1000 resultados para hockey
This thesis examines salary structure types (hierarchical or compressed) as predictors of team performance in the National Hockey League (NHL). Additionally, an analysis of goalie statistics is completed in order to determine what, if any, performance measures relate to salary. Data in this research were collected from the 2005-06 season up to the 2010-11 season. Salary inequality/equality (Gini coefficient) was used in a regression analysis to determine if it was an effective predictor of team performance (n = 178) (winning percentage). The results indicated that a hierarchical salary structure increased team performance, although the amount of variability explained was very small. Another regression analysis was completed to determine if any goalie performance measures (n = 245) were effective predictors of individual salary. A regression analysis was employed and indicated that goalie performance measures predicted 19.8% of variance to salary. The only statistical significant variable was games played.
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of skate blade shape on skating performance. A secondary purpose was to evaluate if a change in hollow shape can create additional effects on skating performance. Thirty-seven male ice hockey players (age=18 years, SD=3.4) participated. The intervention consisted of four sharpening trials assessed using three on-ice tests. Participant feedback was also assessed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Statistical analysis included within-subject repeated measures MANOVA of trial by skating variables (p≤0.05). Results revealed Contour 1 enhanced performance compared to baseline on six variables at varsity level and five variables at midget level. Contour 1 enhanced performance compared to Contour 2 on six variables at the varsity and midget levels. Contour 1 also scored highest on the feedback questionnaire. Findings of this study indicate that contouring is a necessary practice to achieve optimal skating performance.
Past research has shown a positive relationship between efficacy and performance (Feltz & Lirgg, 1998). Feltz and Lirgg (1998) found a positive relationship between efficacy and sport performance in hockey players, however they excluded goaltenders due to their unique position. The present study replicated Feltz and Lirgg (1998) with only goaltenders. Data was collected from 12 goaltenders from three Ontario hockey leagues. Efficacy was measured through an online questionnaire and official game statistics provided the performance measures. Data was collected for 70 games to total of 112 responses. Results of this study revealed non-significant relationships between both self- and collective efficacy and all performance indicators. Results of the present study are not consistent with Feltz and Lirgg’s (1998), however other published research has found a non-significant relationship between efficacy and sport performance (Sitzmann & Yeo, 2013). Therefore, it is possible that goaltender efficacy is not the most influential psychological construct.
The purpose of this research was to examine the experiences of Canadian Hockey League (CHL) players using a Foucauldian theory-based analysis. Specifically, this thesis contends that power relations between players and CHL hockey authorities need to be critically assessed. The CHL is the world’s leading developmental junior ice hockey league. Comprised of 1,400 hockey players, aged 15–21 years old on 60 teams through three divisions, the CHL is a primary supplier of talent for the National Hockey League. In the last year, several issues surrounding unjust practices within the CHL have been brought to the forefront, indicating that the potential for harassment, abuse, and exploitative practices are heightened in an organization such as the CHL, where profits are extracted from the labour of youth. Ultimately, this study is designed to contribute to both scholarly and public audiences, providing a critical analysis of the welfare of youth in the CHL.
Recent research suggests organizational factors should be considered in order to better understand the attrition of minor hockey. Consequently, the purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the extent to which minor hockey officials perceive organizational support (POS) from the minor hockey system, and to compare POS among minor hockey officials according to demographics. A total of 261 minor hockey officials were surveyed with the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS). Results indicated significant differences according minor hockey official experience, certification level and extra-role performance. The findings are discussed in relation to POS and human resource management literature, and recommendations are made as to how administrators can better support these officials.
Abstract The Relative Age Effect (RAE), defined as a skewed birth date distribution, has been identified as a known phenomenon in minor ice hockey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the RAE, physical measurements, and skating ability/in-game performance in forty-four youth male ice hockey players competing in the same age cohort. Physical anthropometrics, grip strength, in-game performance and skating abilities were measured. An RAE was found in the sample (χ2(3, N = 44) = 12.18, p = 0.007). Players born in the first half of the age cohort had longer leg length (F(1,42) =4.49 , p = 0.04), larger body mass (F(1,42) = 3.90, p = 0.05), and stronger grip strength (F(1,42) = 7.58, p = 0.009). Performance scores were negatively associated with grip strength (r = -.443, p = 0.003). Findings suggest that adequate skill development can help relatively younger players overcome physical maturity disadvantages.
Hockey patch which belonged to Margaret Woodruff. On the front of the patch is "VII '13". On the back, in ink, it says "1st Ice Hockey Team 1913, P. Ramsbottom, captain; M. Clark, L. Wing; M. Woodruff, R. Wing; H. Webster, C. Point; F. Butchant, Pt.; B. Clinkskill, Goal. M. Woodruff".
The sport values of female hockey players and their minor hockey associations were explored to better inform a values-based approach for adult-managed minor hockey. Data were collected from 294 participatory HL and competitive Rep players (12-22 years of age) using the Youth Sport Values Questionnaire-2 and from 30 hockey association board members using a modified YSVQ-2. Results indicated player importance (VI) ratings for Moral (M = 4.08) and Competence (M = 4.15) values were not significantly different but were significantly higher than Status (M = 2.11) value. Significant weak relationships between age and competition level versus VI ratings were found. There were medium/ high Moral, medium/ low Competence and high/ high Status value congruence between Rep and HL Player-Board Members, respectively. Based upon the findings, girls’ minor hockey associations need to recognize the values female youth players prioritize, and ensure each is considered within a values-based decision-making approach to governance.
This research was conducted to investigate whether negative brand associations attached to Russian hockey players impact their draft rankings during the National Hockey League (NHL) Entry Draft. A quantitative analysis based on various regression model specifications was used to test whether Russian players were drafted relatively equally to their counterparts in the NHL Entry Draft. The data consisted of the NHL draft picks between 1993 and 2013 and their performance statistics and physical characteristics. The results suggested that Russian players were drafted relatively equal to their counterparts from other countries. Meanwhile, Russian players who played in the CHL before the draft are actually drafted better than Canadians who played in the same league. Hence, the negative brand associations attached to Russians were unlikely to impact their draft rankings. This study redefined the so-called “Russian Factor” from a notion that allegedly damages Russian players’ rankings to one that enhances their rankings.
Tournaments and other hockey-related activities have been calculated to be a significant driver of tourist dollars for many regions across Canada. The competition to attract teams to participate in tournaments, which benefit the tournament organizers and the communities in which they reside, is significant. Consequently, the purpose of the study was to assess the brand associations that representative (rep) minor hockey parents from Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe Region perceive as relevant when considering ideal tournaments for their child to participate in. Brand associations have been classified as the attributes, benefits, or attitudes one uses to develop a perception of a product or service. To investigate the current study, 30 interviews were conducted using a laddering interview technique. Findings indicate that there are seven attributes and nine benefits that impact a tournament’s brand association including: competition, tournament operations, accommodations, bonding, fun, parity, and time management. The interrelationship between the identified attributes and benefits is discussed while recommendations and directions for future research are presented.
Rapport de recherche
Cette étude exploratoire vise essentiellement à identifier les principaux facteurs psychologiques des gardiens de but au hockey ayant connu du succès. Plus précisément, cette étude nous a permis d’approfondir le sujet à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées menées auprès de sept gardiens de but et huit entraîneurs des gardiens de but issus de la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec (LHJMQ). Nous avons ensuite comparé les réponses de ces deux groupes d’experts dans le domaine afin de dresser un portrait précis de l’aspect mental entourant cette position au hockey. Nos résultats démontrent que les mêmes facteurs psychologiques majeurs ressortent du discours des gardiens de but et de celui de leurs entraîneurs. Il a ainsi été possible d’identifier neuf attributs psychologiques prédominants provenant des discours de chacune des parties. Plus précisément, ces neuf facteurs psychologiques reliés à l’atteinte d’une performance athlétique hors pair seraient les traits de personnalité, la résilience, le niveau de confiance, la passion, l’état d’esprit optimal, l’éthique au quotidien, un niveau de concentration optimal, la relativisation des événements et le contrôle des émotions. De manière générale, nos résultats vont dans le même sens que les conclusions tirées des autres études sur les différents aspects mentaux des athlètes de niveau élite. Toutefois, on observe un manque de données scientifiques en ce qui a trait à la psychologie du sport chez les gardiens de but au hockey. Cette étude constitue donc un premier développement dans l’identification des atouts psychologiques influençant la performance des gardiens de but au hockey.
Le dialogue interne (D-I) est une aptitude mentale de plus en plus utilisée chez les athlètes de haut niveau mais peu étudiée dans les sports d’équipes. Son impact mérite d’être évalué dans des contextes d’équipe durant de réelles compétitions puisque le dialogue interne de l'athlète dans un sport collectif peut influencer certaines habiletés mentales telles la prise de décisions tactiques et la focalisation sur les stimuli appropriés. Ainsi, cette étude a bénéficié de la participation de 10 joueurs de hockey élites mâles âgés de 16 à 20 ans pour examiner les effets de deux traitements distincts de D-I, un axé sur la motivation et l’autre sur l’instruction. Dans cette analyse portant sur l’efficacité des sujets à accomplir des tâches de tactique collective (effet sur processus de décision) pendant des joutes de saison régulière, tous les athlètes semblent avoir amélioré leurs performances. Généralement, le groupe s’adonnant au traitement de D-I d’instruction a largement dépassé les pourcentages de réussite de celui du D-I de motivation. Cependant, les athlètes du groupe de D-I de motivation ont eu plus de succès que prévu. Il appert aussi que le traitement de D-I d’instruction ait été plus difficile à assimiler à court terme que le traitement de motivation, mais son impact positif apparaît avoir stagné moins rapidement. Les joueurs plus expérimentés n’ont pas affiché une meilleure progression dans leurs prises de décisions comparativement aux moins expérimentés. Le D-I de motivation semble avoir eu plus d’effet que celui d’instruction lorsqu’utilisé en période de fatigue et de stress.
Resumen tomado parcialmente de la propia publicación. Las autoras son, respectivamente, docentes del IES Joan Maria Thomàs y del IES Francesc de Borja Moll, ambos ubicados en Palma de Mallorca
Resumen tomado de la revista