981 resultados para high-fidelity


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Los ensayos virtuales de materiales compuestos han aparecido como un nuevo concepto dentro de la industria aeroespacial, y disponen de un vasto potencial para reducir los enormes costes de certificación y desarrollo asociados con las tediosas campañas experimentales, que incluyen un gran número de paneles, subcomponentes y componentes. El objetivo de los ensayos virtuales es sustituir algunos ensayos por simulaciones computacionales con alta fidelidad. Esta tesis es una contribución a la aproximación multiescala desarrollada en el Instituto IMDEA Materiales para predecir el comportamiento mecánico de un laminado de material compuesto dadas las propiedades de la lámina y la intercara. La mecánica de daño continuo (CDM) formula el daño intralaminar a nivel constitutivo de material. El modelo de daño intralaminar se combina con elementos cohesivos para representar daño interlaminar. Se desarrolló e implementó un modelo de daño continuo, y se aplicó a configuraciones simples de ensayos en laminados: impactos de baja y alta velocidad, ensayos de tracción, tests a cortadura. El análisis del método y la correlación con experimentos sugiere que los métodos son razonablemente adecuados para los test de impacto, pero insuficientes para el resto de ensayos. Para superar estas limitaciones de CDM, se ha mejorado la aproximación discreta de elementos finitos enriqueciendo la cinemática para incluir discontinuidades embebidas: el método extendido de los elementos finitos (X-FEM). Se adaptó X-FEM para un esquema explícito de integración temporal. El método es capaz de representar cualitativamente los mecanismos de fallo detallados en laminados. Sin embargo, los resultados muestran inconsistencias en la formulación que producen resultados cuantitativos erróneos. Por último, se ha revisado el método tradicional de X-FEM, y se ha desarrollado un nuevo método para superar sus limitaciones: el método cohesivo X-FEM estable. Las propiedades del nuevo método se estudiaron en detalle, y se concluyó que el método es robusto para implementación en códigos explícitos dinámicos escalables, resultando una nueva herramienta útil para la simulación de daño en composites. Virtual testing of composite materials has emerged as a new concept within the aerospace industry. It presents a very large potential to reduce the large certification costs and the long development times associated with the experimental campaigns, involving the testing of a large number of panels, sub-components and components. The aim of virtual testing is to replace some experimental tests by high-fidelity numerical simulations. This work is a contribution to the multiscale approach developed in Institute IMDEA Materials to predict the mechanical behavior of a composite laminate from the properties of the ply and the interply. Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) formulates intraply damage at the the material constitutive level. Intraply CDM is combined with cohesive elements to model interply damage. A CDM model was developed, implemented, and applied to simple mechanical tests of laminates: low and high velocity impact, tension of coupons, and shear deformation. The analysis of the results and the comparison with experiments indicated that the performance was reasonably good for the impact tests, but insuficient in the other cases. To overcome the limitations of CDM, the kinematics of the discrete finite element approximation was enhanced to include mesh embedded discontinuities, the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM). The X-FEM was adapted to an explicit time integration scheme and was able to reproduce qualitatively the physical failure mechanisms in a composite laminate. However, the results revealed an inconsistency in the formulation that leads to erroneous quantitative results. Finally, the traditional X-FEM was reviewed, and a new method was developed to overcome its limitations, the stable cohesive X-FEM. The properties of the new method were studied in detail, and it was demonstrated that the new method was robust and can be implemented in a explicit finite element formulation, providing a new tool for damage simulation in composite materials.


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This project reports on a literature review about piezoelectric loudspeakers and on an experimental research about how to improve some features of a particular horned piezoelectric tweeter. The work involves an investigation of the performance and principle of operation of piezoelectric loudspeakers to understand how the sound is generated and what its main parameters are. Also, previous research papers about how to improve this type of speakers are reported. The knowledge gained was used to reconsider and re-purpose a particular piezoelectric transducer. After characterising the original state of the device with acoustical and electroacoustical measurements, some improvements were implemented. Moreover, interesting conclusions were reached based on the results of the tests that were carried out. A structural study with a scanning laser was then completed. These sections demonstrated the need for providing the speaker with a rear suspension that guides the vibration of the membrane. Finally, an inverse filter was designed in order to get a flat output response. After simulating the results with Matlab, validating experiments were run in the anechoic chamber with great success. RESUMEN. Este proyecto consta de un estudio detallado sobre piezoelectricidad y altavoces piezoeléctricos, así como de una parte experimental consistente en mejorar algunas características de un altavoz piezoeléctrico particular: un tweeter de bocina. El estudio profundiza en cuáles son los principios de funcionamiento y los principales parámetros de este tipo de altavoces. Con el conocimiento adquirido a partir de trabajos de previos sobre el tema e investigación bibliográfica se ha llevado a cabo la parte experimental. Esta parte ha requerido de una serie de medidas acústicas y electroacústicas para, primero, caracterizar el altavoz en su estado original y para posteriormente buscar y validar posibles mejoras, principalmente en la respuesta en frecuencia. Además, se ha realizado un estudio estructural del diafragma a partir de medidas tomadas con un vibrómetro laser Doppler. De estos tres procesos se concluyó que el altavoz bajo estudio tiene un problema en el soporte del cristal piezoeléctrico y se demostró la necesidad de equipar el dispositivo de una suspensión trasera que controle el movimiento del diafragma. Finalmente, se ha diseñado e implementado en Matlab un filtro inverso, con el objetivo de conseguir una respuesta plana a la salida del altavoz. Su funcionamiento fue validado en la cámara anecoica satisfactoriamente.


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Motivado por los últimos hallazgos realizados gracias a los recientes avances tecnológicos y misiones espaciales, el estudio de los asteroides ha despertado el interés de la comunidad científica. Tal es así que las misiones a asteroides han proliferado en los últimos años (Hayabusa, Dawn, OSIRIX-REx, ARM, AIMS-DART, ...) incentivadas por su enorme interés científico. Los asteroides son constituyentes fundamentales en la evolución del Sistema Solar, son además grandes concentraciones de valiosos recursos naturales, y también pueden considerarse como objectivos estratégicos para la futura exploración espacial. Desde hace tiempo se viene especulando con la posibilidad de capturar objetos próximos a la Tierra (NEOs en su acrónimo anglosajón) y acercarlos a nuestro planeta, permitiendo así un acceso asequible a los mismos para estudiarlos in-situ, explotar sus recursos u otras finalidades. Por otro lado, las asteroides se consideran con frecuencia como posibles peligros de magnitud planetaria, ya que impactos de estos objetos con la Tierra suceden constantemente, y un asteroide suficientemente grande podría desencadenar eventos catastróficos. Pese a la gravedad de tales acontecimientos, lo cierto es que son ciertamente difíciles de predecir. De hecho, los ricos aspectos dinámicos de los asteroides, su modelado complejo y las incertidumbres observaciones hacen que predecir su posición futura con la precisión necesaria sea todo un reto. Este hecho se hace más relevante cuando los asteroides sufren encuentros próximos con la Tierra, y más aún cuando estos son recurrentes. En tales situaciones en las cuales fuera necesario tomar medidas para mitigar este tipo de riesgos, saber estimar con precisión sus trayectorias y probabilidades de colisión es de una importancia vital. Por ello, se necesitan herramientas avanzadas para modelar su dinámica y predecir sus órbitas con precisión, y son también necesarios nuevos conceptos tecnológicos para manipular sus órbitas llegado el caso. El objetivo de esta Tesis es proporcionar nuevos métodos, técnicas y soluciones para abordar estos retos. Las contribuciones de esta Tesis se engloban en dos áreas: una dedicada a la propagación numérica de asteroides, y otra a conceptos de deflexión y captura de asteroides. Por lo tanto, la primera parte de este documento presenta novedosos avances de apliación a la propagación dinámica de alta precisión de NEOs empleando métodos de regularización y perturbaciones, con especial énfasis en el método DROMO, mientras que la segunda parte expone ideas innovadoras para la captura de asteroides y comenta el uso del “ion beam shepherd” (IBS) como tecnología para deflectarlos. Abstract Driven by the latest discoveries enabled by recent technological advances and space missions, the study of asteroids has awakened the interest of the scientific community. In fact, asteroid missions have become very popular in the recent years (Hayabusa, Dawn, OSIRIX-REx, ARM, AIMS-DART, ...) motivated by their outstanding scientific interest. Asteroids are fundamental constituents in the evolution of the Solar System, can be seen as vast concentrations of valuable natural resources, and are also considered as strategic targets for the future of space exploration. For long it has been hypothesized with the possibility of capturing small near-Earth asteroids and delivering them to the vicinity of the Earth in order to allow an affordable access to them for in-situ science, resource utilization and other purposes. On the other side of the balance, asteroids are often seen as potential planetary hazards, since impacts with the Earth happen all the time, and eventually an asteroid large enough could trigger catastrophic events. In spite of the severity of such occurrences, they are also utterly hard to predict. In fact, the rich dynamical aspects of asteroids, their complex modeling and observational uncertainties make exceptionally challenging to predict their future position accurately enough. This becomes particularly relevant when asteroids exhibit close encounters with the Earth, and more so when these happen recurrently. In such situations, where mitigation measures may need to be taken, it is of paramount importance to be able to accurately estimate their trajectories and collision probabilities. As a consequence, advanced tools are needed to model their dynamics and accurately predict their orbits, as well as new technological concepts to manipulate their orbits if necessary. The goal of this Thesis is to provide new methods, techniques and solutions to address these challenges. The contributions of this Thesis fall into two areas: one devoted to the numerical propagation of asteroids, and another to asteroid deflection and capture concepts. Hence, the first part of the dissertation presents novel advances applicable to the high accuracy dynamical propagation of near-Earth asteroids using regularization and perturbations techniques, with a special emphasis in the DROMO method, whereas the second part exposes pioneering ideas for asteroid retrieval missions and discusses the use of an “ion beam shepherd” (IBS) for asteroid deflection purposes.


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We demonstrate a quantum error correction scheme that protects against accidental measurement, using a parity encoding where the logical state of a single qubit is encoded into two physical qubits using a nondeterministic photonic controlled-NOT gate. For the single qubit input states vertical bar 0 >, vertical bar 1 >, vertical bar 0 > +/- vertical bar 1 >, and vertical bar 0 > +/- i vertical bar 1 > our encoder produces the appropriate two-qubit encoded state with an average fidelity of 0.88 +/- 0.03 and the single qubit decoded states have an average fidelity of 0.93 +/- 0.05 with the original state. We are able to decode the two-qubit state (up to a bit flip) by performing a measurement on one of the qubits in the logical basis; we find that the 64 one-qubit decoded states arising from 16 real and imaginary single-qubit superposition inputs have an average fidelity of 0.96 +/- 0.03.


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Circuit QED is a promising solid-state quantum computing architecture. It also has excellent potential as a platform for quantum control-especially quantum feedback control-experiments. However, the current scheme for measurement in circuit QED is low efficiency and has low signal-to-noise ratio for single-shot measurements. The low quality of this measurement makes the implementation of feedback difficult, and here we propose two schemes for measurement in circuit QED architectures that can significantly improve signal-to-noise ratio and potentially achieve quantum-limited measurement. Such measurements would enable the implementation of quantum feedback protocols and we illustrate this with a simple entanglement-stabilization scheme.


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The paper describes a high fidelity system for measuring a radiation pattern of an electrically small antenna. In this system, the Antenna Under Test (AUT) equipped with a battery powered signal generator is suspended by a dielectric foam in the centre of a pair of dielectric rings that are supported by a pedestal of a spherical positioning mechanical sub-system. Radiation patterns are obtained directly in spherical format using a suitably constructed probe antenna of linear or circular polarization. Measurements are controlled by a computer, which also stores and processes the measured data. The results reveal considerable differences between the radiation patterns of a small antenna obtained using the proposed wireless approach and the conventional one, in which the antenna is connected with a cable to the receiver.


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We report for the first time an ultra-stable optical-carrier dissemination technique for transmission over a 20km unidirectional fibre link. The optical-linewidth of the recovered carrier matches closely that of the original carrier. © 2014 OSA.


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We report a unidirectional frequency dissemination scheme for high-fidelity optical carriers deployable over telecommunication networks. For the first time, a 10 Gb/s Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal from an ultra-narrow linewidth laser was transmitted through a field-installed optical fibre with round-trip length of 124 km between Cork City and town of Clonakilty, without inline optical amplification. At the receiver, using coherent communication techniques and optical injection-locking the carrier was recovered with noise suppression. The beat signal between the original carrier at the transmitter and recovered carrier at the receiver shows a linewidth of 2.8 kHz. Long term stability measurements revealed fractional instabilities (True Allan deviation) of 3.3 × 10-14 for 1 s averaging time, prior to phase noise cancellation.


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Oscillating wave surge converters are a promising technology to harvest ocean wave energy in the near shore region. Although research has been going on for many years, the characteristics of the wave action on the structure and especially the phase relation between the driving force and wave quantities like velocity or surface elevation have not been investigated in detail. The main reason for this is the lack of suitable methods. Experimental investigations using tank tests do not give direct access to overall hydrodynamic loads, only damping torque of a power take off system can be measured directly. Non-linear computational fluid dynamics methods have only recently been applied in the research of this type of devices. This paper presents a new metric named wave torque, which is the total hydrodynamic torque minus the still water pitch stiffness at any given angle of rotation. Changes in characteristics of that metric over a wave cycle and for different power take off settings are investigated using computational fluid dynamics methods. Firstly, it is shown that linearised methods cannot predict optimum damping in typical operating states of OWSCs. We then present phase relationships between main kinetic parameters for different damping levels. Although the flap seems to operate close to resonance, as predicted by linear theory, no obvious condition defining optimum damping is found.


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INTRODUCTION: High-fidelity simulation-based training is often avoided for early-stage students because of the assumption that while practicing newly learned skills, they are ill suited to processing multiple demands, which can lead to "cognitive overload" and poorer learning outcomes. We tested this assumption using a mixed-methods experimental design manipulating psychological immersion. METHODS: Thirty-nine randomly assigned first-year paramedicine students completed low- or high-environmental fidelity simulations [low-environmental fidelity simulations (LFenS) vs. high-environmental fidelity simulation (HFenS)] involving a manikin with obstructed airway (SimMan3G). Psychological immersion and cognitive burden were determined via continuous heart rate, eye tracking, self-report questionnaire (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index), independent observation, and postsimulation interviews. Performance was assessed by successful location of obstruction and time-to-termination. RESULTS: Eye tracking confirmed that students attended to multiple, concurrent stimuli in HFenS and interviews consistently suggested that they experienced greater psychological immersion and cognitive burden than their LFenS counterparts. This was confirmed by significantly higher mean heart rate (P < 0.001) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index mental demand (P < 0.05). Although group allocation did not influence the proportion of students who ultimately revived the patient (58% vs. 30%, P < 0.10), the HFenS students did so significantly more quickly (P < 0.01). The LFenS students had low immersion resulting in greater assessment anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: High-environmental fidelity simulation engendered immersion and a sense of urgency in students, whereas LFenS created assessment anxiety and slower performance. We conclude that once early-stage students have learned the basics of a clinical skill, throwing them in the "deep end" of high-fidelity simulation creates significant additional cognitive burden but this has considerable educational merit.


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This paper reports the quantitative findings of the first phase of a larger program of ongoing research: Feedback Incorporating Review and Simulation Techniques to Act on Clinical Trends (FIRST2ACTTM). It specifically aims to identify the characteristics that may predict primary outcome measures of clinical performance, teamwork and situation awareness in the management of deteriorating patients.

Mixed-method multi-centre study.

High fidelity simulated acute clinical environment in three Australian universities.

A convenience sample of 97 final year nursing students enrolled in an undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing or combined Bachelor of Nursing degree were included in the study.

In groups of three, participants proceeded through three phases: (i) pre-briefing and completion of a multi-choice question test, (ii) three video-recorded simulated clinical scenarios where actors substituted real patients with deteriorating conditions, and (iii) post-scenario debriefing. Clinical performance, teamwork and situation awareness were evaluated, using a validated standard checklist (OSCE), Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) score sheet and Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT). A Modified Angoff technique was used to establish cut points for clinical performance.

Student teams engaged in 97 simulation experiences across the three scenarios and achieved a level of clinical performance consistent with the experts' identified pass level point in only 9 (1%) of the simulation experiences. Knowledge was significantly associated with overall teamwork (p = .034), overall situation awareness (p = .05) and clinical performance in two of the three scenarios (p = .032 cardiac and p = .006 shock). Situation awareness scores of scenario team leaders were low overall, with an average total score of 41%.

Final year undergraduate nursing students may have difficulty recognising and responding appropriately to patient deterioration. Improving pre-requisite knowledge, rehearsal of first response and team management strategies need to be a key component of undergraduate nursing students' education and ought to specifically address clinical performance, teamwork and situation awareness.


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This thesis presents an original approach to parametric speech coding at rates below 1 kbitsjsec, primarily for speech storage applications. Essential processes considered in this research encompass efficient characterization of evolutionary configuration of vocal tract to follow phonemic features with high fidelity, representation of speech excitation using minimal parameters with minor degradation in naturalness of synthesized speech, and finally, quantization of resulting parameters at the nominated rates. For encoding speech spectral features, a new method relying on Temporal Decomposition (TD) is developed which efficiently compresses spectral information through interpolation between most steady points over time trajectories of spectral parameters using a new basis function. The compression ratio provided by the method is independent of the updating rate of the feature vectors, hence allows high resolution in tracking significant temporal variations of speech formants with no effect on the spectral data rate. Accordingly, regardless of the quantization technique employed, the method yields a high compression ratio without sacrificing speech intelligibility. Several new techniques for improving performance of the interpolation of spectral parameters through phonetically-based analysis are proposed and implemented in this research, comprising event approximated TD, near-optimal shaping event approximating functions, efficient speech parametrization for TD on the basis of an extensive investigation originally reported in this thesis, and a hierarchical error minimization algorithm for decomposition of feature parameters which significantly reduces the complexity of the interpolation process. Speech excitation in this work is characterized based on a novel Multi-Band Excitation paradigm which accurately determines the harmonic structure in the LPC (linear predictive coding) residual spectra, within individual bands, using the concept 11 of Instantaneous Frequency (IF) estimation in frequency domain. The model yields aneffective two-band approximation to excitation and computes pitch and voicing with high accuracy as well. New methods for interpolative coding of pitch and gain contours are also developed in this thesis. For pitch, relying on the correlation between phonetic evolution and pitch variations during voiced speech segments, TD is employed to interpolate the pitch contour between critical points introduced by event centroids. This compresses pitch contour in the ratio of about 1/10 with negligible error. To approximate gain contour, a set of uniformly-distributed Gaussian event-like functions is used which reduces the amount of gain information to about 1/6 with acceptable accuracy. The thesis also addresses a new quantization method applied to spectral features on the basis of statistical properties and spectral sensitivity of spectral parameters extracted from TD-based analysis. The experimental results show that good quality speech, comparable to that of conventional coders at rates over 2 kbits/sec, can be achieved at rates 650-990 bits/sec.


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One of the most interesting predicted applications of graphenemonolayer-based devices is as high-quality sensors. In this article, we show, through systematic experiments, a chemical vapor sensor based on the measurement of lowfrequency resistance fluctuations of single-layer-graphene field-effect-transistor devices. The sensor has extremely high sensitivity, very high specificity, high fidelity, and fast response times. The performance of the device using this scheme of measurement (which uses resistance fluctuations as the detection parameter) is more than 2 orders of magnitude better than a detection scheme in which changes in the average value of the resistance is monitored. We propose a number-densityfluctuation-based model to explain the superior characteristics of a noisemeasurement-based detection scheme presented in this article.


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Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms have become a popular choice to aid in optimising the size of the whole hybrid power train. Within these optimisation processes, other optimisation techniques for the control strategy are implemented. This optimisation within an optimisation requires many simulations to be run, so reducing the computational cost is highly desired. This paper presents an optimisation framework consisting of a series hybrid optimisation algorithm, in which a global search optimizes a submarine propulsion system using low-fidelity models and, in order to refine the results, a local search is used with high-fidelity models. The effectiveness of the Hybrid optimisation algorithm is demonstrated with the optimisation of a submarine propulsion system. © 2011 EPE Association - European Power Electr.


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The aerodynamic design of turbomachinery presents the design optimisation community with a number of exquisite challenges. Chief among these are the size of the design space and the extent of discontinuity therein. This discontinuity can serve to limit the full exploitation of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD): such codes require detailed geometric information often available only sometime after the basic configuration of the machine has been set by other means. The premise of this paper is that it should be possible to produce higher performing designs in less time by exploiting multi-fidelity techniques to effectively harness CFD earlier in the design process, specifically by facilitating its participation in configuration selection. The adopted strategy of local multi-fidelity correction, generated on demand, combined with a global search algorithm via an adaptive trust region is first tested on a modest, smooth external aerodynamic problem. Speed-up of an order of magnitude is demonstrated, comparable to established techniques applied to smooth problems. A number of enhancements aimed principally at effectively evaluating a wide range of configurations quickly is then applied to the basic strategy, and the emerging technique is tested on a generic aeroengine core compression system. A similar order of magnitude speed-up is achieved on this relatively large and highly discontinuous problem. A five-fold increase in the number of configurations assessed with CFD is observed. As the technique places constraints neither on the underlying physical modelling of the constituent analysis codes nor on first-order agreement between those codes, it has potential applicability to a range of multidisciplinary design challenges. © 2012 by Jerome Jarrett and Tiziano Ghisu.