1000 resultados para história da educação no RN
Estudo de manual de ensino de história da educação
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The relationship between human beings and between them and nature are the result of a historical and social context in which they are inserted. The man is a natural living being who can only survive by the exchange with nature’s metabolism, but over time and human’s decisions this relation was interrupted, which strengthened by capitalism logic resulted as a civilization crisis. With these concerns, it’s necessary to overcome the context in which the crisis was generated, transforming the relationship between men and nature. This study, based on Critical Environmental Education and qualitative research methodology, occurred on a seashore community on Guarujá, investigated the the involvement of its population on social activities already developed on Prainha Branca: how they exercise their community citizenship, which factors limit these processes, and how responsible the residents feel about their own reality, in order to elucidate the aspects that involve that dynamics and population’s potential to build their own history.
In the Brazilian public archives,it is not unusual to find photographs recording the daily school educational institutions since at least the early twentieth century. The historian often has conceptual difficulties in dealing with the photographic documentation as a research source. The current workproposes to present the debate over the use of photographyas a privileged source for research on Education History. Photography can be an instrument of knowledge and information for observers awayfrom the place and time in which the images originated. Its contents have been tentativelyused in researchfor the Historyof Education. The methodologyof this studywill approach the ideas proposed byBoris Kossoyand Susan Sontag on photographyas a record of realityand its use in historical research. As interlocutors with the ideas of these three authors will be presented photographs of reports from the Regional O ffice of Education in the 1930s,preserved in the Public Archives of São Paulo. It is the purpose of this study to help researchers in History of Education in methodological reflection on the use of photographs as documentarysource of research.
From 1933 to 1944, the 21 Regional Offices of Education of the State of São Paulo worked out reports of inventory of the schools of São Paulo inspected in that period of time. At least 68 of those reports have been preserved in the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo. The current paper presents part of that patrimony as an important source of research for the history of education. By dividing that documentation between visual and written sources, the text will focus on the visual sources, and will discuss the methodological difficulties of using this kind of source. Following, will be illustrated part of the visual information that those documents offer to the researchers. The article concludes with a brief sampling of textual information that the reports provide to the historians.
Historiography shows that the historical moment is inscribed in the culture of every time and place. Thus, it allows us to identify within the different modes of cultural production - therefore in the literature of a particular time, our research object - expressions of historical aspects. Furthermore, it is important that we know our own history, so that such knowledge help us to learn how to build, individually and collectively, more equitable societies. The objective of this bibliographic research nature was to identify historical aspects of the nineteenth century Brazilian education printed in O Ateneu (The Athenaeum), written in 1888 by Raul Pompéia. We sought for narrative passages that could reveal usual educational practices in the time context of our work in order to better understand a historical period that contributed to the establishment of our current education
A presente dissertação de Mestrado visa à investigação, observação e o estudo de ações de Educação para a Sustentabilidade (nos âmbitos da educação formal e não formal) que vêm sendo desenvolvidas, através de levantamento histórico e de um Estudo de Caso. O objetivo é refletir sobre aspectos das relações existentes entre ONGs socioambientalistas e escolas públicas e seu respectivo impacto nas localidades onde estão sendo implementadas, bem como, nos indivíduos nelas inseridos. Pretende-se analisar estas relações, as metodologias utilizadas, bem como, refletir sobre políticas públicas que apóiam estas ações.
This work analyses pedagogical practices of Adelle Sobral de Oliveira, from 1900 to 1940, in order to notice how her performance as educator and administrator took place in Externato Angelo Varela in the Rio Grande do Norte city of Ceará-Mirim within a time in which the public teaching started to be considered modern in the State. Adelle was a self learner who developed an important role as a mentality mentor of a generation in the region. As the research corpus we have taken the five Reading Books written by Felisberto de Carvalho used by Adelle in her Externato, interviews with her ex-students and researches in the newspapers of her time, in the Public Archives and in the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, and also in the governors messages, Education Department documents such as laws, and government decrees and acts. It was also taken as a research font the Publich Archives of Ceará-Mirim. The aim of this PhD thesis is understand the primary instruction spreading and modernization in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, which began with her teaching pedagogical practices. The research results show Adele Oliveira used practical and experimental modern methodological teaching methods in the subjects she taught. Due to this, in her scholar routine, she avoided physical punishment and mechanical teaching and learning strategies
The present study objective to construct to the Education‟s History of Centro de Educação Integrada Monsenhor Honório in Macau, in the state of the Rio Grande do Norte. By means of the examination of this Institution of education, we intend to analyze its educative practical in the Fifties years, that this was the first one to offer gymnasial course and, over all, for having formed doctors, engineers, teachers, bachelors and economists in the city and the region during five decades of functioning. For this we use the records as documentary sources available in the institution, in newspapers and in public and private archives in the capital and the interior, beyond interview with former-employees, former-pupils and people who had participated of its creation and, consequently, they had made and they are part of this history. The institution‟s history helped to us to comment the reading of Macau‟s education, propitiating us reflections about pedagogical practical, methods of teaching and school regiment, in the perspective to understand a past still so present and all process for which passed the education, in the context of the proper Macau‟s history. The search results lead us to evidence that the creation of this school, in 1956, represented a landmark in the education of this municipal district, contributing of decisive form in the formation of the macauenses
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este relatório reflete a experiência vivida durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada efetuada no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino da História e da Geografia, no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário. Descreve as atividades desenvolvidas nas turmas de 2.º ano de Instalação e Operação de Sistemas Informáticos (Curso de Educação e Formação) e 9.º3 da Escola Secundária 2,3 de Alvide e 8.ºD e 9.º C na Escola Secundária da Quinta do Marquês, no ano letivo de 2013/2014. O presente relatório encontra-se estruturado em três capítulos essenciais. No primeiro são abordados os seguintes temas: i) uma breve contextualização da temática; i) uma reflexão acerca da importância da Educação para o Empreendedorismo para as necessidades de educação e formação do mundo atual; iii) exemplos de práticas no sistema educativo português; iv) reflexão acerca dos contributos de um ambiente construtivista de aprendizagem, como uma das várias estratégias a adotar numa formação orientada para as competências-chave da Educação para o Empreendedorismo, com ênfase no trabalho cooperativo, aplicado durante as práticas letivas. Nos dois capítulos seguintes são abordadas as Práticas de Ensino Supervisionadas em Geografia e em História, respetivamente. Nestes capítulos surgem: i) um breve enquadramento e caracterização das escolas e turmas onde decorreram as práticas letivas. As referidas caracterizações foram efetuadas com base em inquéritos por questionário, aplicados aos alunos, orientados para a temática e que permitiram traçar o seu perfil académico e familiar e conhecer os seus planos de futuro profissional; ii) Descrição das práticas letivas desenvolvidas, estratégias implementadas orientadas para a Educação para o Empreendedorismo, materiais utilizados e resultados obtidos. A Educação para o Empreendedorismo consiste na prática pedagógica central aplicada nas referidas turmas, tendo estas, pelas suas caraterísticas, contribuído para o desenvolvimento das competências-chave que estão na sua base, tais como: o trabalho em equipa, o espírito crítico e de iniciativa, a resolução autónoma de problemas, a responsabilidade e a criatividade.
Esta tese, intitulada uma história de governamento e de verdades – Educação Rural no Rio Grande do Sul (1950-1970), analisa como a educação rural constituiu-se em dispositivo que desenvolveu minucioso esforço de governamento da população rural no período estudado A pesquisa inscreve-se no campo das discussões educacionais que examinam relações de poder-saber e está considerando a perspectiva que toma a educação em seu papel na fabricação ativa dos indivíduos. A investigação trata de um processo de produção de subjetividades de crianças, jovens e docentes para novos tempos vividos entre as décadas de 1950 a 1970 e analisa investimentos estratégicos levados a efeito através da Revista do Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul e do manual didático Escola Primária Rural. Conclui que tais investimentos não queriam produzir apenas os rurais escolares, mas também pretendiam atingir, o mais amplamente possível, as comunidades rurais, as famílias; em última instância, queriam atingir a vida dessas populações, regulando-a, governando-a. Na primeira parte do trabalho, o objetivo é montar o baralho da estratégia analítica, situando, além do corpus discursivo, a perspectiva dos estudos Culturais Contemporâneos e as contribuições da teorização de Michel Foucault. Assim, são anunciadas as concepções utilizadas para realização de uma analítica do governamento. Na segunda parte, faz-se uma leitura das prescrições endereçadas ao magistério gaúcho e, através dele, à comunidade. Inicialmente, são examinados alguns investimentos de poder sobre os escolares, tecnologias que colocaram em ação instrumentos disciplinares com vistas ao aparelhamento da escola, formação-atualização docente e a educação integral dos estudantes, através do Clube Agrícola A seguir, a analítica realizada utilizou o conceito de biopoder desenvolvido por Foucault, para mostrar os investimentos de um poder político sobre o conjunto da população rural. Inúmeras campanhas, programas e projetos foram veiculados prescrevendo um conjunto de coisas ensináveis, relativas ao modo de vida da população. Observa-se como docentes e estudantes rurais tiveram a pauta de um currículo cultural constituída por enunciados que pretenderam mudar a mentalidade da população, modernizando-a. A mudança de hábitos dizia respeito à alimentação, agricultura, saúde e economia, bem como a cuidados com o corpo, a casa e o meio ambiente. Por fim, a investigação teve como propósito mostrar os sujeitos escolares rurais como efeito das práticas discursivas a que estiveram submetidos. O trabalho buscou problematizar o sujeito escolar rural descrito e prescrito pelos discursos em análise, interrogando como os rurais constituíram-se em objeto de conhecimento possível e desejável.
This present work has the aim of reconstruct the biographical profile and the practices of the professor and journalist Julia Medeiros in the county of Caico, State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1920 s and 1930 s, justified by the visibility of this professor during the construction of the lettered society from the mentioned State and the participation in potiguar press. How were the women and educator s representations in the 1920 s and 1930 s ? With the aim to get answers, I use as sources, the Public Archive of Rio Grande do Norte and the Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, the newspaper of that time, as the available issues of Jornal das Moças (1923-1932), magazines, letters, pictures, and interviews with relatives, ex-students and friends of this intellectual woman. It was noticed that she stood out as a professor at School Group of Senador Guerra and as a journalist, sending opinions about everyday life. With this analysis, it configures, in part, her time and the history of education in Rio Grande do Norte, with the participation of teachers. Despite of her importance during the construction of education and citizenship of women, Julia Medeiros lived the two sides of the same coin: visibilty and anonymity
Le thème de cette dissertation est l Histoire de l éducation de la femme. Une analyse des pratiques culturelles de la professeur Anayde da Costa Beiriz (1905-1930), dans le contexte paraibanais du début du XXe siècle, est proposée. Le référentiel théoricométhodologique de l Histoire Culturelle est utilisé, pour aller contre l histoire passée sous silence dans le canon traditionnel. Basée sur le concept de représentation (Chartier, 1990), rompant avec les anciennes idées de sens intrinsèque, absolu, unique, liée aux pratiques complexes, multiples et différenciées, qui construisent le monde comme représentation. Basée aussi sur le concept de configuration (Elias, 1980), en comprenant que apparemment individu et société sont deux objets qui existent indépendamment, mais en vérité, se rapportent à deux niveaux inséparables du monde social, sont unis par des liens d interdépendance. Un dialogue est recherché entre le passé et le présent et les différentes dimensions: historique, sociale, politique et culturelle vécues par la professeur Anayde Beiriz. Pour obtenir des informations sur ses pratiques culturelles, une recherche des marques de cette histoire dans de multiples sources est effectuée: dans la bibliographie disponible parmi les domaines de la littérature, de l histoire, dês sciences sociales et de l éducation; dans des archives de l Institut Historique et Géographique de la Paraiba et de Natal; dans les Bibliothèques de l Université Fédérale de la Paraiba et du Rio Grande do Norte et chez des bouquinistes. L inventaire comprend: des périodiques, la législation en vigueur, des écrits de contemporains, dês témoignages oraux de parents, des lettres et des photos. On comprend de cette façon, que l idée d éplucher au travers de cette étude, des aspects qui n ont pas encore été vus et rappelés, peut non seulement répondre à nos doutes, mais, peut à partir de la réflexion qui se fait, se traduire par une nouvelle compréhension de cette histoire. En conclusion, des significations multiples sont contenues dans le processus d insertion de la femme dans l éducation à partir des Écoles Normales, qui englobent les relations de genre, l histoire du pouvoir, de la morale, de surpassement, des luttes et insatisfactions. On perçoit l héritage de résistances et de conquêtes. Cela a été sous l inspiration des airs de la modernité avec la Belle Époque, en répercutant dans le monde et aussi dans la Parahyba du Nord, que s est concrétisée la formation sociale de la professeur Anayde Beiriz et des femmes de son temps. L analyse de l écriture de soi confirme le discours normatif du contrôle moral social, le joug et les préjugés soufferts par Anayde Beiriz et l éducation différencié de genre qui ont déterminé ses habitudes et coutumes. C est-àdire, pour la femme, la permanence dans l espace privé, la retenue, l anoblissement des tâches ménagères et de la maternité comme sa plus haute aspiration, le support moral de la famille, la préservation de la tradition et la perpétuation des règles religieuses
The aim of this research is the analysis of the history of the Normal Course in the 1st period in Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, since its foundation by the state law no. 621, de 06 December 1951 until its demise, with the implementation of the Course of the Magisterium, by Federal Law 5692 from August 11, 1971. The goal is to answer how it was constituted the operation and the educational practices of this institution, teacher trainers, throughout its existence. For this, we analyze the institution's documents in focus interviews, legislation, of the education, newspapers and books of the season, guiding itself by the studies of Chartier (1991), Elias (2001), Certeau (2001), Frago (1995), Magalhães (2005) and Julia (2001). When dealing with an educational institution, the central category of analysis is the school culture, in which supported the cutting of specific categories of study: the entrance into the Normal Course, the conferring of a degree, the "Normalista Week‖ in Assu and formative elements. The Normal Course from 1st cycle formed teachers in a basic level, differing themselves from schools of teacher education of 2nd Cycle. It was founded in Assu as Regional Training Course and called Ginásio Normal in 1961.In the temporal cut studied, 279 women and 07 men were graduated as Regents of Elementary School, demonstrating a school attended virtually by women. In the narrative, it is restored to the inclusion of female students in the Normal Course, focusing on the processes of registration and the admission exams, graduation events, imbued with discourses on the social role of the teacher and the Party Normalista Week, which valued the sense of belonging with of students to the profession. Through theater plays in the school, of practices forming behaviors and stages of female students in elementary school, training elements are reassembled, demonstrating the discourse of modern education intermingled with the Christian Catholic values of the culture for female education. The reconstruction of the historical identity of this institution sometimes close, sometimes unique, when confronted with other schools of teacher training brings a contribution to the setting of the history of schooling in the state of Rio Grande do Norte