999 resultados para hydrogen desorption


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Colloid of palladium nanoparticles has been prepared by the Solvated Metal Atom Dispersion (SMAD) method. Reaction of Pd(0) nanopowder obtained upon precipitation from the colloid, with ammonia borane (H3N center dot BH3, AB) in aqueous solutions at room temperature results in the generation of active hydrogen atoms. The active hydrogen atoms either combine with one another resulting in H-2 evolution or diffuse into the Pd lattice to afford PdHx. Diffusion of hydrogen atoms leads to an expansion of the Pd lattice. The diffused hydrogen atoms are distributed uniformly over the entire particle. These features were established using powder XRD and electron microscopy studies. The H-1 NMR spectral studies of PdHx before and after desorption of H-2 revealed that the hydrogen atoms trapped inside Pd lattice are hydridic in nature. Desorption of hydrogen from PdHx did not result in complete reversibility suggesting that some hydrogen atoms are strongly trapped inside the Pd lattice. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is known from temperature-programmed desorption studies that the binding energy of thiophene over Mo/gamma-Al2O3 and Co-Mo/gamma-Al2O3, hydrodesulfurization catalysts, is lower in the presence of hydrogen. The adsorption of thiophene on clean and hydrogen-adsorbed MoS2 was modelled using extended Huckel tight binding band structure calculations. In the eta(1) adsorption configuration the calculations show a lower binding energy for adsorption on the hydrogen-preadsorbed surface similar to that observed experimentally. The lowering is due to an increased occupancy of the Mo density of states in the presence of hydrogen.


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Using first principles calculations, we show that the storage capacity as well as desorption temperature of MOFs can be significantly enhanced by decorating pyridine (a common linker in MOFs) by metal atoms. The storage capacity of metal-pyridine complexes are found to be dependent on the type of decorating metal atom. Among the 3d transition metal atoms, Sc turns out to be the most efficient storing unto four H-2 molecules. Most importantly, Sc does not suffer dimerisation on the surface of pyridine, keeping the storage capacity of every metal atom intact. Based on these findings, we propose a metal-decorated pyridine-based MOFs, which has potential to meet the required H-2 storage capacity for vehicular usage. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of hydrogen (H) charging on the shear yield strength (tau(max)) and shear transformation zone volume (Omega) of Ni-Nb-Zr metallic glass ribbons, with varying Zr content, were studied through the first pop-in loads during nanoindentation. Weight gain measurements after H charging and desorption studies were utilized to identify how the total H absorbed during charging is partitioned into mobile and immobile (or trapped) parts. These, in turn, indicate the significant role of H mobility in the amorphous structure on the yielding behavior. In high-Zr alloys, tau(max) increases significantly whereas Omega decreases. In low-Zr alloys, a slight decrease in tau(max) and increase in Omega were noted. These experimental observations are rationalized in terms of the mobility of the absorbed H in the amorphous structure and the possible role of it in the shear transformation zone dynamics during deformation of the metallic glass. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermal desorption spectroscopy and nanoindentation techniques were employed to elucidate the key differences in the hydrogen (H) charging methods (electrochemical versus gaseous) and their consequences on the mechanical response of a low carbon steel. While electrochemical charging enhances the hardness, gaseous charging reduces it. This contrasting behavior is rationalized in terms of the dependency of the strength on the absorbed amount of H during charging and the H concentration gradient in the specimen. (C) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure and hydrogen storage capability of Yttrium-doped BNNTs has been theoretically investigated using first principles density functional theory (DFT). Yttrium atom prefers the hollow site in the center of the hexagonal ring with a binding energy of 0.8048eV. Decorating by Y makes the system half-metallic and magnetic with a magnetic moment of 1.0 mu(B). Y decorated Boron-Nitride (8,0) nanotube can adsorb up to five hydrogen molecules whose average binding energy is computed as 0.5044eV. All the hydrogen molecules are adsorbed with an average desorption temperature of 644.708 K. Taking that the Y atoms can be placed only in alternate hexagons, the implied wt% comes out to be 5.31%, a relatively acceptable value for hydrogen storage materials. Thus, this system can serve as potential hydrogen storage medium.


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Pt/AlGaN/AIN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) were fabricated and characterized for hydrogen sensing. Pt and Ti/Al/Ni/Au metals were evaporated to form the Schottky contact and the ohmic contact, respectively. The sensors can be operated in either the field effect transistor (FET) mode or the Schottky diode mode. Current changes and time dependence of the sensors under the FET and diode modes were compared. When the sensor was operated in the FET mode, the sensor can have larger current change of 8 mA, but its sensitivity is only about 0.2. In the diode mode, the current change was very small under the reverse bias but it increased greatly and gradually saturated at 0.8 mA under the forward bias. The sensor had much higher sensitivity when operated in the diode mode than in the FET mode. The oxygen in the air could accelerate the desorption of the hydrogen and the recovery of the sensor. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pt/AlGaN/AIN/GaN Schottky diodes are fabricated and characterized for hydrogen sensing. The Pt Schottky contact and the Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contact are formed by evaporation. Both the forward and reverse currents of the device increase greatly when exposed to hydrogen gas. A shift of 0.3 V at 300K is obtained at a fixed forward current after switching from N-2 to 10%H-2+N-2. The sensor responses under different concentrations from 50ppm H-2 to 10%H-2+N-2 at 373K are investigated. Time dependences of the device forward current at 0.5 V forward bias in N-2 and air atmosphere at 300 and 373K are compared. Oxygen in air accelerates the desorption of the hydrogen and the recovery of the sensor. Finally, the decrease of the Schottky barrier height and sensitivity of the sensor are calculated.


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A thermodynamic model of the evolution of microcracks in silicon caused by helium and hydrogen co-implantation during annealing was studied. The crack growth rate relies on the amount of helium atoms and hydrogen molecules present. Here, the crack radius was studied as a function of annealing time and temperature, and compared with experimental results. The mean crack radius was found to be proportional to the annealing temperature and the helium and hydrogen implanted fluence. The gas desorption should be considered during annealing process. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cobalt boride precursors were synthesized via chemical reaction of aqueous sodium borohydride with cobalt chloride, and followed by heat-treating at various temperatures. The as-prepared Co-B catalysts were characterized and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption-desorption and catalytic activity test; and were adopted to help accelerating hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 alkaline solution. The Co-B catalyst treated at 500 degrees C exhibits the best catalytic activity, and achieves an average H, generation rate of 2970 ml/min/g, which may give a successive H, supply for a 481 W proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) at 100% H-2 utilization. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The metal-organic framework [Co(INA)(2)].0.5EtOH (INA = isonicotinate, NC5H4-4-CO2-), 1 was synthesised under solvothermal conditions. Its X-ray crystal structure shows channels containing ethanol guests which are hydrogen-bonded to carboxylate oxygens of the framework. The pyridyl rings of the framework alternate between `open' and `closed' positions along the channels resulting in large variation in the channel cross-sectional area from ca. 1.4 by 2.3 at the narrowest point to 4.9 by 5.3 at the widest. Despite the very small windows, the ethanol guests (of van der Waals diameter ca. 4.2-6.1 Angstrom) may be reversibly desorbed and sorbed into the structure quantitatively, as shown by in situ variable-temperture IR spectroscopy and XRPD. The single-crystal structure of the desolvated form [Co(INA)(2)]2 shows that there is no change in the overall connectivity on desolvation, but the rotational positions of the pyridine rings are altered. This suggests that pyridyl rotation may occur to allow guests to pass in and out. When the synthesis was conducted in 1-propanol solvent [Co(INA)(2)].0.5Pr(n)OH.H2O 3, was obtained, and a single-crystal X-ray structure revealed the same overall connectivity as in 1 but with pyridine rings disordered over closed and open positions. There was no evidence of included guests from X-ray crystallography, suggesting that they are also highly disordered. Variable-temperature XRPD performed on bulk samples showed peaks which were unsymmetrical and exhibited shoulders, suggesting that for each pattern obtained the material actually consisted of several closely-related phases. The movements of the peaks during desolvation showed the presence of intermediate phases before the final desolvated product was formed. The peak positions of the intermediate phases matched more closely with the calculated pattern for 3 than with 1 or 2, suggesting that they may have disordered structures similar to 3. The results also suggest that the intermediate phase represents an initial increase in volume before a larger decrease in volume occurs to give the final desolvated material.


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Enantio-specific interactions on intrinsically chiral or chirally modified surfaces can be identified experimentally via comparison of the adsorption geometries of similar nonchiral and chiral molecules. Information about the effects of substrate-related and in interactions on the adsorption geometry of glycine, the only natural nonchiral amino acid, is therefore important for identifying enantio-specific interactions of larger chiral amino acids. We have studied the long- and short-range adsorption geometry and bonding properties of glycine on the intrinsically chiral Cu{531} surface with low-energy electron diffraction, near-edge X-ray absorption One structure spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption. For coverages between 0.15 and 0.33 ML (saturated chemisorbed layer) and temperatures between 300 and 430 K, glycine molecules adsorb in two different azimuthal orientations, which are associated with adsorption sites on the {110} and {311} microfacets of Cu{531}. Both types of adsorption sites allow a triangular footprint with surface bonds through the two oxygen atoms and the nitrogen atom. The occupation of the two adsorption sites is equal for all coverages, which can be explained by pair formation due to similar site-specific adsorption energies and the possibility of forming hydrogen bonds between molecules on adjacent {110} and {311} sites. This is not the ease for alanine and points toward higher site specificity in the case of alanine, which is eventually responsible for the enantiomeric differences observed for the alanine system.


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A combination of photoelectron spectroscopy, temperature programmed desorption and low energy electron diffraction structure determinations have been applied to study the p(2 x 2) structures of pure hydrogen and co-adsorbed hydrogen and CO on Ni {111}. In agreement with earlier work atomic hydrogen is found to adsorb on fcc and hcp sites in the pure layer with H-Ni bond lengths of 1.74Angstrom. The substrate interlayer distances, d(12) = 2.05Angstrom and d(23) = 2.06Angstrom, are expanded with respect to clean Ni {111} with buckling of 0.04Angstrom in the first layer. In the co-adsorbed phase Co occupies hcp sites and only the hydrogen atoms on fcc sites remain on the surface. d(12) is even further expanded to 2.08Angstrom with buckling in the first and second layer of 0.06 and 0.02Angstrom, respectively. The C-O, C-Ni, and H-Ni bond lengths are within the range of values also found for the pure adsorbates.


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Drilling fluid`s contact with the productive zone of horizontal or complex wells can reduce well productivity by fluid invasion in the borehole wall. Salted drilling drill-in fluid containing polymers has often been applied in horizontal or complex petroleum wells in the poorly consolidated sandstone reservoirs of the Campos basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This fluid usually consists of natural polymers such as starch and xanthan gum, which are deposited as a filter cake on the wellbore wall during the drilling. Therefore, the identification of a lift-off mechanism failure, which can be detachment or blistering and pinholing, will enable formulation improvements. increasing the chances of success during filter cake removal in open hole operations. Likewise, knowledge of drill-in drilling fluid adsorption/desorption onto sand can help understand the filter cake-rock adhesion mechanism and consequently filter cake lift-off mechanism failures. The present study aimed to identify the lift-off failure mechanism for this type of fluid filter cake studying adsorption/desorption onto SiO(2) using solutions of natural polymers, lubricants, besides the fluid itself. Ellipsometry was employed to measure this process. The adsorption/desorption studies showed that the adsorbed layer of drilling fluid onto the walls of the rock pores is made up of clusters of polymers, linked by hydrogen bonds, which results in a force of lower cohesion compared to the electrostatic interaction between silica and polymers. Consequently, it was found that the most probable filter cake failure mechanism is rupture (blistering and pinholing), which results in the formation of ducts within the filter cake. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have used self-assembled purines and pyrimidines on planar gold surfaces and on gold-coated atomic force microscope (AFM) tips to directly probe intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and thermal programmed desorption (TPD) measurements of the molecular layers suggested monolayer coverage and a desorption energy of about 25 kcal/mol. Experiments were performed under water, with all four DNA bases immobilized on AFM tips and flat surfaces. Directional hydrogen-bonding interaction between the tip molecules and the surface molecules could be measured only when opposite base-pair coatings were used. The directional interactions were inhibited by excess nucleotide base in solution. Nondirectional van der Waals forces were present in all other cases. Forces as low as two interacting base pairs have been measured. With coated AFM tips, surface chemistry-sensitive recognition atomic force microscopy can be performed.