53 resultados para hydrazones


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The present work deals with the complexation of Schiff bases of aroylhydrazides with various transition metal ions. The hydrazone systems selected for study are capable of forming bridged polymeric structures which is one of the fascinating subjects in the crystal engineering of coordination polymers owing to their attractive new topologies and intriguing structural features. Complexation with metal ions like copper, manganese, vanadium, nickel, palladium, zinc and cadmium are tried. Various spectral techniques are employed for characterization. The structures of some complexes have been well established by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies.The work is presented in seven chapters and the last section deals with summary and conclusion. The studies reveal that the aroylhydrazone systems vary in their geometrical configuration depending on the substituents. The coordination modes of the ligands also differ upon chelating with metal ions. One of the hydrazone system selected for study proved that it could give rise to polymeric metal complexes.


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Supra molecular architectures of coordination complexes of liydrazones through non covalent interactions have been explored. Molecular self—assernbly driven by weak interactions such as hydrogen— bonding, K '”T[, C-1-I‘ "TE, van der Waals interactions, and so forth are currently of tremendous research interest in the fields of molecule based materials. The directional properties of the hydrogembonding interaction associate discrete molecules into aggregate structures that are sufficiently stable to be considered as independent chemical species. Chemistry can borrow nature’s strategy to utilize hydrogen-bonding as Well as other noncovalent interactions as found in secondary and tertiary structures of proteins such as the double helix folding of DNA, hydrophobic selflorganization of phospholipids in cell membrane etc. In supramolecular chemistry hydrogen bonding plays an important role in forming a variety of architectures. Thus, the wise modulation and tuning of the complementary sites responsible for hydrogen—bond formation have led to its application in supramolecular electronics, host-guest chemistry, self-assembly of molecular capsules, nanotubes etc. The work presented in this thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of metal complexes derived from some substituted aroylhydrazones. The thesis is divided into seven chapters.


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Four hydrazone ligands: 2-benzoylpyridine benzoyl hydrazone (HBPB), di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoyl hydrazone (HDKN), quinoline-2-carbaldehyde benzoyl hydrazone (HQCB), and quinoline-2-carbaldehyde nicotinoyl hydrazone (HQCN) and four of their complexes with vanadyl salts have been synthesized and characterized. Single crystals of HBPB and complexes [VO(BPB)(l2-O)]2 (1) and [VO(DKN)(l2-O)]2 ½H2O (2) were isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Each of the complexes exhibits a binuclear structure where two vanadium(V) atoms are bridged by two oxygen atoms to form distorted octahedral structures within cis-N2O4 donor sets. In most complexes, the uninegative anions function as tridentate ligands, coordinating through the pyridyl- and azomethine-nitrogen atoms and enolic oxygen whereas in complex [VO(HQCN)(SO4)]SO4 4H2O (4) the ligand is coordinated in the keto form. Complexes [VO(QCB)( OMe)] 1.5H2O (3) and 4 are found to be EPR active and showed well-resolved axial anisotropy with two sets of eight line pattern


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Six new copper complexes of di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoylhydrazone (HDKN) have been synthesized. The complexes have been characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques and the structure of [Cu(DKN)2]·H2O has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound [Cu(DKN)2]·H2O crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21 and has a distorted octahedral geometry. The IR spectra revealed the presence of variable modes of chelation for the investigated ligand. The EPR spectra of compounds [Cu2(DKN)2( -N3)2] and [Cu2(DKN)2( -NCS)2] in polycrystalline state suggest a dimeric structure as they exhibited a half field signal, which indicate the presence of a weak interaction between two Cu(II) ions in these complexes


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Mn(II) complexes derived from a set of acylhydrazones were synthesised and characterized by elemental analyzes, IR, UV–vis and X-band EPR spectral studies as well as conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. In the reported complexes, the hydrazones exist either in the keto or enolate form, as evidenced by IR spectral data. Crystal structures of two complexes are well established using single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. In both of these complexes two equivalent monoanionic ligands are coordinated in a meridional fashion using cis pyridyl, trans azomethine nitrogen and cis enolate oxygen atoms positioned very nearly perpendicular to each other. EPR spectra in DMF solutions at 77 K show hyperfine sextets and in some of the complexes the low intensity forbidden lines lying between each of the two hyperfine lines are also observed


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The ability of aroylhydrazones to bind with transition metals is a developing area of research interest and the coordinating properties of hydrazones can be tuned by the appropriate choice of parent aldehyde or ketone and the hydrazide. So in the present work we selected four different aroylhydrazones as principal ligands. Introduction of heterocyclic bases like 1,10-phenanthroline, 2,2′-bipyridine, 3-picoline and pyridine leads to the syntheses of mixed ligand metal chelates which can cause different bonding modes, spectral properties and geometries in coordination compounds. The importance of aroylhydrazones and their complexes in various fields and their interesting coordinating properties stimulate our interest in the investigation of transition metal chelates with four different aroylhydrazones. The aroylhydrazones selected are 4-benzyloxy-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde-4-nitrobenzoylhydrazone dimethylformamide monosolvate, 5-bromo-2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde nicotinoylhydrazone dihydrate methanol monosolvate, 4-diethylamino-2- hydroxybenzaldehyde nicotinoylhydrazone monohydrate and 2-benzoylpyridine- 4-nitrobenzoylhydrazone. The selection of 4-benzyloxy-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde- 4-nitrobenzoylhydrazone was based on the idea of developing ligands having D-π-A general structure, so that the proligand and metal complexes exhibit NLO activity. Hence it is interesting to explore the coordinating capabilities of the synthesized hydrazones and to study the NLO activity of hydrazones and some of the metal complexes.


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[(VO)-O-IV(acac)(2)] reacts with an equimolar amount of benzoyl hydrazones of 2-hydroxyacetophenone (H2L1), 2-hydroxy-5-methylacetophenone (H2L2) and 5-chloro-2-hydroxyacetophenone (H2L4) in methanol to afford the penta-coordinated mixed-ligand methoxy bonded oxidovanadium(V) complexes [(VO)-O-V(L-1)-(OCHA(3))](1). [(VO)-O-V(L-2)(OCH3)](2), and [(VO)-O-V(L-4)(OCH3)](4), respectively, whereas, the similar reaction with the benzoyl hydrazone of 2-hydroxy-5-methoxyacetophenone (H2L3) producing only the hexa-coordinated dimethoxy-bridged dimeric complex [(VO)-O-V(L-3)(OCH3)](2) (3A). Similar type of hexa-coordinated dimeric analogue of 1 i.e., [(VO)-O-V(L-1)(OCH3)](2) (1A) was obtained from the reaction of [(VO)-O-IV(acac)(2)] with the equimolar amount of H2L1 in presence of half equivalent 4,4'-bipyridine in methanol while the decomposition of [(VO)-O-IV(L-2)(bipy)] complex in methanol afforded the dimeric analogue of 2 i.e., [(VO)-O-V(L-2)(OCH3)](2) (2A). All these dimeric complexes 1A-3A react with an excess amount of imidazole in methanol producing the respective monomeric complex. The X-ray structural analysis of 1-3 and their dimeric analogues 1A-3A indicates that the geometry around the vanadium center in the monomeric form is distorted square-pyramidal while that of their respective dimeric forms is distorted octahedral, where the ligands are bonded to vanadium meridionally in their fully deprotonated enol forms. Due to the formation of bridge, the V-O(methoxy) bond in the dimeric complexes is lengthened to such an extent that it becomes equal in length with the V-O(phenolate) bond in 3A and even longer in 1A and 2A, which is unprecedented. The H-1 NMR spectra of the complexes 1A-3A in CDCl3 solution, indicates that these dimeric complexes are converted appreciably into their respective monomeric form. Complexes are electro-active displaying one quasi-reversible reduction peak near +0.25 V versus SCE in CH2Cl2 solution. The E-1/2 values of the complexes show linear relationship with the Hammett parameter (sigma) of the substituents. All these VO3+-complexes are converted to the corresponding complexes with V2O34+ motif simply on refluxing them in acetone and to the complexes with VO2+ motif on reaction with 2 KOH in methanol. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[VIVO(acac)(2)] reacts with an equimolar amount of benzoyl hydrazone of 2-hydroxyacetophenone (H2L1) or 5-chloro-2-hydroxyacetophenone (H2L2) in the presence of excess pyridine (py) in methanol to produce the quaternary [(VO)-O-V(L-1)(OCH3)(py)] (1) and [(VO)-O-V(L-2)(OCH3)(py)] (2) complexes, respectively, while under similar condition, the benzoyl hydrazones of 2-hydroxy-5-methylacetophenone (H2L3) and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxyacetophenone (H2L4) afforded only the methoxy bridged dimeric [(VO)-O-V(L-3/L-4)(OCH3)](2) complexes. The X-ray structural analysis of 1 and 2 indicates that the geometry around the metal is distorted octahedral where the three equatorial positions are occupied by the phenolate-O, enolate-O and the imine-N of the fully deprotonated hydrazone ligand in its enolic form and the fourth one by a methoxide-O atom. An oxo-O and a pyridine-N atom occupy two axial positions. Quaternary complexes exhibit one quasi-reversible one-electron reduction peak near 0.25 V versus SCE in CH2Cl2 and they decompose appreciably to the corresponding methoxy bridged dimeric complex in CDCl3 solution as indicated by their H-1 NMR spectra. These quaternary VO3+ complexes are converted to the corresponding V2O34+-complexes simply on refluxing them in acetone and to the VO2+-complexes on reaction with KOH in methanol. An equimolar amount of 8-hydroxyquinoline (Hhq) converts these quaternary complexes to the ternary [(VO)-O-V(L)(hq)] complexes in CHCl3. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Complexes [Zn(2)(HL(1))(2)(CH(3)COO)(2)] (1) and [Zn(2)(L(2))(2)] (2) were synthesized with salicylaldehyde semicarbazone (H(2)L(1)) and salicylaldehyde-4-chlorobenzoyl hydrazone (H(2)LASSBio-1064, H(2)L(2)), respectively. The crystal structure of (1) was determined. Upon recrystallization of previously prepared [Zn(2)(HL(2))(2)(Cl)(2)] (3) in 1:9 DMSO:acetone crystals of [Zn(2)(L(2))(2)(H(2)O)(2)]center dot[Zn(2)(L(2))(2)(DMSO)(4)] (3a) were obtained. The crystal structure of 3a was also determined. All crystal structures revealed the presence of phenoxo-bridged binuclear zinc(II) complexes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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2-Benzoylpyridine-methyl hydrazone (HBzMe) has been obtained as well as its copper(II) [Cu(HBzMe)Cl(2)] (1) and zinc(II) [Zn(HBzMe)Cl(2)] (2) complexes. Upon re-crystallization in 1 - 9 DMSO:acetone conversion of I into dimeric [Cu(BzMe)Cl](2) (1a) occurred. The crystal structures of HBzMe, 1, 1a, and 2 were determined. HBzMe adopts the ZE conformation in the solid. In all complexes the hydrazone adopts the E configuration to attach to the metal through the N(py)-N2-O chelating system. In 1 and 2 a neutral hydrazone coordinates to the metal center while in 1a deprotonation occurs with coordination of an anionic ligand. la presents a dimeric structure. having two copper(II) ions per asymmetric unit. Two chlorides are also present in the copper coordination sphere, which act as bridging ligands and connect the copper centers to each other. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Compared to other volatile carbonylic compounds present in outdoor air, formaldehyde (CH2O) is the most toxic, deserving more attention in terms of indoor and outdoor air quality legislation and control. The analytical determination of CH2O in air still presents challenges due to the low-level concentration (in the sub-ppb range) and its variation with sampling site and time. Of the many available analytical methods for carbonylic compounds, the most widespread one is the time consuming collection in cartridges impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine followed by the analysis of the formed hydrazones by HPLC. The present work proposes the use of polypropylene hollow porous capillary fibers to achieve efficient CH2O collection. The Oxyphan (R) fiber (designed for blood oxygenation) was chosen for this purpose because it presents good mechanical resistance, high density of very fine pores and high ratio of collection area to volume of the acceptor fluid in the tube, all favorable for the development of air sampling apparatus. The collector device consists of a Teflon pipe inside of which a bundle of polypropylene microporous capillary membranes was introduced. While the acceptor passes at a low flow rate through the capillaries, the sampled air circulates around the fibers, impelled by a low flow membrane pump (of the type used for aquariums ventilation). The coupling of this sampling technique with the selective and quantitative determination of CH2O, in the form of hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) after derivatization with HSO3-, by capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE-(CD)-D-4) enabled the development of a complete analytical protocol for the CH2O evaluation in air. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The adsorption of DPKSH onto Amberlite XAD-2 (styrene resin) and XAD-7 (acrylic ester resin) has been investigated, at (25 +/- 1)degrees C and pH 4.7. The experimental equilibrium data were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) models. These three models provide a very good fit for both resins and the respective constants K(L), K(F), and K(DR) were calculated. For the same DPKSH concentration interval, the minimum time of contact for adsorption maximum at XAD-7 was smaller than at XAD-2 and the maximum amount of DPKSH adsorbed per gram of XAD-2 is smaller than at XAD-7. The investigation indicates that the mean sorption energy (E) characterizes a physical adsorption and the surfaces of both resins are energetically heterogeneous. The constants obtained in these studied systems were correlated and compared with those obtained for the silica gel/DPKSH system. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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A simple, fast, accurate, and sensitive spectrophotometric method was developed to determine zinc(II). This method is based on the reaction of Zn(II) with di-2-pyridyl ketone benzoylhydrazone (DPKBH), at pH=5.5 and 50% (v/v) ethanol. Beers law was obeyed in the range 0.020-1.82 mu g mL(-1) with a molar apsorptivity of 3.64 x 10(4) L mol(-1) cm(-1), and a detection limit (3) of 2.29 mu g L-1. The action of some interfering ions was verified and the developed method applied to pharmaceutical and biological samples. The results were then compared with those obtained by using a flame atomic absorption technique.


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In previous studies, we identified promising anti-Trypanosoma cruzi cruzain inhibitors based on thiazolylhydrazones. To optimize this series, a number of medicinal chemistry directions were explored and new thiazolylhydrazones and thiosemicarbazones were thus synthesized. Potent cruzain inhibitors were identified, such as thiazolylhydrazones 3b and 3j, which exhibited IC(50) of 200-400 nM. Furthermore, molecular docking studies showed concordance with experimentally derived structure-activity relationships (SAR) data. In the course of this work, lead compounds exhibiting in vitro activity against both the epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi were identified and in vivo general toxicity analysis was subsequently performed. Novel SAR were documented, including the importance of the thiocarbonyl carbon attached to the thiazolyl ring and the direct comparison between thiosemicarbazones and thiazolylhydrazones. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Brazilian National Council of Research (CNPq)[471834/2006-8]