fluids: the first one associated to the Consuzo stock as shown in the Consuelo vein, and the second one related to the thrust fault which places the Chicama fm. slates over the Chimu fm. quartzites in the Chabuca vein area. This second focus may correspond to an external input of metamorphic waters. Finally, some guidelines have been given to guide future explorations.
Se investiga la distribución espacial de contenidos metálicos analizados sobre testigos de sondeos obtenidos en las campañas de exploración de la Veta Pallancata. Se aplica el análisis factorial a dicha distribución y a los cocientes de los valores metálicos, discriminando los que están correlacionados con la mineralización argentífera y que sirven como guías de exploración para hallar zonas de potenciales reservas por sus gradientes de variación.Abstract:The metal distribution in a vein may show the paths of hydrothermal fluid flow at the time of mineralization. Such information may assist for in-fill drilling. The Pallancata Vein has been intersected by 52 drill holes, whose cores were sampled and analysed, and the results plotted to examine the mineralisation trends. The spatial distribution of the ore is observed from the logAg/logPb ratio distribution. Au is in this case closely related to Ag (electrum and uytenbogaardtite, Ag3AuS2 ). The Au grade shows the same spatial distribution as the Ag grade. The logAg/logPb ratio distribution also suggests possible ore to be expected at deeper locations. Shallow supergene Ag enrichment was also observed.
During ODP Leg 193, 4 sites were drilled in the active PACMANUS hydrothermal field on the crest of the felsic Pual Ridge to examine the vertical and lateral variations in mineralization and alteration patterns. We present new data on clay mineral assemblages, clay and whole rock chemistry and clay mineral strontium and oxygen isotopic compositions of altered rocks from a site of diffuse low-temperature venting (Snowcap, Site 1188) and a site of high-temperature venting (Roman Ruins, Site 1189) in order to investigate the water-rock reactions and associated elemental exchanges. The volcanic succession at Snowcap has been hydrothermally altered, producing five alteration zones: (1) chlorite+/-illite-cristobalite-plagioclase alteration apparently overprinted locally by pyrophyllite bleaching at temperatures of 260-310°C; (2) chlorite+/-mixed-layer clay alteration at temperatures of 230°C; (3) chlorite and illite alteration; (4) illite and chlorite+/-illite mixed-layer alteration at temperatures of 250-260°C; and (5) illite+/-chlorite alteration at 290-300°C. Felsic rocks recovered from two holes (1189A and 1189B) at Roman Ruins, although very close together, show differing alteration features. Hole 1189A is characterized by a uniform chlorite-illite alteration formed at ~250°C, overprinted by quartz veining at 350°C. In contrast, four alteration zones occur in Hole 1189B: (1) illite+/-chlorite alteration formed at ~300°C; (2) chlorite+/-illite alteration at 235°C; (3) chlorite+/-illite and mixed layer clay alteration; and (4) chlorite+/-illite alteration at 220°C. Mass balance calculations indicate that the chloritization, illitization and bleaching (silica-pyrophyllite assemblages) alteration stages are accompanied by different chemical changes relative to a calculated pristine precursor lava. The element Cr appears to have a general enrichment in the altered samples from PACMANUS. The clay concentrate data show that Cr and Cu are predominantly present in the pyrophyllites. Illite shows a significant enrichment for Cs and Cu relative to the bulk altered samples. Considerations of mineral stability allow us to place some constraints on fluid chemistry. Hydrothermal fluid pH for the chloritization and illitization was neutral to slightly acidic and relatively acidic for the pyrophyllite alteration. In general the fluids, especially from Roman Ruins and at intermediate depths below Snowcap, show only a small proportion of seawater mixing (<10%). Fluids in shallow and deep parts of the Snowcap holes, in contrast, show stronger seawater influence.
Mass-wasting deposits characterize the Upper Jurassic(?) to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary record of the Iberia Abyssal Plain. These deposits include olistostromes at Site 897, olistostromes and/or possible rock-fall deposits at Site 899, a breccia succession at Site 1068, slumped and fractured deposits at Site 1069, and a breccia succession at Site 1070. Whereas the exact origin of these deposits is uncertain, the regional common occurrence of middle to upper Mesozoic mass-wasting deposits suggests that they record the early rifting evolution of the west Iberia margin. This data report presents both qualitative and semiquantitative results from XRD analyses of the breccia matrix at Site 1068. In this study the matrix is defined as the fine-grained particles (as viewed through a binocular microscope) plus cement. Results are based on analytical methods that aimed to isolate the desired matrix from larger clast contamination prior to XRD analyses. In addition, the breccia was sampled at a higher resolution than was conducted aboard ship, producing a more complete description of downcore matrix mineralogical changes. The data presented here may be used to (1) further justify the subunit designation of Unit IV made aboard ship, (2) help determine to what degree the matrix and the larger clasts (studied in thin section aboard ship; Shipboard Scientific Party, 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.173.106.1998) are compositionally distinct, (3) help identify the extent of hydrothermal fluid migration in the breccia, and (4) support the proposed shipboard hypothesis that the Site 1068 breccia succession resulted from multiple mass-wasting.
The Middle Valley segment at the northern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge is a deep extensional rift blanketed with 200-500 m of Pleistocene turbiditic sediment. Sites 857 and 858 were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 139 to determine whether these two sites were hydrologically linked end members of an active hydrothermal circulation system. Site 858 was placed in an area of active hydrothermal discharge with fluids up to 270°C venting through anhydrite-bearing mounds on top of altered sediment. The shallow basement of fine-grained basalt that underlies the vents at Site 858 is interpreted as a seamount that was subsequently buried by turbidites. Site 857 was placed 1.6 km south of the Site 858 vents in a zone of high heat flow and numerous seismically imaged ridge-parallel faults. Drilling at Site 857 encountered sediments that are increasingly altered with depth and that overlie a series of mafic sills at depths of 460-940 m below sea floor. Sill margins and adjacent baked sediment are highly altered to magnesian chlorite and crosscut with veins filled with quartz, chlorite, sulfides, epidote, and wairakite. The sill interiors vary from slightly altered, with unaltered plagioclase and clinopyroxene in a mesostasis replaced by chlorite, to local zones of intense alteration and brecciation. In these latter zones, the sill interiors are pervasively replaced by chlorite, epidote, quartz, pyrite, titanite, and rare actinolite. The most complete replacement is associated with brecciated horizons with low recovery and slickensides on fracture surfaces, which we interpret as intersections between faults and the sills. Geochemically, the alteration of the sill complex is reflected in significant whole-rock depletions in Ca, Sr, and Na with corresponding enrichments in Mg, Al, and most metals. The latter results from the formation of conspicuous sulfide poikiloblasts. In contrast, metamorphism of the Site 858 seamount includes incomplete albitization of plagioclase phenocrysts and replacement of sparse mafic phenocrysts. Much of the basement alteration at Site 858 is confined to crosscutting veins except for a highly altered and veined horizon at the contact between basaltic basement and the overlying sediment. The sill complex at Site 857 is more highly depleted in 18O (d18O = 2.4 per mil - 4.7 per mil) and more pervasively replaced by secondary minerals relative to the extrusives at Site 858 (d18O = 4.5 per mil - 5.5 per mil). There is no evidence of significant albitization of the plagioclase at Site 857, suggesting high Ca/Na in the pore fluids. Fluid-inclusion data from hydrothermal minerals in altered mafic rocks and veins at Sites 857 and 858 show a consistency of homogenization temperatures, varying from 245 to 270°C, which is within the range of temperatures observed for the fluids venting at Site 858. The consistency of the fluid inclusion temperatures, the lack of albitization within the Site 857 sills, and the apparently low water/rock ratio collectively suggest that the sill complex at Site 857 is in thermal equilibrium and being altered by a highly evolved Ca-rich fluid similar to the fluids now venting at Site 858. The alteration evident in these two deep crustal drillsites is a result of the ongoing hydrothermal circulation and is consistent with downhole logging results, instrumented borehole results, and hydrothermal fluid chemistry. The pervasive alteration of the laterally extensive sill-sediment complex at Site 857 determines the chemistry of the fluids that are venting at Site 858. The limited alteration of the Site 858 lavas suggests that this basement edifice acts as a penetrator or ventilator for the regional hydrothermal reservoir with much of the flow focussed at the highly altered and veined sediment-basalt contact.
Hydrothermal fluids expelled from the seafloor at high and low temperatures play pivotal roles in controlling seawater chemistry. However, the magnitude of the high temperature water flux of mid-ocean ridge axes remains widely disputed and the volume of low temperature vent fluids at ridge flanks is virtually unconstrained. Here, we determine both high and low temperature hydrothermal fluid fluxes using the chemical and isotopic mass balance of the element thallium (Tl) in the ocean crust. Thallium is a unique tracer of ocean floor hydrothermal exchange because of its contrasting behavior during seafloor alteration at low and high temperatures and the distinctive isotopic signatures of fresh and altered MORB and seawater. The calculated high temperature hydrothermal water flux is (0.17-2.93)*10**13 kg/yr with a best estimate of 0.72*10**13 kg/yr. This result suggests that only about 5 to 80% of the heat available at mid-ocean ridge axes from the crystallization and cooling of the freshly formed ocean crust, is released by high temperature black smoker fluids.The residual thermal energy ismost likely lost via conduction and/or through the circulation of intermediate temperature hydrothermal fluids that do not alter the chemical budgets of Tl in the ocean crust. The Tl-based calculations indicate that the low temperature hydrothermal water flux at ridge flanks is (0.2-5.4)*10**17 kg/yr. This implies that the fluids have an average temperature anomaly of only about 0.1 to 3.6 °C relative to ambient seawater. If these low temperatures are correct then both Sr and Mg are expected to be relatively unreactive in ridge-flank hydrothermal systems and this may explain why the extent of basalt alteration that is observed for altered ocean crust appears insufficient to balance the oceanic budgets of 87Sr/86Sr and Mg.
The Ming deposit, Newfoundland Appalachians, is a metamorphosed (upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies), Cambro-Ordovician, bimodalmafic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit that consists of several, spatially-associated, elongated orebodies composed of stratabound semimassive to massive sulfides and/or discordant sulfide stringers in a rhyodacitic footwall. Copper is the main commodity; however, the deposit contains precious metal-bearing zones with elevated Au grades. In this study, field observations, microscopy, and micro-analytical tools including electron microprobe, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and secondary ion mass spectrometry were used to constrain the relative timing of precious metal emplacement, the physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal fluid precipitation, and the sources of sulfur, precious metals, semi-metals and metals. The ore mineral assemblage is complex and indicates an intermediate sulfidation state. Pyrite and chalcopyrite are the dominant ore minerals with minor sphalerite and pyrrhotite, and trace galena, arsenopyrite and cubanite. Additional trace phases include tellurides, NiSb phases, sulfosalts, electrum, AgHg±Au alloys, and oxides. Silver phases and precious metals occur predominantly in semi-massive and massive sulfides as free grains, and as grains spatially associated with arsenopyrite and/or sulfosalts. Precious metal phases occurring between recrystallized pyrite and within cataclastic pyrite are rare. Hence, the complex ore assemblage and textures strongly suggest syngenetic precious metal emplacement, whereas metamorphism and deformation only internally and locally remobilized precious metal phases. The ore assemblage formed from reduced, acidic hydrothermal fluids over a range of temperatures (≈350 to below 260ºC). The abundance of telluride and Ag-bearing tetrahedrite, however, varies strongly between the different orebodies indicating variable ƒTe₂, ƒSe₂, mBi, and mSb within the hydrothermal fluids. The variations in the concentrations of semi-metals and metals (As, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Te), as well as Au and Ag, were due to variations in temperature but also to a likely contribution of magmatic fluids into the VMS hydrothermal system from presumably different geothermal reservoirs. Sulfur isotope studies indicate at least two sulfur sources: sulfur from thermochemically-reduced seawater sulfate and igneous sulfur. The source of igneous sulfur is the igneous footwall, direct magmatic fluid/volatiles, or both. Upper greenschist to lower amphibolite metamorphic conditions and deformation had no significant effect on the sulfur isotope composition of the sulfides at the Ming deposit.
We present geochemical data of black smoker particulates filtered from hydrothermal fluids with seawater-dilutions ranging from 0-99%. Results indicate the dominance of sulphide minerals (Fe, Cu, and Zn sulphides) in all samples taken at different hydrothermal sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Pronounced differences in the geochemistry of the particles between Logatchev I and 5°S hydrothermal fields could be attributed to differences in fluid chemistry. Lower metal/sulphur ratios (Me/H2S < 1) compared to Logatchev I result in a larger amount of particles precipitated per liter fluid and the occurrence of elemental sulphur at 5°S, while at Logatchev I Fe oxides occur in larger amounts. Systematic trends with dilution degree of the fluid include the precipitation of large amounts of Cu sulphides at a low dilution and a pronounced drop with increasing dilution. Moreover, Fe (sulphides or oxides) precipitation increases with dilution of the vent fluid by seawater. Geochemical reaction path modeling of hydrothermal fluid-seawater mixing and conductive cooling indicates that Cu sulphide formation at Logatchev I and 5°S mainly occurs at high temperatures and low dilution of the hydrothermal fluid by seawater. Iron precipitation is enhanced at higher fluid dilution, and the different amounts of minerals forming at 5°S and Logatchev I are thermodynamically controlled. Larger total amounts of minerals and larger amounts of sulphide precipitate during the mixing path when compared to the cooling path. Differences between model and field observations do occur and are attributable to closed system modeling, to kinetic influences and possibly to organic constituents of the hydrothermal fluids not accounted for by the model.
Microchemical analyses of rare earth element (REE) concentrations and Sr and S isotope ratios of anhydrite are used to identify sub-seafloor processes governing the formation of hydrothermal fluids in the convergent margin Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Samples comprise drill-core vein anhydrite and seafloor massive anhydrite from the PACMANUS (Roman Ruins, Snowcap and Fenway) and SuSu Knolls (North Su) active hydrothermal fields. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns in anhydrite show remarkable heterogeneity on the scale of individual grains, different from the near uniform REEN patterns measured in anhydrite from mid-ocean ridge deposits. The REEN patterns in anhydrite are correlated with REE distributions measured in hydrothermal fluids venting at the seafloor at these vent fields and are interpreted to record episodes of hydrothermal fluid formation affected by magmatic volatile degassing. 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary dramatically within individual grains between that of contemporary seawater and that of endmember hydrothermal fluid. Anhydrite was precipitated from a highly variable mixture of the two. The intra-grain heterogeneity implies that anhydrite preserves periods of contrasting hydrothermal versus seawater dominant near-seafloor fluid circulation. Most sulfate d34S values of anhydrite cluster around that of contemporary seawater, consistent with anhydrite precipitating from hydrothermal fluid mixed with locally entrained seawater. Sulfate d34S isotope ratios in some anhydrites are, however, lighter than that of seawater, which are interpreted as recording a source of sulfate derived from magmatic SO2 degassed from underlying felsic magmas in the Manus Basin. The range of elemental and isotopic signatures observed in anhydrite records a range of sub-seafloor processes including high-temperature hydrothermal fluid circulation, varying extents of magmatic volatile degassing, seawater entrainment and fluid mixing. The chemical and isotopic heterogeneity recorded in anhydrite at the inter- and intra-grain scale captures the dynamics of hydrothermal fluid formation and sub-seafloor circulation that is highly variable both spatially and temporally on timescales over which hydrothermal deposits are formed. Microchemical analysis of hydrothermal minerals can provide information about the temporal history of submarine hydrothermal systems that are variable over time and cannot necessarily be inferred only from the study of vent fluids.
Fluid mixing processes and thermal regimes within the Snowcap and Roman Ruins vent sites of the PACMANUS hydrothermal system, Papua New Guinea, were investigated using 3He/4He ratios from fluid inclusions within pyrite and anhydrite and the d18O signature of anhydrite. Depressed 3He/4He ratios of 0.2-6.91RA appear to be caused by significant atmospheric diffusive exchange, whilst He-Ne diffusive fractionation precludes correction using 20Ne. 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 295-310 are elevated above seawater, indicating the majority of argon is seawater derived but with a magmatic component. d18O anhydrite ratios are 6.5 per mil to 11 per mil for Snowcap and 6.4 per mil to 11.9 per mil for Roman Ruins. Using oxygen isotope fractionation factors for the anhydrite-water system, the temperatures calculated assuming isotopic equilibrium at depth are up to 100 °C cooler than fluid inclusion trapping temperatures. It is likely that anhydrite is precipitated rapidly, preventing d18O equilibration. By comparing new d18O values for anhydrite with corresponding published 87Sr/86Sr ratios, seawater is inferred to penetrate deep into the Snowcap system with little conductive heating. A simple fluid mixing model has been constructed whereby the differing venting styles can be explained by a plumbing system at depth which favors delivery of end-member hydrothermal fluid to the high temperature sites.